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Positive Reinforcement in habit formation

Things to read:
1. Classical conditioning
2. Positive reinforcement
3. Negative reinforcement
4. Types of Reinforcements
5. Operant conditioning
6. Role of conditioning in exercise motivation
7. Endorphins in post exercise mood elevation
8. Dual role of positive reinforcement and endorphin release, to support habit formation

Classical Conditioning:
Initially tested by Russian Psychologist Pavlov. The case of the dog and the bell. There are 2
components: the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus.
The food acted as the “unconditioned stimulus” for Pavlov’s dog. When the dog was initially
exposed to the food, he would salivate in anticipation.
Food  Salivates
Bell  Food Salivates
Bell salivates (over time)
Over time, the bell becomes the conditioned stimulus, and the dog associates the bell ringing to
the food. Hence, every time the bell rings, the dog knows that food is coming up and begins
The onset of the future reward is learnt by the dog.
This kinda conditioning takes time.
Positive Reinforcement:
Commonly understood as “rewarding positive behavior”. How to get people to adopt a certain
behavior? Perhaps positive reinforcement is a way. The point is to encourage a certain behavior.
A behavior that you choose. For moral purposes, let’s keep it normal—
Once the behavior is exhibited, the reward (or positive stimulus) should be given to the person. It
perhaps works best when the person is immediately rewarded for their behavior.
Does positive reinforcement aide in long term behavior change? Do people become immune to
the same positive reinforcement after repeated exposure? [find out, should be a big yes]
There’s got to be a balance?
Negative Reinforcement
An undesirable stimulus is removed to encourage certain behavior.
A parent allowing their child to borrow the family car when they get good grades is positive
reinforcement, and a parent removing the child’s curfew when he or she gets good grades is
negative reinforcement.
To consider
Could a cheat day act as a negative reinforcement tool? [find out] because you did well today,
you get to cheat tomorrow.
Could a set target approach be used? Pre-set the targets- so that ensures that they follow.
Types of Reinforcers
Natural reinforcers: reinforcers that occur directly as a result of the behavior (e.g., a student
studies hard and does well on her exams, resulting in good grades).
Token reinforcers: those that are awarded for performing certain behaviors and can be exchanged
for something of value (e.g., parents devise a reward system in which the child earns stars,
points, or some other token that they can save up and turn in for a reward).
Social reinforcers: those that involve others expressing their approval of a behavior (e.g., a
teacher, parent, or employer saying, “Good job!” or “Excellent work!”).
Tangible reinforcers: reinforcers that are actual physical or tangible rewards (e.g., cash, toys,
treats, money, candy; Cherry, 2018).

Important things to consider:

In the progress calendar: can there be a mix of natural reinforcers and token reinforcers.
Natural reinforcer to think about: What big is the effect of endorphins post exercise? Is it enough
to offset the pain experienced and the laziness that they would experience in the month after?
Token Reinforcer: when you work out, you get a star. When you have enough starts: you get a
cheat day. The token can be exchanged for a cheat day.
Operant Conditioning
“Your behavior is shaped by the interactions you have with your environment.”
AKA Instrumental conditioning, AKA Skinnerian conditioning.
Operant conditioning relies on a fairly simple premise - actions that are followed by reinforcement will be
strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future. If you tell a funny story in class and everybody
laughs, you will probably be more likely to tell that story again in the future. If you raise your hand to ask
a question and your teacher praises your polite behavior, you will be more likely to raise your hand the
next time you have a question or comment. Because the behavior was followed by reinforcement, or a
desirable outcome, the preceding actions are strengthened.
The progress calendar would be based on operant conditioning and not classical conditioning. We are
trying to link behavior with a positive reward, with the aid of the inherent effect of endorphins post

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