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Wind Powered Dynamo; A Handy Cellular Phone Charger

Oliveros, Joshua V.

Abundo, Arvie Jane T.

Aureus, Jessel P.

De Arao, Maria Katrina J.

Manandig, Hanna Mae P.

Mendoza, Andrea Nicolle A.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Research 10

March, 2020

San Roque National High School

Brgy. Del Rosario, Mercedes Camarines Norte

Myla N. Deang, Ed.D.


Chapter 1: Background of the Study


Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Related Studies

Conceptual Framework

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Methods of Research Used

Subject of the Study

Sampling Technique Used

Research Instrument Used

Validation of Instruments

Data Gathering Procedure

Chapter 1



Dynamo is a machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.It is a

device that makes direct current electrical power using electromagnetism.Phone

chargers needs to have a outlet for electricity but this research seeks to have a charger

that uses wind just to charge.Wind is a common source of energy.The researchers

thought a kind of charger that is able to get electricity from the wind.

Communication Engineering (2014) "The battery and the load are permanently

connected in parallel across the DC charging source and held at a constant voltage

below the battery's upper voltage limit.The charger should deliver a clean regulated

voltage output with limits that will cause problems for the battery or the circuit in which it

is used.The battery type and the application in which it is used set performance

requirements which the charger must meet.

Sudhakar and Saxena (2013) "A wind battery charger has been investigated to

charge the mobile phone or battery while travelling .This technology can help to meet

the emergency power requirement when grid electricity is not available.This

device is also portable,cost-effective and energy efficient.By further suitable

modifications,the system could be used to charge gadgets for daily use.

According to the Faculty of Electrical and Automation Engineering Technology.In

recent days,mobile phones has become an omnipresent personal electronic device in

people's daily lives.Users are always alert for cellphones that have an advanced

technology.However, the difficulty to charge the phone battery which commonly due to a

power supply problem has not yet been resolved satisfactorily.Despite the advanced

technology of mobile phone, the battery still cannot meet the increasing power demand

due to the rapidly increasing functionalities of the mobile phone.Therefore it is highly

desirable to reduce the dependence of the mobile phone battery charging on the power

supply of harvesting renewable energy from environment.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology (March 2016). The wind power is

among the best candidates due to its wide availability.In addition, to produce clean

energy,wind turbines also dont need any tranportation fuel that can be harmful to the

environment.Modern wind turbines capable use to produce power at reasonable cost

which causes the system to be more efficient and reliable.By using wind turbine, wind

energy will be converted into electrical energy to produced power supply which act as

mobile charger.

Statement of the Problem

Wind energy is necessary in our daily lives.Unfortunately,this kind of energy for

others is not more functional.This study aims to develop a device that generates

electricity that has tha capacity to charge a cellular phone.

So as to evaluate the effectiveness of this device,the proponents aim to answer

the following questions:

1.How much voltage can the device produce to charge the cellular phone,what other

device or appliance can power up?

2.How does the device help in peoples daily lives?

3.Can this device help in decreasing electrical consumption?



1. The dynamo can't produce enough voltage to charge a phone.

2. The device can't charge all types of phone.

3. The device will not help to reduce the electrical consumptions at home.


1. The dynamo can produce enough voltage to charge a phone.

2. The device can charge all types of phone

3. The device will help to reduce the electrical consumptions at home.

Significance of the Study

The study of wind powered dynamo; a handy cellular phone charger aims to

develop a phone charging device using wind energy. The project’s goal is designed to
help everyone to charge their phone anytime and anywhere without hassle and without

the need of electricity from electric plugs and can be used during emergencies or

calamities that no electricity will be produced without our natural resources. They would

be benefit by being able to conserve and reduce electrical consumption of small

appliances like fans,bulbs, and chargers which cellular phones are mostly needed to

have communication, and can also be used for outdoor activities like hiking and island

hopping which when electricity is not available. The future researchers can use this

study as their guide in developing their knowledge about alternative sources of

renewable energy.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers focused on the study on producing enough voltage to charge a

cellular phone using dynamo.Dynamo will be the used device to convert the wind

energy into a reusable form of electrical energy.The electricity that will be produced by

this device will be used to charge the cellular phone.

The purpose of this study is to not to replace the conventional source of

electricity but rather an alternative source of power at the same time to reduce electrical

Chapter 2


Related Study

According to Saikumar Bahabiraman 2004, in the study entitled " Wind Energy

Based Mobile Battery Charging and Charging Applications, it included that the most

commonly available and used energy resources are solar and wind that may used in

charging of low power electronic gadgets and proven that this kind of mobile charger is

better than normal mobile charging as it uses winnd power or a renewable energy

source because mobile phones always facing the difficulty of battery charging while

travelling from one place to another place that present this design and implementation

of a portable battery charger using multi direction wind turbine.

Based from the study entitled " Portable Smart Phone Charger Using Human

Mechanical Energy By Gear Train With Hand Crank ", the phones have proressively got

more powerful processors and large touch screen interfaces, their power requirements

has increase correspondingly and unfortunately, battery technology is not been growing

at a comparable pace, hence this is a need to frequently charge the batteries. People

face a common problem of charging electronic appliances, this lead them to make the

mechanical based hand crank charger a device that utilizes mechanical energy,

converts it into electrical energy and charges the mobile. It doesn't require anu electrical

source and also by going for this alternative source of energy we can reduce the human

footprint on Earth.
According to Prareen Kumar in this study " Real-Time Portable Charging Device

Using Wind Energy ". In this proposed system, a new method of mobile charging in

vehicles, using wind energy has being discussed. In the current bend, the mobile

phones are charge by using the internal battery points in automobiles. On usage of this

energy, diesel consumption is increased and also it spoils the life of battery. This issue

is overcome by using a small wind turbine, which is used to charge up our mobile phone

batteries. The type recorder de motor based wind mill is used to generate the electrical

energy by a small wind turbine. This lX motor is a permanent is a magnet type motor

which will act as a generator when a mechanical input is provided by an external

rotating source. According to the variations of vehicle speed; the generation of induced

EMF of the DC motor is also varied. This variable output is regulated and is used to

charge up our mobile phone batteries.

Based on the study " Electrical Charging Devices With Portable Mini Wind Mill "

usage of renewable energy sources to maximum extent is what they are trying to do in

whatever applications possible. This project is also based on this subject - Making use

wind power. The use of wind energy in such a way that it can charge your mobile phone

or laptop.

Related Literature

With ever increasing demand for energy,man has left no stone unturned in his

search for the same.Many methods of extracting energy have been experimented with

and the best is done to develop them.There are so many possible energy sources
available for doing that.Such as; wind,water,static,mechanical,etc.These types of

energy are nkt suitable for all situations.Some has distinctive advantages over others

and some has disadvantages also.At present, scientist and manufacturers are still trying

to improve and meet our ongoing energy demands for portable electronic devices.

According to Abhinar Kumar, Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a

useful form of energy,such as using wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for

mechanical power, wind pumps for wayer pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships.

Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful,renewable, widely

distributed,clean and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation,and the

cost per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas

installations.The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind

is considerably more than present human power use from all sources.Energy received

from the movement of the wind across the earth.This energy is a result of the heating of

our oceans, earth, and atmosphere by the sun.

The study entitled Development of Wind Powered Mobile Charger attempts to

develop a small compact and easy to carry mobile charger which utilizes wind energy to

charge mobile phones with ease during travelling.It can be easily installed in the window

of the car/bus/trains etc. and works wind speed of 40 kmph/80 kpmph.The charge

consists of minimum number of parts making it cheaper and affordable.As an added

feature a small solar panel is provided so that it can save eneegy in the absence of wind

energy of when we are not travelling.If small rechargable battery is also provided so that

it can save energy and can provide alternative source of power when both solar and

wind are absent.

A wind turbine is also a machine which extracts energy electricity by the rotation

of propeller like blades that drives a generator through shafts and gears present within it

(Britannica, 2011). It is a rotating machine which converts kinetic energy from wind into

mechanical energy and this mechanical energy is converted into electricity usibg


Some ancient times, man has harnessed the power of the wind to provide motive

power for transportation.Likewise, the technique of grinding grain between stones to

produce flour is similarly ancient , and widespread.Where and when these twoo came

together in the first is unknown, but a likely scenario suggests a Persian orogin, from

where the knowledge spread back into Northern Europe as a result of the

Crusades.Since the Persian mills were quite unlike the early European designs it seems

just as likely that the adaptation of wind as a power source was independently

discovered in Europe.Of course wind was not the first non human power source applied

to the task of grinding corn as it was preceeded by botg animal power, and in all

probability by water power.

European mill wrights became highly skilled craftsmens, developing the

technology tremendously and as Europeans sett of colonizing the rest of the globe ,

windmills spread throughout the world.The basis of windmill design include those built

by the British, who developed many advanced control mechanisms over the centuries,

and the Dutch who used windmills extensively to pump water and for industrial uses, as

well as to grind grain.

As steam power developed, tge uncertain power of the wind became less and

less economic, and we are left today with a tjny fraction of the elegabt structures that

once extracted power from the wind.These remaining windmills, steam all over the

world, are a historic remainder of a past technological age.A number of mills have been

restored either visually or in some cases back to full working order.However, the

promise of widespread power from the wind lives on both in the form of wind turbines

producing electricity and in the form of small scale wind pumps often largely low-tech

installations still used extensively in the world of agriculture.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Materials Required  Conceptual Wind Powered
Design Dynamo; A handy
 Dynamo  Prototype cellular phone charger
 USB Cable Testing
 Propeller  Analysis of
 Diode Capacitor Data
 Voltage  Interpretation of
Regulator Data
 Survey

The conceptual framework of this study was describe above. This study analyzed

the performance of the device.

The input of the study includes the materials required such as dynamo, USB cable,

Propeller, Diode Capacitor and Voltage Regulator. This also includes the voltage and

wind speed required for this device.

The process is the steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our

understanding of the study through appropriate tools like survey questionnaire,

interpretation of data and analysis of data was done by the researchers.

The output of this study is Handy Cellular Phone Charger using Dynamo

Powered by Wind.


This chapter presents the method to be used in the study. It also describes the

research respondent, data gathering preparations, preparation of the study and

evaluation of the study.

This study will determine the effectiveness of the wind powered dynamo; a handy

cellular phone charger by comparing the students cellphones in using this.

Methods of Research Used

The descriptive, experimental and survey methods of research will be used in the

study. Descriptive because it's main concern is to get the holistic view of the

characteristics of the subjects exposed to the wind powered dynamo charger. This

study is also experimental because a lot of subjects will be compared in terms of the

performance of the wind powered dynamo charger. Both quantitative and qualitative

research shall be observed as it will elicit opinions and numerical data from the

respondent through survey questionnaire.

Subjects of the study

In this study, 10 students with different cellular phones of San Roque National High

School will be selected to participate in the process.

Sampling Technique Used

Convenience sampling will be utilized in this research. Since the researchers are

the students of the students in the San Roque National High School, she will used the

students as her subject and respondents.

Research Instruments Used

The following instruments will be used in the conduct of the research. 1.

Researcher's made product. These is the product that will evaluate quantitatively the

students cellphone performance. 2. Students cellular phone. These will help the

researchers to analyze if all the cellular phones will be suitable for the wind dynamo


Validation of Instruments

The researchers will validate the product. Their corrections and suggestions will

be incorporated the draft for the text stage of validation. Snowball type of sampling will

be the final sampling to be used in this research. The response will be tested for


Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents follow a procedure in order to make an efficient design project.

First, the researcher's designed the concept of the project. Listing all the related articles,

researchers and papers in the next procedure to help in information gathering for the

project conceptualization. World Wide Web was another tool in gathering primary data.
Afterwards, proponents prepared research materials like related wind powered dynamo;

a handy cellular phone charger. There product will be repeated if needed.

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