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The Cultural and Memorial Hub for Tamil at Madurai is a much needed architectural and
cultural building in today’s Tamil society where the people are forgetting their roots and require
a much needed reminder.

This thesis is to bring about this inspiration in people through their roots through
architectural experimentation and innovation. A cultural center that brings vibrancy to the city
through its display and dedication to history.

1.1 AIM

 To develop a strategy for Conservation and development of the Historic heritage Tamil
language culture of Madurai.
 Identity for Tamil culture and generation.
The complex shall accommodate a Library, Auditorium, shopping facilities, Restaurant
and Hospitality facilities to the design that would serve as an identity and source of knowledge,
and attract people from various places and thus improving tourist activities.

The place would serve as a platform for people to know and learn about the importance
of Tamil and its culture through the various exhibits and the performances to be conducted at the
auditoriums. It would provide a better opportunity for the Tamil Researchers by providing vast
knowledge on the Tamil literature through the library. The place would also serve as a
recreational area for the city of Madurai.


 Provide a wider knowledge of the Tamil literary works by easy accessible materials
through a central library.
 A story telling museum to exhibit the famous works and the life of various contributors to
Tamil through the various periods.
 Provide an exhibit of extensive collection of artifacts of major importance to the people.
 Create interest in people by promoting the traditional dance and music styles through
performances by various artists throughout the state.
 To serve people with the age old traditional Tamil food cuisine.
 Promote shopping arcades which sell souvenirs and artifacts related to Tamil culture and
 Attract people from the surrounding cities, and states thus promoting tourism.

1.3 NEED

There are a lot of cultural centers dedicated to various fields of study and which have their own
unique identity, but there is not still one that is solely dedicated to the preservation and growth of
the Tamil language. As in such today’s generation, do not know the rich history of the Tamil
language and it’s cultural implication. It is a much needed amenity that would not only educate
the young crowd but also serve as a cultural hub and may incidentally become the life of the city.

This fundamental need to architect a cultural hub is what is much needed in the city of Madurai
and hence I will fulfill this need with my design thesis


 To study the impact of urbanization over a period of time and retention of positive
aspects for development.
 Understanding the functions and issues of the place from its origin in the
processof development.
 To create a development framework for conservation practices with respect t o t h e growt
h of the city without destroying its past.
 Tourism attraction
The scope of the design is to provide a wider knowledge on the various cultural and
traditional practices of Tamil. To It can serve as the identity of such an age old culture which
remains even today.

An iconic building with the facilities for knowledge gaining, research works would
attract the interested people from all around the world and provide a wider platform for their
learning and research process.

Thus the building would not only have local visitors but also attract a worldwide
population to have access to it and hence promotes local business and tourist activities.

The food courts and shopping arcades which serve traditional Tamil food cuisine and sell
handmade artifacts and souvenirs promote leisure activities and local business.


Tamil as a language and culture has its history dating back to several thousand years. It is
the one of the oldest language and culture which still exists. The architecture of Tamil has the
impacts of great TamilChera, Chola and the Pandyas. The temples and other buildings created by
them has huge architectural and cultural values.

Tamil literature has a rich and long literary tradition spanning more than two thousand
years. The history of Tamil literature follows the History of TamilNadu, closely following the
social, political and cultural trends of social, political, and cultural trends of various periods. It is
one of the longest surviving classical languages in the world. It has been described as the only
language of contemporary India which is recognizably continuous with a classical past and
having one of the richest literatures in the world.

But at present people have started to adopt other languages and cultures. People of today
find it difficult to continue using Tamil due to the differences in the way it is spoken and written.
Also the spread of other major languages like English as global languages has shifted the interest
of people away from Tamil. Thus the ignorance is leading to the slow extinction of Tamil.
Thus a design proposal for a memorial and a cultural hub which stands as a identity for
such a culture and languages and also which provides a full knowledge on Tamil shall be my


The design shall consist of a memorial for the Mother God of Tamil and other features
like a Museum, Central Library, Auditoriums, Open Amphitheaters, Lodging facilities, a
Traditional Restaurant, Shopping arcade, Landscaping and general parking provisions.


The Central Library shall contain all the literary works, from the past to present from books,
magazines and newspapers to public access. The collection of large volumes of books gives
access to the students and researchers to look forward through their study purpose.

1.6.2 MUSEUM

The museum shall take the visitors on a tour showing the exhibits of great authors of the past and
their literary and painting works, who have contributed to the language through various periods
like Olden, Middle and the Modern ages of Tamil.

The museum shall also provide knowledge on great kings, their achievements, and their
important achievements and artifacts that are important in Tamil history.


The auditorium shall promote the three forms of Tamil – IYAL, ISAI, NADAGAM (Dance,
Music and Drama) through performance done by various artists in the filed in and around the
state for the public’s view.

The hospitality provisions are to be provided as an allied feature for The Library and the
Auditoriums. Researchers and the various artists coming here for performances can be provided
lodging facilities inside the campus through which they will be benefitted. These Lodging
facilities shall be built in such a way that they reflect Older Tamil residential architecture. This
would also support the building through revenue generation.


The food courts and shopping arcades serve traditional Tamil food cuisine and sell handmade
artifacts and souvenirs promote leisure activities and local business.


The landscaping for the whole design shall be done through inspiration from the five types of
lands classified in the Tamil culture as the Kurinji, Mullai, Marudam, Neidhal and Paalai.

Thus the design as a whole shall create a beautiful place which stands as the identity and
a resource of the traditions and culture of Tamil.


 Heritage building style with modern aspects (Tamil culture & tradition)
 TamilAnnai, Tamil poets & literates, Tamil 5 epics, Thirukural
 Special features like statues, archway, compound wall, landscape, waterbody,
 use of open gathering spaces within public areas
 use of high volume spaces
 Door & windows of traditional
 Utilise more natural lighting & ventilation
 Digitised format of palm leaf manuscripts
Every building design should contribute to Tamil aspects.


1. Library
 Reading Space – Magazines and newspapers, literary works area.
 Book shelves
 Office area
 Children section
 Storage areas
2. Large Auditorium
 Stage
 Green room
 Change rooms
 Seating area
 Waiting hall
 VIP Cabin
 Separate entry for VIP
 Restrooms
3. Open Air Theatre
 Stage
 Green room
 Change rooms
 Seating area
 Restrooms
4. Shopping Arcade:
5. Lodging
 Permanent Artisans Houses
 Visiting Staff Accommodation
 Students Accommodation
 Parking
6. Restaurant
 Dining space
 Open dining space
 Kitchen
 Pantry
 Wash area
 Restrooms
 Parking
7. Landscaping
8. General parking
9. Open Space Reservation


Seating Capacity =
1 Library 1000
1 Entrance Lobby and Information 1 60 60
3 Staff Room 3 30 90
4 Staff Dining 3 20 60
6 Braile 1 100 100
7 Own Usage Area 1 100 100
8 Conference 125 People 1 200 200
9 Atrium 1 250 250
10 Periodicals 1 300 300
11 Lending Library - Tamil Section 1 1000 1000
12 Academics Section 2 800 1600
13 Tamil General Section 1 800 800
14 Other Languages 1 800 800
15 Children's Section 1 200 200
16 Store 1 30 30
17 Other Languages 1 800 800
18 Back issues Newspapers and Periodicals 3 25 75
19 Manuscripts 1 1000 1000
20 Digital Library 1 200 200
21 Rare Books Stacks 1 150 150
22 Reading Hall for Rare Books 1 75 75
23 Photo library 1 200 200
24 Reprography Department 1 200 200
25 New Arrivals 1 30 30
26 Dark Room 1 30 30
27 Library Offices 1 50 50
28 Service Core 3 50 150
29 Male Toilets 3 25 75
30 Female Toilets 3 25 75
Total 8700

2 Museum
1 Lobby cum Waiting 30 Persons 1.6 50
2 Temporary Exhibition space 1 500 500
3 Gallery (4) 4 250 1000
4 Audio Visual Room 30 Persons 100 100
5 Storage 5 25 125
2 Shop/ Sales 2 20 40
8 Café and Snack Bar 1 50 50
9 Toilets (Male) 1 25 25
10 Toilets (Female) 1 25 25
Conservation Studio 1 50 50
Artifacts Worklab 1 50 50
curatorial Office 1 50 50
Museum Office 1 100 100
11 Electric Room 1 30 30
12 Total 2195

3 Training and Research Area
1 Lecture / Activity (25 Capacity) 4 50 200
2 Public Workshop 1 200 200
3 Multi use Hall 1 200 200
4 Toilets 2 25 50
Total 650
4 Lodging Facilities
1 Residing Staff Residence (10 Families) 10 75 750
Non Residing Staff Residence (20
2 Persons) 10 75 750
Research and Training Students (20
3 Persons) 10 75 750
4 Gathering Space 1 500 500
5 Entrance Lobby 1 50 50
Total 2800

5 Auditorium (550 Capacity) 900

1 Stage Area 1 150 150
2 Seating Area 1 800 800
3 Pre Function Area 1 200 200
4 Back Stage Area 1 75 75
5 Green Room 2 40 80
6 Light And Sound Control room 1 40 40
7 VIP Lounge 1 50 50
8 Store Room 1 25 25
9 Artists Toilet 2 15 30
10 Visitors Toilet
5 W.C, 10 Urinals, 5
11 Toilets (Male) Wash 30 30
12 Toilets (Female) 4 W.C, 4 Wash 30 30
Total 2410

6 Open Air Theatre (600 Persons)

1 Stage Area 1 40 40
2 Seating Area 1 1000 1000
3 Green Room 1 50 50
Total 1090

7 Restaurant
1 A/C Dining Hall (50 Persons) 1 150 150
2 Non A/C Dining Hall (80 Persons) 1 300 300
3 Pantry 1 30 30
4 Kitchen 1 50 50
5 Take Away Counter 1 25 25
6 Storage 1 15 15
7 Waste And Wash Area 1 25 25
8 Toilets And Hand Wash 1 25 25
Total 620

7 Admin Block
1 Reception 1 50 50
2 Library Director 1 15 15
3 Joint Director 1 15 15
4 Accounts Office 1 50 50
5 Board Room 1 30 30
6 Staff Dining 1 25 25
7 Maintanence Officer 1 15 15
Total 200

8 O.S.R. 5540

Total Built Area 18465

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