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A Project Report


"To Study Of training and

Rishabh instruments pvt ltd

Manisha Patil

 To evaluate the effectiveness of training and development programs in

Rishabh instruments pvt ltd.
 To identify the knowledge and skills required by employees to perform the job
efficiently and effectively.
 To assess the satisfaction level of employees with regard to training.
 To understand the training needs of employees in the firm.


Hypothesis development is very important because acceptance and the rejection of

hypothesis show the significance of the study. On the basis of literature review and
above theorotical frame work we came to develop following hypothesis. In the
training & development organizational performance is also effected by the training

H1: Training design has significant effect on the organizational performance. To

increase the knowledge and skills in the job training is given to the employees.

H2: On the job training has significant effect on the organizational performance.
During training & development the delivery style of the person who is giving the
training also effects the organizational performance.

Introduction Of Training and Development

Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organisations
and to the experiences of people in work. Training has implications for productivity,
health and safety at work and personal development. All organisations employing
people need to train and develop their staff. Most organisations are cognisant of this
requirement and invest effort and other resources in training and development. Such
investment can take the form of employing specialist training and development staff
and paying salaries to staff undergoing training and development. Investment in
training and development entails obtaining and maintaining space and equipment. It
also means that operational personnel, employed in the organisation's main business
functions, such as production, maintenance, sales, marketing and management
support, must also direct their attention and effort from time to time towards
supporting training development and delivery. This means they are required to give
less attention to activities that are obviously more productive in terms of the
organisation's main business. However, investment in training and development is
generally regarded as good management practice to maintain appropriate expertise
now and in the future.

Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. It is

assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has
resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer’s expectation of quality and
service and a subsequent need to lower costs. It is also become more important
globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. In the current write up, we will
focus more on the emerging need of training and development, its implications upon
individuals and the employers.

Types of Training:

1. Induction training:
Induction Training also known as orientation training given for the new recruits in
order to make them familiarize with the internal environment of an organization. It
helps the employees to understand the procedures, code of conduct, policies existing
in that organization.

2. Job instruction training:

This training provides an overview about the job and experienced trainers
demonstrates the entire job. Addition training is offered to employees after evaluating
their performance if necessary.

3. Vestibule training:
It is the training on actual work to be done by an employee but conducted away from
the work place.

4. Refresher training:
This type of training is offered in order to incorporate the latest development in a
particular field. This training is imparted to upgrade the skills of employees. This
training can also be used for promoting an employee.
5. Apprenticeship training:
Apprentice is a worker who spends a prescribed period of time under a supervisor.

Need for Training:

1. Environmental changes:
Mechanization, computerization, and automation have resulted in many changes that
require trained staff possessing enough skills. The organization should train the
employees to enrich them with the latest technology and knowledge

2. Organizational complexity:
With modern inventions, technological upgradation, and diversification most of the
organizations have become very complex. This has aggravated the problems of
coordination. So, in order to cope up with the complexities, training has become

3. Human relations:

Every management has to maintain very good human relations, and this has made
training as one of the basic conditions to deal with human problems.

4. To match employee specifications with the job requirements

and organizational needs:

An employee’s specification may not exactly suit to the requirements of the job and
the organization, irrespective of past experience and skills. There is always a gap
between an employee’s present specifications and the organization’s requirements. For
filling this gap training is required.
5. Change in the job assignment:
Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the higher level
or transferred to another department. Training is also required to equip the old
employees with new techniques and technologies.

Importance of Training:

Training of employees and managers are absolutely essential in this changing

environment. It is an important activity of HRD which helps in improving the
competency of employees. Training gives a lot of benefits to the employees such as
improvement in efficiency and effectiveness, development of self confidence and
assists everyone in self management.

The stability and progress of the organization always depends on the training imparted
to the employees. Training becomes mandatory under each and every step of
expansion and diversification. Only training can improve the quality and reduce the
wastages to the minimum. Training and development is also very essential to adapt
according to changing environment.

Training Methods
The various methods of training may be classified into the following categories:

 On-the-job training

 Off-the-job training

A. On-the-job training Methods:

Under these methods new or inexperienced employees learn through observing peers
or managers performing the job and trying to imitate their behaviour. These methods
do not cost much and are less disruptive as employees are always on the job, training
is given on the same machines and experience would be on already approved
standards, and above all the trainee is learning while earning. Some of the commonly
used methods are:
1. Coaching:
Coaching is a one-to-one training. It helps in quickly identifying the weak areas and
tries to focus on them. It also offers the benefit of transferring theory learning to
practice. The biggest problem is that it perpetrates the existing practices and styles. In
India most of the scooter mechanics are trained only through this method.

2. Mentoring:
The focus in this training is on the development of attitude. It is used for managerial
employees. Mentoring is always done by a senior inside person. It is also one-to- one
interaction, like coaching.

3. Job Rotation:
It is the process of training employees by rotating them through a series of related
jobs. Rotation not only makes a person well acquainted with different jobs, but it also
alleviates boredom and allows to develop rapport with a number of people. Rotation
must be logical.

4. Job Instructional Technique (JIT):

It is a Step by step (structured) on the job training method in which a suitable trainer
(a) prepares a trainee with an overview of the job, its purpose, and the results desired,
(b) demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee, (c) allows the trainee to show the
demonstration on his or her own, and (d) follows up to provide feedback and help.
The trainees are presented the learning material in written or by learning machines
through a series called ‘frames’.

5. Apprenticeship:
Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. This
method of training is in vogue in those trades, crafts and technical fields in which a
long period is required for gaining proficiency. The trainees serve as apprentices to
experts for long periods. They have to work in direct association with and also under
the direct supervision of their masters.
6. Understudy:

In this method, a superior gives training to a subordinate as his understudy like an

assistant to a manager or director (in a film). The subordinate learns through
experience and observation by participating in handling day to day problems. Basic
purpose is to prepare subordinate for assuming the full responsibilities and duties.

B. Off-the-job Training Methods:

Off-the-job training methods are conducted in separate from the job environment,
study material is supplied, there is full concentration on learning rather than
performing, and there is freedom of expression. Important methods include:

1. Lectures and Conferences:

Lectures and conferences are the traditional and direct method of instruction. Every
training programme starts with lecture and conference. It’s a verbal presentation for a
large audience. However, the lectures have to be motivating and creating interest
among trainees. The speaker must have considerable depth in the subject. In the
colleges and universities, lectures and seminars are the most common methods used
for training.

2. Vestibule Training:
Vestibule Training is a term for near-the-job training, as it offers access to something
new (learning). In vestibule training, the workers are trained in a prototype
environment on specific jobs in a special part of the plant. An attempt is made to
create working condition similar to the actual workshop conditions. After training
workers in such condition, the trained workers may be put on similar jobs in the actual

3. Simulation Exercises:
Simulation is any artificial environment exactly similar to the actual situation. There
are four basic simulation techniques used for imparting training: management games,
case study, role playing, and in-basket training.
Industry Profile:

Rishabh Instruments, is a 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU) managed by founder-

promoter Mr.Narendra Goliya (CMD), B.Tech from IIT-Mumbai and M.S from
Stanford University-USA. The company is diversified in basic two broad product
categories which are 'Test and Measuring Instruments' and 'Industrial Control
Products. The Rishabh brand has a reputation for safety, portability, ruggedness and
right standards of quality. No wonder Rishabh has global presence in more than 35
Rishabh Instruments competence in manufacturing is being en-cashed for the last 20
years by several companies of international repute. The company is focused on Design
and Development of next generation products. To expand these activities further,
Rishabh has built a R&D centre and Tool Room at Trishala. It has its own setup of
Surface Mounted Technology (SMT) pick and place machines from Germany. The
Design and manufacture of moulds and tools department has been evolved from the
intrinsic need of the company to have its own moulds and press shop. This enables to
deliver quality products in time and at competitive price.

The world class equipments in-housed are the Deckel Maho- Germany CNC Machine
and Arburg-Germany Moulding machines. To add to this it has state of art German
Technology perpetual inventory control KARDEX storage system. As a result all the
items, their locations and stocks are known to the ERP system. The company has
developed its own software for Analog Panel Meters dial plotting using VC++ and MS
Access and Graphtec plotters. Most of Rishabh Managers and Engineers have worked
with our collaborators design and development engineers and have a total experience
of over 50 man years.


Testing & Measuring Equipment

Measuring Tools & Equipment

Electrical Testing & Measuring Equipment
Electrical Goods, Equipment & Supplies

Electronic Testing Equipment
Digital Panel Meter

Literature Review

Training and development programs can upgrade employees skills and attitudes at all
levels to maximize enterprise effectiveness.(Holton et al 1996) The aim behind
training employees is “achieving cost effective high performance” and good
performance brings quality, as according to Deming, (1982), higher quality of
employee services implies lower costs and increased their productivity, which in turn
provides the firm with a greater market share and enhanced competitiveness levels.
Griffin(1978),Ajibade(1993),and Adeniyi(1995) have drawn the attention of the entire
sundry to the inestimable value of training and development. It is an avenue to acquire
more and new knowledge and develop further the skills and techniques to function
effectively. Scholars, experts, social scientist and school administrators now recognize
the fact that training is obviously indispensable not only in the development of the
individuals but also facilitate the productive capacity of the workers. Training is not
coaxing or persuading people to do what is wanted but rather a process of creating
organizational conditions that will cause personnel to strive for better performance.
Research Methodology
Research methodology is a systematic way to solve research problems. Researcher has
to design his methodology. Research methodology deals with research methods and
takes into consideration the logic behind the method .It also deals with objective of
research study, the method of defining the problem, type of data collected, methods
used for collecting and analyzing data. It also deals with objective of research study;
the method is defining the problem, type of data collected and the methods used for
collecting the data. The research processes that will be adopted in the present study
consist of the following stages. Defining the problem and the research objective

 Developing the research plan

 Collection of data.

 Analyze the collected information

 Report research findings

Population/ Sample size

Population The population size 40 employees.

Sample Size
Samples size is the number of items to be selected from the population to constitute
the sample for the research. For this research a sample of 40 employees was taken.

Data Collection Method:

 Primary data:
Primary data is known as data collected for the first time through field
Survey. Such data are collected with specific set objectives. Primary data
Always reveals the cross section picture of anything studied. This is
Needed in research to study the effect or impact any policy.
 Secondary Data:
Secondary data refers to the information or facts already collected. Such
Data are collected with the objectives of understanding the past status of any
Variable data collected and reported by some source is accessed and used
for the objectives of the study. The secondary data were collected from:

 Magazine
 Books
 Journals
 Records maintained by HR department
 Company websites.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

1] Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do
you agree with this statement?
a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

a b c d

35 3 2 0
5.00% Strongly agree
7.50% Agree
87.50% agree


According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

87% of employees strongly agree with this statement.

8% of employees agree with this statement,
5% of employee somewhere agree with this statement.

2] How often the training program are conducted in your organization?

a) Every month

b) Every Quarter

c) Half yearly

d) Once a year

a b c d

20 10 5 5
17.50%7.50% Every month
50.00% Every Quarter
25.00% Haf yearly
Once a year

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

50% Employees get training monthly.

25% of employees get training every quarter.
17% employees get training half yearly.
8% of employees get training once a year.

3] Training program according to you is

a) Improve skills

b) Improve knowledge

c) Change attitude

d) All of the above

a B c d

10 7 3 25

Improve skills
6.67% Change
All of the

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

Only 56% employees agreed that training program improve skills, improve knowledge
& it change the attitude.

Training program improves skills according to 22% employees.

Training program improves knowledge according to 15% employees.
Training program change the attitude according to 7% employees.

4] To whom the training is more in your organization?

a) Senior staff

b) Junior staff

c) New staff
d) Based on requirement

a b c d

4 6 10 20

15.00% Senior staf
50.00% Junior staf
New staf
25.00% Based on

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees

50% of are given training based on requirement which is good were employees
actually need to provide that training or fulfil their needs company get success.

25% of new staff are given training.

15% of junior staff are given training.
10% of senior staff are given training.

5] What are all the important barriers to training and development in your
a) Time
b) Money

c) Lack of interest by staff

d) Non-availability of skilled trainer

a b c d

19 10 8 3

20.00% 7.50% Money
47.50% Lack of interest
by staf
25.00% Non-
Availability of
skilled trainer

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,
45% of employees consider time as a barrier in their training. If employees want
maximum time for training than company have to adjust time or make changes in their
20% of employees consider lack of interest as a barrier.
25% of employees consider money as a barrier.
8 % of employees consider non-availability of skilled trainer as a barrier
6] Company gives motivation to attend the program in which is to be arranged
by the company?
a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d

37 2 1 0

2.50% Strongly agree

5.00% agree

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,
It was strongly agreed to the statement that company has to motivate the employees to
attend the training program.
92% of employees strongly agreed that company gives motivation to attend the
program is to be arranged by the company.
5 % employees agree & 3% employees somewhere agree.
7] What kind of training methods does the organization provide to train the
a) On the job training

b) Off the job training

c) Both

A b c

5 6 27

13.16% 15.79% on-the-job

71.05% training

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,
71% of employees said both on job and off job training is used as method of training
which is fine as their need. 13% of employees said on job method is used as a mode of
training. 16% of employees said off job method is used as a mode of training.

8] Training program helped to increase productivity in terms of both quality and

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d

16 10 4 0

13.33% Strongly agree

33.33% somewhere
According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

54% of employees are strongly agreed that training program helped to increase
productivity in terms of both quality & quantity. 33% of employees said agree and
13% of employees are somewhere agree.

9] Which type of training in your organization manages for new recruitment?

a) Technical training

b) Management training

c) Safety training

d) TPM skill training

a B c d

10 11 10 9
22.50% 25.00% training
25.00% 27.50% Safety training
TPM skill

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

New recruitment are given all types of training. Here 25% of employees said technical
training are given to the new recruitment. 27% of employees said management
training. 25% of employees said safety training & 23% of employees said TPM skill
training are given to the new recruitment.

10] Training & development programme increase the efficiency in employee. Do

you agree?
a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d
17 11 2 0

6.67% Strongly agree

36.67% Agree
56.67% Somewhere

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

56% of employees strongly agreed that training and development program increase
the efficiency in employee.

37% of employees are agreed and 7% of employees somewhere agreed.

11] Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the
training. Do you agree with this statement?
a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree
a b c d

5 9 12 14

35.00% 12.50%
Strongly agree
Somewhere agree
30.00% Disagree


According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees

35% employees are disagree with this statement.

30% Response for somewhere agree.
23% Employees are agree with this statement.
12% only strongly agree with this statement.

12] What are general feedback policies of your company after the training
a) No feedback taken

b) Question & Answer session with trainees

c) Feedback from trainers

d) Surveys & interviews

A B c d

0 17 9 14

No feedback taken
35.00% Question &
42.50% Answer session
with trainees
feedback from
22.50% trainers
surveys &

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

After every training session, feedbacks are always taken in the company. Mostly
company prefer Question & answer session.

42% of employees prefer question & answer sessions. 35% of employees voted for
surveys & interviews, whereas 23% employees voted for feedback from trainers.
13] Training and development activities helps the organization to maintain
employee relation rate. Do you agree?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d

22 14 4 0

10.00% Strongly agree

35.00% 55.00% Somewhere

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

55% of employees strongly agreed that training & development activities helps the
organization to maintain employee relation rate.
35% of employees agreed with this statement and 10% of employees somewhere
agreed with this statement.

14] Training enhance personality and it brings enthusiasm at work place?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d

24 13 3 0

7.50% Strongly agree

32.50% Agree
60.00% Somewhere

According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,
Training is important to develop a skill of an employees and it helps one to overcome
the weakness and also enhance the skill if lacking at some field therefore and strongly
60% of employees are strongly agree with this statement & 32% employees are agree
with this statement.

15] Enough practice is given for us during training sessions? Do you agree with
this statement?
a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Somewhere agree

d) Disagree

A b c d

32 8 0 0

20.00% Strongly agree

80.00% agree
According to the above data, it is clear that out of 100% employees,

Maximum no. of 50% of employees strongly agree that enough practice is given
during training process.
20% of employees agree with this statement.

Findings & Observation

During the research study conducted among the employees of Rishabh Instruments
pvt ltd by the help of my Observations n Interactions held with them, my findings are:

Training is the most important part of any organization and no person can think of the
development without it. By training the attitudinal change in the employee leads to the
positive thinking, a sense of devotion to organizational and also by the help of
technical and behavioural training the person in the organization can be aware of the
latest developments and how to come up with the best output with minimum
investment and minimum labour waste. This leads to the increase in the profit of the
organization. This view is of the managerial and staff level employee.

The manager feels that the training needs of the employees are fulfilled and they are
holding on time while individual workers have different opinion about it. According to
them the trainees need identification is not done on time and mostly it is late. So it is
not so effective.


 Top management feels that training is the essential part of the organization,
since it is the key for the attitudinal change and the behavioural and their work
in the employees. It should be imparted at least one to every employee.

 Both managers and workers feel that the training should be imparted by both
external and internal faculty.

 Technical and behavioural training, both are important for the development of
 organization. Training and development programs are increasing the output of
 organization.

 Finally to make any training program successful the cooperation of the

management and the employees are essential.

 Training and Development should be flexible and friendly.

 There must be clear relation between training electiveness and strategic goals
of the organization.

 The Rishabh instrument should increase their training budget. Because without
a big budget the company would not be able to introduce modern technology in
their training system.


Books Refered

 Ratan Reddy (2008), “Effective Human Resource Training and Development

Strategy”, Third edition 2008, published by Himalaya Publishing House..




Questionnaire for Training and Development

1] Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do you

agree with this statement?
e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

2] How often the training program are conducted in your organization?

e) Every month

f) Every Quarter

g) Half yearly

h) Once a year

3] Training program according to you is

e) Improve skills

f) Improve knowledge

g) Change attitude

h) All of the above

4] To whom the training is more in your organization?

a) Senior staff

b) Junior staff

c) New staff

d) Based on requirement

5] What are all the important barriers to training and development in your
e) Time

f) Money

g) Lack of interest by staff

h) Non-availability of skilled trainer

6] Company gives motivation to attend the program in which is to be arranged by the
e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

7] What kind of training methods does the organization provide to train the employee?
d) On the job training

e) Off the job training

f) Both

8] Training program helped to increase productivity in terms of both quality and

e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

9] Which type of training in your organization manages for new recruitment?

e) Technical training

f) Management training

g) Safety training

h) TPM skill training

10] Training & development programme increase the efficiency in employee. Do you
e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

11] Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do
you agree with this statement?
e) Strongly agree
f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

12] Training and development activities helps the organization to maintain employee
relation rate. Do you agree?
e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

13] What are general feedback policies of your company after the training sessions?
e) No feedback taken

f) Question & Answer session with trainees

g) Feedback from trainers

h) Surveys & interviews

14] Training enhance personality and it brings enthusiasm at work place?

e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

15] Enough practice is given for us during training sessions? Do you agree with this
e) Strongly agree

f) Agree

g) Somewhere agree

h) Disagree

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