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Introducere in inginerie aerospatiala Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

Obiectiv principal Course Objective

Contribuie la formarea viitorilor ingineri de profil Contributes to the formation of future aerospace
aerospatial, familiarizându-se cu limbajul specific engineers familiar with aeronautical and aeronautical
aviatiei si aeronauticii, de a da studentilor informatiile language to provide students with the information they
necesare pentru a intelege modul de gandire in need to understand how to think about designing and
proiectarea si exploatarea unui aparat de zbor. operating a flight instrument.

Curs Course
1 ora pe săptămână, total 14 ore 1 hours weekly, total 14 hours
• Clasificarea masinilor aeriene si spatiale: • Classification of air and space vehicles:
Baloane, planoare, avioane, helicopter, sateliti Balloons, gliders, planes, helicopters, satellites
si rachete. and missiles.
• Regulamente si instrumente de proiectare: • Design regulations and instruments: National
Regulamente nationale si internationale, and international regulations, classical design,
proiectare clasica, calculatoare si programe, computers and programs, aerodynamic tunnels,
tunele aerodinamice, incercari in zbor. flight tests.
• Parti componente si comenzi avioane: Aripa • Aircraft components and controls: Fuselage
fuselaj, ampenaje, tren de aterizare, mansa wing, amplitudes, landing gear, throttle handle,
paloniere, comanda motor. engine control.
• Structura de rezistenta aripa: Structura grinda • Structure of the wing strength: Structure of the
cu zabrele, longeroane, lise, nervuri, invelis, beam with blades, long-haired, flat, ribbed,
structuri integrate. envelope, integrated structures.
• Structura de rezistenta fuselaj: Coca, • Structure of fuselage resistance: Coca,
monococa, semimonococa, cadre, lise, monocoque, semimonococcus, cadre, lyses,
longeroane, struturi integrate. longhairs, integrated structures.
• Structura de rezistenta fuselaj: Coca, • Structure of fuselage resistance: Coca,
monococa, semimonococa, cadre, lise, monocoque, semimonococcus, cadre, lyses,
longeroane, struturi integrate. longhairs, integrated structuress.

Seminar Seminar
1 ore pe săptămână, total 14 ore 1 hours weekly, total 1 hours
• Prezentarea diferitelor configuratii de planoare, • Presentation of various configurations of
avioane, rachete. gliders, planes, missiles.
• Regulamente nationale si internationale, unitati • National and international regulations, units of
de masura folosite in aviatie. measurement used in aviation.
• Prezentarea partilor componente ale avionelor. • Presentation of component parts of airplanes.
• Prezentare aparatura de bord. • Presentation of instrumentation.

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