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 Term society emerged in the 15th century

WHAT IS SCIENCE?  derived from French société,
 From Latin scientia- knowledge  Latin: societas, “a friendly association
 A body of organized knowledge about with others
nature  Socius-“companion, associate, comrade,
 A system of acquiring knowledge based business partner”
on scientific method, organized body of  Society-group of people with common
knowledge gained through such research territory, interaction & culture.
FIELDS OF SCIENCE:  Social group-consists of 2 or more people
 Natural Science-Study of natural interact & identify with one another.
phenomena, (biological life)
 Social Science- Study of human behavior TERRITORY
& societies  Most countries have formal boundaries
& territories
 Society’s boundaries doesn’t have to be
geopolitical borders
Formal Natural Humanistic Applied
 Members of society, members &
Math Logic Biological Physical Behavioral Social Engineering Medicine
nonmembers, recognize particular l& as
belonging to that society.
LAW-observed phenomenon that is absolute CULTURE
true, cannot be changed  People of same society share aspects
THEORY-Idea that attempt to explain something, of their culture, (language, beliefs)
not yet proven, not always generally true despite  Refers to language, values, beliefs,
strong evidence behavior, material objects that
PRINCIPLE-preposition that serves as constitute people’s way of life. A
foundation of beliefs & ideas defining element of society.
WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY?  Members of society must come in contact
 From Greek word technologia, techno- with one another
(art, craft, skills)  If a group of people in a country has no
logia-word regular contact with other group, those
 Application of scientific knowledge for groups can’t be considered as part of
practical purposes same society.
 Involves design, products, systems,  Geographic distance & language barriers
process that affect quality of life can separate societies within a country.
 Applied enterprise concerned producing
appliances, tools, machine, techniques
 Products are called INVENTIONS

A. Artifacts/Hardware-products fabricated
by humans to meet specific needs. Tools,
machines, implements.
B. Knowledge/Methods-system of tacit &
explicit knowledge, techniques, materials
utilized in using, making or repairing a
certain kind of artifact
C. Human cultural activity/Profession-e.g.
military, engineers, crafters, machinists
PREHISTORIC & ANCIENT WORLD (2000 B.C-  Science- linked with ASTRONOMY &
A.D 699) MATH. Confucius, chinese astronomers
 Prehistoric period, people used bronze for calculated occurrence of eclipses
tools  Inventions-gunpowder, paper, woodblock,
 Hunting-gather lifestyle is more prominent printing, compass
(used stone tools) GREEK CIVILIZATION
 Period of discovery of fire  Architecture- invented Doric, Ionic &
Corinthian columns. (e.g. Parthenon)
STONE AGE- Stone tools have been the first  Inventions-alarm clock & water mill
recognized technology ROMAN CIVILIZATION
 H. Habilis & H. Rudolfensis were  Architecture-adopted greek architecture
associated with broken pebbles  Made buildings such as basilica,
 H. Ergaster & H. Erectus greatly improved monumental aqueduct, amphitheater,
stone tools by creating distinctive shapes granary building that are intricately
with only single cutting edge called H& decorative
AXES (bifaces), SCRAPERS or  Communication-first newspaper in this
CHOPPERS civilization. GAZETTE (engraved in metal
 H.Heidelbergensis & H.Neanderthalensis or stone tables)
& H.Sapiens devised different parts of  Record keeping-produced first books
different toolkits(Included awls, needles, CODEX, stacked up papyrus, to form
burins (engraving tools), pages of books
 Hunting weapons such as slings, bow, MIDDLE AGES/RENAISSANCE (700-1449)
bolo, fish hook, spear thrower are the  Middle ages/Dark ages marks the fall of
innovations in this period Rome
 Math & Astronomy –linked as marks of  Period of relative cultural darkness,
artifacts severe wars, plagues, lack of learning
 Interpreted as tall markers or counters, development
calenders, records of lunar cycle
 SUMERIAN-(sumerians)  Period where there was renewed interest
 Communication-development of first in artworks
h&rwriting system: CUNEIFORM  Beginning of revival & innovation of
 Architecture- they built City of Uruk Science, Literature & Culture, visibly
using mud or clay from river, mixed w/ changed Europe
reeds, producing sun-baked bricks  Period of discovery & exploration of new
 BABYLONIAN- continents
 Science-Astornomy, showed SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (1450-1699)
remarkable talent  Period started Nicolas Copernicus on the
 Knew the rule that lunar eclipses could revolutions on Heavenly Spheres in 1543
only be possible during new moons &  Development of Science is big in this
full moons period, new methods & ideas were made
EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION  Period when development in Math,
 Architecture-known for construction of Physics, Astronomy & Chemistry
PYRAMIDS & other monuments transformed the views of society about
 Science- specialized in ASTRONOMY & nature
MATH helped in constructing pyramids  Period started with the idea of Heliocentric
 Communication- contributed the use of cosmos
paper or PAPYRUS (thin sheets, less
breakable, lighter than clay tables)
 Internet is more accessible to most people
AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT (1700-1799)  Major developments has been growing
 Age of Reason or The Age of Optimism because of the use digital
 Period known as the century of philosophy telecommunication technology
 Time where there was an increased in
questioning religions, government, duly & SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION
obligations  All knowledge came from Catholic
 Period where growth of intellectual Church
reason, individualism where freedom,  Catholic Church and Bible were source
democracy, reason as primary values of of what was true and false of the world
society  Ancient Greek and Roman
 Politics, philosophy, science & philosophers, such as Aristotle said
communications were radically reoriented what was true about the natural world
during this period  Most ancient people believed the sky
 Period of intellectual & philosophical was a solid dome with Sun, moon and
movement stars embedded on it
AGE OF INVENTION (1800-1899) A. Earth was composed of elements: Earth, fire,
 Is called the Industrial Revolution water and air
 Industrial machines perform the works of B. Stars and planets are made of perfect
human laborers substance called Aether, 5th heavenly element
 Time where world witness different C. Earth was the center of the Universe
developments like telephone, telegraphs, D. Moon, sun and stars are held in place by
steamboats, electric lights, movies, invisible crystalline spheres
sewing machines, cars, electric motors, E. Planets known: Sun-Saturn
railroad, Ferris wheels & aspirin F. Earth is stationary at the center of heaven
TIME OF EXTREMES (1900-1949) G. Sun and planets revolved around Earth
 Time of WW1 & WW2 H. Firmament is the place of stars are placed
 Period of war where science & weapons I. Spheres are perfectly circular
were developed for the benefit of warfare J. Planets move in circular orbit
 Period where new technologies & K. Sun and moon are perfect creations
materials invented were more deadly ARISTOTLE
instruments for war but also lengthened  Earth is the center of the universe
human lives  All other heavenly bodies are attached to
TECHNOLOGICAL AGE (1950-2000) 47-56 transparent concentric spheres
 Also known as Digital Age, advent of which rotates around the Earth
personal computers PTOLEMY
 Television replaced radio, newspapers,  Geocentric Model
magazines as primary source of ARISTHARCUS OF SAMOS (310-230 B.C)
entertainment & information  Ancient greek astronomer and
 There is a shift from mechanical & mathematician
analogue tech to digital electronics  Presented first known model as Sun is the
 Space race between Russia & America center of the universe and Earth revolve
were popular around it
 First man l&ed on the moon  Central fire=Sun, put other planets in
 Cold war happen where they feared that correct order of distance around the sun
nuclear warfare could break the world  Stars were just other bodies like Sun
21 CENTURY (2000-present)  First to deduce the rotation of the Earth on
 Age of Information technology its axis
 Fueled by a knowledge of economy that Retrogaded Motion: as a faster moving planet
values problem solving & critical thinking overtakes & passes a slower moving superior
planet appears to move backwards as you pass  The inquisition was the tribunal of the
by it roman catholic church
HELIOCENTRIC THEORY  Inquisition made galileo kneel before them
 Helio= Sun and confess that heliocentric was false
 Centric=center  CRATERS ON THE MOON
 Sun is the center of the solar system o Moon is not perfect
 Earth rotates on its own axis and revolves o Has craters and mountains
around the sun  SUNSPOTS
Key Limitations: o has dark spots
 The early models used circular orbits o sun is not perfect
(didn’t explain the apparent motions of o sun rotates, earth rotates
 Elliptical orbits, orbital speeds were o January 7-15, 1610
added, apparent motions could be o Revolve around Jupiter
explained and predicted o Form a miniature solar system of
NICOLAS COPERNICUS (1473-1543) their own
 All spheres revolve around Sun (midpoint)  PHASES OF VENUS
 Sun is the center of the Universe/Solar
 Motion of earth: sun rise, sun set
 Earth has more than one motion
Heliocentric Model:
a. Sun is the center of the Solar System
b. Earth spin on its axis
c. Earth move around the sun just like other
planets, moon revolves around Earth
d. Earth revolves in uniform circular motion
e. Stars don’t move (earth spins, earth orbit)
TYCHO BRAHE (1546-1601)
 Danish astronomer who made
measurements of planet and stars.
 German theologian and mathematician
 Most accurate measurements that hade
 Sought to prove Copernican model correct
been made yet
 He saw the model representing God in the
 Tychonic System
center of the universe with his creation
 His observatory were used for 20 years
surrounding him
 His observatory: largest quadrants in the
 Kepler succeeded Tycho as the imperial
 Made the most accurate observation’s of
 He worked for 4 years trying to derive the
planetary and star positions (±1
motions of Mars from Brahe’s observation
 He discovered that the plane of Earth and
 1 arciminute is 1/60 of a degree
Mars passed through the Sun
 Suspected that the Sun had a force over
 First person to point a telescope at the
the plane’s, he investigated magnetism
night sky
 It did lead him to the idea of elliptical
 In 1610, he wrote The Starry Messenger
in which he published his observations
 “With reasoning derived from physical
 His observations strengthened his belief
principles agreeing with experience, there
of Copernicus’ theory
is no figure left for the orbit of the planet
 His observations angered the catholic except a perfect ellipse.”
 Kepler’s 3 Planetary Motion laws: the celestial spheres drove the planetary
1. The planets move in orbits about the motions.
sun that are ellipses  Copernican model was simpler than the
2. The planets move such that the line Ptolemaic one. Though Copernicus
between the Sun and the Planet eliminated circles to explain retrograded
sweeps out the same area in the same motion, he added more smaller ones to
area in the same time no matter where account for nonuniformities of planetary
in the orbit. motions
3. The square of the period of the orbit of  Copernican model predicted the planetary
a planet is proportional to the mean motions better. Because both models
distance from the Sun cubed demanded uniform motion around the
 Kepler derived his laws for the 6 planets centers of circles, both worked just about
known to him. The laws also apply to the as well-with errors as large as few
3 discovered planets and any other body degrees at times.
orbiting the Sun. (Asteroids, Comets, etc.)
KEPLER AND BRAHE Galileo was right all along! In 1992, the
 Kepler needed Tycho’s precise church finally repealed the ruling of the
observations to prove his model of nested Inquisition against Galileo. The church gave
spheres. pardon to Galileo & admitted that the
 Tycho needed Kepler’s theoretical & heliocentric theory was correct. This pardon
mathematical mind to prove Tycho’s came 350 years after Galileo’s death.
model to be correct.
 Develops Laws of Motion  Theory of Evolution
 Develops idea of gravity to get Edmund  Evolution is any change in the heritable
Halley off his back traits within population across
 Halley paid to publish Mathematical generations.
Principles of Natural Philosophy  Evidences of evolution:
 Derived Kepler’s 3 laws of planetary o Comparative anatomy
motion using laws of motions and gravity o Embryology & development
 He derived the law of gravitation between o Fossil record
2 masses. o DNA comparison
 Since Sun is the massive object of o Species distribution
planetary system, all planets would o Evolution observed
naturally be attracted to it and revolve o Predictive power of evolution
around it, in the same manner of Moon o Nested hierarchies of traits
and Earth.  Common Descent-a group of organisms
 He proposes a force of which controls the derived from common ancestors
motion of the planets- GRAVITY  Descent with Modification- each living
 The larger the mass, the larger the force organism has descended, with changes
of gravity from other species over time.
 The further the distance, the smaller the  Natural Selection- the process by which
force of gravity random evolutionary changes are
 Kepler’s third law can be derived from selected by nature in a consistent, orderly,
Newton’s law of gravity non-random way
 F=GMm/r2=mg Beliefs before Darwinian Revolution:
 All Species are FIXED and ETERNAL
MISCONCEPTIONS o All species remained from the
 Copernican model has a force between start and didn’t changed over
the sun & planets. The natural motion of time
o Old testament holds that o Some fossils resembled organisms
species were individually that are alive today while other
designed by God and therefore looked unlikely any creature he had
perfect ever seen
 Species are not linked in a single o Posed a question ”why such
‘family tree’ species disappeared” and “how
 Earth is young (thousand years only) they were related to living species”
 Chain of Being  The study of fossils helped to lay
o Aristotle tried to categorize groundwork for Darwin’s ideas
living things. He organized life  Fossils are remains or traces of
from lower to higher forms organisms from the past, usually found in
 Scala Naturae- refers to a linear sedimentary rock which appears in layers
progression of organisms according to or strata
their complexity of structure and The Galapagos Islands
functions  Smallest, lowest islands were hot, dry and
 Principles of Essentialism nearly barren hood island sparse
o Carolus Linnaeus interpreted vegetation
organismal adaptations as  Higher islands had greater rainfall and a
evidence that the creator had different assortment of plants, animals
designed each species for a  Animals found in Galapagos Island:
particular purpose o Land Tortoises
Erasmus Darwin o Darwin Finches
 Grandfather of Charles Darwin o Blue-footed Booby
 Respected botanist and naturalist o Marine Iguanas
 Formulated one of the first formal theories Land tortoises
in evolution in Zoonomia or The Laws of  Variation among tortoises
Organic Life (1794-1796)  Intermediate shell, saddle-back shell and
 Discussed with grandson such how life dome shaped shell
evolved from a single common ancestor  Giant tortoises varied in predictable ways
forming ‘one living filament’ from one island to another
Voyage of Beagle  Shape of shell was used to identify which
 Year 1831-1836 island it inhabits
 H.M.S Beagle Darwin Finches
 Voyage around the world  Each finches species was well-suited for
 Evidence to propose a revolutionary its environment and role
hypothesis how life changes over time  Cactus-eater, insect eater, seed-eater
How Darwin came up with this theory
o Argentina and Australia had similar George Cuvier
grassland ecosystem  Paleontologist
o Grassland were inhibited by  Speculated each boundary between strata
different animals represents catastrophe that destroyed
o Posed a question “why there are no many species (Catastrophism)
rabbits in Australia” and “why there James Hutton
are no kangaroos in England”  1795 Theory of Geological change
 Living Organisms and Fossils  Forces change Earth’s surface shape
o Experience an earthquake in Chile  Changes are slow (gradualism)
and observed uplift of rocks  Earth is much older than thousands of
o Collected the preserved remains of years
ancient organisms called fossils
Charles Lyell  Species change over time
 Book: Principles of Geography  Species alive today descended with
 Geographical features can be built up or modification from species alive in the past
torn down  All organisms are united into a single
 Darwin thought if earth changed over family tree of life by common descent
time, what about life? Natural Selection and Artificial Selection
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck  NATURAL VARIATION- differences
 His own Theory of Evolution among individual of species
o Tendency toward perfection  ARTIFICIAL SELECTION- nature
(Giraffes’ necks) provides the variation among different
 Lamarck thought that if an animal organisms, & humans select those
acquired characteristic during its lifetime, variations they find useful
it could pass it onto its offspring Evolution by Natural Selection
 Hence, giraffes got their long necks  STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE-members
through generations of straining to reach of each species have to compete for food,
higher branches shelter, other life necessities
Thomas Malthus  SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST-some
 19th century English economist individuals better suited for the
o If population grew (more babies environment
born to die) Natural Selection
 Population growth  Results in changes in inherited
o Insufficient living space characteristics of a population. These
o Food runs out changes increase a species fitness in its
o Darwin applied this theory to environment
animals Evidence of Evolution
Publication of Origin of Species  The Fossil record
 Russel Wallace wrote an essay o Homologous structure- structures
summarizing evolutionary change his field that have different mature forms in
work in Malaysia different organisms but developed
 Gave Darwin the drive to publish his from the same embryonic tissue
findings o Geographic Distribution of Living
SUMMARY OF DARWIN’S THEORY Things- similar environments have
 Common descent similar type of organisms
 Natural selection o Similarities in Early development
 Gradualism Evolution of Drug-resistant bacteria
 Multiplication of Species  Staphylococcus aureus is commonly
 Perpetual change found on people’s skin or in nasal
 Individuals in nature differ from one  Methicilin-resistant S. aureus strains are
another dangerous pathogens
 Each organism is unique, each has  Became resistant to penicillin in 1945, 2
advantages & disadvantages in the years after 1st widely use
struggle for existence  S. aureus became resistant to methicillin
 Organisms in nature produce more in 1961, 2 years after 1st widely use
offspring than can survive, those who do Tree of Life
not survive do not reproduce  New species came from pre-existed
 More organisms are produce than survive, species and all species share common
each species must struggle for resources ancestor
 Individuals best suited for the environment  Evolution is the process by which one
survive & reproduce most successful species give rise to another and Tree of
life grows
FREUDIAN REVOLUTION  October 1885: Freud went to Paris with
Psychology (Sigmund Freud) (1856-1939) Jean-Martin Charcot (renowned
 Austrian, doctor neurologist) conducting scientific research
 Father of Psychoanalysis on hypnosis
 First psychologist to study human 1886
motivation  Freud began using hypnosis
 Psychiatry vs. Psychology  Treatment of one particular patient of
 Up until 20th century frontal lobotomies Josef Breuer’s proved to be
(surgical operation involves incision into transformative for Freud’s clinical practice
prefrontal lobe of brain, used to treat  Anna O. (Bertha Pappenheim) suffer from
mental illness) performed on patients hysteria (condition which patient exhibits
Victorian Era physical symptoms such as convulsion,
 Covers most 19th century hallucinations without an apparent
 Generally peaceful & prosperous period in physical cause. Her doctor (and Freud’s
Europe teacher) Josef Breuer succeed in treating
 Industrial revolution Anna by helping her to recall forgotten
 Development of democracy throughout memories of traumatic events
continent  Anna O. was invited to talk about her
 Named after Queen Victoria symptoms while under hypnosis (talking
Victorian Era views on Mental Illness cure) became reduced in severity as she
 Extreme puritanical restriction about retrieved memories of traumatic incidents
expression of any expression about associated with their onset
sexuality  Anna O. condition was cause by seeing
 Social etiquette were very strict, specially her hated dog drink from the water they
in upper class have been drinking
 Psychologists didn’t exist, people with  Freud concluded that more consistent &
psychological problems have no where to effective symptom relief could be
go achieved by encouraging patients to talk
 Patients were treated like outcasts freely, without censorship or inhibition,
about whatever ideas or memories
 Patients were put in asylums and received
occurred to them
antiquated, some barbaric care like:
o Alternating hot & cold baths
o Period of drug-induced sleep  Freud used the term
o Brain surgery resulted to death “PSYCHOANALYSIS” a set of theories &
o Put in restraints therapeutic techniques related to the
o Locked in boxes study of unconscious mind, which
together form a method of treatment for
 Cures (torture):
mental-health disorders
o Beatings
o Withholding food  He believed that mental illness is a result
o Mercury pills of NURTURE, not nature “What makes
o Bleeding people do things?”
o Induced vomiting  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
 Many patients didn’t survive their  Being deprived of need arouses a feeling
treatments, buried on asylum grounds of drive or desire, animals respond
Hysteria indistinctively, human learns various ways
 Common among women in Victorian Era to respond
 Freud was interested in hypnotheraphy  Some of these desires cause people to
have behave irrationally
 Charcot’s work with hypnotheraphy opens
a new sight for Freud  People are born with a certain number of
instincts or DRIVES
 Human mind has 3 aspects which 5 PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF
influences behavior: EGO, SUPEREGO, DEVELOPMENT


 Free Association
o Ink blot pictures
 Hypnosis
 ID- unconscious part of mind o Way of freeing the unconscious
o Part of mind seeks to bring us mind
pleasure  Dreams
o Primitive parts of our personality o Dreams are unconscious mind
including aggression and sexual talking to you.
drives o Very symbolic and difficult to
 EGO-conscious part of mind analyze
o Rational self  Meditation
o Decides what takes action to take
for positive means and what to do TURING’s REVOLUTION
based on what is believed is the WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE?
right thing to do  Mental quality that consists of the abilities
o Aware of reality o To learn from experience
 SUPEREGO-unconscious part of mind o Adapt to new situations
that acts as conscience o Understand & handle abstract
o Reminds what we should do concepts
 The ID and SUPEREGO are in constant o Use knowledge to manipulate one’s
conflict. Drive tells you to do one thing environment
while society tells you to do something WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? (A.I)
else  Also called machine intelligence,
 If you don’t resolve this conflict, you may demonstrated by machines
experience unhappiness or mental  Refers to computing system that perform
distress tasks normally considered within the
 Thus, you must understand what is in your realm of human decision making
unconscious memory. Basis for
Alan Turing said: CLEVERBOT
“A computer would deserve to be called  Was created by British AI scientist Rollo
intelligent if it could deceive human into believing Carpenter
that it was human.”  Participated in Turing Test at 2011
technique fest at the Indian Institute of
Turing Test Technology Guwahati on September 3,
 Human questioner asks a series of 2011. Out of 1334 votes cast, cleverbot
questions to both respondents, after was judged to be 59.3% human compared
specified time, the questioner tries to to the rating of 63.3% human achieved by
decide which terminal is operated by the human participants. A score of 50.05% or
human respondent and which terminal is higher is often considered to be a passing
operated by computer grade.
 Imitates Rogerian psychotherapist by  “Completely Automated Public Turing test
encouraging them to talk more and to tell Computer and Humans Apart”
reflecting their own question back at them  a type of challenge- response test used in
 Joseph Weizenbaum (1923-2008) creator computing to determine whether or not the
of pre-internet dialogue system, Eliza user is human
(1966) to investigate natural language TURING MACHINE
understanding  hypothetical computing machine
PARRY  provides simple yet powerful
 Attempted to imitate a person with mathematical model of computation,
paranoid schizophrenia functionally equivalent to lambda calculus
 Written in 1972 by psychiatrist Kenneth in terms of computational power
Colby (Stanford University)
 Program implemented a crude model of
behavior of a person with paranoid
schizophrenia based on concepts,
conceptualizations and beliefs
 Embodied a conversational strategy
 Eliza with attitude
 Was tested in early 1970s using variation
of Turing Test
 A computer model of a mythical 28 year
old single, Caucasian, native English man
complete with paranoid behavior such as
fixed delusions of persecution by
 In tests, psychiatrists found it difficult to
distinguish PARRY from a 22-year old
human patient suffering from paranoia
 1997 winner of Loebner Prize
 mostly talked about Bill Clinton
 simulates a 13- year old Ukrainian boy,
passed the Turing test in 2014
 fooled quite a people but there are
actually few red flags that prove it didn’t

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