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COURSE DESIGN COURSE TITLE BOOKKEEPING NC Ill NOMINAL DURATION: 292 hours COURSE DESCRIPTION ‘This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and altitudes of the students to Lead workplace communication ,Lead small teams, Develop and practice negotiation skills, Solve workplace problem related to work activities, Use mathematical concepts and techniques, Use reievant technologies, Maintain an effective relationship with lients/customers, Manage own performance, Apply quality standards, Perform computer operations. Itincidde core competencies such as; Journalize transactions, Post transactions ,Prepare trial balance, Prepare financial reports, and Review intemal control system ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Candidate/trainee must posses the following qualification ‘+ Must be abie to communicate effectively both orally and in writen form + Must be physically, emotionally, psychologically end mentally ft ‘+ Must be abi to perform basic mathematical computation ‘CBC Bookkeeping NOM COURSE STRUCTURE: BASIC COMPETENCIES (20 hours) - “COMPETENCY _ MODULE TITLE LEARNING ouTcomes — | NOMINA 7. Lead workplace, 7.7 Leading | 11-1 Communicate information | 4 hours communication) "workplace about workplace | ‘communication processes 1.1.2 Lead workplace discussions 41.1.3, Identity and communicate | | issues arsing in the workplace _ __| 2 Lead smal [27 Leading smal’ [271 Provde team leadership. | 4 hours team team 242 Assign responsibilties | | among members | 243 Set performance expectation for team members 2.1.4 Supenise team performance 31 Developing | S..1 Identity relevant hours and practicing | information in planning negation negotiations skits | 84.2 Paticipato in negotiations 3.13 Document areas for Lo} | __agroement__ %. Solve problem | 41 Wanting? 41-1 Explain the analytical 2 hours related to work | determining techniques activities fundamental | 4.1.2 deny the problem causeof | 413. Determine the possible problem causels of the problem 5. Use BA Using 541 Identify mathematical mathematical |” mathematical tools and techriques to ‘concepts and | concepts and solve probiem | techniques techniques 5:12. Apply mathematical proceduresisolution | 5.41.3 Analyze results i ©. Use relevant [6.7 Using relevant [6.1.1 Study’ select appropriate | 4 hours | technologies technologies technology | | 6.1.2 Apply relevant technology 8.113 Maintainlenhance Pa relevant technolog | CBCBookkeeping NCS COMMON COMPETENCIES (24 hours) UNIT OF ] NOMINAL CONF cy | MODULE TITLE LeaRNine ourcomes | Seaton 7 Maintainan [71 Maintaining | 71.1 Maintain a professional | hours efecive client relations image felatonship with 4.1.2 Meet ciontcustomer een requirements sien 4.4.3. Build credibility with | customers (tients Manage own [27 Wanaging awn [2.1.4 Plan own workload Shows performance performance [21.2 Maintain quality of own performance 24.8 Establish credbity with fo customers/clients | _ 3. Apply qualiy | 37 Applying qually |S77 Assess client service | Shows stancarss standards | needs 3.1.2. Assess own work 3.13. Engage in quality improvement & Perform Ga Performing —|&7.7 Identify anc explainthe | tO hours |” computer computer functions, general features ‘operations operations znd capabilties of both | hardware and software | 44.2 Prepare and use appropriate hardware and software according o task requirement 4.13. Use appropriate devices and procedures to transfer | flesidata 4.14 Produce accurate and complete data according tothe requirements | ___| 4:15 Maintain computer system CORE COMPETENCIES (248 hours) cet cy | wooULETTE | LEARNING OUTCOMES | NOMINAL 1. Jouraize [1.1 Joumalizing | 1.1.1 Prepare chart of ecsounts | 72 hours transactions transactions | 4.1.2 Analyze documents forsinglo (4.1.3 Prepare journal entry | proprietorship | 42 Joumelizing | 121 Prepare chart of accounts | 24 hours | transactions |1.2.2 Analyze documents for partnership [4.2.3 Prepare journal enty 73 Joumalzing | 1.31 Prepare chart of accounts | 24 hours transactions [41.32 Analyze documents for corporation SBE Boomaaping NO TT = NOMINAL | | 7 | MODULE TLE | LEARNING OUTCOMES | RATION. | 133. Prepare journal enty [2 Post 24 Posting 2.1.1 Prepare ledger Te hours transactions transactions /2.1.2 Transfer journal entries - 213 Summarizeiedger | | 3. Preparetial | 31 Preparing tal | 3.1.1 List account tiles and @ hours balance =| balance transfer balances from the | ledger | ___| 84.2 summarize tial balance _| 7 4. Prepare Preparing [44.1 Prepare financial | 2a hours financial financial statements | reports reporsfor | 4.1.2 Analyze financial | single | statements proprietorship | a 2 Proparing —_|421 Prepare fancial 24 hours financial =| —_ statements | | reportsfor | 4.2.2. Analyze financial | parinership | statements | | 43 Preparing | 43.1 Prepare financial 2ahours | | financial statements | reports for | 4.3.2. Analyze financial | corporation statements - 5, Review intemal |5.1 Reviewing | 5.1.1 Check policy compliance | 24 hours contol system | internal contro! | 5.1.2. Prepare policy compliance | a system report 1 ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Dameonstration ‘Written test Portfolio. ‘COURSE DELIVERY: + School based + Dual training/on-the-Job-training ‘+ Modulariselt-paced instruction ‘CBC Bookkeeping NC lil

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