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A long, long time ago

Through the activities in this unit, students will set off on a journey of discovery through history
that will encourage them to expand their creativity and engage the imagination.
We start this unit by inviting students to look back at a group of animals we can no longer see
today. We then move on to observing early human settlements. Students will become
acquainted with the prehistoric world by studying the utensils, tools and cave paintings from
the period, providing evidence for the creativity and lifestyles of the cavemen.

• While focusing on arts and crafts, students will engage in an extremely wide range of
conversational and language-based activities. This will stimulate both creativity and authentic
use of English. All activities will build self-esteem and engender positive feelings about both
academic and artistic endeavours.

The acquisition of cultural and artistic competence in primary education involves introducing
students to different aspects of culture and art in order to increase appreciation, provide a
source of personal enrichment and build an awareness of universal culture.
Content which comes under Block 1, Observing Art, will focus on the following areas:

• Through observing cave paintings from the Cave of Altamira and Horse Cave in Valltorta,
students are introduced to artistic representations from a much earlier time. Both are excellent
examples of natural sites and highly relevant to the study of Spanish cave painting.

• While looking at environments no longer found today, students analyse the body positions
and mass of animals, as well as their rich, colourful habitat. Additional attention will be paid
to the size of an animal in relation to its location in graphic space.
Content which comes under Block 2, Expression and Artistic Creation, will utilise the
following methods:

• Developing expressive possibilities by combining line and colour. By experimenting in this way,
students develop their own a set of aesthetic criteria.

• Working with different art resources and techniques; drawing animals using a grid, which
provides layout and proportion; using geometric figures as a basis for a drawing (ovals).

• Improving basic drawing skills by handling different tools and materials.

The unit ends with a craft activity called Hands on! The aim is to construct an object by cutting
and folding different pieces. This allows students to strengthen their skills and develop an
interest in following step-by-step instructions to complete a task.

• Verbal interactions, rhymes and creative activities will foster English acquisition. The necessary
vocabulary and structures for authentic communication and the basic components of art
objects will be introduced and revised.

The syllabus and curriculum guide are available on the IWB Resources and Syllabus CD-ROM

• Notes and suggestions marked with this symbol indicate English-based content.
A long, long time ago

• Evaluate and enjoy artistic • Identify visual artistic

and cultural heritage. representations of cultural
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Learn how to look at a work • Interpret the compositional
of art. elements of an image.

• Verbally describe the elements • Utilise established artistic

of an image. vocabulary.

• Revise vocabulary relating to a • Relate a word to a

prehistoric setting, i.e. stone, representation of that object.
hunter, cave, painting.
• Competence in linguistic
• Comment on landscape • Convey correct information communication. (KC1)
features. about landscape features.

• Revise communication • Accurately recognise and use

strategies in a variety a vocabulary set.
of situations.


• Knowledge of cultural heritage: • Analysis of a cave painting. • Awareness of artistic

art and artists. compositions.
• Observation of different colour
• Use of colour. variations (tone, shade and • Curiosity about significant
contrast). examples of the art of our
• Drawing animals. cultural heritage.
• Cave painting scenes. • Study of animal body
positions. • Interest in using verbal
• Prehistory vocabulary. strategies to narrate an event.
• Communicative exchanges
• Prepositions to describe to provide basic descriptions. • Enjoyment of a rhyme.
moving across landscapes.
• Linguistic strategies
for description.

• Appreciate cultural and artistic heritage
as a source of enrichment. (KC6)
• Acquire art vocabulary for communicative
interactions. (KC1)

RESOURCES: Class CD, Interactive

whiteboard CD.

• Presentar la ilustración que introduce el bloque: • Ask, How long ago did the first humans live?
Las pinturas rupestres de la Cueva de Altamira da- • Show other cave paintings and ask, Where is the
tan del Paleolítico Superior, hace 15.000 años. Apa- picture? Who made it? What do you see it? Have
recen diversos animales, aunque la cueva es them practise the questions and answers.
conocida por sus bisontes. Marcelino Sanz de Sau-
tuola la descubrió gracias a la información propor- CLASSROOM LANGUAGE
cionada por Modesto Cubillas, un arrendatario que This is a cave painting.
se topó con ella cuando buscaba un perro. What can you see?
• Point to the picture and say, This is a cave Cave painting, animals, hunters, rocks, etc.
painting. Ask them, What can you see? Help
How long ago did the first humans live?
them generate vocabulary to include animals,
hunters, rocks, etc. Where is the picture?
Who made the picture?


• Use verbal strategies to narrate an event.
• Enjoy a rhyme. (KC1)
What is it? • Mountain, cave, river, bed. •
Can you go over / under / around / in it? •
(You) can / can’t … • Where are you going? •
There’s a … • I feel ... • Dinosaur, scales,
big teeth. • It’s ... • Dark, spooky, cold. •
To run, to swim, to open, to jump. • I’m not /
I wasn’t afraid.


• Show pictures of a mountain, cave, river and bed. • Point to the picture in the book and ask, Where
Ask, What is it? Ask, Can you go over / under / are you going? The students answer using the
around / in it? The students answer, You can / adverbs.
can’t go over / under / around / in it. Have • Then read the song and show them the actions to
students practise together. mime. Play the CD, mime and sing.
Activity 1. What strange animals!

• Develop skills to observe • Distinguish size and proportion

the body structures of animals. depending on position
in graphic space.
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Experiment with visual • Use drawing as a means
textures. of expression.

• Increase knowledge • Show an interest in doing

of how to obtain colours. quality work and analysing • Autonomy and personal
end results. initiative. (KC8)

• Describe dinosaurs. • Accurately describe features.

• Compare and contrast • Correctly provide information • Competence in linguistic

dinosaurs. about the forest. communication. (KC1)

• Develop accurate spelling. • Provide correct spelling.


• Drawing animals. • Study of animal body • Curiosity about experimenting

positions. with different art resources.
• Art techniques: drawing
and colouring. • Experimentation with visual • Awareness of colour as a
textures. feature of the environment.
• Use of colour.
• Alphabet. • Observation of different colour • Eagerness to use linguistic
variations (tone, shade skills to maintain
• Dinosaurs. and contrast). a conversation.
• Characteristics of dinosaurs. • Proper vocabulary • Active participation
• Descriptive adjectives. for description. in communicating basic
• Using adjectives to describe
dinosaurs. • Enthusiasm about
understanding oral messages.

• Incorporate the main techniques and
resources to acquire a basic knowledge
of different artistic languages. (KC6)
• Be motivated to work towards autonomous
learning. (KC8)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Coloured pencils, felt-tip pens

and pencil.

RESOURCES: Class CD, Tunes CD 1

(Track 1), Interactive whiteboard CD.

• Observar la lámina para situarse en el momento CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

histórico. Hablar sobre dicho periodo y poner en What animal do you see?
común los conocimientos. Ask, What animal do What colour is it?
you see? What colour is it? What is it eating?
What is it eating?
• Terminar de colorear el dibujo del dinosaurio con Leaves, plants.
rotuladores y el fondo con lápices de colores.
Dinosaur, snout, horn, etc.
• Play Hangman. Draw eight spaces on the board
to spell dinosaur (d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r). Say, Guess a Guess a letter, Hangman, letters.
letter. If they guess correctly, put the letter in the
proper space. If not, draw part of a dinosaur. ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
Continue until they guess the word. • Hacer un mural colectivo sobre distintos tipos de


• Use linguistic skills to maintain a
conversation. (KC1)
• Actively participate in communicating basic
information. (KC1)
• Understand oral messages. (KC1)
Horns, snout, fin, tail, legs, claws, scales. •
To run, to swim, to hide, to reach. • Which
dinosaur could …? • Talk about the
advantages of each feature.


• Show a picture of horns, snout, fin, tail, legs, • Tellthe students to get into small groups and
claws and scales. To revise vocabulary, point to practise the questions, Work with 3 or 4 friends.
each dinosaur and ask, Has it got (a) …? Then Ask and answer the questions. Then talk about
model questions 1-4: Which dinosaur …? The the advantages of each feature.
class answers all together.

Activity 2. Different shapes

• Develop skills to observe • Recognise and represent

the body structures of animals. features of the body.
• Cultural and artistic
• Recognise the colour ranges • Blend colours to most closely competence. (KC6)
in the models provided. match the model.

• Learn to break down • Show interest in accurately

and simplify images. recreating the models • Competence for learning
provided. to learn. (KC7)

• Describe dinosaurs. • Accurately describe


• Compare and contrast • Convey information.

dinosaurs. • Competence in linguistic
communication. (KC1)

• Determine whether statements • Evaluate the truthfulness of

are true or false. statements and communicate


• Drawing animals. • Representing animals using • Knowledge about and respect

shapes. for the animal world.
• Body patterns.
• Use of colour. • Observation of the body • Taking care of materials
structures of animals. and the work area.
• Dinosaur features.
• Experimentation with colour • Motivation to verbally
• Colours. blends. communicate information
• Body parts. on a topic.
• Using terminology to describe
• Comparing and contrasting. dinosaurs. • Eagerness to actively
participate in communicating
• Methods of comparing and factual information.
contrasting with appropriate

• Develop self-confidence about creating
artwork and strive for a spirit of excellence.
• Use different learning strategies to improve
work. (KC7)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Pencil, crayons and coloured



• Siguiendo el esquema hecho con los óvalos, They have all got …
dibujar otros dinosaurios en los espacios en The blue / green / red one has / hasn’t got …
blanco. Colorear con lápices o ceras duras. Horns, snout, tail, legs, claws, scales, neck, etc.
• Point to the dinosaurs and say, Look at the
dinosaurs. In some ways they are the same and ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
in other ways they are different. How are they • Dibujar un dinosaurio con el mismo procedimien-
the same? Different? Generate a list of things to sobre una cartulina. Recortarlo y apoyarlo so-
that are the same, i.e. They have all got tails. bre una base de plastilina verde y marrón que
And a list of differences, i.e. The blue one hasn’t simue el suelo.
got a neck.

Geometric shapes, oval, circle, triangle, line.
How are they the same / different?


• Verbally communicate information
on a topic. (KC1)
• Actively participate in communicating
factual information. (KC1)

What do you know about dinosaurs? • True
or false? • Why do you think that? •
Dinosaurs, human beings, relatives, birds,
meat eaters. • Lived, living, still living, were,


• Ask, What do you know about dinosaurs? Draw determine if each statement in the book is true or
a concept map to connect ideas about dinosaurs false. Groups share their opinions and ask, Why
based on the students’ contributions. do you think that? Generate conversation. At the
end check their answers.
• Then tell the students to get into small groups and
Activity 3. What interesting skin!

• Develop skills to observe • Distinguish size and proportion

the body structures of animals. depending on position
in graphic space.
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Experiment with visual • Use drawing as a means
textures. of expression.

• Handle and become skilled • Show progressive

at using art tools. improvement in the use • Competence for learning
of art tools and materials. to learn. (KC7)

• Describe dinosaurs. • Accurately describe


• Compare and contrast animals • Convey information. • Competence in linguistic

with dinosaurs. communication. (KC1)

• Understand the basics • Use target vocabulary.

of texture.


• Drawing animals. • Study of animal body • Curiosity about experimenting

positions. with different art resources.
• Art techniques: drawing
and colouring. • Experimentation with visual • Awareness of colour as a
textures. feature of the environment.
• Use of colour.
• Colours. • Observation of different colour • Motivation to verbally
variations (tone, shade and communicate information
• Body parts. contrast). on a topic.
• Animals. • Terminology to describe • Eagerness to actively
• Textures. animals and dinosaurs. participate in communicating
factual information.
• Descriptions to compare
and contrast using appropriate

• Incorporate new techniques to acquire
a basic knowledge of different artistic
languages. (KC6)
• Use art techniques and materials properly.

TECHNIQUES: Cut, stick and colour.

MATERIALS: Felt-tip pens, scissors, tissue

paper, glue and coloured pencils.

RESOURCES: Class CD, Interactive

whiteboard CD.

• Terminar de dibujar el dinosaurio y repasarlo con CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

un rotulador negro de punta fina. What parts of the dinosaur do you see?
• Recortar plantillas de la página 93 y usarlas para Head, tail, scales, spikes, plates, etc.
sacar modelos en papel de seda verde y amarillo. Describe the skin.
Pegar varias capas en el lomo del dinosaurio.
Is the skin soft or rough?
• Colorear siguiendo el modelo de la textura de la What is covering its skin?
piel de dinosaurio.
What other animals have got scales?
• Ask, What parts of the dinosaur do you see? Say,
Describe the skin. Ask, Is the skin soft or rough? Dinosaur, dogs, fish, reptiles, etc.
What is covering its skin? The students answer, What colour are the scales?
Scales. Ask them, Have dogs got scales? What Green, blue, yellow.
other animals have got scales? The students
answer, i.e. Fish, reptiles, etc. Ask, What colour ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
are scales? • Calcar la silueta, recortarla y pegarla en una car-
tulina azul. Decorar el fondo como un collage.


Activity 4. A present day dinosaur

• Develop skills to observe • Distinguish size and proportion

the body structures of animals. depending on position
in graphic space.
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Recognise colour ranges • Blend colours to most closely
in the samples provided. match the model.

• Handle and become skilled • Show an interest in doing

at using art tools. quality work and analysing • Autonomy and personal
end results. initiative. (KC8)

• Describe dinosaurs • Give accurate descriptions.

and animals.

• Make comparisons. • Use target vocabulary.

• Competence in linguistic
• Discuss animal movements. • Understand various ways communication. (KC1)
of moving.

• Enjoy riddles in English. • Correctly recite riddles.


• Drawing animals. • Study of animal body • Awareness of artistic

positions. compositions.
• Art techniques: drawing
and colouring. • Experimentation with visual • Effort as a means
textures. of overcoming difficulties.
• Use of colour.
• Animals. • Observation of colour • Enthusiasm about using
variations (tone, shade English strategically to obtain
• Dinosaurs. and contrast). information and transmit
• Colours. oral messages.
• Knowledge and use of colours.
• Body parts. • Verbal techniques to describe
• Actions. dinosaurs and animals.
• Oral communication strategies.

• Suitably combine and experiment
with different colours, textures and shapes
for creative and aesthetic purposes. (KC6)
• Be motivated to work towards autonomous
learning. (KC8)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Pencil and coloured pencils.

RESOURCES: Class CD, Tunes CD 1

(Track 2).

• Terminar de dibujar la cría de la tortuga. Colorear CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

con lápices de colores aplicando varias capas de Does it look like a dinosaur?
color para conseguir sensación de volumen. What has it got that looks like a dinosaur?
• Ask, What animal do you see? Does it look like a Beak, shell.
dinosaur? What has it got that looks like
What other animals look like dinosaurs?
a dinosaur? The students answer, i.e. A beak. Ask,
What other animals look like dinosaurs? Tortoise, crocodiles, lizards, birds, etc.


• Buscar fotografías de diferentes especies de tor-
tugas y realizar un mural con ellas.


• Use English strategically to obtain
information and transmit oral messages.

To fly, to walk, to slither, to jump, to dive, to
swim. • The caveman says, ... • Wings, beak,
snout, trunk, horn, antennas, tail, legs, teeth. •
Turtle, tortoise, man. • Riddle. • Who am I? •
Are you a …? • Do you know any riddles? •
(Let’s) write a riddle / some riddles ...


• Start by having the students mime the actions. • Read the riddle on p. 16 aloud. The students
Play The Caveman Says. The students listen and guess the answer, A turtle / tortoise. Ask, Do you
when they hear, ‘The caveman says’ + an action, know any riddles?
they do the action. If they only hear an action, • Then tell them, Let’s write some riddles. Write a
they do not do the action. riddle in pairs. Give them time to write riddles
• Then ask the students a riddle: What uses four using the prompts in the book. The students
legs when young, two when older and three in old share their riddles and the class guesses the
age? The students guess the answer, Man. answers.

Activity 5. Gathering food

• Increase knowledge of how • Create colour ranges using

to obtain colours. dry drawing techniques.
• Cultural and artistic
• Recognise the volume • Apply colour to objects competence. (KC6)
of objects based on visual to understand volume.

• Handle and become skilled • Skilfully handle drawing tools. • Competence for learning
at using art tools. to learn. (KC7)

• Describe cave paintings. • Use target vocabulary.

• List places to acquire food. • Accurately use vocabulary

to describe where food
is obtained. • Competence in linguistic
communication. (KC1)
• Compare and contrast • Use appropriate verb tenses
prehistoric life with the present to describe life before and
day. now.


• Uses of colour. • Observation of colour • Interest in the chromatic

variations (tone, shade richness of nature.
• Volume of objects. and contrast).
• Introduction to technical • Pleasure in experimenting with
drawing. • Analysis of the geometric different tools and supplies.
qualities of bodies and objects.
• Types of food. • Interest in using linguistic
• Practice with a compass. strategies to describe lifestyles
• Food sources. and habits.
• Basic descriptions of food
• Simple past and simple sources. • Enthusiasm about initiating
present. and maintaining a verbal
• Ways of describing methods interaction.
• Actions to obtain food. of obtaining food.
• Verbal techniques to compare

• Incorporate new techniques to acquire
a basic knowledge of different artistic
languages. (KC6)
• Work hard to tackle increasingly more
difficult challenges. (KC7)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Compass, pencil, coloured

pencils and felt-tip pens.


• Utilizando el compás, dibujar más frutos en el CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

recipiente de piedra y con lápices de colores What is the person doing?
aplicar diferentes tonos en varias capas para Why?
conseguir volumen.
What did early humans eat?
• Terminar de colorear el resto de la lámina con Where did they get their food?
rotuladores mediante la técnica de líneas juntas.
Fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, etc.
• Show a picture of a cave scene and ask, What is
the person doing? Why? What did early humans Trees, animals, plants, etc.
eat? Where did they get their food? Generate a
list of food / food sources. ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
• Realizar un dibujo del natural de un frutero.


• Use linguistic strategies to describe habits.
• Initiate and maintain a verbal interaction.

Where do you get ...? • Butcher’s,
fishmonger’s, greengrocer’s, supermarket. •
Where did the early humans get ...? • Meat,
fruit, vegetables, fish. • To buy, to fish, to hunt,
to pick. • Early humans + past tense. •
Nowadays we + present tense.


• Show a picture of fish, meat, vegetables and fruit • Say, Early humans hunted for meat. Nowadays
to the class. Ask, Where do you get ...? They we buy it at the butcher’s. Tell them, In pairs talk
answer with the help of vocabulary from p. 18, about fish, vegetables and fruit. The students use
fishmonger’s, greengrocer’s, butcher’s and the pictures in the book. Several students share
supermarket. Ask, Where did the early humans to model for the class.
get meat / fruit / vegetables / fish? Generate the
vocabulary fish, hunt and pick.
Activity 6. Carved stones

• Create figures and objects • Reproduce the models

from observation. provided with the utmost
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Increase knowledge of how • Create colour ranges using
to obtain colours. dry drawing techniques.

• Make graphic compositions • Understand the concepts

using a grid. of proportion and intuitive scale • Mathematical competence.
(using a grid). (KC2)

• Describe prehistory. • Accurately describe lifestyles,

food gathering and protection.

• Describe tools and their uses. • Use target vocabulary.

• Competence in linguistic
communication. (KC1)

• Make suppositions about • Correctly build a hypothesis

prehistoric tools. regarding the use of certain


• Use of colour. • Observation of colour • Satisfaction at a job well done.

variations: tone, shade
• Volume of objects. and contrasts.
• Desire to explore expressive
possibilities using various
• Using a grid.
• Analysis of the geometric techniques and materials.
• Tools. properties of bodies
and objects.
• Positive feelings when
• Actions with tools. engaging in linguistic
• Materials. • Using a grid to copy pictures. interactions.

• Past tense. • Linguistic strategies • Enthusiasm about using verbal

for describing tools. strategies to make
suppositions about the past.
• Methods of describing
uses of tools. • Interest in initiating and
maintaining a conversation.
• Tactics for talking about
he past.

• Use observation when creating artwork.
• Recognise and use basic mathematical
elements in artwork. (KC2)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Pencil and coloured pencils.

RESOURCES: Class CD, Interactive

whiteboard CD.

• Apoyándose en la cuadrícula completar el boceto CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

de la herramienta y colorear. Para conseguir un What did they use this stone for?
mejor acabado, es importante que los lápices Stone, cutting utensil, tool, knife, toy, etc.
estén bien afilados.
• Picture Dictionary: fishmonger’s, beak, snout,
• Ask, What is in the picture? The students answer, to hunt, claw.
A stone. Ask, What did they use this stone for?
Show another stone of a different shape and ask ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
the question again. Ask the students, What can
• Investigar sobre el tipo de herramientas que
you do with these stones? Make a list of all the fabricaban los hombres prehistóricos. Construir
ideas, i.e. A knife, a toy, etc. alguna con material reciclado: ramas, piedras de
río, cuerdas, etc.


• Use verbal strategies to make suppositions
about the past. (KC1)
• Initiate and maintain a verbal interaction.

Why did they carve the stones? • What did the
first humans use the stone tools for? • Tool,
weapon, knife. • The first humans probably
used the tools to ... • To make, to cut, to carve,
to open, to smash, to grind. • Vines, seeds,
wood, shells, roots, food. • Noun, verb.


• Point to the stones on p. 20 and say, Look at the • Have a student read the question and answer on
stones. Early humans made these shapes—they p. 20 aloud. Repeat the question and help the
carved the stones. Ask, Why did they carve the students form another response by combining a
stones? The students guess, i.e. To make a tool. verb from one box with a noun from the other. The
Then ask, What did the first humans use the students work in pairs to make more sentences.
stone tools for? Make a list of student responses, Several students model their responses.
i.e. A weapon, a knife, etc.
Activity 7. Cave art

• Evaluate and enjoy cultural • Identify visual artistic

and artistic heritage. expressions of cultural
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Observe a work of art. • Interpret the compositional
elements of an image.

• Create artistic compositions • Show an interest in doing

from a musical or visual quality work and analysing • Autonomy and personal
prompt. end results. initiative. (KC8)

• Use linguistic repertoire • Apply new and mastered

to provide a description materials and skills
of prehistoric life. to constructing informative

• Provide details to maintain • Provide vivid descriptions • Competence in linguistic

communication. (KC1)
the interest of others. to encourage peer interest.

• Compare and contrast • Use target vocabulary

prehistory with today. to highlight differences.


• Knowledge of cultural heritage: • Analysis of cave paintings. • Awareness of artistic

art and artists. compositions.
• Colour combinations
• Use of colour. and experimenting with • Curiosity about significant
new blends. examples of the art
• Body patterns. of our cultural heritage.
• Verbal strategies for describing • Observation of the body
positions of humans • Enthusiasm about expressing
and animals. ideas through oral messages.
• Techniques to provide vivid
descriptions of prehistoric life. • Linguistic approaches • Interest in using English
to providing detailed to initiate and maintain
• Action verbs. information. a conversation.
• Methods of discussing • Verbal techniques to describe
previous habits, used to. lifestyles now and then.

• Appreciate cultural and artistic heritage
as a source of enrichment. (KC6)
• Develop self-confidence and the spirit of
excellence with regard to realising desired
personal ambitions. (KC8)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Pencil and felt-tip pens.

RESOURCES: Class CD, Tunes CD 1

(Track 3).

• Mostrar a los alumnos la obra seleccionada: Es- • Pointto the cave paintings on p. 21. Ask the
cena de caza en la Cueva de los Caballos, (Cas- students, What do you see? Generate a list. Then
tellón). Las pinturas levantinas pospaleolíticas es- ask, What is happening in the cave painting?
tán pintadas en rojos de diferentes tonalidades. Generate a list of ideas, i.e. They are hunting.
Reproducen escenas naturalistas de caza, danza Show other cave paintings and repeat.
y recolección. Tienen un contenido narrativo y
generalmente forman escenas. Se representa a CLASSROOM LANGUAGE
hombres más que a mujeres, con arcos y fle- What do you see?
chas, tensando el arco o disparando. Hunter, bow, arrow, animal, deer, etc.
• Escuchar la música y realizar un dibujo libre que What is happening in the cave painting?
se inspire en la imagen y en sus colores.
They are hunting, etc.


• Express ideas through an oral message.
• Use English to initiate and maintain
a conversation. (KC1)

How do you think life was different for the first
humans? • What kinds of things did early
humans do that we don’t do / NOT do that
we do? • To buy, to wear, to live, to eat,
to drive, to use, to make. • The first humans
used to …, now we … • The first humans
didn’t use to …, but we ...


• Draw two columns on the board. Say, How do • Then ask, What kinds of things did early humans
you think life was different for the first humans? NOT do that we do? Generate another list of
Ask, What kinds of things did early humans do ideas, i.e. They didn’t use to watch TV, but we do.
that we don’t do? Generate a list of ideas, i.e. The students practise in pairs using the structures
They hunted for food. / We buy food. and word box on p. 22 as prompts.
Activity 8. Stone objects

• Perceive the volume of objects • Apply colour to objects to give

based on visual information. the impression of volume.
• Cultural and artistic
• Recognise colour ranges • Blend colours to most closely competence. (KC6)
in the model provided. match the model.

• Improve handling of drawing • Show an interest in doing

materials and supplies. quality work and analysing • Autonomy and personal
end results. initiative. (KC8)

• Describe actions. • Use appropriate language

to describe actions.

• Consider how difficult • Employ verbal strategies

something is. to convey level of difficulty.
• Competence in linguistic
• Enjoy a poem in English. • Demonstrate an accurate communication. (KC1)
understanding of text and

• Provide descriptions. • Use target vocabulary

to provide descriptions.


• Volume of objects. • Analysis of bodies and objects • Respect for the different
to represent them spatially. creations of one’s peers.
• Art techniques: drawing
and colouring. • Development of skills to use • Satisfaction at a job well done.
drawing tools correctly.
• Texture of everyday objects. • Interest in using verbal
• Characteristics of actions. • Experimentation with visual strategies to compare and
textures. contrast in a conversational
• Methods of making manner.
comparisons. • Practice with nature
• Ways of considering difficulty.
• Appropriate identification
• Precious stones. of characteristics of precious
• Colours. stones.
• Verbal strategies to discuss

• Inquire about the qualities of materials
and capabilities of colour. (KC6)
• Realistically evaluate the effort made
and the result obtained. (KC8)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Felt-tip pens, coloured pencils.


• Completar el dibujo de la mano y el otro trozo de CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

piedra. Repasar el contorno con rotulador negro. What is the person making?
Después, colorear con una gama de colores fríos. What other things can you make like this?
• Show the students the picture of the hands and A weapon, a tool, etc.
the stones. Ask, What is the person making? Ask,
Is it easy or difficult to make a tool this way?
What other things can you make like this?
Generate a list of alternatives for the action. Ask
follow-up questions, i.e. Is it easy or difficult to ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
make a tool this way? Why?
• Realizar un dibujo del natural de la mano que no
utilizan para escribir.


• Use verbal strategies to compare and
contrast in a conversational manner. (KC1)

What is this? • Emerald, ruby, sapphire,
diamond, flint, opal. • Green, red, blue. •
Grass, blood, heaven, mud, stone, desire,
spark, fire. • … is like … • … is/was as …
as …


• Show the class pictures of an emerald and ask, • Have the students work in pairs to follow the
What is this? Ask, What colour is it? The students instructions for identifying the comparisons. They
answer, Green. Then ask, What does the green create a comparison for flint and then make their
look like? The students answer, Grass, the sea, own comparisons. Several student groups share
etc. Repeat with ruby, sapphire and diamond. their answers.
Read the poem aloud to the class.

Activity 9. Geometry of objects

• Become familiar with simple • Show an interest in doing

geometric layouts. quality work and analysing
end results.
• Cultural and artistic
competence. (KC6)
• Perceive the volume of objects • Apply colour to objects to give
based on visual information. the sensation of volume.

• Make graphic compositions • Understand the concepts

using a grid. of proportion and intuitive scale • Mathematical competence.
(using a grid). (KC2)

• Enjoy tongue twisters. • Accurately pronounce and

communicate messages.
• Competence in linguistic
• View drawings. • Engage in meaningful communication. (KC1)
conversation that provides
accurate information.


• Volume of objects. • Analysis of the geometric • Satisfaction at a job well done.

properties of bodies
• Using a grid. and objects.
• Desire to explore expressive
possibilities with various
• Introduction to technical
drawing. • Using a grid to copy pictures. techniques and materials.

• Colours. • Practice using a compass. • Interest in using linguistic skills

to pronounce more accurately.
• Vessels and containers. • Approaches to describing
prehistoric lifestyles.
• Contents of cave paintings.
• Verbal dexterity when
• Rhyming words. discussing drawings.
• Oral accuracy to pronounce
words correctly.

• Develop self-confidence about creating
artwork and strive for a spirit of excellence.
• Recognise and use basic mathematical
elements in artwork. (KC2)

TECHNIQUES: Draw and colour.

MATERIALS: Pencil, felt-tip pens, ruler

and compass.


• Utilizar el compás y la regla para trazar los con- CLASSROOM LANGUAGE

tornos y copiar los objetos propuestos usando la Straight / wavy lines, arrow.
cuadrícula como apoyo. Colorearlos igual o con co- What do you see?
lores diferentes de los del modelo. Aplicar la som-
Vessels, pots, containers, etc.
bra final para resaltar el volumen.
How did they make them?
• Say, What do you see? How did they make
them? What did early humans use the vessels for?
• Draw the students’ attention to p. 25. Ask, What To drink, to store things, to carry, etc.
did early humans use the vessels for? Generate a What do you think the drawings represent?
list of uses, i.e. to drink. Ask, What do you think The sea, hunting, fishing, etc.
the drawings represent? Generate a list of ideas,
i.e. the sea, hunting, fishing, etc. ACTIVIDAD DE REFUERZO O AMPLIACIÓN
• Realizar un dibujo del natural de un recipiente de
barro: un jarrón, una vasija, una maceta, etc.


• Use linguistic skills to improve
pronunciation accuracy. (KC1)

What do you see in the pictures? •
Tongue twisters. • Very well ... • Six sleek
swans … • Three short sword … •
He threw…


• Ask the students, What do you see in the • Play the CD and help students say the tongue
pictures? Generate vocabulary, i.e. swans, twisters slowly. Then have the students practise
swords and balls. them at speed. Ask for some volunteers to recite
for the class.

Activity 10. What I know. Let’s listen

• Use English to provide • Accurately provide

a narrative. and comprehend information.

• Describe prehistory. • Provide accurate information • Competence in linguistic

about prehistory. communication. (KC1)

• Differentiate between lifestyles. • Correctly define differences.


• Dinosaurs. • Recognising and • Eagerness to use oral

communicating differences. and listening strategies
• Prehistoric lifestyle. to differentiate between
• Techniques for comparing. • Observation of features. descriptions.
• Past tense. • Classification of differences.
• Enthusiasm for English.
• Future tense.

• Use verbal and non-verbal strategies
to understand a message. (KC1)

What did you do today?
I hunted / went hunting / reached / saw, etc.
Mammoth, dinosaur.
Horns, head, fin, back, body, legs.
Short, long, round, thick, large.
• Picture Dictionary: mammoth, spear, bow,
carved stone, arrow.


• Tell the students, Imagine you are an early human. • Read the text, then have them read it aloud.
What did you do today? Make a list on the board • Hacer un dibujo rupestre a partir del texto. Usar
of all the things the students say about the day, todo lo que se menciona en él. Añadir color y
i.e. I hunted dinosaurs, etc. aplicar la sombra final para resaltar el volumen.


• Use oral and listening strategies
to differentiate between descriptions. (KC1)

Can you find the differences? • In one ...
and in the other ... • Dinosaur, tyrannosaurus,
mammoth, tortoise, present-day dinosaur. •
Early humans, prehistoric man, first humans. •
Sun, light bulb, ice, cotton, electricity. • Legs,
teeth. • To walk, to grow, to carry, to move,
to dive, to snap, to work, to hunt, to have.


• Say, Look at each pair of pictures. Can you find 2: This present-day dinosaur carries its home with it
the differences? They create a list of differences, everywhere it goes. It moves slowly and can walk
i.e. In one there is a tortoise and in the other there on land or dive in water. It doesn’t have teeth, but it
is a dinosaur. can snap.
• Say, Listen and tick the correct picture. Check 3: The first humans worked outside even in very
their answer by asking for a description. cold weather.
4: The first humans used to hunt for their food.
TRANSCRIPTION 5: Early Humans didn’t have electricity.
1: The tyrannosaurus was one of the biggest 6: During the Ice Age, much of the Earth was
dinosaurs to walk the Earth. covered with ice.
It could grow up to 13 metres tall! It walked on
two legs and had sharp teeth.
Activity 11. Hands on!

• Develop motor skills: colouring, • Express self-confidence

cutting and sticking. and enjoy creating artwork.
• Cultural and artistic
• Apply specific techniques • Enjoy creative activities. competence. (KC6)
for artistic expression.

• Learn to build in • Demonstrate self-assuredness • Autonomy and personal

three-dimensional space. while working. initiative. (KC8)

• Describe animals • Demonstrate an understanding

and dinosaurs. of descriptions.

• Discuss hunting today. • Appropriately engage • Competence in linguistic

in authentic conversation. communication. (KC1)

• Practise spelling. • Accurately spell target



• Artistic composition: spatial • Construction • Interest in making artwork

structure and organisation. of three-dimensional with increasing autonomy.
• Volume of objects. • Effort as a means
• Shape: proportions and sizes. • Skill development of overcoming difficulties.
with art tools.
• Dinosaurs. • Enthusiasm about using verbal
• Skilful use of drawing strategies to initiate and
• Colours. and painting materials maintain a conversation.
• Animals. and supplies.
• Enjoyment of an English
• Alphabet. • Recognition and use conversation.
of descriptive information.
• Description of how habits
are used.
• Refinement of linguistic
strategies to convey
• Revision of classroom

• Use observation when creating artwork.
• Develop self-confidence and the spirit
of excellence with regard to realising
desired personal ambitions. (KC8)

TECHNIQUES: Colour, cut and stick.

MATERIALS: Felt-tip pens, scissors

and glue.


• Seguir las instrucciones del libro del alumno que CLASSROOM LANGUAGE
explican cómo montar la actividad. Do people hunt in Spain?
• Motivar a los alumnos proponiéndoles que inven- Do you know someone who likes hunting?
ten una historia que gire en torno a esta escena Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
de caza.
What animals did prehistoric man hunt?
• Ask, Do people hunt in Spain? What animals did Mammoths, dinosaurs, etc.
prehistoric man hunt?
Prehistoric man, spear, ice.
• Tell the students, You are making a picture with a
mammoth in it. There are at least seven words Can you find seven words?
hidden in mammoth. Can you find seven words? Mom, math, moth, hot, at, hat, mat, etc.
The students answer, i.e. Mom, math, moth, hot,
at, hat, mat, to, ham, etc.


• Use verbal strategies to initiate
and maintain a conversation. (KC1)

Do you hunt? • What animals do you hunt? •
Do people hunt for ...? • What animals do
people hunt for today? • People hunt / don’t
hunt for… • Mammoth, pheasant, deer, pig,
dinosaur, bear. • Nowadays, today.


• Ask several students, Do you hunt? If they answer • Then ask, What animals do people hunt for
yes, ask, What animals do you hunt? If no today? Generate a list. The students look at p. 30
students say yes, ask, Do people hunt for …? and ask and answer the questions based on the
Ask a variety of questions to revise vocabulary. picture prompts.


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