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Cast :

Manager : Ayu Ningsih

Tourist A : Mansurya
Tourist B : Dinar Apriany
Recepcionist : Chantika Putri Wahyuni
Waiter A : Hikmawati Panggalo
Waiter B : Nadia Ulfah Azis
Water serviceman : Wahyullah Akbar

One Day In Jakarta

Mansurya and Dinar is bestfriend from Melbourne, they come to Jakarta for holiday and want
to stay in Grand Clarion Hotel.

(In Hotel)

Receptionist : Good morning miss, can i help you?

Tourist A : Hey good morning, i want to stay in this hotel. Is there any available room?
Receptionist : Oh wait, i want to check it first

(A few minutes later)

Receptionist : Yes miss, we have any available room. How many night you will stay in here? And
how many person will stay here?
Tourist A : We want to stay with my friend for 3 days and 2 nights
Receptionist : Oh ok, may i borrow your ID card for administration process?
Tourist A : Yes of course, this is my ID card
Receptionist : Ok, please wait miss, you can sit first
Tourist A : Ok

Receptionist : Please signature in here, miss

Tourist B : Oh yes
Receptionist : Ok miss, the price per nights is Rp. 1.000.000 for 2 night you must pay Rp. 2.000.000
plus tax 10%, so you must pay Rp. 2.200.000
Tourist B : Wow, so expensive. This is the money
Receptionist : Thank you miss, now our waiter want to pick up you to your room on number 88, and
this is the key. Have a nice day miss
Tourist B : Oh yes, thank you.

(A few minutes later, the waiter is come)

Waiter B : Good morning miss, where is your bag?

Tourist A&B : Oh, this is my bag
Waiter B : Let’s go miss, i want to pick up to you to your room
Tourist A : Okey come on

(In Tourist room)

Waiter B : Please miss, this is your room

Tourist B : Ok, not too bad
Waiter B : Is there anything else we can do to help you enjoy your stay?
Tourist B : Nothing, thank you
Waiter B : You’re welcome, and have a nice day miss

(At Afternoon 12:00 pm)

Waiter B : Good afternoon

Tourist A : Yes, good afternoon
Waiter B : This is your lunch miss, i hope you enjoy it
Tourist A : Thank you

(At Afternoon 4:00 pm)

Tourist A : Have you take a bath?

Tourist B : Yes i have, want you take a bath too?
Tourist A : I have done. I want to wash my face but there is some problem in the water
Tourist B : Ok, i will call the waiter

(Tourist B call the waiter on telephone)

Tourist B : Hello, please come to 88 room, there is some problem

Waiter A : Oke wait a minute miss

(A few minutes later the waiter is come)

Waiter A : What happen miss?

Tourist B : The water is didn’t flow, can you check it?
Waiter A : Wait miss. I will ask to receptionist

(The waiter is go to receptionist)

Waiter A : Miss, the water in 88 room is didn’t flow

Receptionist : Oh okay, i will report it to manager

(Receptionist go to manager room)

Receptionist : Good evening, miss

Manager : Good evening, sit down please
Receptionist : There is some problem in 88 room
Manager : What’s problem?
Receptionist : The water is didn’t flow
Manager : May you need to call a water serviceman?
Receptionist : Sorry, i am forget that
Manager : Call the water serviceman now, i will apologize to our visitor
Receptionist : Oke, thank you miss

(Manager go to 88 room)

Manager : Good evening miss

Tourist A : Yes, good evening
Manager : I am so sorry about the problem in the room that maybe give you bad impression
Tourist A : Oh ok, not a big problem, but next time i hope all facilitas in best condition
Manager : Thank you for your suggestion
Tourist A : You’re welcome
(The Receptionist call the water serviceman)

Receptionist : Hello, this is the water serviceman?

Water serviceman : Yes of course, may i help you?
Receptionist : We are from Grand Clarion Hotel, we have a problem. Can you check it?
Water serviceman : Of course, i will come. Wait a minute miss

(The water serviceman arrived in the Hotel and meet The receptionist)

Water serviceman : Good evening, i am water serviceman, you call me an hour ago
Receptionist : wait a minute sir, i will call the waiter
Water serviceman : Okey miss

(The receptionist call the waiter)

Receptionist : Hello, please come here!

Waiter A : What happen?
Receptionist : Bring this water serviceman to 88 room

(The waiter is come)

Waiter A : Hello sir, are you a water serviceman? Please follow me to 88 room
Water serviceman : Ok, sure.

(The waiter and water serviceman arrived in 88 room)

Waiter A : This is the room, please check it and call me if you need something
Water serviceman : Ok miss

(The waiter out of the room)

(The water is well done and The water serviceman go to The receptionist)

Water seviceman : I have done miss

Receptionist : Thank you sir, i will send the payment to your rekening number
Water serviceman : Okey, you’re welcome


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