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Issue Three


The Farewell Issue

Magazine of the Finnish Regional Session of the European Youth Parliament in Kuopio

Your Editors Konrad Staeger and Elsa Kuopio’10, what could happen next?
Horn af Rantzien say their farewell. Sara Juricic gives you an answer.


Anna Westerlund covers the gossip from :KDWLI :LOOLDP6KDNHVSHDUHPHW(<3"
Saturday evening. Nikolas Rawlins discovers.

It’s time to say goodbye – Eoin O’Leary’s Katarina Warg meets our session Patron
article will leave you sobbing. Seppo Käärlainen and tells us his views.

Anni Marttinen analyses the statement What is multiculturalism? Why is it a
DQRXWÀWFDQPDNH problem? Nikolas Rawlins tries to clear
PAGE 5 the issue.
An interview with Jari Marjelund, Vice-
President of EYP Finland, by Kati Pärn.

The Kuopio’10 Press team

Anni Marttinen
Anna Westerlund
Eoin O’Leary
Katarina Warg
Kati Pärn
Sara Juricic

Konrad Staeger

Dear Delegates,
By the time you read these lines, you With this Farewell Issue of our maga-
will not be Delegates of Kuopio’10 any- zine, the session officially also ends for
more. However, what you will remain us. We hope that you will leave Kuo-
in the future, are participants of the Eu- pio with memories just as fond as ours.
ropean Youth Parliament. We hope that Kuopio’10 forms the beginning of your
the first positive impression you had of own EYP story, of which today’s Clos-
EYP was reinforced over the last two ing Ceremony is not the end, but only
days. Hopefully, you will take your per- the end of the first chapter.

EDITORIAL sonal EYP experience to the next level

at National and International Sessions. We wish you all the best for your future.

“The truly special thing about firsts Your Editors,

is that they are eternal,” as one of our
Journalists writes in this issue of the Konrad Staeger &
Kuopiopolitan. And indeed, Eoin could Elsa Horn af Rantzien
not be more right. As you move on
Kuopio’10 will always remain unique as
your first session.

The Beginning Ends


Une Soirée
Speed-dating and cross- ing with the opposite sex over a candle.
Every two minutes the gentlemen were
dressing, a typically Finn- asked to move one seat to their left and
ish evening in Kuopio. to start all over again with yet another

Later on, the Delegates were heading

Saturday night truly was an exception: to a forest guided by more experienced
For once, one could see handsome hunters with lots of bullets with them.
male Delegates in high heels and skirts Yeah. Unfortunately, the trip ended like
and beautiful female Delegates with it usually does, running desperately
moustaches and ties. Going through towards the starting point. No session
each other’s luggage in order to borrow can end without a loud and energetic
clothes for the evening programme is round of Streetfighter that has a circle
usually reserved for the ladies. Yesterday size of two Committee Rooms. Some-
evening, however, the gentlemen wore how during the game, the amount of
the shortest skirts, showed the most energy was multiplied – at least five en-
cleavage and had the most astonishing ergy balls were going around the circle
make-up. and hopping from side to side. Every
evening deserves a story-like ending, es-
Once the ice was broken with a first pecially in a non-Scandinavian country
game, it was time for the real deal, like Finland. Everyone deserves a love
speed-dating in a romantic, candle-lit story, preferably a life-lasting one. One
surrounding. The atmosphere turned thing is for sure, Rhett got his Scarlett.
out to be anything but romantic, as the Anna Westerlund
room was filled with giggling and flirt-


The Finnal Word

My dear delegates, of you. Think of all you have done in look back on this session as the first time
the past three days, all that the person you did these things, this weekend will
you were when you woke up on Friday forever hold such significance, a special
morning had never done, the ideas you place in your life story. A starting place,
So we come to the end of our session. had never considered, the people you perhaps: maybe you have found a new
Think, perhaps, on that ‘our’. I really had never met. love for public speaking having stood
mean it. This has been a session for us up for the first time in GA; maybe you
all. It was my session, it was Robert’s ses- Here in the very last moments of the have found a new interest in women’s
sion, it was each and every one of yours. session, I would ask you to consider rights or the Baltic Sea environment
I hope you realised this, just how much the idea of firsts. Robert has referred to that will remain with you after leaving
the session can be yours, how it can be- this as a session of firsts. For himself, it the session.
come a part of you, change you, if you is his first time as a Session President.
let it. It can grant you a new perspective The first time for the Vice-Presidents Finally, in a turn from looking to the
and open your mind. It can develop too, and my own first time as an official future, I would ask you to think on the
your skills, boost your self-confidence, here in Finland, which is incidentally good memories from the session. Re-
gift you with new friends. In short, this not a part of Scandinavia. Much of the member and treasure them. They are
session can change your life. But only if Press team experienced their first time your souvenirs, as it were. Take them
you let it, if you open yourselves to all as a Journalist. For you, I would not be with you, along with the friends you
that you have experienced here. surprised if you have lost count of your have made here and all that you have
firsts during the session. Most of you learned – and these magazines, I hope.
It seems impossible that it was less than are first-time Delegates, in Teambuild- They are what will stay with you after
72 hours ago that you all arrived and ing you have played many games for the you leave here. The only real proof you
got your first taste of the bizzarity that first time, Committee Work may have will have that this experience has hap-
is so much a part of EYP, standing out been the first time you sat with your pened - that on a snowy weekend in
in the cold singing ‘Big Fat Pony’ and peers and discussed such topics, GA October, you gathered here in Kuopio
hugging complete strangers because may have been the first time you stood with four dozen others just like you, felt
they also liked guinea pigs; only three up and had the confidence to speak in all that you have felt here, seen, tasted
days since this incredible journey be- front of an audience. All these things and known here all that only you have.
gan. Perhaps it seems so long ago be- you have done because you gave up Lived as only an EYPer can imagine.
cause those memories are like those of a your weekend to come to Kuopio and This is not something anyone can take
different man – the person I was before talk politics with other young people. away from you, something you may al-
the session, – because I look back on ways have.
it now with a different mind-set. I can And the truly special thing about firsts
only imagine it is the same for some is that they are eternal. You can always Eoin O’Leary


If clothes could speak

What is the first thing that
comes to your mind when
clothes are mentioned; A
piece of fabric keeping us
warm or an underrated item
through which the most pro-
found and personal details
can be revealed?

Some people wear clothes just because it

is illegal to walk around naked in pub-
lic places. They are more than happy
to simply throw on something perhaps
found lying on the floor without even
noticing whether the piece of clothing
is dirty or clean and, with this, feeling
completely satisfied. Although these
“I-do not-care-what-I-am-wearing”-
type of people think that what they pants and ties without looking mascu- interests, often type of music, in partic-
randomly decide to dress their bodies line or having to worry that someone ular among youngsters. Generally, for
in does not reflect in any way their per- would assume that they are, for in- example, hip hoppers are not expected
sonalities, they might be surprised how stance, homosexual. Waltter stated that to wear all-black clothes. Clothing and
wrong they are. Clothes do in fact make men have more strict dressing standards style are above all an interesting and
an astonishingly strong statement. than women, which is something that creative way to express personality.
can be considered somewhat true. It is
After the energising evening pro- not everyday that a male gets to put on As a final note, the Delegate Erasmus
gramme with the theme cross-dressing, a skirt and heels without coming off as believes that dressing up and wearing
I spent time with the non-Scandinavian a transvestite. formal clothes in fact affects people’s
Delegates Waltter, Erasmus and Heljä. behaviour in a variety of situations. An
I decided to simply ask them how they In a way clothes can also be seen as a example would be during the Commit-
felt while dressed as the opposite gen- mean of communication. First of all, tee Work where smart clothing creates a
der. I was expecting casual responds clothes reveal gender (together with certain serious atmosphere. He believes
such as “fun” or “great” but on the the whole appearance) and from time that people who wear dirty clothes
contrary I was surprised how the small to time even sexual orientation. On top and ignores the statement it makes
talk grew into a fruitful discussion and of this, clothes can also expose informa- are committing a mistake. There are
led me to change the whole concept of tion and details about social status or reasons behind dress codes, imagine a
this article. It came as no surprise that profession without even having the per- General Assembly dressed in pyjamas.
the Delegates of the Committee on son wearing the outfit saying a word. It Like proven, what you wear has a larger
Women’s Rights and Gender Equal- is, for instance, obvious that a person influence than you maybe expected;
ity immediately joined the discussion. wearing a long white coat is a doctor on people as well as on a situation. So
They stated that women are, in a way, and a person wearing sophisticated, maybe, if you are one of those who pick
privileged concerning clothing, as they clean and classy clothes in most cases up clothes from your floor, you should
are less probable to be judged than men do not have financial difficulties. The give tomorrow’s outfit an extra thought.
are. For instance, women can wear specific garment bought can also mirror Anni Marttinen


I was a Rebel
Jari Marjelund, Vice-Presi- must be ginger and have a beard. I am who has a very nice body might think
not ginger and I cannot grow a beard. differently. I am in fact very confident
dent of EYP Finland, shares when it comes to my intellectual capa-
his wisdom and sarcasm. Whom did you sleep with to get the bilities, but I don’t know if I can win
position? Be honest. anything by staying in my body for
Oh, practically everyone. EYP Finland eternity.
has about 300 members, but there are
In Opening Ceremony, you might have 365 days in a year so I had to go for the Is there something you want to add to
wondered who the blond, short and Board members twice. the interview?
suited-up guy was. Jari “Majari” Mar- This is my third interview in two
jelund, wearing his characteristic and, Tell me the most embarrassing mo- months. I am an interesting person not
in particular, Majarifying glasses, de- ment of your life, one that you are only because of my position. But let me
livered a smart and important speech still ashamed of? see your questions, I will see if I can
enlightening us about the history of the The thing is, I am shameless. I have come up with something funnier. May
EYP as well as the importance of drink- done loads of funny stuff. For instance, I say something wise?
ing enough water. Jari was kind enough on my last day of high school I took
to spare for us some of his precious time part, naked, in a play and had my long Sure.
at 2 am for a not-so-serious interview. hair cut off on stage. I wasn’t a hippie - I I will quote Charlie Chaplin: “At the
was a rebel. end everything is a gag.” This is my phi-
What has been your role in this ses- losophy in life; I think it is vital that
sion? Do you recycle? everyone takes this quote in to mind. If
I am representing EYP Finland. Yes I do. Milk cartons, bottles and cans. you think about yourself from a cosmic
perspective, the universe does not give a
By hanging around? If you cloud switch souls with some- blab about you. The basis of intelligence
Giving the session institutional support one form EYP who would it be? is to fully understand your complete in-
and supervising that everything is go- If it were forever then it would be Chris significance to this universe. When you
ing well. Hall (GB), because he believes in God understand your place and realise that
and through changing souls with him I no one cares about you in the long run,
How come are you “only” the Vice- could actually live forever. this is when you can position yourself
President of EYP Finland? in society.
The President of EYP Finland dresses Would you want to live forever? Kati Pärn
better than I do. Also, the basic rules No that would be horrible, I mean, at
of EYP Finland say that the President least not in my human flesh. Someone


Kuopio - What’s Next?

Having completed Kuo- Taking into consideration the fact that have is the Euroconcert. It is an op-
both National and International Ses- portunity for you to be a musician, not
pio’10, a Regional Session sions differ greatly from the Regional only a politician. For many people the
of the European Youth Par- ones, and bearing in mind that this is International Sessions are a highlight in
your very first contact with EYP, you their EYP career. It is a chance to trav-
liament, you might wonder might need some advice. First of all, el, to meet new people, to experience
what is next. Here is your do not be afraid. We come in peace. something you have never tried before.
National Sessions are usually four days
answer. long and consist of one day of Team- Nevertheless, you have now attended
building, two days of Committee Work your first Regional Session of the Euro-
and one day of General Assembly. If the pean Youth Parliament and over these
After a session has ended, you always National Session is your first encoun- days gotten your first glance at what our
ask yourself – what is next? When in- ter with EYP it is the perfect way to see sessions really are. One of the main rea-
volved in the EYP, you grow a certain what EYP really is and hopefully after it sons why I am a part of EYP is the peo-
need for more, a certain wish that there is done, you will want more. One thing ple you meet during your sessions and
will be something next. The thrill you that the Regional Sessions do not have the friendships you make. It will make
feel after a session is priceless. After the is Eurovillage. Being proud members you want to travel to places that you
session, some of you might be offered of the different regions of your coun- have never even dreamed of visiting,
the chance to participate in either a Na- try, you want to show it off and share it making it altogether something to give
tional or an International Session. Then with everyone. You bring food, drinks you goosebumps whenever you think
you will enter a bubble of happiness for and different souvenirs to showcase of it. As citizens of a non-Scandinavian
a couple of days and you will not be your own region and mingle with other country you might find it exiting to vis-
able to believe how fortunate you are. delegates. it Sweden, Norway or Denmark. I hope
But then you ask yourself – what now? that during this Session you made such
If you realise that EYP is something friends and that you have felt the same
Having been a participant in all three you want to continue doing, you may way I did during my first session. And
kinds of sessions, I know all the emo- be fortunate enough to get a place at when you come home and think about
tions you feel when you think about it. an International Session. They consist this weekend, I want you to ask yourself
Even if it is months away, you plan your of two full days of Teambuilding, four – what is next?
trip, book your plane or train tickets days of Committee Work and two days
and ponder the topics and the commit- of General Assembly. One thing that
tees. But let us start at the beginning. neither Regional nor National Sessions Sara Juricic


in the EYP
The spirit of Shakespeare that, whilst he might be a house hold
name, many still do not know much
visits the European Youth about this thousand-year-old mummy.
Parliament in Kuopio. So to in order to tame this shrew and
to make things easier I decided to stick
to a quick introduction with a smooth
connection, in order not to have my
This, my final article, is about how love’s labour’s lost.
the immortal bard known as William
Shakespeare might have a connection So, to cut a long story short, the merry
with a youth organisation. So with Journalists of this session were the real
measure for measure I once more took bards of the day. These exceptionally
up my laptop, prepared my tea and talented writers of Kuopiopolitan were
thought to myself: “The game is afoot, the ones responsible for recording our
follow your spirit and upon this charge most treasured moments over the past
cry God, for Robert, Kuopio and EYP.” two days. This mid-autumn night’s
Here I must stop and wonder if anyone dream and tenacious team, lead by
understood that quotation was from the dynamic duo of Elsa and Konrad,
Henry the Fifth – anyone? conjured up striking articles with such
originality and innovation to make it
The works of William Shakespeare, seem as though the bard himself was
arguably the world’s best playwright watching over them.
– known for such works as King Lear,
Macbeth and Hamlet, – have left a per- And now, with resolute strife, or what
manent impression on later theater and you will, our team is making their final
literature. His plays have been translat- tales on our grand journey, our curtain
ed into every major living language and comes down on the Regional Session of
are performed more often than those of Kuopio in the non-Scandinavian coun-
any other playwright. try of Finland. Hopefully to the faithful
reader this did not seem like a comedy
Though we are all aware of the profound of errors, but as a tempest ending. All’s
effects Shakespeare has had on modern well that ends well and so, as a passionate
culture – on educational values, mod- pilgrim to this winter’s tale, I shall re-
ern literature, language and theatre – I cite from a sonnet out of one of Shake-
am fairly certain not many can under- speare’s plays “A great while ago our tale
stand Shakespearean language – the began, but that is one our tale is done
way he utilised certain words or the and we’ll strive to please you every day”.
sense of his humor. It is possible, that
my earlier comments are just much ado Nikolas Rawlins
about nothing, but I would still wager


A Patron’s Visit

Kuopio’10 was priviliged with Committee Work, Mr. Kääriäinen tions, listened attentively and tried to
came to visit the session. After having a challenge the Delegates’ views and help
to have their patron Seppo cup of coffee with the members of the them to develop their thoughts. These
Käärlainen visit the session Board, he joined the Committee Work discussions were very helpful and con-
of our Delegates. Already on advance tained many inputs for the Delegates.
during Committee Work. he had expressed the wish to visit the
Committee on Foregin Affairs since he Mr. Kääriäinen hopefully enjoyed the
is particularly interested in their topic. time he spent at the session and we
Seppo Kääriäinen, the second speaker are happy to announce that asked for
of the Finnish Parliament, is the patron Upon arrival in the Committee room a copy of the Resolution Booklet. He
of this Regional Session of the EYP in he picked up a few post-its with prob- expressed his appreciation for the EYP,
Kuopio. He has not only honoured lems and solutions from the floor and what the organisation stands for as well
the session with his patronage but has started discussing the ideas with the as the Delegates’ impressive work. He
also shown a big interest in the session Delegates. The topic is very complex also announced that he will be writing
and the EYP in general. He is himself and as Mr. Kääriäinen stated; a solution a column about his experience of the
originally from the region and therefore to this problem would consequently European Youth Parliament and the
particularly pleased that the session is solve several other problems and if the national organisation’s work.
taking place in eastern Finland. Delegates would manage to invent a
solution they should be awarded the
Yesterday, when the Delegates were busy Nobel Prize. He also posed many ques- Katarina Warg


Rest in Peace,
As EYP grows, so does co- It describes the change our world is Muslim immigrants into German soci-
taking towards globalization, when in- ety have failed despite great effort in the
operation and respect be- teraction between cultures is more and past decades.
tween its participants. The more common – today, that interac-
tion is a normal part of our daily lives. Although there seems to be a general
same does not seem to ap- It takes place as you get on a train for mistrust toward certain ethnic groups
ply just as well to the Euro- work, when you meet your best friend and immigrants, the relentless march of
in school or when you buy a kebab meal globalization is not slowing down. Be-
pean Union, where strong for lunch. As I am writing this article I sides, generalization about the opinions
doubts concerning multi- am surrounded by people from differ- of some 500 million people is rather
ent ethnic backgrounds socializing and redundant as opinions vary as much as
culturalism are currently enjoying each other’s company. It is a the amount of spots on a cheetah. I dare
being raised. rather interesting experience when peo- say there are just as many, if not more,
ple from Ireland, Croatia and Belgium people who prefer multiculturalism to
are sitting at the same table having a going against it. The advances it has,
“Multiculturalism is dead”, said Ger- conversation about beer. In addition, such as the learning possibilities and the
man chancellor Angela Merkel, when being half-English or half-Bulgarian or general feeling of camaraderie and uni-
she recently addressed her fellow party a quarter Egyptian or even having three ty, outweigh the negative sides. As we
members. The attempts of building a nationalities is more common than be- go about our daily activities, be it go-
multicultural society in Germany had ing a 100 per cent “pure”. ing to Karate tryouts or shopping, the
“utterly failed”, Merkel said. Mean- diversity of cultures is always present.
while, in France, President Sarkozy de- Recently, the negative aspects of multi- While writing this article I couldn’t
creed that the ethnic and undocument- culturalism have prevailed in European help but marvel at how a person from
ed Roma minority are to be deported politics and media. The question of im- on of the Scandinavian countries, Fin-
from the country. These comments migrants and refugees has caused an up- land and Estonia could have an easy
are examples of recent outpourings of roar of opinions both for and against. discussion on how to better their as-
strong anti-immigrant feeling among Reaching consensus on the topic seems signments. A person from France, who
mainstream European politicians – to be something of a seesaw with the is also half-Chinese, is helping a girl
they are an example of the issues multi- public opinion. Nationalist parties have from Croatia on English grammar. Like
culturalism may entail. gained foothold in the parliaments of it or not, multiculturalism is here to
Sweden, Holland and France, and there stay. It is your choice whether you want
Multiculturalism is steadily and rapidly has been rising demands for closing the to complain about it or embrace it.
becoming a household term in Europe. borders for refugees and setting stricter
It is a term often used when speaking of laws on immigration. Going back to
the diversity between different cultures. Germany, the attempts to assimilate Nikolas Rawlins


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