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In Hungarian the month of October is nicknamed “old biddies
summer”. Though it sounds pejorative, it is actually endearing, a
promise of second blooming when you least expect it, a last bid to
happiness and warmth before the cold winter of body and soul might
set in. It is a gamble both for nature and human beings but, whatever
the result, is not too heart wrenching: if we get it, fine and good; if not
the meteorological and human circumstances will follow their well set
patterns and we would be wise enough to accept it.

In UK and Europe in this year of the Lord if it is October, then it is Brexit

with the deadline at the end of the month and no one is allowed to
forget it. Headlines are screaming from everywhere, statements and
counterstatements are made, words are pouring down on us from
every side, we are soaking in cheers, fears, advice almost to satiety.
There are so many variations, so many scenarios that we have to agree
with Kipling: “words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

By now most of us are sick and tired and fed-up, all we want is
something to happen or wishing for it all to go away, so we can get on
with our lives. BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT THIS IS OUR LIFE and as the
deadline approaches the whole Brexit looks like a gamble but with
much more serious consequences than the advent or absence of the
“old biddies summer.”

These last few weeks the simile which kept buzzing in my mind for the
whole situation was the “Russian Roulette”. The stakes are high
enough and the uncertainty of the outcome frightening enough to
make sense - at least for me – for this comparison.
Do you know what Russian Roulette is? It is a lethal game of chance in
which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder,
places the muzzle against his head, and pulls the trigger.

You may well think after this that I am one of the ”fearmongering” lot,
but let me assure you that I am not: even in the Russian Roulette there
is a good chance – actually depending on your revolver a chance of
6/1 – to come out unscathed.

This might be the case here, too, but at the moment no one knows
what is at the end of the barrel: an empty cylinder or a bullet in the

What unnerves most of us, even the more Optimistic, is the

uncertainty of it all and what irks most of us is this “gamble” feeling to
it instead of a well-prepared event under control, considering that this
has been going on for almost three years now.

So this October, with all the promise of the “old biddies” we may be a
little wary of what lies in store for us, even though there is not much
we can do about it. It seems to me that the best thing would be to be
here for each other and to take heart from Reinhold Niebuhr`s famous
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the difference.”

May we be granted this wisdom in the time ahead!

See you at the OMH.


Oct 6th 6-30 pm Rev Mária Pap Mrs Y Brown

Oct 13th 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mrs V Brown
Oct 21st 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mr T B Whiting
Oct 28th 10-45am Rev Mária Pap Mrs M Wain


Oct 6t h 1st 6-30 pm Mr P Frost

Oct 13th 8th 10-45 am Mrs J Tedds
Oct 21st 15th 10-45 am
Oct 28th 22nd 10-45 am Mr R Wain


Oct 5th Charity Coffee SANDS Mrs L Walton
Oct 12th Ms A Perry Rev M Pap Mr D Wright
Oct 19th Mrs A Binch Mrs J Tedds
Oct 26th Miss C Wright Mrs C Wycherley Mrs L Walton


Tue Oct 1st Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm

Wed Oct 2nd Women’s League 2-30 pm
Fri Oct 4th Words, Music, Silence 11-45 am
Sat Oct 5th SANDS Coffee Morning 10-00 until
See page 6 12 – 00 noon
Tue Oct 8th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Wed Oct 9th Meditation 7-15 pm
Mon Oct 14th Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Tue Oct 15th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Fri Oct 18th Movie Night pm
Sat Oct 26th Autumn Fair 10-30 am
Tue Oct 22nd Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Mon Oct 28th Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Tue Oct 29th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm


Our Heritage Open Days (13 – 15th September) produced a steady
trickle of Visitors to the Old Meeting House. They included the Mayor
of Mansfield (Andy Abrahams), a relative of the late Harold Royce of
Shoe Manufacturing fame, a Chris Clay who last attended – the Sunday
School – more than thirty years ago, a Photographer from “The Chad”
who spoke glowingly of our Belper chapel, and a number of people
who walked in, stood still , and exclaimed, “I’ve lived in Mansfield all
my life and never been in here before. It’s Beautiful.”

Our exhibition on “They Shaped Our Town” certainly gave at least one
surprise to everyone, including long standing members who thought
they knew everything about the 1702 chapel and its people. So a Big
“Thank You” to everyone who in any way helped to make the three
days so enjoyable and commendable. Two lady visitors who had
already been to Scrooby and were planning to go to Boston wanted to
know what we might be doing next year to remember the Pilgrim

This month’s Congregational Service will be at 10.45 a.m. on Sunday

27th October, and will be led by the Rev. Maria Pap. The theme of the
service will be “The Whalley Bridge Choice”. If you had just 15 minutes
to gather a few things together before leaving your home what would
YOU choose? Readings, poems, songs, actual items that are important
to you would be welcome, but even more welcome would be a List of
the essential or prized things you would choose in fifteen minutes.

Offers by the 20th October, please.

The November Congregational Service will be at 10.45 a.m. on Sunday

24th November, and will be led by Paul Frost on the theme of “Peace”.


The next Poetry Evening will be at 7.15 p.m. on Wednesday, 20th

November. More details next month.


The first of our Charity Coffee Mornings will be held on Saturday, 5th
October at the usual time of 10-00 am until 12-00 noon.

The Coffee Morning will be run by a friendly group of volunteers from

SANDS; a locally based charity which supports mothers and families
affected by Stillbirth and Neonatal deaths.

Coffee will be served as usual with the addition of a couple of stalls,

including homemade cakes!

The Chapel Committee are letting our premises free of charge and all
proceeds made on the day will go directly to SANDS and the wonderful
work they do. Please bring yourselves, your family and friends along to
support this worthwhile charity.

If you know of a charity that could benefit from a Coffee Morning at

the Old Meeting House please talk with Pauline Smith.

Our annual visit to the Westfield Folkhouse Pantomime will be on
Saturday, 11th January 2020 at 2-30pm in the Palace Theatre. Tickets
have been booked, please let Christine know if you would like to
reserve seats.


Derek Smith will be repeating his brief double-talk on Public Baths and
District Nurses at a Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 8th October at the
Ladybrook Lane Library starting at 10.30 a.m. Everyone Welcome.


Mal Tedds informs us that “The Unitarian” is now only available on-line
and he offers us the address where the magazine may be read.


What is the longest word in the English language?

Answer top of page 8

DEADLINE for the November edition is Sunday, 13th October.

Sorry but the “editor” will be away the usual weekend.

Alistair Hamilton
People these days tend to talk of relationships in the physical sense,
but what about the deeper meaning of the word “Relationships”?

Let’s look at a few examples for starters; what’s your relationship to

your (perception ) of God?

What is your relationship with nature and the natural forces in life?

Also, what is your relationship with the higher spiritual forces in the

Finally, what is your relationship with yourself? Because if you haven’t

got a “Respectful” one then all the other relationships we’ve
mentioned won’t mean a thing. Always remember, all relationships
start from the same source, you!

You have an important part to play in the great scheme of life.

In the game of life,

It’s how you relate,
Bringing in love,
Bringing in hate,
You decide your fate,
For now is the time
For you to relate.


The longest word in the English language is smiles.

Think about it!

1 The popular Danish entertainer Victor Borge said:

The shortest distance between two people is a smile.

2 The 16th /17th Century dramatist and writer has the following
thought to help make our daily living more satisfying:

To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face; to

greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains;
to approach my work with a clean mind; to hold ever before
me, even in the doing of little things, the Ultimate Purpose
toward which I am working; to meet men and women with
laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to be gentle, kind, and
courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with
weariness that ever woos sleep and the joy that comes from
work well done -- this is how I desire to waste wisely my days.

And two ways to say the same thing:

3 The smile you send out returns to you.

Indian Proverb

4 Most smiles are started by other smiles. Smile first!


DEADLINE for November edition is Sunday, 13th October 2019.

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