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Daily Lesson Plan

June 20, 2019

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
 The learners are expected to have understanding on the effects of the issues and
challenges with regards to sexuality and society to become an active advocate of
equality and respect to others as a member of society.
B. Performance Standards
 The learners are expected to construct meaningful and creative steps that
promotes acceptance and respect to the different sexuality to establish equality
among the members of society.
C. Learning Objectives
 To be able to understand the difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender
 To be able to describe the difference between biological sex, gender identity,
gender expression and attraction.
 To be able to express respect depite the difference in Sexual Orietation and
Gender Identity among the members of society.
II. Learning Resources
A. References
 Sexuality and Gender Orientation
 The LGBTQA+ Community
B. Additional Materials
 Visual Aids
III. Content
A. Topic: Sex and Gender: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson.
 Daily Routine
 Review: The Concept of Sex and Gender
B. Stablishing a purpose for the new lesson.
 Examinew the Lyrics: “Born This Way by Lady Gaga”
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson.
 Genderbread Person:
Guide Questions.
1. What is your Gender Identity?
2. How do you express your
3. How do you identify yourself?

 LGBTQA+ Flag:
Guide Questions:
1. To whom does this flag refer?
2. Why do you is the color of the
flag is the same as the rainbow?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills.

 Discussion:
 What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity?
 What are the different kinds of sexual orientation?
 Homosexual
 Heterosexual
 Bisexuals
 Who are the members of the LGBTQA+ community?
 Lesbians
 Gays
 Bisexuals
 Transgenders
 Transexuals
 Gender Queers
 Asexuals
E. Developing Mastery
 Answer the following Questions:
1. How do sexual orientation and gender identity differ from each other?
2. What are the different sexual orientation?
3. Who are the members of the LGBTQA+ community?
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.
How do you give importance to your gender identity?
G. Making generalizations and abstraction about the lesson.
 Each person has different sexual orientation and identity, how do they differ
based on their sexuality?
H. Evaluating Learning
 Quiz
1. What does SOGI stand for?
2. What are the differents kinds of sexual orientation?
3. Who compose the LGBTQA+
I. Additional activities for applicartion or remediation.
 Below is a list of renowned people, identify them bsed on their gender identity.
1. Ellen Degeneres
2. Tim Cook
3. Charo Santos-Concio
4. Danton Remoto
5. Marillyn A. Hewson
6. Charice Pempengco
7. Anderson Cooper
8. Parker Gundersen
9. Geranldine Roman
10. Jose Mari Viceral
11. Catriona Gray
12. Angela Ponce
13. Ricky Martin
14. Boy Abunda
15. Cara Delevingne

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