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Environmental Test Equipment

 Biofuel Analyzer / Biodiesel Analyzer.

 Elemental Analysis and Elemental Analyzers. Atomic Spectroscopy. ...
 Environmental Monitoring Equipment / Environmental Monitoring
Systems. ...
 Fluorescence Spectroscopy / Fluorometry. ...
 Gas Chromatography Equipment. ...
 Hyperspectral Image Analysis. ...
 Laboratory Balances. ...
 Laboratory Evaporators.

Environmental testing can identify and quantify compounds and pollutants in air, water, or
soil. Alternatively, environmental testing can verify that a product or piece of equipment will
perform as expected once it is out in the world. This can take the form of climate testing (e.g.
temperature or humidity) or mechanical testing (e.g. measuring shock or vibration).

Key Applications of Environmental Testing

Environmental test equipment is used in a variety of environments including:

 Environmental Chemical Testing,

 Agriculture,
 Public health and safety,
 Field testing,
 Petroleum, among others.

Importance of Environmental Testing

The increased worldwide attention focused on environmental testing has heightened
demand for instrumentation, including sensitive analytical tests to identify pesticides,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Key instrumentation used in and out of the lab include sample prep equipment, temperature
chambers, biofuel analyzers, balances, evaporators, and stability chambers; and particle
counters, pH meters, and refractometers, often in handheld versions for field testing. GC
systems, autosamplers, and software are also commonly used in environmental testing,
along with HPLC systems for carbamate and explosives analysis.

1. Elemental Analysis and Elemental Analyzers

Elemental Analysis: Detection, Identification, and
Elemental analysis identifies and quantifies elements and molecular species in a sample,
with detection ranges for trace and ultratrace analysis spanning ppm to ppt levels, as well as
bulk analysis. The range of techniques is far-reaching, including atomic absorption, arc
spark, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, ESI-MS, XRF, and analyzers for carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen.

Historically, elemental analysis techniques have figured prominently in biomedical,

environmental, petrochemical, food safety, and pharmaceutical arenas, but they are also
being used in less traditional ways; museum laboratories, for example, have discovered XRF
for nondestructive trace analysis of pigments in artwork.

How to choose an elemental analysis system?

Since so many techniques fall under the umbrella of elemental analysis, selecting the
appropriate technique can seem daunting, especially considering the considerable overlap of
capabilities. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses regarding detection limits, sample
throughput, and multisample capabilities, so start here to find the best choice for your
sample and element:

 What elements can this technique measure, and what sample states (liquid, solid, gas)?
 How many elements can be analyzed?
 How many samples per day?
 What’s the lowest analytical concentration range?
 What about the detection limit?

Advances in elemental analysis

Although certain elemental analysis techniques have been around for decades, development
is ongoing, from additional applications and industries to new hardware. A few interesting
advances: ICP-OES instruments designed to minimize argon consumption; ICP-MS being
used along with GC-MS and LC-MS for metals quantification in proteomics and
metabolomics; and new XRF techniques, including total reflection XRF, with much lower
detection limits that make it a good fit for use in fields such as pharmaceuticals and

Atomic Spectroscopy
In atomic spectroscopy, the composition of an element in a sample is determined by its
electromagnetic or mass spectrum. Other analytical methods that provide elemental
determination include atomic absorption (AA), atomic emission, and mass spectrometry.

AA measures the amount of light an atom absorbs, and requires a light source (usually a
hollow- cathode lamp or electrodeless discharge lamp), atom source, monochromator,
detector, electronics, and a data display. Keep in mind that flame AA shortens your analysis
time, but graphite furnace AA (GFAA) significantly improves sensitivity and detection limits.

Simultaneous, multielement detection is the hallmark of inductively coupled plasma

optical/atomic emission spectroscopy, or ICP-OES/AES. You’ll also get good limits of
detection, high sensitivity, and high throughput. Solid-state detectors based on CCDs
enhance flexibility.

Additional OES techniques include laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), which is

simple and fast, with low-ppm detection limits and little to no sample prep, and high-spectral-
range arc/spark OES, for fast elemental analysis of solid metallic samples.

 Environmental
 Pharmaceutical
 Petrochemical
 Nuclear energy
 Food testing
 And more ….

How do I choose an atomic spectroscopy instrument?

Selecting the right system can be tricky since the various techniques’ effectiveness in the lab
can overlap. The best way to narrow down your options is to take a hard look at exactly what
you need: Is your main criterion fast throughput, results credibility, or a wide analytical
range? A few things to keep in mind:

 Make sure the instrument’s detection limits are adequate for your lab, to avoid lengthy analyte
concentration times, and carefully consider your required level of sample throughput.
 Instrumentation for flame AA and GFAA tends to come in at a lower cost than multielement ICP-
OES because the former are usually less complex instruments. Speaking of ICP-OES, although it is
well-known for multielement analysis, remember that throughput can exceed 73 elements per minute
for individual samples.

What’s new in atomic spectroscopy

Updates focus on multiple configurations such as flame, furnace, mercury, and flow injection
on one space-saving unit, use of a xenon arc lamp as a single light source that also
improves sensitivity, improved autosampling capabilities, solids analysis without atomization,
and nonmetals detection. Software capabilities are always improving system ease of use,
particularly important if more than one technician is using the system.

Combustion Analyzer / CHN Analyzers

Combustion analyzers, also called CHN analyzers, measure the concentration of

elements in a sample. The term CHN stands for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen which are a
few of the elements commonly measured on these machines.

CHN analyzers operate by combusting a sample in the presence of oxygen causing the
individual elements to combine with oxygen and form gaseous byproducts and water vapor
such as CO2, NO, and H2O. These products can then be separated via absorption/desorption
or gas chromatography and analyzed. Common methods of analysis include thermal
conductivity detectors, infrared detectors, and spectrometry.

Combustion analyzers are used in labs that specialize in food/agricultural, biology,

chemistry, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, environmental, electronic production, and more.

Things to consider when purchasing a combustion analyzer /

CHN analyzer include:
 Which particular elements will need to be analyzed

 Detection method

 Ease of use

 Speed of analysis

 Operation software

 Portability (whether the instrument will be used in the lab or in the field)

 Sample weight that will be introduced

 Whether organic or inorganic samples will be measured

Magnetic Analyzer (Metallic Iron Analyzer)

Mass Spectrometers
Mass spectrometers provide accurate mass measurements of a sample’s molecules—
sample identification and quantitation, amino acid sequencing, and reaction monitoring are a
few common uses. Mass spectrometry is often coupled with other separation techniques,
such as GC-MS and LC-MS. Fields that use mass spectrometers include genomics and
proteomics, drug discovery, environmental, and clinical testing.
How Does a Mass Spectrometer Work?
Samples are loaded onto the MS and ionized by the ion source (electron or chemical
ionization, ESI, or MALDI, for example). A mass analyzer such as time of flight (TOF), ion
trap, or quadrupole separates the ions based on their mass and charge. A detector such as
a microchannel plate or electron multiplier then measures the separated ions.

What to Consider When Choosing a Mass Spectrometer

There is a huge range of mass spectrometers on the market, at a variety of price points.
Pertinent features will depend on your sample type and the data quality necessary, so take
note of an instrument’s sensitivity, dynamic range, and software control.

Muffle Furnace (Benchtop)

Muffle furnaces heat material without direct contact between the sample being heated and the flame
itself. This is especially helpful in chemistry and material science labs to observe a material’s
behavior at high temperatures as the sample itself does not get destroyed. When purchasing a muffle
furnace it is important to consider what types of interface and control is available, the temperature
range, and the machine's capacity.

Total Sulfite Analyzer

X-Ray Spectrometer / X-Ray Diffraction

X-Ray Analysis: In and Outside of the Laboratory

An x-ray spectrometer uses a focused beam of charged particles to excite x-rays in a sample,
thereby allowing for a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the material. X-ray spectrometry is used
for chemical analysis in fields as diverse as mining, medical research, polymer manufacturing,
geology, and consumer product quality control. There are two main types of analysis using x-ray
spectrometers: energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), which measures the energy of photons
released by the sample, and wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, which counts the number of x-
rays of a single wavelength that have been diffracted by the sample. The spectrum that is produced by
the spectrometer allows scientists to determine which elements, and in what amounts, are present in
the sample.
Considerations for purchasing x-ray analyzers
X-ray spectrometers have features that vary from one model to another. Some things to keep in mind
when deciding which one is right for your purposes includes:

 concentration ranges that are detected

 time to analysis results
 how extensive the reference library of spectra is
 if portable, compact, or full-size machine better suits your needs

X-ray analysis in action

In recent years, x-ray spectrometry has been used in a variety of new and exciting ways. There is an x-
ray spectrometer on the surface of Mars collecting data about the elements that comprise the soil. X-
ray spectrometry has been used to detect lead paint on toys, decreasing the possible occurrence of lead
poisoning. A partnership between science and art can be seen in the use of x-ray spectrometry to
determine what makes up the particulate matter in museums that can damage their collections. Once
the particulate matter is identified, it can be lessened or eradicated. For example, in one museum the
particles were from decaying plaster on the walls, and in another they were soot from diesel fumes
coming from the traffic outside. Repair of plaster in the first instance and better sealing of windows in
the second have led to fewer particles in the air and less damage to irreplaceable works of art.

2. Environmental Monitoring Equipment /

Environmental Monitoring Systems
Environmental monitoring aims to assess the quality of natural resources and determine the effects of
human activity on the environment. Common factors to measure are air, water, and soil quality. Air
quality is most often measured by assessing relative amounts of chemicals such as CO2 and methane
while water and soil can be monitored for harmful chemicals, biodiversity, or presence of harmful

Key to proper environmental monitoring is a well-planned experimental setup that takes into account
what particular factors need to be measured, the sample size necessary to obtain meaningful results,
what types of results might be expected, and assertion that the experimental actions themselves will
not cause more harm than good. All these factors must be considered when purchasing equipment for
environmental monitoring purposes.
Carbon Dioxide Analyzer (CO2 Gas Analyzer)
Carbon dioxide analyzers, also called CO2 gas analyzers, are devices that can detect and quantify the
amount of carbon dioxide in a sample. Carbon dioxide analyzers are used in the pharmaceutical
industry, food and beverage industry, research and development, chemical and medical labs, and in
environmental sciences for monitoring purposes and quality control.

Considerations for purchasing a Carbon Dioxide Analyzer

Many of the specifications of carbon dioxide analyzers vary from one to another, including size, if it
is a handheld or benchtop model, the range of detection, both as a percentage or in parts per million, if
it has remote sensors, how many alarm setpoints there are and their adjustability, and whether or not it
can detect other gases, like oxygen or sulfur dioxide, as well as carbon dioxide.

Dew Point Generator

Environmental Light Measurement Equipment
Leaf Area Meter / Portable Leaf Area Meters
Leaf area meters provide leaf area measurement or leaf-like object through electronic rectangular
approximation. A leaf area meter provides a non-destructive means for environmental scientists and
farmers alike to ascertain plant health, quality and local ecological trends as reflected in the leaf's
area, length, average width and maximum width. A portable leaf area meter provides resolution of 0.1
or 1mm2 with accuracy within 2%. Plant canopy analyzers (PCA) calculate leaf area index (LAI) of a
plant, tree, or section of forest canopy, as a representation of plant growth and the amount of light
energy absorbed by the leaf cover. A fish-eye optical sensor collects light at five different angles
above and below the canopy. The plant canopy analyzer then uses the resulting image to calculate the
LAI. Both leaf area meters and a plant canopy analyzer calculate area or LAI on-site and display the
results on easy-to-use interfaces. These high-throughput devices can reach scanning speeds of 1m/s.

Methane Gas Analyzer (CH4 Analyzer)

Portable Photosynthesis Analyzer
Purge and Trap System
A purge and trap system is a method used to concentrate and prepare volatile organic compounds for
analysis in a gas chromatograph (GC). Purge and trap systems are used in the environmental sciences
to prepare soil and water samples for detection of contaminants. An inert gas is run through the
sample to purge the contaminants from the soil or water, and they are then adsorbed onto a trap,
which is quickly heated to desorb the particles so that they are ready to enter the GC.

Considerations for purchasing a purge and trap system

Some specifications that differ between purge and trap systems are: the number of samples that can be
accommodated in one run; the size of the sample; whether the purge and trap system can prepare
water, soil, or both; how quickly the system prepares the samples; whether the purge and trap system
has a chilling feature; and if the gas pressure or flow can be changed during the purge and trap.

Soil Respiration / Soil CO2 FLux Systems

Water Testing Equipment

Water testing can range from in-field testing of a single analyte to multiple-component
instrumental analysis in the laboratory.

Handheld and benchtop equipment such as electronic meters are available to test parameters including
pH, turbidity (the amount of particulate suspended in a liquid), and electrical conductivity.

Water quality testing equipment can be found in almost any laboratory environment, including
wastewater and drinking water testing, pharmaceutical and chemical testing, the food and beverage
industry, and hydroponics.

What Are Different Types of Water Testing Equipment?

Benchtop and portable instruments are available to measure oxidation-reduction potential (ORP),
dissolved oxygen and CO2, total dissolved solids (TDS), and total hydrocarbons.

Multiparameter meters, which are capable of measuring up to 15 user-selectable parameters,

waterproof instruments, and meters that can test from only a few drops of water are also available.

Benchtop pH Meter (15)

Conductivity Meter / Benchtop Conductivity Meters (8)

Dissolved CO2 Meter / Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Analyzer (2)

Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer / Dissolved Oxygen Monitor (7)

Portable Conductivity Meter (EC Meters) (5)

Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter (5)

Portable pH Meter / Hand Held pH Meter (9)

Portable Turbidity Meter (Portable Turbidimeter) (2)

Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer (1)

Water Quality Meter / Multiparameter Water Quality Meter (8)

3. Fluorescence Spectroscopy / Fluorometry

Fluorometry is a method of identifying and analyzing samples based on the light absorbed and
then emitted from a sample; fluorescence.
In fluorescence spectroscopy, the amount of light emitted after absorption is measured to give
information on the components of the sample.

Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy:

 Chemistry
 Environmental
 Life Science
 Pharmaceutical
 Biomedical
 and more...

Range of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Instrumentation:

There are several types of spectrometers used in fluorometry. Filter fluorometers, which pass light
through filters, and spectrofluorometers, which pass light through diffraction grating
monochromators. See below other types of systems, including fluorescence lifetime spectrometers and
fluorescent readers.

What to consider when choosing a fluorescence

Before purchasing a fluorometer, keep in mind the parameters that are best for your needs, including
wavelengths that it can filter and analyze, time to run analysis, and sample size needed.

Latest advances of Fluorescence Spectroscopy:

There are some exciting new uses of fluorescence spectroscopy being developed. For example,
fluorescent nanosensors for oxygen have been developed that allow the measurement of oxygen in
biological fluids such as blood, interstitial fluid, and cerebral spinal fluid.

Discover and compare Fluorescence Spectroscopy and

Fluorometry Instrumentation:

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) and Time Correlated Single Photon Counting
(TCSPC) (12)

Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer (9)

Fluorescence Spectrometer (11)

Fluorescent Plate Reader (10)

Multimode Microplate Reader (35)

Phosphorescence Lifetime Spectrometer (4)

Quantum Yield Fluorescence Spectrometer (1)

Spectrofluorometer (31)

TCSPC / Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (Flim Microscopy)

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) and Time

Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC)
With the fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM) technique, the rate of decay of fluorescence rather than
the intensity of fluorescent light, is measured. There are several methods of pulsed illumination that
can be used to measure fluorescence decay, but the most common method is time correlated single
photon counting (TCSPC). This system is often used to look inside cells and tissues and has found
particular use in the analysis of tumors and neurons. The key components of the FLIM with TCSPC
system include a laser that excites the photon and a TCSPC unit that measures the rate of decay of that
photon and records the measurement. This is done multiple times and the average results are
calculated then reconstructed and displayed on a screen.

The benefits of FLIM include the fact that it is not concentration sensitive, the short measurement
times, and a good signal-to-noise ratio, among other things. However, because light is used, the size
of what can be imaged is diffraction limited so it is not good for very small objects such as atoms.

Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer

A fluorescence lifetime spectrometer is an instrument used to measure the fluorescence lifetime of a
molecule, thereby giving information about other molecular processes and the make-up of the sample
molecule. Fluorescence lifetime spectrometers are used to analyze organic compounds in medical and
chemistry labs. There are two types of fluorescence lifetime spectrometers that differ in the way they
isolate the light that causes the sample to fluoresce, called incident light, and the fluorescent light,
filter fluorometers use two filters to isolate the incident and fluorescent lights and spectrofluorometers
use diffraction grating monochromators to isolate the different types of light.

What to consider when choosing a fluorescence lifetime

When choosing a fluorescence lifetime spectrometer, consider the wavelengths it can analyze, the
time analysis takes, the type of sample, liquid, gas, or solid, it can analyze, and the amount of sample
needed for analysis.

Fluorescence Spectrometer
A fluorescence spectrometer is a device to detect and analyze organic compounds. Used in biology,
chemistry, and environmental science laboratories, the fluorescence spectrometer measures the
fluorescence of a molecule to gather information about its components and chemical environment.
The two main types of fluorescence spectrometers are filter fluorometers, which use filters to isolate
the different types of light, and spectrofluorometers, which isolate the types of light with diffraction
grating monochromators.

What to consider when choosing a fluorescence

When choosing a fluorescence spectrometer, consider the wavelengths it can analyze, the time
analysis takes, and the amount of sample needed for analysis.
Fluorescent Plate Reader
Multimode Microplate Reader
Like conventional microplate readers, multimode microplate readers detect reaction signals from
microtiter plates in order to perform assays such as ELISA, protein detection, and drug screening
assays. Unlike conventional plate readers, multimode microplate readers are able to perform two or
more forms of detection allowing a single piece of equipment to perform a wider range of assays. This
can increase throughput and efficiency, thus saving time and space in the lab. Important things to
consider when purchasing a multimode microplate reader are the particular combinations of assays
desired, ease of use, ability to add or remove functionality, and the unit price.

Phosphorescence Lifetime Spectrometer

Phosphorescence lifetime spectrometers are instruments that are used to quantify and analyze organic
molecules in biological or environmental samples. The analysis is done by measuring the length of the
sample’s phosphorescence when it is excited by an external light source, the incident light. The
incident light is passed through either diffraction grating monochromators or filters to isolate the
wavlengths wanted and the phosphorescence time of the sample can then be measured.

What to consider when choosing a phosphorescence lifetime

Consider which wavelengths a phosphorescence lifetime spectrometer can isolate, the amount of
sample needed for analysis, and the time analysis takes before deciding which spectrometer works
best for your needs.

Quantum Yield Fluorescence Spectrometer

Fluorescence spectrophotometers are designed to detect and quantify fluorophores. These are
fluorescent molecules that, when exposed to light in a fluorescence spectrophotometer, absorb
photons at a characteristic wavelength. Subsequently, they then emit photons at a different and
slightly longer characteristic wavelength. Fluorescence spectrophotometers contain excitation and
emission filters for using different fluorophores. Monitoring the activities of molecules labeled with
fluorophores is crucial to many kinds of experiments in cell biology, molecular biology and genetics,
pharmaceuticals, and forensics, among many others. Emitted light may be detected by photomultiplier
tubes or photodiodes within the spectrofluorometer, depending on the model. In addition, users of
spectrofluorometers now have a wide range of high-tech fluorophores from which to choose to
complement the features of a fluorometer, also referred to as fluorimeter. Modern fluorometers and
fluorimeters are capable of detection as low as 1 part per trillion.

TCSPC / Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging

Microscopy (Flim Microscopy)
Fluorescence microscopy is an established method of precisely analyzing sample composition, but
fluorescence alone cannot necessarily tell the researcher about molecular mobility, binding
interactions, or size; therefore, knowing the interval a molecule takes to become excited, fluoresce,
and return to its ground state leads to insight into factors affecting mobility and molecular
environment. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (or FLIM) measures the onset and lifetime of
the fluorophore signal. Using time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC), lifetime
measurements with the precision of 100 picoseconds or less can be studied in detail, and the temporal
contour of the fluorescence is measured in real time. A FLIM microscope can employ a range of
wavelengths from the UV to near IR. Confocal microscopy capabilities permit 3D reconstruction of
imaged biological and chemical samples, as well as the ability to image distinct layers in the Z axis to
the exclusion of others. Because of the precision required for tasks involving FLIM microscopy, some
models are fully motorized.

4. Gas Chromatography Equipment

A gas chromatograph separates volatile gaseous compounds carried by an inert gas such as helium,
nitrogen, argon or hydrogen across a solid stationary phase. Components in a gas chromatograph
include a sample injector, flow controller, GC column, column oven, a detector, and a computer for
data acquisition and analysis. A combination of electronic sensors and pumps maintain either a
constant or variable mobile phase flow rate from 0.001 to 100 mL per minute. GC instruments
typically have a maximum temperature of 350C to 450C.

Gas Chromatographs can be equipped with several types of detectors including: a flame ionization
detector (FID), a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), a flame photometric detector (FPD), an
electron capture detector (ECD), and even a mass spectrometer, for example. Gas chromatography is a
powerful standalone application used in many industries, especially environmental testing. However,
GC instruments are also found in combination with mass spectrometers, refining the GC separation
with additional mass analysis. Fast run times and robust data acquisition and analysis software are
important features in a gas chromatograph.

GC Autosampler / GC Headspace Autosampler (19)

GC Gas Regulators / High Purity Gas Regulator (2)

Portable GC MS (2)

GC System (32)

GC MS Instrument (47)

Multidimensional Gas Chromatography (MDGC / GCxGC)

GC Autosampler / GC Headspace Autosampler

GC, or gas chromatography, autosamplers are instruments that automatically take a sample and insert
it into the GC for analysis, which is both more time effective and more reliable than doing it by hand.
GC autosamplers can be used anywhere GC is used, including forensic, environmental, and medical
labs, in the pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries, to analyze a sample for quality control,
purity, or to look for a particular analyte. There are three main types of GC autosamplers; liquid,
which work with liquid samples, headspace, which work with volatile organic samples, and SPME
which uses a fiber to extract the components of your sample. There are GC autosamplers that can do
all three types of autosampling.

The types of samples you will be analyzing will dictate which type of autosampler you will need.
Keep in mind the sample size you wish to use, how many analyses need to be run in a given time, and
if there are different types of samples that would require a multipurpose autosampler.

GC Gas Regulators / High Purity Gas Regulator

Portable GC MS
Portable GC-MS instruments can provide comparable results to benchtop systems at one-third the size
and half the power consumption. The units are about the size of a small suitcase and weigh approx. 30
lb, bringing GC-MS, considered the gold standard for substance identification, right into the field.
Rugged, transportable GC-MS systems feature miniaturized ion traps or quadrupole technology and
can identify volatile and semivolatile organic compounds in complex mixtures, including gases,
liquids, solids, and vapors. They are built for use in extreme environments or hot zones and are well
suited for environmental, petrochemical, forensics, and food applications. Top features on portable
GC-MS units center on making testing in the field faster and more accurate, such as analysis in <3
min, rapid heating and cooling that permits analysis of up to 15 samples per hour, antivibration bases,
mass range in some cases up to 1050 u, and rechargeable battery.

GC System
A gas chromatograph separates volatile gaseous compounds carried by an inert gas such as helium,
nitrogen, argon or hydrogen across a solid stationary phase. Components in a gas chromatograph
include a sample injector, flow controller, GC column, column oven, a detector, and a computer for
data acquisition and analysis. A combination of electronic sensors and pumps maintain either a
constant or variable mobile phase flow rate from 0.001 to 100 mL per minute. GC instruments
typically have a maximum temperature of 350C to 450C.

Gas Chromatographs can be equipped with several types of detectors including: a flame ionization
detector (FID), a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), a flame photometric detector (FPD), an
electron capture detector (ECD), and even a mass spectrometer, for example. Gas chromatography is a
powerful standalone application used in many industries, especially environmental testing. However,
GC instruments are also found in combination with mass spectrometers, refining the GC separation
with additional mass analysis. Fast run times and robust data acquisition and analysis software are
important features in a gas chromatograph.

GC MS Instrument
Gas chromatograph mass spectrometers (GC MS) are to volatile chemical compounds what liquid
chromatography (LC) MS systems are to materials in solution: they separate and analyze gas-phase

How do GC MS Instruments work?

In LC, compounds are fractionated based on their differential affinity for the separation’s mobile
(liquid) and stationary phases (column packing material). In GC, heated, volatile compounds are
injected into a flowing gas stream and separated as that stream flows through a long hollow tube
(sometimes tens of meters in length) coated with a stationary phase material. In GC MS, the
fractionated compounds are then ionized (typically by electron ionization) and injected into the mass
spec analyzer, most commonly a single quadrupole (though triple quadrupoles and time-of-flight
analyzers are also available).

What are GC MS Instruments Used For?

Gas chromatograph mass spectrometers are generally used to analyze small, relatively non-polar
compounds, and are widely used in forensics, food safety, environmental monitoring, and
petrochemicals, among others.

Multidimensional Gas Chromatography (MDGC /

Multidimensional gas chromatography (MDGC) is a chromatography method used to separate
complex samples, especially those with components that have similar retention factors, by running the
eluent through two or more columns instead of the customary single column. MDGC equipment can
be found in chemistry, environmental science, and industrial labs and is particularly known for its
applications in fragrance and flavor sciences.

There are two techniques for performing MDGC. In the traditional heart-cutting method all
components pass through a first column and portions that were not adequately separated will be
“heart-cut” out of the first column to be passed through a second column for further separation. While
the heart-cutting technique is still a widely used method, for separations that require a higher degree
of accuracy, another technique called GCxGC is often used. The GCxGC method differs from heart-
cutting in that the entire eluent is passed through both columns. In the first column, the eluent is
bunched into discrete fractions by a modulator, then each discrete fraction is released one at a time
into a second column where further separation is achieved. The modulator considered by many to be
the most important part of a GCxGC system.

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