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Comparatives & Superlatives

Study this table:

Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives

Adjectives Big Bigger The biggest

with 1 syllable Old Older The oldest
Cold Colder The coldest

Adjectives Noisy Noisier The noisiest

ending in y Lazy Lazier The Laziest

Adjectives Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful

with 2 or Expensive More expensive The most expensive
Good Better The best
Exceptions Bad Worse The worst
Far Farther The farthest

Now try these:

Small ____________ ____________

long ____________ ____________

fast ____________ ____________

happy ____________ ____________

tall ____________ ____________

dangerous ____________ ____________

pretty ____________ ____________

black ____________ ____________

interesting ____________ ____________

big ____________ ____________

old ____________ ____________

easy ____________ ____________

strong ____________ ____________

important ____________ ____________

hot ____________ ____________


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