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we are using an iPhone because it is a

lightweight camera that is easy to
operate. It is also an item we already own
therefore we do not have to pay for the
equipment. The iPhone also has a high-
quality camera and performs very well in a
low light area. This will be suited for us as
in a thriller there will be a few times when
there is lowkey lighting.

A portable charger will be a good thing to

have on us as it will enable us to film for
longer periods of time as there will be
more battery on the iPhone to film our

An osmo will be needed as we need to

make sure when we are filming the
camera is as still as possible. This is
because we want to make the film
footage smooth and clear when filming so
the audience has a good view of what is
going on in the film. The audience will also
not be able to concentrate if the camera is
moving about during film.
We will need an apple mac to edit our film
because it is a quality piece of equipment
that enables us to edit our film to high
standards. We also already own an apple
mac, therefore we save money on our
budget as we already own a mac and can
look to spend that saved money on
something we need.

Adobe premiere is a must because we

need to edit our film and add certain
effects to the filming as well to help it link
to the genre.

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