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in Exin EX0-117

ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)

Version: 130

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ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
Version: 130 Exin EX0-117

To!i" 1# Volu$e %

&'ETI* *: 1
Which role is responsible for carrying out the activities of a process?
% Process owner 
+ Change manager 
, Service manager 
 Process practitioner 

&'ETI* *: 2
Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT
% Service level management
+ IT operations management
, Capacity management
 Incident management +

&'ETI* *: 3
Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in knowledge management?
% Wisdom - Information - ata - !nowledge
+ ata - Information - !nowledge - Wisdom
, !nowledge - Wisdom - Information - ata
 Information - ata - !nowledge - Wisdom +

&'ETI* *: /

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ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
 "t which
which stage of
of the service
service lifecycle
lifecycle should
should the processes
processes necessary
necessary to operate
operate a new
service be defined?
% Service design# esign the processes
+ Service strategy# evelop the offerings
, Service transition# Plan and prepare for deployment
 Service operation# IT operations management %

&'ETI* *: 
Why are public frameworks$ such as %TI&$ attractive when compared to proprietary
% Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt$ replicate or transfer since it is often
+ Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt
, Public frameworks are prescriptive and tell you e'actly what to do
 Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments %

&'ETI* *: 
Which of the following is an ob(ective of business relationship management?
% To identify patterns of business activity
+ To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction
, To secure funding to manage the provision of services
 To ensure strategic plans for IT services e'ist +

&'ETI* *: 7
The design of IT services re)uires the effective and efficient use of *the four Ps*+ What
are these four Ps?
% People$ process$ partners$ performance
+ Performance$ process$ products$ plans
, People$ process$ products$ partners
 People$ products$ plans$ partners ,

&'ETI* *: 
Which of the following ,ST describes service strategies value to the business?
% "llows higher
higher volumes
volumes of successfu
successfull change
+ .eduction in unplanned costs through optimi/ed handling of service outages
, .eduction in the duration and fre)uency of service outages
 nabling the service provider to have a clear understanding of what levels of service
will make
their customers successful
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117 

&'ETI* *: 
Which two processes will contribute 01ST to enabling effective problem detection?
% Incident and financial management
+ Change and release and deployment management
, Incident and event management
 !nowledge and service level management ,

&'ETI* *: 10
Which of the following would be used to communicate a high level description of a ma(or
change that involved significant cost and risk to the organi/ation?
% Change proposal
+ Change policy
, Service re)uest
 .isk register %

&'ETI* *: 11
Which of the following should be documented in an incident model?
%+ etails of the service level agreement 3S&"4 pertaining to the incident
5+ Chronological order of steps to resolve the incident
% % only
+ 5 only
, ,oth of the above
 6either of the above +

&'ETI* *: 12
Why is it important for service providers to understand patterns of business activity
% P," are based on organi/ational roles and responsibilities
+ IT service providers C"661T schedule changes until they understand P,"
, emand for the services delivered by service providers are directly influenced by
 7nderstanding P," is the only way to enable accurate service level reporting ,

&'ETI* *: 13
Which one of the following would 61T be defined as part of every process?
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
% .oles
+ Inputs and outputs
, 8unctions
 0etrics ,

&'ETI* *: 1/
Which process is responsible for recording the current details$ status$ interfaces and
dependencies of all services that are being run or being prepared to run in the live
% Service level management
+ Service catalogue management
, emand management
 Service transition +

&'ETI* *: 1
 " process owner has been identified with an 9I: in a ."CI matri'+ Which one of the
following would be e'pected of them?
% ,e accountable for the outcome of an activity
+ Perform an activity
, ,e kept up-to-date on the progress of an activity
 0anage an activity ,

&'ETI* *: 1
Which of the following are ob(ectives of service level management?
%# efining$ documenting and agreeing the level of 8T services to be provided
5# 0onitoring$ measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided
;# 0onitoring and improving customer satisfaction
2# Identifying possible future markets that the service provider could operate in
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ % and 5 only
, %$ 5 and 2 only
 "ll of the above %

&'ETI* *: 17
Which one of the following do technology metrics measure?
% Components
+ Processes
, The end-to-end service
 Customer satisfaction
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117 %

&'ETI* *: 1
Which process includes business$ service and component sub-processes?
% Capacity management
+ Incident management
, Service level management
 8inancial management %

&'ETI* *: 1
Which one of the following is 61T part of the service design stage of the service
% esigning and maintaining all necessary service transition packages
+ Producing )uality$ secure and resilient designs for new or improved services
, Taking service strategies and ensuring they are reflected in the service design
processes and
the service designs that are produced
 0easuring the effectiveness and efficiency of service design and the supporting
processes %

&'ETI* *: 20
What is the result of carrying out an activity$ following a process or delivering an IT
service known as?
% 1utcome
+ Incident
, Change
 Problem %

&'ETI* *: 21
Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?
% Change management
+ Service portfolio management
, Supplier management
 Continual service improvement ,

&'ETI* *: 22
Which of the following service desk organi/ational structures are described in service
%+ &ocal service desk
5+ <irtual service desk
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
;+ IT help desk
2+ 8ollow the sun
% %$ 5 and 2 only
+ 5$ ; and 2 only
, %$ ; and 2 only
 %$ 5 and ; only %

&'ETI* *: 23
What are the categories of event described in the 7I& service operation book?
% Informational$ scheduled$ normal
+ Scheduled$ unscheduled$ emergency
, Informational$ warning$ e'ception
 Warning$ reactive$ proactive ,

&'ETI* *: 2/
What would you call the groups of people who have an interest in the activities$ targets$
and deliverables from service management?
% mployers
+ Stakeholders
, .egulators
 "ccreditors +

&'ETI* *: 2
Which of the following are the 0"I6 ob(ectives of incident management?
%+ To automatically detect service-affecting events
5+ To restore normal service operation as )uickly as possible
;+ To minimi/e adverse impacts on business operations
% % and 5 only
+ 5 and ; only
, % and ; only
 "ll of the above +

&'ETI* *: 2
What is the name of the group that should review changes that must be implemented
faster than the normal change process?
% Technical management
+ mergency change advisory board
, 7rgent change board
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 7rgent change authority +

&'ETI* *: 27
Which of the following is 61T an ob(ective of service transition?
% To ensure that a service can be operated$ managed and supported
+ To provide training and certification in pro(ect management
, To provide )uality knowledge and information about services and service assets
 To plan and manage the capacity and resource re)uirements to manage a release +

&'ETI* *: 2
Which of the following types of service should be included in the scope of service
portfolio management?
%+ Those planned to be delivered
5+ Those being delivered
;+ Those that have been withdrawn from service
% % and ; only
+ "ll of the above
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only +

&'ETI* *: 2
The ,ST description of an incident is#
% "n unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that service
+ "n unplanned interruption to service or a reduction in the )uality of service
, "ny disruption to service whether planned or unplanned
 "ny disruption to service that is reported to the service desk$ regardless of whether
the service is impacted or not +

&'ETI* *: 30
Which one of the following is the C1..CT set of steps for the continual service
improvement approach?
% evise a strategy= esign the solution= Transition into production= 1perate the
solution= Continually improve
+ Where do we want to be?= >ow do we get there?= >ow do we check we arrived?=
>ow do we keep the momentum going?
, Identify the re)uired business outcomes= Plan how to achieve the outcomes=
Implement the plan= Check the plan has been properly implemented= Improve the
 What is the vision?= Where are we now?= Where do we want to be?= >ow do we get
there?= id we get there?= >ow do we keep the momentum going?
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117 

&'ETI* *: 31
When can a known error record be raised?
%+ "t any time it would be useful to do so
5+ "fter a workaround has been found
% 5 only
+ % only
, 6either of the above
 ,oth of the above 

&'ETI* *: 32
What body e'ists to support the authori/ation of changes and to assist change
management in the assessment and prioriti/ation of changes?
% The change authori/ation board
+ The change advisory board
, The change implementer 
 The change manager +

&'ETI* *: 33
Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether
services have met their targets?
% Continual service improvement
+ Change management
, Service level management
 "vailability management ,

&'ETI* *: 3/
What do customer perceptions and business outcomes help to define?
% The value of a service
+ overnance
, Total cost of ownership 3TC14
 !ey performance indicators 3!PIs4 %

&'ETI* *: 3
Which of the following are basic concepts used in access management?
% Personnel$ electronic$ network$ emergency$ identity
+ .ights$ access$ identity$ directory services$ service@service components
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
, Physical$ personnel$ network$ emergency$ service
 6ormal$ temporary$ emergency$ personal$ group +

&'ETI* *: 3
Which of these statements about resources and capabilities is C1..CT?
% .esources are types of service asset and capabilities are not
+ .esources and capabilities are both types of service asset
, Capabilities are types of service asset and resources are not
 6either capabilities nor resources are types of service asset +

&'ETI* *: 37
Within service design$ what is the key output handed over to service transition?
% 0easurement$ methods and metrics
+ Service design package
, Service portfolio design
 Process definitions +

&'ETI* *: 3
What should a service always deliver to customers?
% "pplications
+ Infrastructure
, <alue
 .esources ,

&'ETI* *: 3
Which process is responsible for the availability$ confidentiality and integrity of data?
% Service catalogue management
+ Service asset and configuration management
, Change management
 Information security management 

&'ETI* *: /0
 "vailability management is directly responsible for the availability of which of the
% IT services and components
+ IT services and business processes
, Components and business processes
 IT services$ components and business processes
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117 %

&'ETI* *: /1
What type of baseline captures the structure$ contents and details of the infrastructure
and represents a set of items that are related to each other?
% Configuration baseline
+ Pro(ect baseline
, Change baseline
 "sset baseline %

&'ETI* *: /2
Which of the following ,ST describes the purpose of access management?
% To provide a channel for users to re)uest and receive standard services
+ Provides the rights for users to be able to use a service or group of services
, To prevent problems and resulting Incidents from happening
 To detect security events and make sense of them +

&'ETI* *: /3
Which of the following are reasons why ITI& is successful?
%+ ITI& is vendor neutral
5+ It does not prescribe actions
;+ ITI& represents best practice
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only %

&'ETI* *: //
Which one of the following includes four stages called Plan$ o$ Check and "ct?
% The eming Cycle
+ The continual service improvement approach
, The seven-step improvement process
 The service lifecycle %

&'ETI* *: /
The consideration of value creation is a principle of which stage of the service lifecycle?
% Continual service improvement
+ Service strategy
, Service design
 Service transition
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&'ETI* *: /
Which process is responsible for dealing with complaints$ comments$ and general
en)uiries from users?
% Service level management
+ Service portfolio management
, .e)uest fulfilment
 emand management ,

&'ETI* *: /7
Which of the following ,ST describes partnersA in the phrase people$ processes$
products and partners*?
% Suppliers$ manufacturers and vendors
+ Customers
, Internal departments
 The facilities management function %

&'ETI* *: /
Which process will perform risk analysis and review of all suppliers and contracts on a
regular basis?
% The service level management
+ The IT service continuity management
, The service catalogue management
 The supplier management 

&'ETI* *: /
The e'periences$ ideas$ insights and values of individuals are e'amples of which level
of understanding within knowledge management?
% ata
+ Information
, !nowledge
 overnance ,

&'ETI* *: 0
Which one of the following contains information that is passed to service transition to
enable the implementation of a new service?
% " service option
+ " service transition package 3STP4
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, " service design package 3SP4
 " service charter ,

&'ETI* *: 1
Which of the following would commonly be found in a contract underpinning an IT
%+ 8inancial arrangements related to the contract
5+ escription of the goods or service provided
;+ .esponsibilities and dependencies for both parties
% % and 5 only
+ % and ; only
, 5 and ; only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 2
Service transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?
% Change management$ service asset and configuration management$ release and
deployment management
+ Change management$ capacity management event management$ service re)uest
, Service level management$ service portfolio management$ service asset and
configuration management
 Service asset and configuration management$ release and deployment management$
re)uest fulfillment %

&'ETI* *: 3
Which statement should 61T be part of the value proposition for Service esign?
% .educed total cost of ownership
+ Improved )uality of service
, Improved Service alignment with business goals
 ,etter balance of technical skills to support live services 

&'ETI* *: /
Which process would be used to compare the value that newer services have offered
over those they have replaced?
% "vailability management
+ Capacity management
, Service portfolio management
 Service catalogue management ,
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Version: 130 Exin EX0-117

&'ETI* *: 
Consider the following list#
%+ Change authority
5+ Change manager 
;+ Change advisory board 3C",4
Which one of the following is the ,ST description of the items above?
% Bob descriptions
+ 8unctions
, Teams
 .oles$ people or groups 

&'ETI* *: 
>ierarchic escalation is ,ST described as?
% 6otifying more senior levels of management about an incident
+ Passing an incident to people with a greater level of technical skill
, 7sing more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain
customer satisfaction
 8ailing to meet the incident resolution times specified in a service level agreement %

&'ETI* *: 7
Which one of the following functions would be responsible for the management of a
data centre?
% Technical management
+ Service desk
, "pplication management
 8acilities management 

&'ETI* *: 
Which one of the following would be the 01ST useful in helping to define roles and
responsibilities in an organi/ational structure?
% ."CI model
+ Incident model
, Continual service improvement 3CSI4 approach
 The eming Cycle %

&'ETI* *: 
Which process will regularly analyse incident data to identify discernible trends?
% Service level management
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+ Problem management
, Change management
 vent management +

&'ETI* *: 0
Which is the correct definition of a customer facing service?
% 1ne which directly supports the business processes of customers
+ " service that cannot be allowed to fail
, 1ne which is not covered by a service level agreement
 " service not directly used by the business %

To!i" 2# Volu$e +

&'ETI* *: 1
Which one of the following is the ,ST definition of the term service management?
% " set of speciali/ed organi/ational capabilities for providing value to customers in the
form of services
+ " group of interacting$ interrelated$ or independent components that form a unified
whole$ operating together for a common purpose
, The management of functions within an organi/ation to perform certain activities
 7nits of organi/ations with roles to perform certain activities %

&'ETI* *: 2
Which of the following is 61T a valid ob(ective of problem management?
% To prevent problems and their resultant Incidents
+ To manage problems throughout their lifecycle
, To restore service to a user 
 To eliminate recurring incidents ,

&'ETI* *: 3
Which one of the following is an ob(ective of service catalogue management?
% 6egotiating and agreeing service level agreement
+ 6egotiating and agreeing operational level agreements
, nsuring that the service catalogue is made available to those approved to access it
 1nly ensuring that ade)uate technical resources are available ,

&'ETI* *: /
Which of the following statements ,ST describes the aims of release and deployment
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% To build$ test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by service
+ To ensure that each release package specified by service design consists of a set of
related assets and service components
, To ensure that all changes can be tracked$ tested and verified if appropriate
 To record and manage deviations$ risks and issues related to the new or changed
service %

&'ETI* *: 
Which one of the following activities are carried out during the *Where do we want to
be?* step of the continual service improvement 3CSI4 approach?
% Implementing service and process improvements
+ .eviewing measurements and metrics
, Creating a baseline
 efining measurable targets 

&'ETI* *: 
Which one of the following can help determine the level of impact of a problem?
% efinitive media library 30&4
+ Configuration management system 3C0S4
, Statement of re)uirements 3S1.4
 Standard operating procedures 3S1P4 +

&'ETI* *: 7
The effective management of risk re)uires specific types of action+ Which of the
following pairs of actions would be ,ST to manage risk?
% Training in risk management for all staff and identification of risks
+ Identification of risk$ analysis and management of the e'posure to risk
, Control of e'posure to risk and investment of capital
 Training of all staff and investment of capital +

&'ETI* *: 
Which of the following is an enabler of best practice?
% Standards
+ Technology
, "cademic research
 Internal e'perience +

&'ETI* *: 
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Service design emphasi/es the importance of the *8our Ps*+ These *8our Ps* include
Partners$ People$ Processes and one other *P*+ Which of the following is the additional
% Profit
+ Preparation
, Products
 Potential ,

&'ETI* *: 70
Which of the following is 61T one of the five individual aspects of service design?
% The design of the service portfolio$ including the service catalogue
+ The design of new or changed services
, The design of market spaces
 The design of the technology architectures ,

&'ETI* *: 71
Where would you e'pect incident resolution targets to be documented?
% " service level agreement 3S&"4
+ " re)uest for change 3.8C4
, The service portfolio
 " service description %

&'ETI* *: 72
Which of the following provide value to the business from service strategy?
%+ nabling the service provider to have a clear understanding of what levels of service
will make their customerAs successful
5+ nabling the service provider to respond )uickly and effectively to changes in the
business environment
;+ .eduction in the duration and fre)uency of service outages
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only ,

&'ETI* *: 73
What are the categories of event described in the ITI& service operation book?
% Informational$ scheduled$ normal
+ Scheduled$ unscheduled$ emergency
, Informational$ warning$ e'ception
 Warning$ reactive$ proactive
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&'ETI* *: 7/
 " process owner is responsible for which of the following?
%+ efining the process strategy
5+ "ssisting with process design
;+ Improving the process
2+ Performing all activities involved in a process
% 5$ ; and 2 only
+ "ll of the above
, %$ 5 and ; only
 %$ 5 and 2 only ,

&'ETI* *: 7
Which one of the following is concerned with policy and direction?
% Capacity management
+ overnance
, Service design
 Service level management +

&'ETI* *: 7
Which of the following should be considered when designing measurement systems$
methods and metrics?
%+ The services
5+ The architectures
;+ The configuration items
2+ The processes
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ %$ ; and 2 only
, 5$ ; and 2 only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 77
Which of the following is the best definition of IT service management?
% "n internal service provider that is embedded within a business unit
+ " complete set of all the documentation re)uired to deliver world class services to
, Technical implementation of supporting IT infrastructure components
 The implementation and management of )uality IT services that meet business
needs 
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&'ETI* *: 7
Which of the following is service transition planning and support 61T responsible for?
% Prioriti/ing conflicts for service transition resources
+ Coordinating the efforts re)uired to manage multiple simultaneous transitions
, 0aintaining policies$ standards and models for service transition activities and
 etailed planning of the build and test of individual changes 

&'ETI* *: 7
What are underpinning contracts used to document?
% The provision of IT services or business services by a service provider 
+ The provision of goods and services by third party suppliers
, Service levels that have been agreed between the internal service provider and their
 0etrics and critical success factors 3CS8s4 for internal support teams +

&'ETI* *: 0
In which document would you e'pect to see an overview of actual service achievements
against targets?
% 1perational level agreement 31&"4
+ Capacity plan
, Service level agreement 3S&"4
 S&" monitoring chart 3S&"04 

&'ETI* *: 1
Who is responsible for ensuring that the re)uest fulfillment process is being performed
according to the agreed and documented standard?
% The IT director 
+ The process owner 
, The service owner 
 The customer +

&'ETI* *: 2
Which process is responsible for ensuring that appropriate testing takes place?
% !nowledge management
+ .elease and deployment management
, Service asset and configuration management
 Service level management +
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&'ETI* *: 3
Which of the following identify the purpose of business relationship management?
%+ To establish and maintain a business relationship between service provider and
5+ To identify customer needs and ensure that the service provider is able to meet
% ,oth of the above
+ % only
, 5 only
 6either of the above %

&'ETI* *: /
Which of the following is the correct definition of an outcome?
% The results specific to the clauses in a service level agreement 3S&"4
+ The result of carrying out an activity$ following a process or delivering an IT service
, "ll the accumulated knowledge of the service provider 
 "ll incidents reported to the service desk +

&'ETI* *: 
7nderstanding what to measure and why it is being measured are key contributors to
which part of the Service &ifecycle?
% Service Strategy
+ Continual Service Improvement
, Service 1peration
 Service esign +

&'ETI* *: 
Which process would ensure that utility and warranty re)uirements are properly
addressed in service designs?
% "vailability management
+ Capacity management
, esign coordination
 .elease management ,

&'ETI* *: 7
What would you call the groups of people who have an interest in the activities$ targets$
resources and deliverables from service management?
% mployers
+ Stakeholders
, .egulators
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 "ccreditors +

&'ETI* *: 
What would be the ne't step in the continual service improvement 3CSI4 model after?
%+ What is the vision?
5+ Where are we now?
;+ Where do we want to be?
2+ >ow do we get there?
D+ id we get there?
E+ ?
% What is the return on investment 3.1I4?
+ >ow much did it cost?
, >ow do we keep the momentum going?
 What is the value on investment 3<1I4? ,

&'ETI* *: 
Which statement about the emergency change advisory board 3C",4 is C1..CT?
% The C", considers every high priority re)uest for change 3.8C4
+ "mongst the duties of the C", is the review of completed emergency changes
, The C", will be used for emergency changes where there may not be time to call a
full C",
 The C", will be chaired by the IT irector ,

&'ETI* *: 0
Which of the following ,ST describes a problem?
% "n issue reported by a user 
+ The cause of two or more incidents
, " serious incident which has a critical impact to the business
 The cause of one or more incidents 

&'ETI* *: 1
Which of the following is 61T a recogni/ed e'ample of a service provider type within
the ITI& framework?
% Internal
+ 'ternal
, Service desk
 Shared services unit ,

&'ETI* *: 2
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Which one of the following statements about incident reporting and logging is
% Incidents can only be reported by users
+ Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption
to normal service
, "ll calls to the service desk must be logged as incidents
 Incidents reported by technical staff must also be logged as problems +

&'ETI* *: 3
Which process is responsible for providing the rights to use an IT service?
% Incident management
+ "ccess management
, Change management
 .e)uest fulfillment +

&'ETI* *: /
What type of services are 61T directly used by the business but are re)uired by the
service provider to deliver customer facing services?
% ,usiness services
+ Component services
, Supporting services
 Customer services ,

&'ETI* *: 
Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the service
%+ ata mining and workflow
5+ 0easurement and reporting
;+ .elease and deployment
2+ Process design
% 5$ ; and 2 only
+ %$ ; and 2 only
, %$ 5 and ; only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 
>ow many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the ."CI model?
% "s many as necessary to complete the activity
+ 1nly one - the process owner 
, Two - the process owner and the process enactor 
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 1nly one - the process architect +

&'ETI* *: 7
The addition$ modification or removal of an authori/ed$ planned or supported service or
component and its associated documentation is a definition of what?
% " change
+ " change model
, " change re)uest
 " change advisory board %

&'ETI* *: 
Where should the following information be stored?
%+ The e'perience of staff 
5+ .ecords of user behaviour 
;+ SupplierAs abilities and re)uirements
2+ 7ser skill levels
% The forward schedule of change
+ The service portfolio
, " configuration management database 3C0,4
 The service knowledge management system 3S!0S4 

&'ETI* *: 
Which of the following statements about standard changes are C1..CT?
%+ The approach is pre-authori/ed
5+ The risk is usually low and well understood
;+ etails of the change will be recorded
2+ Some standard changes will be triggered by the re)uest fulfilment process
% % only
+ 5 and ; only
, %$ 5 and 2 only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 100

Which one of the following provides the C1..CT list of processes within the service
operation stage of the service lifecycle?
% vent management$ incident management$ problem management$ re)uest fulfilment$
and access management
+ vent management$ incident management$ change management$ and access
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, Incident management$ problem management$ service desk$ re)uest fulfilment$ and
event management
 Incident management$ service desk$ re)uest fulfilment$ access management$ and
event management %

&'ETI* *: 101

With which process is problem management likely to share categori/ation and impact
coding systems?
% Incident management
+ Service asset and configuration management
, Capacity management
 IT service continuity management %

&'ETI* *: 102

What guidance does ITI& give on the fre)uency of production of service reporting?
% Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customers
+ .eporting intervals should be set by the service provider 
, .eports should be produced weekly
 Service reporting intervals must be the same for all services %

&'ETI* *: 103

Which one of the following does service metrics measure?
% 8unctions
+ 0aturity and cost
, The end-to-end service
 Infrastructure availability ,

&'ETI* *: 10/

Which one of the following is 61T a valid purpose or ob(ective of problem
% To prevent problems and resultant incidents
+ To manage problems throughout their lifecycle
, To restore service to a user 
 To eliminate recurring incidents ,

&'ETI* *: 10

Which process is responsible for low risk$ fre)uently occurring$ low cost changes?
% emand management
+ Incident management
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, .elease and deployment management
 .e)uest fulfillment 

&'ETI* *: 10

Which function or process would provide staff to monitor events in an operations
% Technical management
+ IT operations management
, .e)uest fulfillment
 "pplications management +

&'ETI* *: 107

Which of the following activities are performed by a service desk?
%+ &ogging details of incidents and service re)uests
5+ Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis
;+ .estoring service
2+ Implementing all standard changes
% "ll of the above
+ %$ 5 and ; only
, 5 and 2 only
 ; and 2 only +

&'ETI* *: 10

Which of the following is 61T an ob(ective of Continual Service Improvement?
% .eview and analy/e Service &evel "chievement results
+ Identify activities to improve the efficiency of service management processes
, Improve the cost effectiveness of IT services without sacrificing customer satisfaction
 Conduct activities to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to business users 

&'ETI* *: 10

Check$ "ct and Plan are three of the stages of the eming Cycle+ Which is the fourth?
% o
+ Perform
, Implement
 0easure %

&'ETI* *: 110

What are the three types of metrics that an organi/ation should collect to support
continual service improvement 3CSI4?
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% .eturn on investment 3.1I4$ value on investment 3<1I4$ )uality
+ Strategic$ tactical and operational
, Critical success factors 3CS8s4$ key performance indicators 3!PIs4$ activities
 Technology$ process and service 

&'ETI* *: 111

Which of the following are classed as stakeholders in service management?
%+ Customers
5+ 7sers
;+ Suppliers
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only %

&'ETI* *: 112

8rom the perspective of the service provider$ what is the person or group who defines or
and agrees their service targets known as?
% 7ser 
+ Customer 
, Supplier 
 "dministrator +

&'ETI* *: 113

Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of re)uested
standard services?
% .e)uest fulfilment
+ Service portfolio management
, Service desk
 IT finance %

&'ETI* *: 11/

Which of the following is the best definition of service management?
% The ability to keep services highly available to meet the business needs
+ " set of speciali/ed organi/ational capabilities for providing value to customers in the
form of services
, " complete set of all the documentation re)uired to deliver world class services to
 "n internationally recogni/ed methodology to provide valuable services to customers +
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&'ETI* *: 11

Which of the following C"661T be provided by a tool?
% !nowledge
+ Information
, Wisdom
 ata ,

&'ETI* *: 11

Which one of the following is the purpose of service level management?
% To carry out the service operations activities needed to support current IT services
+ To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of
, To create and populate a service catalogue
 To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services 

&'ETI* *: 117

Which one of the following activities does application management perform?
% efining where the vendor of an application should be located
+ nsuring that the re)uired functionality is available to achieve the re)uired business
, eciding who the vendor of the storage devices will be
 "greeing the service levels for the service supported by the application +

&'ETI* *: 11

What is a ."CI model used for?
% Performance analysis
+ .ecording configuration items
, 0onitoring services
 efining roles and responsibilities 

&'ETI* *: 11

The remediation plan should be evaluated at what point in the change lifecycle?
% ,efore the change is approved
+ Immediately after the change has failed and needs to be backed out
, "fter implementation but before the post implementation review
 "fter the post implementation review has identified a problem with the change %

&'ETI* *: 120

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Which of the following statements 01ST correctly identifies the scope of design
coordination activities?
% 1nly changes that introduce new services
+ It is mandatory that all changes are sub(ect to design coordination activity
, 1nly changes to business critical systems
 "ny change that the organi/ation believes could benefit 

To!i" 3# Volu$e ,

&'ETI* *: 121

What is the P.I0".F process for strategic communication with the service providerAs
% Service catalogue management
+ Service portfolio management
, Service desk
 ,usiness relationship management 

&'ETI* *: 122

Which one of the following is 61T an aim of the change management process?
% To ensure the impact of changes are understood
+ To ensure that changes are recorded and evaluated
, To ensure that all changes to configuration items 3CIs4 are recorded in the
configuration management system 3C0S4
 To deliver and manage IT services at agreed levels to business users 

&'ETI* *: 123

What are customers of IT services who work in the same organi/ation as the service
provider known as?
% Strategic customers
+ 'ternal customers
, <alued customers
 Internal customers 

&'ETI* *: 12/

 "ccess management is closely related to which other process?
% Capacity management only
+ ;rd line support
, Information security management
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 Change management ,

&'ETI* *: 12

In which core ITI& publication can you find detailed descriptions of service catalogue
management$ information security management$ and supplier management?
% Service strategy
+ Service design
, Service transition
 Service operation +

&'ETI* *: 12

Which of the following is the ,ST reason for categori/ing incidents?
% To establish trends for use in problem management and other IT service
management 3ITS04 activities
+ To ensure service levels are met and breaches of agreements are avoided
, To enable the incident management database to be partitioned for greater efficiency
 To identify whether the user is entitled to log an incident for this particular service %

&'ETI* *: 127

 " known error has been created after diagnosis of a problem was complete but before a
workaround has been found+ Is this a valid approach?
% Fes# for information purposes$ a known error record can be created at any time it is
prudent to do so
+ 6o# the !nown rror should be created before the problem is logged
, 6o# a known error record is created when the original incident is raised
 6o# a known error record should be created with the ne't release of the service %

&'ETI* *: 12

Which of the following provide value to the business from service strategy?
%+ nabling the service provider to have a clear understanding of what levels of service
will make their customers successful
5+ nabling the service provider to respond )uickly and effectively to changes in the
business environment
;+ Support the creation of a portfolio of )uantified services
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only %

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&'ETI* *: 12
Which of the following would be e'amined by a ma(or problem review?
%+ Things that were done correctly
5+ Things that were done incorrectly
;+ >ow to prevent recurrence
2+ What could be done better in the future
% % only
+ 5 and ; only
, %$ 5 and 2 only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 130

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of a relationship in service asset and
configuration management?
% escribes the topography of the hardware
+ escribes how the configuration items 3CIs4 work together to deliver the services
, efines which software should be installed on a particular piece of hardware
 efines how version numbers should be used in a release +

&'ETI* *: 131

Which of the following are sources of best practice?
%+ "cademic research
5+ Internal e'perience
;+ Industry practices
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only %

&'ETI* *: 132

Which of these should a change model include?
%+ The steps that should be taken to handle the change
5+ .esponsibilities= who should do what$ including escalation
;+ Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions
2+ Complaints procedures
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ "ll of the above
, % and ; only
 5 and 2 only %

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&'ETI* *: 133
Which one of the following is 61T an ob(ective of problem management?
% 0inimi/ing the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented
+ Preventing problems and resulting incidents from happening
, liminating recurring incidents
 .estoring normal service operation as )uickly as possible 

&'ETI* *: 13/

Which of the following statements about service asset and configuration management
is@are C1..CT?
%+ " configuration item 3CI4 can e'its as part of any numbers other CIs at the same time
5+ Choosing which CIs to record will depend on the level of control an organi/ation
wishes to e'ert+
% % only
+ 5 only
, ,oth of the above
 6either of the above ,

&'ETI* *: 13

Which of the following are types of service defined in ITI&?
%+ nabling
5+ Core
;+ nhancing
2+ Computer 
% %$ ; and 2 only
+ 5$ ; and 2 only
, %$ 5 and 2 only
 %$ 5 and ; only 

&'ETI* *: 13

In which of the following should details of a workaround be documented?
% The service level agreement 3S&"4
+ The problem record
, The availability management information system
 The IT service plan +

&'ETI* *: 137

Which one of the following is 61T a characteristic of a process?
% It is measureable
+ It delivers specific results
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, It responds to specific events
 It structure an organi/ation 

&'ETI* *: 13

Which one of the following is 61T a responsibility of the service transaction stage of the
service lifecycle?
% To ensure that a service managed and operated accordance with constraints
specified during design
+ To design and develop capabilities for service management
, To provide good-)uality knowledge and information about services
 To plan the resources re)uired to manage a release +

&'ETI* *: 13

Which of the following ,ST describes technical management?
% " function responsibilities for facilities management and building control systems
+ " function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the
delivery of service to customers
, Senior managers responsibilities for all staff within the technical support function
 " function that includes providing technical e'pertise and overall management of the
IT infrastructure 

&'ETI* *: 1/0

Which of the following is not a service desk type recogni/ed in the service operation
volume of ITI&?
% &ocal
+ Centrali/ed
, 1utsourced
 <irtual ,

&'ETI* *: 1/1

What is the primary focus of the business management?
% 0anagement$ control and prediction of the performance$ utili/ation and capacity of
individual elements of IT technology
+ .eview of all capacity supplier agreements and underpinning contracts with supplier 
, 0anagement$ control and prediction of the end-to-end performance and capacity of
the live$ operational IT services
 8uture business re)uirements for IT services are )uantified$ designed$ planned and
implemented in a timely fashion 
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&'ETI* *: 1/2

Which process has the purpose to ensure that$ by managing the risks which could
seriously affect IT services$ the IT service provider can always provide minimum agreed
business-related service levels?
% Change management
+ IT service continuity management
, 8inancial management for IT services
 Service catalog management +

&'ETI* *: 1/3

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of a service re)uest?
% " re)uest from a user for information$ advice or for a standard change
+ "nything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay for 
, "ny re)uest or demand that is entered by a user via a self-help web-based interface
 "ny re)uest for change 3.8C4 that is low-risk and which can be approved by the
change manager without a change advisory board 3C",4 meeting %

&'ETI* *: 1//

Which process is involved in monitoring an IT service and detecting when the
performance drops below acceptable limits?
% Service asset and configuration management
+ vent management
, Service catalogue management
 Problem management +

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which one of the following do ma(or incidents re)uire?
% Separate procedures
+ &ess urgency
, &onger timescales
 &ess documentation %

&'ETI* *: 1/

What is the ,ST description of the purpose of the service operation stage of the
service lifecycle?
% To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the service lifecycle
+ To proactively prevent all outages to IT services
, To design and build processes that will meet business needs
 To deliver and manage IT services at agreed levels to business users and customers
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&'ETI* *: 1/7

In terms of adding value to the business$ which one of the following describes service
operation s contribution?
% The cost of the service is designed$ predicted and validated
+ 0easures for optimi/ation are identified
, Service value is modeled
 Service value is visible to customers 

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which one of the following are the two primary elements that create value for
% <alue on investment 3<1I4 and return on investment 3.1I4
+ Customer and user satisfaction
, Service re)uirements and warranty
 .esources and capabilities 

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which one of the following statements ,ST describes a definitive media library 30&4?
% " secure location where definitive hardware spares are held
+ " secure library where definitive authori/ed versions of all media configuration items
3CIs4 are stored and protected
, " database that contains definitions of all media CIs
 " secure library where definitive authori/ed versions of all software and back-ups are
stored and protected +

&'ETI* *: 10

Which one of the following is it the responsibility of supplier management to negotiate
and agree?
% Service level agreements 3S&"s4
+ Third-party contracts
, The service portfolio
 1perational level agreements 31&"s4 +

&'ETI* *: 11

Which one of the following is 61T a responsibility of the service transition stage of the
service lifecycle?
% To ensure that a service can be managed and operated in accordance with
constraints specified during design
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+ To design and develop capabilities for service management
, To provide good-)uality knowledge and information about services
 To plan the resources re)uired to manage a release +

&'ETI* *: 12

Which of the following are managed by facilities management?
%+ >ardware within a data centre or computer room
5+ "pplications
;+ Power and cooling e)uipment
2+ .ecovery sites
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ "ll of the above
, %$ ; and 2 only
 % and ; only ,

&'ETI* *: 13

Which stage of the service lifecycle is 01ST concerned with defining policies and
% Service design
+ Service transition
, Continual service improvement
 Service operation %

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which areas of service management can benefit from automation?
%+ esign and modeling
5+ .eporting
;+ Pattern recognition and analysis
2+ etection and monitoring
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ %$ ; and 2 only
, 5$ ; and 2 only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following is the ,ST definition of reliability?
% The availability of a service or component
+ The level of risk that affects a service or process
, >ow long a service or configuration item 3CI4 can perform its function without failing
 >ow )uickly a service or component can be restored to normal working order 
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&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following is 61T the responsibility of service catalogue management?
% nsuring that information in the service catalogue is accurate
+ nsuring that service level agreements are maintained
, nsuring that information in the service catalogue is consistent with information in the
service portfolio
 nsuring that all operational services are recorded in the service catalogue +

&'ETI* *: 17

Which one of the following is an ob(ective of release and deployment management?
% To standardi/e methods and procedures used for efficient and prompt handling of all
+ To ensure all changes to service assets and configuration items 3CIs4 are recorded in
the configuration management system 3C0S4
, To ensure that the overall business risk of change is optimi/ed
 To define and agree release and deployment plans with customers and stakeholders 

&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following statements is C1..CT?
% The configuration management system is part of the known error database
+ The service knowledge management system is part of the configuration management
, The configuration management system is part of the service knowledge management
 The configuration management system is part of the configuration management
database ,

&'ETI* *: 1

Implementation of ITI& service management re)uires the preparation and planning of
the effective and efficient use of *the four Ps+* What are these four Ps?
% People$ process$ partners$ performance
+ Performance$ process$ products$ problems
, People$ process$ products$ partners
 People$ products$ perspective$ partners ,

&'ETI* *: 10

Which of the following should IT service continuity strategy be based on?
%+ esign of the service metrics
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5+ ,usiness continuity strategy
;+ ,usiness impact analysis 3,I"4
2+ .isk assessment
% %$ 5 and 2 only
+ %$ 5 and ; only
, 5$ ; and 2 only
 %$ ; and 2 only ,

&'ETI* *: 11

What is the ,ST description of an operational level agreement 31&"4?
% "n agreement between the service provider and another part of the same
+ "n agreement between the service provider and an e'ternal organi/ation
, " document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-
day basis
 " document that describes business services to operational staff %

&'ETI* *: 12

Which one of the following generates demand for services?
% Infrastructure trends
+ Patterns of business activity 3P,"4
, Cost of providing support
 Service level agreements 3S&"4 +

&'ETI* *: 13

Which one of the following is an ob(ective of service transition?
% To negotiate service levels for new services
+ To ensure that service changes create the e'pected business value
, To minimi/e the impact of service outages on day-to-day business activities
 To plan and manage entries in the service catalogue +

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which one of the following is the ,ST definition of an event?
% "ny change of state that has significance for the management of a configuration item
3CI4 or IT service
+ "n unplanned interruption to an IT service or a reduction in the )uality of an IT
, The unknown cause of one or more incidents that have an impact on an IT service
 .educing or eliminating the cause of an incident or problem %
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&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of the purpose of the service
operation stage of the service lifecycle?
% To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the service lifecycle
+ To proactively prevent all outages to IT services
, To design and build processes which will meet business needs
 To deliver and manage IT services at agreed levels to business users and customers 

&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of a ma(or incident?
% "n incident which is so comple' that it re)uires root cause analysis before a
workaround can be found
+ "n incident which re)uires a large number of people to resolve
, "n incident logged by a senior manager 
 "n incident which has a high priority or a high impact on the business 

&'ETI* *: 17

Which of the following availability management activities is@are considered to be
proactive as opposed to reactive?
%+ 0onitoring system availability
5+ esigning availability into a proposed solution
% 6one of the above
+ ,oth of the above
, % only
 5 only 

&'ETI* *: 1

Which one of the following would 61T involve event management?
% Intrusion detection
+ .ecording and monitoring environmental conditions in the data centre
, .ecording service desk staff absence
 0onitoring the status of configuration items ,

&'ETI* *: 1

The multi-level S&"A is a three-layer structure+ Which one of the following layers is 61T
part of this type of S&"?
% Customer level
+ Service level
, Corporate level
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 Configuration level 

&'ETI* *: 170

Which processes are responsible for the regular review of underpinning contracts?
% Supplier management and service level management
+ Supplier management and change management
, "vailability management and service level management
 Supplier management and availability management %

&'ETI* *: 171

Which process is responsible for controlling$ recording and reporting on the
relationships between components of the IT infrastructure?
% Service level management
+ Change management
, Incident management
 Service asset and configuration management 

&'ETI* *: 172

Which one of the following activities is 61T part of the eming Cycle?
% "ct
+ Plan
, o
 Co-ordinate 

&'ETI* *: 173

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of a service level agreement 3S&"4?
% The part of a contract that specifies the responsibilities of each party
+ "n agreement between the service provider and an internal organi/ation
, "n agreement between a service provider and an e'ternal supplier 
 "n agreement between the service provider and their customer 

&'ETI* *: 17/

Which of the following is an ob(ective@are ob(ectives of the service strategy stage of the
service lifecycle?
%+ Providing an understanding of what strategy is
5+ nsuring a working relationship between the customer and service provider 
;+ efining how value is created
% % only
+ 5 only
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, ; only
 "ll of the above 

&'ETI* *: 17

In which of the following areas would ITI& complementary guidance provide assistance?
%+ "dapting best practice for specific industry sectors
5+ Integrating ITI& with other operating models
% ,oth of the above
+ 6either of the above
, 1ption % only
 1ption 5 only %

&'ETI* *: 17

Which one of the following is the ,ST description of a service-based service level
agreement 3S&"4?
% "n agreement with an individual customer group$ covering all the services that they
+ "n agreement that covers one service for a single customer 
, "n agreement that covers service specific issues in a multi-level S&" structure
 "n agreement that covers one service for all customers of that service 

&'ETI* *: 177

Which one of the following activities would be performed by access management?
% Providing physical security for staff at data centers and other buildings
+ 0anaging access to computer rooms and other secure locations
, 0anaging access to the service desk
 0anaging the rights to use a service or group of services 

&'ETI* *: 17

Which one of the following provides the C1..CT list of processes within the service
operation stage of the service lifecycle?
% vent management$ incident management$ problem management$ re)uest
fulfillment$ and access management
+ vent management$ incident management$ change management$ and access
, Incident management$ problem management$ service desk$ re)uest fulfillment$ and
event management
 Incident management$ service desk$ re)uest fulfillment$ access management$ and
event management %
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&'ETI* *: 17

Which of the following activities are performed by a desk?
%+ &ogging details of incidents and service re)uests
5+ Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis
;+ .estoring service
2+ Implementing all standard changes
% "ll of the above
+ %$ 5 and ; only
, 5 and 2 only
 ; and 2 only +

&'ETI* *: 10

Who is responsible for defining metrics for change management?
% The change management process owner 
+ The change advisory board 3C",4
, The service owner 
 The continual service improvement manager %

To!i" /# Volu$e 
&'ETI* *: 11
Which of the following are within the scope of service asset and configuration
%+ Identification of configuration items 3CIs4
5+ .ecording relationships between CIs
;+ .ecording and control of virtual CIs
2+ "pproving finance for the purchase of software to support service asset and
configuration management
% %$ 5 and ; only
+ "ll of the above
, %$ 5 and 2 only
 ; and 2 only %

&'ETI* *: 12

&ooking for ways to improve process efficiency and cost effectiveness is a purpose of
which part of the service lifecycle?
% Service operation
+ Service transition
, Continual service improvement
 Service strategy ,
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&'ETI* *: 13

Which stage of the continual service improvement 3CSI4 approach is ,ST described by
the phrase A7nderstand and agree on the priorities for improvement based on a deeper
development of the principles defined in the visionA?
% Where are we now?
+ Where do we want to be?
, >ow do we get there?
 id we get there? +

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which of the following processes contributes 01ST to )uantifying the financial value of
IT services to the business?
% Service level management
+ 8inancial management
, emand management
 .isk management +

&'ETI* *: 1

Which of the following is the ,ST description of a service-based service level
agreement 3S&"4?
% The S&" covers one service$ for all the customers of that service
+ The S&" covers an individual customer group for all services they use
, "n S&" that covers all customers for all services
 "n S&" for a service with no customers %

&'ETI* *: 1

Which of the following is 61T a source of best practice?
% Standards
+ Technology
, "cademic research
 Internal e'perience +

&'ETI* *: 17

What is a service delivered between two business units in the same organi/ation known
% Strategic service
+ elivered service
, Internal service
 'ternal service
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&'ETI* *: 1

What is the act of transforming resources and capabilities into valuable service better
known as?
% Service management
+ Incident management
, .esource management
 Service support %

&'ETI* *: 1

8rom the perspective of the service provider$ who is the person or group that agrees
their service targets?
% The user 
+ The customer 
, The supplier 
 The administrator +

&'ETI* *: 10

Which of the following identifies the purpose of service transition planning and support?
% Provide overall planning for service transitions and co-ordinate the resources they
+ nsure that all service transitions are properly authori/ed
, Provide the resources to allow all infrastructure elements of a service transition to be
recorded and tracked
 To define testing scripts to ensure service transitions are unlikely to ever fail %

&'ETI* *: 11

Which process would maintain policies$ standards and models for service transition
activities and processes?
% Change management
+ Capacity management
, Service transition planning and support
 .elease management ,

&'ETI* *: 12

Which of the following identifies the purpose of design coordination?
% Provide a single point of control for all activities and processes within the service
design stage of the lifecycle
+ nsuring all service designs have availability designed into them
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, esigning of all the links between every service design process and all other
processes in the service lifecycle
 Control of all supplier relationships from design right through to the production
environment %

&'ETI* *: 13

Which process has the following ob(ective$ AProduce service design packages 3SPs4
based on service charters and change re)uestsA?
% Service transition planning and support
+ esign coordination
, Service level management
 Change management +

&'ETI* *: 1/

Which of the following activities would be performed by a process manager?
%+ 0onitoring and reporting on process performance
5+ Identifying improvement opportunities
;+ "ppointing people to re)uired roles
% "ll of the above
+ % and ; only
, % and 5 only
 5 and ; only %

&'ETI* *: 1

Which role is accountable for the operational management of a process?
% Process practitioner 
+ Process manager 
, Service manager 
 Change manager +

&'ETI* *: 1

Which of the following statements is C1..CT for every process?
%+ It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder 
5+ It defines activities that are e'ecuted by a single function
% ,oth of the above
+ % only
, 6either of the above
 5 only +

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&'ETI* *: 17
Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?
%+ Check the incident categori/ation and correct it if necessary
5+ Check that the user is satisfied with the outcome
% % only
+ ,oth of the above
, 5 only
 6either of the above +

&'ETI* *: 1

Which of the following is 61T an ob(ective of re)uest fulfillment?
% To provide information to users about what services are available and how to re)uest
+ To update the service catalogue with services that may be re)uested through the
service desk
, To provide a channel for users to re)uest and receive standard services
 To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been
re)uested +

&'ETI* *: 1

Which process would you 01ST e'pect to be involved in the management of
% Change management
+ Service catalogue management
, Supplier management
 .elease and deployment management ,

&'ETI* *: 200

Which of the following are valid parts of the service portfolio?
%+ Service pipeline
5+ Service knowledge management system 3S!0S4
;+ Service catalogue
% % and 5 only
+ ; only
, % and ; only
 "ll of the above ,

&'ETI* *: 201

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 " Service design package 3SP4 would normally be produced for which of the
%+ " new IT service
5+ " ma(or change to an IT service
;+ "n emergency change to an IT service
2+ "n IT service retirement
% 5$ ; and 2 only
+ %$ 5 and 2 only
, 6one of the above
 "ll of the above +

&'ETI* *: 202

Which of the following are benefits to the business of implementing service transition?
%+ ,etter reuse and sharing of assets across pro(ects and resources
5+ .educed cost to design new services
;+ .esult in higher volume of successful changes
% % and 5 only
+ 5 and ; only
, % and ; only
 6one of the above ,

&'ETI* *: 203

Which of the following processes are performed by the service desk?
%+ Capacity management
5+ .e)uest fulfillment
;+ emand management
2+ Incident management
% "ll of the above
+ ; and 2 only
, 5 and 2 only
 5 only ,

&'ETI* *: 20/

.emediation planning is ,ST described in which of the following ways?
% Planning how to recover the cost of a change
+ Planning the steps re)uired to be taken if a change is unsuccessful
, Planning how to compensate a user for a failed change
 Planning how to advise the change re)uestor of a failed change +

&'ETI* *: 20

For more exams dumps contact us on 46 | P a g e
ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
Which statement ,ST represents the guidance on incident logging?
% Incidents must only be logged if a resolution is not immediately available
+ 1nly incidents reported to the service desk can be logged
, "ll incidents must be fully logged
 The service desk decide which incidents to log ,

&'ETI* *: 20

Which problem management activity ensures that a problem can be easily tracked and
management information can be obtained?
% Categori/ation
+ etection
, Prioriti/ation
 scalation %

&'ETI* *: 207

Which process is responsible for eliminating recurring incidents and minimi/ing the
impact of incidents that cannot be prevented?
% Service level management
+ Problem management
, Change management
 vent management +

&'ETI* *: 20

What are the categories of events described in the ITI& service operation book?
% Informational$ scheduled$ normal
+ Scheduled$ unscheduled$ emergency
, Informational$ warning$ e'ception
 Warning$ reactive$ proactive ,

&'ETI* *: 20

Which of the following is the ,ST description of a centrali/ed service desk?
% The desk is co-located within or physically close to the user community it serves
+ The desk uses technology and other support tools to give the impression that
multiple desk locations are in one place
, The desk provides 52 hour global support
 There is a single desk in one location serving the whole organi/ation 

&'ETI* *: 210

For more exams dumps contact us on 47 | P a g e
ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
Version: 130 Exin EX0-117
Which of the following would be most useful in helping to implement a workaround as
)uickly as possible?
% " capacity database
+ " definitive media library
, " re)uest for change
 " known error database 

&'ETI* *: 211

Which of the following would 61T be contained in a release policy?
% 6aming and numbering conventions
+ ntry and e'it criteria of the release into testing
, .oles and responsibilities for the release
 The risk register for the release 

&'ETI* *: 212

Which reason describes why ITI& is so successful?
% The five ITI& volumes are concise
+ It is not tied to any particular vendor platform
, It tells service providers e'actly how to be successful
 It is designed to be used to manage pro(ects +

&'ETI* *: 213

What type of record should you raise when a problem diagnosis is complete and a
workaround is available?
% " service ob(ect
+ "n incident
, " change
 " known error 

&'ETI* *: 21/

Which two elements of financial management for IT services are mandatory?
% ,udgeting and charging
+ "ccounting and charging
, ,udgeting and accounting
 Costing and charging ,

&'ETI* *: 21

What is the primary focus of business capacity management?

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ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
Version: 130

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