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III. the business proponents: organizers with

their capabilities and contributors
1.Organizer/Top -they are the one who Enriquez, Rafaela
manager will lead and think on Dayso, Devine
strategies to run the
-they will handle the
problems which will be
2.Financer -person who is in charge Cuadla, Zyra
on our money Lid-ayan, Realyn
-lists down the expenses,
sales, and total the net
3.Purchaser -they will go to the Lucdas, Ariel
market and buy the Gamon, Jackielou
needs for making our
4.Seller -they are in charge on Molitas, Kyle
selling our product Luboa, Eve
5.Producer -people who are making Bawat, Adelle
or processing our raw May-os, Elyza
materials into our final Shongdawen, Lerica
IV. the target customer and the main value
The target market of our business are the junior and senior high school
students of BeNHS-Main together with our teachers. Our number one target
customers are the grade 7 students it’s because they have the greatest
purchasing power. They spend their allowances according to their wants. They are
also easily convinced the way we present to them and even approach us first to
buy our product. They do not care about the weather and buy as long as they
want to. Next is grade 8, just like the grade 7 they are also an avid buyer. They
usually depend on the presentation on our product. They want that our service
comes to them and they do not have to go out. The grade 9 students are usually
undecisive. They tend to ask their classmate or friends whether they will buy or
not but eventually 8/10 still buys our product. At this level we are already
struggling on selling our product. The grade 10 students had a 50/50 decision if
they want to buy or not. Sometimes they buy, sometimes better luck next time.
They also prefer warm foods most. In this point we are being challenge to sell our
product. The senior high school students do not even care on how we present our
product instead they prefer on asking questions and depends on how we defend
our product. They are also sensitive on the weather conditions. When it comes to
teachers we maintaining the number of customers. The difference is their
purchasing power is affected and not maintained because sometimes they buy
more and sometimes they just buy one. We just observed that we have high net
income when Mondays and it goes lower until Fridays because they have lots of
allowance during Mondays and got less until the next days.
The ABM XIX ensures quality, healthy, nutritious and deliciously satisfying
creamy agar-agar to our valued customer. We are working unitedly to provide our
customers demand. We assure that our customers will never regret buying our
product. Even there is an increase on price, quantity, quality and safe product is
our top most priority and tried to maintain it. From its appearance up to every
bits of its taste will surely make our customers contented.
vi. the product and service offering
Our product is agar-agar. It has a good taste, not too sweet and not
too tasteless. It’s the real definition of a 2 in 1 product which relieves the hunger
and thirst of the consumers. It has this unique version of the apple that really
blends with the liquid content of the product.
This product contains 1 sachet of agar-agar powder, 50 grams of
gulaman, 150 grams of sago, 3 pieces of apple, 1200 ml of condensed milk, 370 ml
of evaporated milk and the utilities needed (2000 ml water,1 bowl of ice cubes,
topper ware, scoop, knife, and paper cups). This set of ingredients are good for
40-50 servings.
For the procedure, first step is to boil a water and put the agar-agar
powder and stir for 2-3 minutes. After that let it cool down. Next step is boil
another set of water and put the gulaman powder and stir until it boils then let it
cool down. Third step is put the sago to the boiling water and stir until it reaches
its maximum size and shape and strain. Fourth step is shred the agar-agar and the
gulaman. After that slice the apple into its corresponding size. Afterwards, mix all
the ingredients (shredded agar-agar, shredded gulaman, sliced apples, sago,
condensed milk, water, evaporated milk, and ice) in one container. And ready to
In serving this product, we use paper cups for packaging and place it in
big container (to avoid spilling) then we roam around the school campus, for the
customers not to have difficulties and for our product to be recognize.
vii. the enterprise strategy and enterprise
delivery system business competitiveness
In selling our product, we divide each member and give different tasks. Its
either 1 or 2 member will stay at the classroom to prepare the final product and
the other remaining groups will be divided to go to the different grade levels to
sell. We want that our customers will not have any difficulties especially waiting
for a long period of time so we offer our service and we voluntarily go to their
area to promote our product. To gain more customer, in every 3 cups that
remains in our product we give it 10 pesos instead of the original price which is 12
pesos. In this style our customers are eager and willing to buy our product. This is
not just for our customers but also for us to have the work easier and faster to
gain more.
There are challenges in every business and if there are challenges there
are solutions on it. One challenge that we had is that the lack of time. Recently we
are being dismissed late every recess so we only had 20 minutes to sell our
product and sometimes we can’t beat the number of our target customer on that
time. To solve this problem, we distributed each member and we assign individual
to go to different areas. We almost sacrifice our time for our recess just to sell.
But we are not complaining instead we are enjoying in our work and we just wash
away our hunger.
We don’t have in mind that we should beat our competitors instead we
just want to maintain and gain more customer. We do not compete in a way that
we destroy their image instead we compete the way we value or treat our
customers. Other competitors are often irritated to their customer if they don’t
buy their product but for us we respect our customers want and please them to
advertise our product to others.
Ix. The environment and regulatory compliance
The agar-agar product has a several process that needs an effort and
time to commit in order for it to be successful. But the ABM XIX members assure
that with the time needed we still follow the school rules and regulations. No one
got absent just to make our product and even no one gets late just to sell instead
we do it at the afternoon after our dismissal. The process of making our product is
being done at home with the assigned member and for the preparation, we are
going to school early and then do the packaging process. We don’t affect out class
hour period just to prepare or even to sell because we don’t want our lessons to
be missed by every individual and for us not to be scolded.
Our product is also an environmental friendly since it is placed in paper
cup. We are following the ordinance of our school and help to advocate the lesser
use of plastic cups in school campus. We are also conserving our materials and for
not to be scattered anywhere, we had our promo that in every 10 cups they earn,
we collect it and they will get free of our product and we think that this is
attainable. In this strategy, we conserve our materials, we also help our
environment and for the students to learn to value any trash instead of scattering
it anywhere. This idea is approved by our groupmates and we hardly want to
implement it in our group.
After mixing our product, there are materials that are being left and
we don’t want to be scattered so we think of another strategy to reuse it for new
material. We find out that the can of evaporated and condensed milk can be used
as a pot for new seedlings so we don’t throw it and collect it. Since we use apples
after we peeled it we get the peelings and put in the plant to serve as their
fertilizer. In this strategy all of our materials are used and we assure that we are
helping our school for clean and green environment.

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