BP 220 and BP 344

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Section 1. It is hereby declared a policy of the Government to promote and encourage the
development of economic and socialized housing projects, primarily by the private sector, in order to
make available adequate economic and socialized housing units for average and low-income earners
in urban and rural areas.

Sec. 2. As used in this Act, economic and socialized housing refers to housing units which are within
the affordability level of the average and low-income earners which is thirty percent (30%) of the
gross family income as determined by the National Economic and Development Authority from time
to time. It shall also refer to the government-initiated sites and services development and
construction of economic and socialized housing projects in depressed areas.

Sec. 3. To carry out the foregoing policy, the Ministry of Human Settlements is authorized to establish
and promulgate different levels of standards and technical requirements for the development of
economic and socialized housing projects and economic and socialized housing units in urban and
rural areas from those provided in Presidential Decree Numbered Nine hundred fifty-seven, otherwise
known as the "Subdivision and Condominium Buyers' Protective Decree," Presidential Decree
Numbered Twelve hundred and sixteen, "Defining Open Space in Residential Subdivision";
Presidential Decree Numbered Ten Hundred and ninety-six, otherwise known as the "National
Building Code of the Philippines"; and Presidential Decree Numbered Eleven hundred and eighty-five,
otherwise known as the "Fire Code of the Philippines" and the rules and regulations promulgated
there under, in consultation with the Ministry of Public Works and Highways, the Integrated National
Police, and other appropriate government units and instrumentalities and private associations.

Sec. 4. The standards and technical requirements to be established under Section three hereof shall
provide for environmental ecology, hygiene and cleanliness, physical, cultural and spiritual
development and public safety and may vary in each region, province or city depending on the
availability of indigenous materials for building construction and other relevant factors.

Sec. 5. The different levels of standards and technical requirements that shall be established and
promulgated by the Ministry of Human Settlements only after public hearing and shall be published in
two newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines for at least once a week for two consecutive
weeks and shall take effect thirty days after the last publication.

Sec. 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: March 25, 1982. (P.B. No. 1880)




Sec. 3. As used in this rules, the following words and phrases are defined and understood to have the
meaning correspondingly indicated therein.

ALLEY : A public way intended to

serve both pedestrian and

emergency vehicles, and also

access to lots, both end always

connecting to streets.

BLOCK : A parcel of land bounded on

the sides by streets or alleys or

pathways or other natural

manmade features, and occupied

by or intended for buildings.

CLUSTER HOUSING : A single-family attached dwelling

containing three or more

separate living units grouped

closely together to form relatively

compact structures.

COMMISSION : Shall mean the Human Settlements

Regulatory Commission.

COMMUNITY : Facilities or structures intended

FACILITIES to serve common needs and

for the benefit of the community,

such as: neighborhood/

multi-purpose center, health

center, drugstore, school, livelihood

center, etc.

DWELLING : A building designed or used as

residence for one or more


Single-Family Detached — a

dwelling for one family which

is completely surrounded by

permanent open spaces, with

independent access, services,

and use of land.

Single-Family Attached — a

dwelling containing two or

more separate living units each

of which is separated from

another by party or lot lines

walls and provided with independent

access, services, and

use of land. Such dwellings

shall include duplexes, row houses

or terraces, and cluster


Multi-Family Dwelling — a

dwelling on one lot containing

separate living units for 3

or more families, usually provided

with common access,

services, and use of land.

ECONOMIC AND : A type of housing project provided

SOCIALIZED HOUSING to moderately low income

families with lower interest

rates and longer amortization


FIREBLOCK : Any wall which separate two

abutting living units so as to

resist the spread of fire. Such

wall shall be of masonry construction

e.g., cement hollow

blocks, bricks, reinforced concrete,

etc. at least "4" thick,

and shall extend throughout

the whole length of the living

units and from the lowest portion

of the wall adjoining the

living units up to the point

just below the roof covering

of purlins.

FIRE-RESISTIVE : Fire resistive time period is the

TIME PERIOD length of time a material can

RATING withstand being burned which

may be one-hour, 2-hours, 3-hours,

4-hours, etc.

FIRE WALL : A fireblock with extends vertically

from the lowest portion

of the wall which adjoins the

2 living units up to a minimum

height of 0.30 meter above the

highest portion of the roof

attached to it; the fire wall

shall also extend horizontally

up to a minimum distance of

0.30 meter beyond the outermost

edge of the abutting living units.

FRONTAGE : That part or end of a lot

which abuts a street.

LIVING UNIT : A dwelling, or portion thereof,

providing complete living facilities

for one family, including

provisions for living, sleeping,

cooking, eating, bathing and

toilet facilities and laundry

facilities, the same as a single


LOT/PLOT : A portion of a subdivision or

any parcel of land intended as

a unit for transfer of ownership

or for building development.

LOT LINE WALL : A wall used only by the party

upon whose lot the wall is

located, erected at a line separating

two parcels of land each

of which is a separate real

estate entity.

OCCUPANCY : The purpose for which a building

is used or intended to be

used. The term shall also

include the building or room

housing such use. Change of

occupancy is not intended to

include change of tenants or


OPEN SPACE : Shall refer to areas allocated

for the following purposes:

— Circulation

— Community facilities

— Park/Playground

— Easements

— Courts

PARTY WALL : A wall used jointly by two

parties under easement agreement,

erected upon a line separating

two parcels of land

each of which is a separate

real estate.

PARK/PLAYGROUND : That portion of the subdivision

which is generally not

built on and intended for

passive or active recreation.


FOOTPATH : A public way intended for

pedestrian and which cuts across

a block to provide access to

adjacent streets or property

with maximum length of 100

meters if connecting to roads

and 50 meters if terminating

in a dead end.

ROW HOUSE : A single-family attached dwelling

containing three or more

separate living units designed

in such a way that they abut

each other at the sides, as in a

row, and are separated from

each other by party walls: provided

with independent access,

services, and use of land.

TECHNICAL : Shall refer to the set of documents

REQUIREMENTS required by the Commission

for the processing and

approval of economic and socialized

housing projects including

systems and procedures

for the implementation

and enforcement of BP 220.

BP 344

Joint Promulgated By:

The Department of Public Works and Highways Port Area, Manila
The Department of Transportations and Communications Pasig, Metro Manila
in coordination with:
The National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons
(Accessibility Sector on the Magna Carta for Disabled Person) Diliman, Quezon City


1. Purpose:
The Rules and regulations set forth herein provide for minimum requirements and standards to
make buildings, facilities and utilities for public use accessible to disabled persons, pursuant to
the objectives of Batas Pambansa Bilang 344, An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled
Persons by Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions, Establishments and Public Utilities to
Install Facilities and Other Devices.
2. Definition of Terms:
For the purpose of these Rules and Regulations, the words, terms and phrases enumerated in
Annex A hereof shall have the meaning as provided therein.

3. Scope:
The provisions of these Rules and Regulations shall apply to the following:
3.1 Public and private buildings and related structures for public use and which shall be
constructed repaired or renovated.
3.2 Streets and highways and public utilities
3.2.1 Streets and highways
3.2.2 Public transport vehicles which shall include:
a). Passenger buses and jeepneys
b). Passengers trains, including those of the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA)
c). Domestic inter-island vessels
d). Domestic aircraft of air carriers
3.2.3 Public Telephones
3.3 Public transport
terminals including those of LRTA

4. Application:
4.1 Public and private buildings and related structures for public use.
No permit for the construction, repair or renovation of public and private buildings and related
structures for public use, whether owned or leased, shall be granted or issued, unless the
owner thereof shall have provided in the places and specifications submitted for approval
barrier-free facilities and accessibility features as provided in these Rules and in accordance
with the followings criteria:
4.1.1 Building and related structures to be constructed
a). At the space where the primary function is served and where facilities and ingress/egress
of the building or structure are located, as to make such space accessible to the disabled
persons; provided, however, that where the primary function can be served at the ingress level
and where such level is provided with facilities, requirements for accessibility at other levels
may be waived.
b). Ten percent (10%) of the total number of units of government-owned living
accommodations shall be accessible and fully usable by the disabled persons with any
fractional part in excess of one-half (1/2) in the computation thereof, to be considered as one
unit; for privately-owned living accommodations the number of accessible units shall be as
provided in Section 3 of Rule III thereof.
c). Ingress/egress from the street to the building or structure shall be made accessible.
d). Accessible slots in parking areas shall be located as near as possible to ingress/egress
spaces of the building or structure.
4.1.2 Building and related structures to be repaired or renovated including those proposed for
a change of occupancy – If feasible , barrier-free facilities and accessibility and accessibility
features shall be provided in accordance with the requirements under Subsection 4.1.1 (1), (c )
and (d): feasibility of incorporation of barrier-free facilities and accessibility features shall be
determined from all the following conditions:
a). When the repair or renovation work is to be done in the space where the primary function is
b). When the facilities can be made accessible at any other level which is accessible by means
of an elevator with a minimum width of 800 mm;
c). When the space allotted for the primary function will not be diminished by more than ten
percent (10%) of its original area;
d). When the capacity or strength of any major structural component, such as slabs, beams,
girders, columns, bearing walls and footing of the building or structure will not be diminished;
e). When the cost (exclusive of the exception provided below) of such repair or renovation
work is in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the total cost of the building or structure, based
upon the computation of permit fees as provided under Rule III of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations promulgated pursuant to P.D. 1096 entitled: The National Building Code of the
f). When there is no legal constraint which would not allow compliance with these regulations:
EXCEPTION: Repair or renovation work which consists only of heating, ventilating and air
conditioning systems, including those which may be required only with respect to fire panic
and explosion safety for existing spaces, shall not be subject to the requirements for
barrier-free facilities and accessibility features.
4.2.1 Streets, highways and transport related structures to be constructed – Streets, highways
and transport related structures shall be provided with the following barrier-free facilities and
accessibility features at every pedestrian crossing: ramps and other accessible features in
buildings of the Sectoral offices and attached agencies of DOTC; transportation terminals and
passenger waiting areas for use of disabled person;
a) Cut-out curbs and accessible ramps at the sidewalks.
b) Audio-visual aids for crossing
EXCEPTION: Requirements for accessibility at pedestrian grade separations or overpasses
and underpasses may be waived.
4.2.2 Existing streets and highways to be repaired and renovated the accessibility
requirements shall be provided where the portion of existing streets and highways to be
repaired or renovated includes part or the entire pedestrian crossing.
4.2.3 Transport vehicles for public use
a) No license or franchise for the operation of public buses, passenger boats, ships and
domestic airplanes shall be granted or issued unless the owner or operator thereof shall have
provided and designated the number of seats and shall have placed audio-visual aids.
b) Government instrumentalities operating passenger trains including the Light Rail Transit
Authority shall have provided the number of seats for disabled persons.
c) Government instrumentalities operating passenger airplanes shall provide and designate
the number of seats for disabled persons and shall likewise place the audio-visual aids
4.2.4 Existing Public Transport Vehicles – The minimum accessibility requirements shall apply
to all existing units of public transport vehicles, and including those units, which are to be
repaired and renovated.
4.2.5 Public Telephones – At least one unit of public telephones for every four (4) units shall be
accessible to disabled persons and shall be provided with visual aids required, provided that if
only (1) public telephone is to be installed in a particular place the same shall be accessible to
disabled persons.
4.2.6 Public Transport Terminals – The criteria and accessibility requirements, provided for
public and private buildings and related structures for public use shall apply to public transport

5. Special Standards of Accessibility:

Where the requirements for accessibility in the Rules will create an unreasonable hardship in
design/construction, special standards of accessibility through the use of other methods and/or
materials shall be allowed if better facilities can be provided subject to the approval of the
National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons.


1. Design Criteria:
1.1 CATEGORIES OF DISABLED PERSONS. The categories of disability dictate the varied
measures to be adopted in order to create an accessible environment for the handicapped.
Disabled persons under these Rules may be classified into those who have:

1.1.1 Impairments requiring confinement to wheelchairs; or

1.1.2 Impairments causing difficulty or insecurity in walking or climbing stairs or requiring the
use of braces, crutches or other artificial supports; or impairments caused by amputation,
arthritis, spastic conditions or pulmonary, cardiac or other ills rendering individuals
semi-ambulatory; or
1.1.3 Total or partial impairments of hearing or sight causing insecurity or like hood of
exposure to danger in public places; or
1.1.4 Impairments due to conditions of aging and in coordination;
1.1.5 Mental impairments whether acquired or congenital in nature.


The minimum and maximum dimensions for spaces in the built environment should consider
the following criteria:
1.2.1 The varying sizes and statures of persons of both sexes, their reaches and their lines of
sight at both the standing and sitting positions.
1.2.2 The dimensional data of the technical aids of disabled persons. Included in the second
consideration are the dimensions of wheelchairs; the minimum spaces needed for locking and
unlocking leg braces plus the range of the distance of crutches and other walking aids from
persons using such devices. By applying at this very early stage dimensional criteria which
take into account wheelchair usage, the physical environment will ultimately encouraged and
enable wheelchair users to make full use of their physical surroundings.
1.2.3 The provision of adequate space for wheelchair maneuvering generally insures
adequate space for disabled persons equipped with other technical aids or accompanied by
assistants. In determining the minimum dimensions for furniture and fixtures accessible to
disabled persons, the following anthropometrics data shall serve as guides for design: The
length of wheelchairs varies from 1.10 m to 1.30 m . The width of wheelchairs is from 0.60 m to
0.75 m. A circle of 1.50 m in diameter is a suitable guide in the planning of wheelchair turning
spaces. The comfortable reach of persons confined to wheelchairs is from 0.70 m to 1.20 m
above the floor and not less than 0.40 m from room corners. The comfortable clearance for
knee and leg space under tables for wheelchair users is 0.70 m. Counter height shall be
placed at a level comfortable to disabled persons’ reach.
1.3 BASIC PHYSICAL PLANNING REQUIREMENTS. No group of people shall be deprived of
full participation and enjoyment of the environment or be made unequal with the rest due to
any disability. In order to achieve this goal adopted by the United Nations, certain basic
principles shall be applied:
1.3.1 ACCESSIBILITY. The built environment shall be designed so that it shall be accessible
to all people. This means that no criteria shall impede the use of facilities by either the
handicapped or nondisabled citizens.
1.3.2 REACHABILITY. Provisions shall be adapted and introduced to the physical
environment so that as many places or buildings as possible can be reached by all.
1.3.3 USABILITY. The built environment shall be designed so that all persons, whether they be
disabled or not, may use and enjoy it.
1.3.4 ORIENTATION. Finding a person’s way inside and outside of a building or open
space shall be made easy for everyone.
1.3.5 SAFETY. Designing for safety insures that people shall be able to move about with less
hazards to life and health.
1.3.6 WORK ABILITY AND EFFICIENCY. The built environment shall be designed to allow the
disabled citizens to participate and contribute to developmental goals.

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