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Name: Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Trang

Class: A310A
Topic: Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies,
factories and their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often maintained that relocating large business along with their properties to
the rural area is the good method to solve traffic congestion and accommodation
shortage. While I agree that this strategy proves its effectiveness in certain
circumstances, I also believe that there are other feasible approaches which
should be taken into account.
On the one hand, I agree that certain results can be achieved by adopting this
policy. First of all, relocation large companies can help to expand more vacant
land areas which can use for housing in big city. Since this practice can relieve the
burden which is caused by over population. Moreover, this solve not only provide
more employment opportunities for people who has lived for a long time in
countryside with almost low-income works on the farm but also improve rural
living standard by socialization and industrialization. Finally, in central city, the
number of road users and their private vehicles can be reduced, which leads to a
drop in traffic jams and is along with the pressure on public transportation.
On the other hand, I believe other considerations are also as effective as this
policy to solving such problems. Firstly, apart from the excessive number of
vehicles, traffic participants’ poor also has to take the blame. For this reason, road
campaigns such as putting traffic signs, running electronic message board at the
intersection should be implemented to raise the awareness. Secondly, the price of
house in many areas in big city is too unaffordable for many citizens who want to
own or hire just one small house. To solve this problem, Government should
conduct plan again, especially inconsequential-distribution areas in parallel with
establishing a fund which supports citizens in accommodation loan.
In conclusion, it strikes me that relocation companies along with their facilities is
good to solve two those problems, I still believe that other flexible and practicable
measures are also effective and should be applied.

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