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Personality Theories (PSY06C301)

Credit: L/T/P: 5/1/0

Total Hours: 60
Pedagogy of the course:
The objective of the course is to apprise the students of basic perspectives and assumptions of
psychology. The students would also get an understanding about historical developments of modern
psychology. For the course 80 percent will be Classroom teaching with smart classrooms and 20
percent will be Internal Assessment comprising Unit test, Assignments and classroom participation.
The evaluation method for this course will be 20 percent Internal Assessment, 20 percent Multiple
Choice questions Test, and 60 percent End semester examination.

Instructions for Paper Setters:

The end semester examination will be of 3 hours and 60 marks. There shall be 9 questions in all.
The first question, which would be compulsory, shall be short answer type (word limit 50-60 each).
It would carry 6 short questions, spread over the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to
attempt all 6 short answer type questions. Each short answer type question would carry two marks
(2x6 = 12). Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each unit shall have two questions and the
candidates shall be required to attempt one question from each Unit (four in all). Each question
shall carry 12 marks (12x4 = 48).

UNIT-I (15 hours)

Personality : Concept, Assumptions concerning Human Nature.

UNIT-II (15 hours)

Psychoanalytic Theory and Post Freudian developments : Freud, Jung, Adler, Fromm, Erikson.

UNIT-III (15 hours)

Trait Theories : Allport, Cattell, Eysenck, Big Five Model.

UNIT-IV (15 hours)

Social Learning Theory : Bandura.

Cognitive Theory : Kelley's Personal-Construct Theory
Humanistic Phenomenological Perspective : Rogers, Maslow
Reading Lists:

1. Corsini, R. J., & Morselia, R. J. (1983). Personality Theories, Research and Assessment.
Illinois : Peacock.
2. Hall, C. S., Lindzey, J. C., & Manosevitz, M. (2007). Introduction to Theories of Personality.
New York : John Wiley & Sons.
3. Corr, P. J., & Matthew, G. (2009). The Cambridge Handbook of Personality psychology.
Cambridge University Press: UK.
4. Kline, P. (1983). Personality, Measurement and Theory. New York : St. Martin's Press.
5. Robert, E. B. (1993). Theories of Personality. London : Lawrence Eribaun Associates.
6. Pervin L. A. (1984). Personality Theories, Assessment and Research New York : John
Wiley & Sons.
7. Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2013). Theories of Personality, 11th Edition, Cengage
Learning: USA.
8. Hjelle, L., & Ziegler. D. (1992). Personality Theories. Singapore : McGraw Hill.
9. Aitken, L.R. (1989). Assessment of Personality. Boston : Allyn and Bacon.
10.Friedman, H.S., & Schustack, M.W. (2004). Personality : Classic Theories and Modern
Research. Singapore : Pearson Education.

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