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Ernest Rutherford (1898-1911)-

Studied radiations emitted from

uranium and named them alpha and
beta. He estimated atom size and
concluded mass was concentrated
in the nucleus. Using alpha particles
as atomic bullets, probed the atoms
in a piece of thin (0.00006m) gold
foil. He established that nucleus
was: very dense, very small and
positively charged. He also assumed

that the electrons were located
outside the nucleus.

Democritus (Greek Era)

Alchemy was based on the “by convention bitter, by known for Coulomb’s law, which
belief that there are four basic convention sweet, but in reality states that the force between two
elements in nature: air, fire, atoms and void. electrical charges is proportional
water and earth. to the product of the charges and
Democritus (Greek Era) inversely proportional to the
Alchemists (500BC) square of the distance between
Charles- Augustin De Coulomb
Proposed on “atomic theory” (1736-1806)
He discovered the role of oxygen with spherical solid atoms
play sin combustion. He based upon measurable
recognized and named Oxygen properties of mass.
(1778) and Hydrogen (1783). Used CRT to determine the
Studied the effect of electricity
He helped in constructing the charge to mass ratio (e/m) of
on solutions, coined term
metric system, wrote the first an electron = 1.759x10 8
“electrolysis” as a splitting of
extensive lists of elements and coulombs/ gram.
molecules with electricity
help to reform chemical Studied “canal rays” and found
nomenclature. John Dalton (1803) they were associated with the
Antoine Lavoisier (1772-1794)
J.J Thompson (1897)

Studied uranium and thorium

Discovered cathode rays had the and called their spontaneous
following properties: travel in decay process “radioactivity”.
She and her husband Pierre Used the idea of quanta (discrete
straight lines from the cathode; units of energy) to explain hot
cause glass to fluoresce; impart a also discovered the radioactive
elements polonium and radium. glowing matter.
negative charge to objects the
strike; are deflected by electric Max Planck (1900)
fields and magnets to suggest a Marie Sklodowska Curie
negative charge; cause pinwheels (1898)
in their path to spin indicating
they have mass.
Developed an explanation of
Sir William Crookes (1879) Oil drop experiment atomic structure that underlies
determined the charge (e= regularities of the periodic
1.602 x 10-19 coulomb) and the table of elements.
mass (m= 9.11 x 10-28 gram) of His atomic model had atoms
an electron. build up of successive orbital
published the famous equation shells of electrons.
E=mc 2 Robert Millikan (1907)
Niels Bohr (1922)
Albert Einstein (1905)

viewed electrons as continuous

clouds and introduced “wave
mechanics” as a mathematical
model of the atom.

Erwin Schrodinger (1930)

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