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Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is the application of

knowledge & gives people an awareness of rules & procedures to guide their behavior. It helps
in bringing about positive change in the knowledge, skills & attitudes of employees.
Thus, training is a process that tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of knowledge
so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to mould him to be fit for a
higher job involving higher responsibilities. It bridges the gap between what the employee has &
what the job demands.
Since training involves time, effort & money by an organization, so an organization should to be
very careful while designing a training program. The objectives & need for training should be
clearly identified & the method or type of training should be chosen according to the needs &
objectives established. Once this is done accurately, an organization should take a feedback on
the training program from the trainees in the form of a structured questionnaire so as to know
whether the amount & time invested on training has turned into an investment or it was a total
expenditure for an organization.
Training is a continuous or never ending process. Even the existing employees need to be
trained to refresh them & enable them to keep up with the new methods & techniques of work.
This type of training is known as Refresher Training & the training given to new employees is
known as Induction Training. This is basically given to new employees to help them get
acquainted with the work environment & fellow colleagues. It is a very short informative training
just after recruitment to introduce or orient the employee with the organization's rules,
procedures & policies


These methods includes:

 On the job Training

 Vestibule Training
 Apprenticeship
 Programmed instruction
 Computer-assisted instruction
 Behavior modification

These methods includes:

 Job rotation
 Case study method
 Business games
 In basket training
 Role playing
 Behavior modeling
 Sensitivity training


On-the-job training

 On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching the skills,
knowledge, and competencies needed for employees to perform a specific job within the
workplace. Employees learn in the environment where they will need to practice the
knowledge and skills obtained during training

Vestibule Training

 Employees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using, but the training is
conducted away from the actual work floor. While expensive, Vestibule training allows
employees to get a full feel for doing task without real world pressures. Additionally, it
minimizes the problem of transferring learning to the job.


 The Apprenticeship Training programmed is the combination of on-the-

job training and the classroom training, wherein the workers earn while learning the
skills required for performing the specialized job.
Programmed Instruction

 Programmed Instruction is popular in the military, industry, schools, and universities.

Some of the jobs being taught by this method include blueprint reading, basic
electronics, insurance sales, bank teller procedures and computer programming.

Computer-assisted instruction

 Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), is the instructional use of a computer to present

training methods including simulations, games and tutorials. CAI offers an interactive
presentation of materials through the use of graphics, text, video and audio
enhancements. Often used as a tool to facilitate the training experience, it can enhance
the user experience and increase engagement.

Behavior modification

 Behavior modification is a treatment approach, based on the principles of operant

conditioning, that replaces undesirable behaviors with more desirable ones through
positive or negative reinforcement .

 Behavior modification uses a scheduled approach that rewards desired behavior and
punishes undesirable behavior


It is generally recognized that few people are born leaders, Many may possess good leadership
characteristics, but they still must be trained in the development and exercise of their capacities
before they can function as effective managers and executives.
Job rotation

 Job rotation is a strategy where employees rotate between jobs at the same business.
Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a period of time before rotating back
to their original position. With a job rotation system, employees gain experience and
skills by taking on new responsibilities.

Case study method

 present an in depth description of a particular problem an employee might encounter on

the job. The employee attempts to find and analyze the problem, evaluate alternative
courses of action & decide what course of action would be most satisfactory.

Business games

 Business Games (or Management Games, Business Simulators) refers to the

training method for managers. This form of training is based on an artificial environment
that simulates the real situation in the management of the organization, whether
it’s planning, decision making, control, communications or management itself.

In basket training

 Also known as In-tray method of training. The trainee is presented with a pack of papers
& files in a tray containing administrative problems & is asked to take decisions on these
problems & are asked to take decisions on these within a stipulated time. The decisions
taken by the trainees are compared with one another. The trainees are provided
feedback on their performance.
Role playing

 Its just like acting out a given role as in a stage play. In this method of training, the
trainees are required to enact defined roles on the basis of oral or written description of a
particular situation.

Behavior modeling

 Behavior modeling, a component of social learning theory, is the act of showing

employees how to do something and guiding them through the process of imitating
the modeled behavior. Behavior modeling has practical applications for daily work
tasks as well as deeper applications for developing company culture.

Sensitivity training

 Sensitivity training is a form of training with the goal of making people more aware of
their own goals as well as their prejudices, and more sensitive to others and to the
dynamics of group interaction.

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