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ERROR ANALYSIS Relative Error | Defias Suppose that f ic an approximation to Pp, the absolute error it given | Ep- Ip-P | and the relative absolute ercor Ic Rp = |252) 5 proviaed that ps0 Error = exact value - approximation Example: Fiad the error and relative error in the following three cases by « | a) Let x + 9.141092 4) y= 1,000,000 Re ay 9 + 999,a9 Ie-81 = [30169225] 14-9) - Inec0.000- 449.904 = 0.001642 La Rao |sch\, 9.001542, ee 4 = | Psisicaa | 3 | clara | = 0.00509 = 0.000004 ¢) z= 0.00012 2 = 0.000094 [2-3] =[0.00012 -0.00004 | + ]0.00003] + 2 |- sass) i 0.00012 ae = 0.25 i » Aecurady-P meacure Of OW OS® the appre value ic 10 the tie value Precision * megcure of how Clore the measure values af@ to each other. error -> the result of inaguracy and inpreacion Definitio saaceee : Medea” te numver § ic sid to opprximate P ty a cignificant digite if dig the lorgect positive integer for which [eP] t err, gron W| each ‘critetion f rR eS ro —e FEO x2 8 a oa gee x8 Exampee 2 Find the eal wot of 49 4-5-0 correct fo ee decimal places KE Ye | ahinbh 8-8 Eby MAG Te teed he af an) 43° L109d75947 Kas A 2G omneaT) 3 - Lesese3, Ka > V2(vecbse3) +3 ~ KB6BOEST Xa = S{afieouesn 3“ Weanogsny ss Ya(renaees) 43 ~ 1843004, Yu = AY aTreotoote) 5 = 8AabeHY 2092074) RP 1.89926 "i ae Example 3: ayy Find a real root of 2-logx-a=0 using ord with Ea 0.003 AX = 1ogr -4=0 > x= (logr19)/2 hed Xr = Leal). 4.003 = eg (490s) 19. 4.9407 ‘Reate A703 f he 5 Tad siuo= 0.61889 7 MH to LAGE vy gaat Mets [asin 8401] 0p « osrsety) 2 40386 Fi Voge WOORS) 4 4 poe ne [wet sesess ibe f 1 a 4 "Jota Pane | sees O.0DITY A, e+ | tetenaro) 4 — = 4463 thts ie 8424-4 8483 | oy p02" a aay EXAMPLE A F ae Uke fited -qoint iteration to wate tne woot of f(K) © ON -% Short with Xe =p. indicate ‘fe Ea and ‘Ee given TR = 0.607 4329 Do ik iterations Aroncform + eS x +0 Teatine Formla + xiv re“ eet \st iteration fy =O dire ay 507 N84 O.EUT Na we, | sw. +197, e* + 0.3u7e 144412 seni p1944i2- | Jo =171.83% | th ’ fa. a 1 ~ Sate ova rn *O-9n20 0275 ¥ 04a220063 a Fee Foxe ivsee fimo - 22.08 % ° ouat0008 -0.3018196410 t io ray (NOD = ae .66% 4h iteration Xs = 0.49 380005, Was en hte 0. 500473 = | OSUIMEIG- 0500473500} 50-74 stop = 1-70'/0 a» | -Dsoensia- 04a] 99. 59, 91¢/s oan2mD U3 pies 4 = 0.500473600 Boo ERNTE «0.40 24354 oeris24- oc a4354 ofoey + | EE ye 6 te | rae | te ofpEa » |) 2UOU24ISH- O.SUINTANID | oy. 17 gol, fo | eT [see rat oth Uteration: Ys 0.406254 Wo = erPaeemary 5 p.c4s3ae® spe, . | gH = 0.595555 arc | soso 0.545345 eho = 3.83%/0 2K %.54539 57g nw [Eo pO > tf.1eele NEWTON - RAPRSON METHOD a methad that ues the derivative £'(x) of 4he function and as well as the function ((x) itself =a function should be differentiable and continuous Method: we select a point, Yo Os the first estimate the 0 2] ws 2.0625 $(20425) <0 3 2.0425 2.315 2.2161 1221875) 20 4 | 2005 2.21876 2.14062 {(214002)70 5 | Aroree 204s) 21Mour — | 2054 f(n01s¥) <0 © | 21066 21a. 2.12109 §(242097 0 TY} a0 2.14002 Lust (2m) <0 | 2m 2.12104 2.0205 c2nens) 22 4 | am0a0¢ 21104 2.110475 #(21160476)20 ro | 2ueeatt | 2.1109 2.198067 | §(2u6067)20 w | 2u9e0e 2.12109 2.120479 | eernoara) co © Find a root of xe%=cosx ucing HIM correct to 2 decimal on (0,1) 4(0) = Ke* -cosx ine * = os x)(x") % = 0.51775 73637 (0) #0 $0) 20 places j 1 1 METHOD OF FaLse- POSITION ~ also catled the linear interpolation method OS® Requia~ Faki Method ~ brackening “Mes a similar approach as the HIN) only tat the nay in wie Kine, 16 determined i¢ different ~ expect convergence, ~ creating a secant line thiough the curve. Using similar triangles (Xe $0409) = fal Mee) = her (6n7) yrs) 4 (Ke) - F(x) le Gerece)] BrampleD) Gove gor a root of FXY=-12-2ix 118A -2.7543 using RPM ol] Keel and Ket+g wf Ea cit bow OM FQ) ACK) Xen Eo AX +02 *O son [0.¢,3] vith “ota L1% iar LX [eee | FOG] Kew [acc | eee 0 0s 3 =Loqwag | 5.046 16 | 0.946 3 ~1.43028 | — 32.896%e 1 0.44038 2 |-1.43078 |s.04~ole | 139988, 1.32014 | eae 2 | 1saaee 3 |isatg | some | 1.13206 ~o.9n209 | 9.178% * 1.7320 3 0.92209 | S.0deeiy | 142671 -0.53015| 4.80137% 4 1.02671 3 ~.690% |Codeole | 2.02895 -0.27048| © 034%. s | a.caser 3 -o.pa7odg| 6.04606 | 2.07925 = 0.129697] 2.364% © | adores 3 0.12997 | So¥tuie | 2101 33 =0.000a8| 1.098 “fe 7 3.1199, 3 = 0.0028. | c-odou)u | aay ~0.02163 0.502% é me LU DECOMPOSITION “ia \ * Basic foot Finding Techniques aye > Solutions to Systems of Linear tans + On >The matrix form of 4ne cucter ane Aa =o — constant P= As. J ~enenonn coe ai mas au x b, a [ VE) the dre aly aa Healy, ‘orn Generals The method 16 based on the gereal reduction of an equation by decemnpocing he syctem) Into trv triangular matrices Recai): Ax = can be fransgermed ac a- =O 20m matrix Conider OM upper triangular diagonal mdteix gy 1 Ua Us TEX dy Mis ig € tne Gorm 0 ' das |} te [+], Usd 0. Br Kank lees! Us-d-0 Accume that here is another lower riangular matrix L* such that Wy +O 00 [& tod . Oy du de Aen Ak -b=0 Wy) ~b-0 Weeb such that Un =d i japog atom mo Aa sid Pe eee. axcowwe. 0 si “x! dahil alan ah > iy 1 te fr ee Steps in LU Decomposition © W Decompocition ctep A i, factoriaed and upper U triangular matrices, or “decomposed” inty lower L @ Substitution Sep: Uand L are ued 40 determine x by clving the inter- mediate matrix din Ld slp and then owing x thing ‘backward Qu Uy + (OD(Uss) + (0) = 9 Ug = Af 3 — ter Li) + Laa(a) + (0X0) «2 ta-2, toa Un + Lav (1) 4 (0)(0) 3 @(a) + Bae =3 # di = 3-4 =-| ~ day Uis + San (tas) 100) = 4 QN(3) + Ci (Uas) = + Urs “4 -e] ~ 2 aes > hoy (1) + Lan (9) + M55 (0) = Ley, F Gide S52) + bs @ = 4 (N(2), 7 da 24 daar 4-922 , > Up oy + foe las + bn = 8 (N03) + (2) +s 8 day 78-3 4 in Uk=d by perfor- Fld -b eit] > (Gd) + ds 40s) © © 3, Padi Hd +0da = 4 -da -4-4 dant — dit dda tds 1 @ +20) 1do-) da =1- peasy Uk =d Meee corey 2 [: ‘ =l[§] 5] pro. Ts eee > Ksecl > Rahs" «fa Ka 4.3(4) =0 P Medy D> Ay + 2ka + Ys 2 = Yor 2(2) 430-1) tr Be 4 JACOB) AND GAUSS SEIDEL ITERATIVE METHOD involve, trancformation of tne given custem of linear equations. ~stark ww] an even trang ormarion Trancformerion con be indicared in two ways © -tro'ei Method - eration by total cep @ Gouse-seide!_ Metnd- ‘Neration by cingle ctePs. Criterion for Convergence (Row - cum Criterion) \oul> S lay; men fre matrix ie caid be diagonally dominant. 2 ay Xb: Xe (b= Qake ~ 0X.) eel Gs ho (os -a. Ks = = (oy = 00% “dat Ke...) x Fax (bo- Duke ~ date ) ~ Fist check f the matrix is diagonally dominant . ‘Remark © =SoNing equations May be Ge a problem of Finding that eet of values with under #he troncformation replaces itself. We asume an inital value’ of the solution and iterate until +e desired stopping Criterion is maintained. Example DCO, + 98 he Xa 4 TH9 «= 3 BX th 15+ We ‘ancform the sie Wt make ir diagonally dominant?) Bh + Xa “Ds {oi Ghe “Xs 8 Ma thy = ~ Bh 4 ha -2hy + -20 =D (-20 ~Ka49%s) AAG Sa My sh oD ka (-38 $2 4 Hs) 0% =e tT 3p oye L Good 284.4 ha) Using ane initio! estimate “7 To & 1 lo he o Solve for *he system using = a) Jacobi is + - b) Gauss -Seide) q itpartesett 1h ec cy. 2) Jocovi st eration is a (-20 -0.4.20) = 9.5 Nae ae (-38-20) #0) +633 Yar 5 (34 430) +0) + - 4.80 | 2nd Teretion “Ea (2rd Hereatie WPe eb (20-6994 20-406) 94.67 pau] SEE heee « Xs 4 (38-2025) - 4.86) = 7.98 249 we J wo te oe 94 150.6) 1(46.33) 2 7 2.68 Re ard Neration Foro] zeectaso Jone Abe = (-20 -1.98 + 2(-2.88)) + Ea. (30 Herotion) 3 + 2(-2.68)) + 4.22 | S21 yop + 097% Whe ot Cag -acagn)- 2.86 - 8.32 om i [PEE fw 2 s.080% Bed = Lege acai ¢(790)) = "178 a 2 cee a fC) ayo 9% ooo ‘hea (m Nehan) As = (19-82 00-18) = 3.485 jeeeaa| H00 + 6.847% $638: 20400) 178) +804 | EER. |e. 3. 19% Yate } (at 13.420) + Ba) + “Le est) in ys ye eee |ABEceRE) gy + 420% ‘Sih eration fete i “h Fa (cH ttexotion) WF eo (tb 8.09 +2(-1.60)) © 3.47 [2st sase }rie0 = 0378 Yo KF. F ra1- boo £ (38: a(sa@s) - Leu) * 7.97 \eeaccee = 0.818% + ee “Lop - (-1-86) A= Lat 4 303.005) 1844) = -209 | dee) 1900 7,00 +), oth erating, “1a Cth eration) Ait =~ (1.97 + 2(-201) = $.994 | SREP hw 0.1057, ergs a pata a = =F (3g -a¢347) -201) * 794 [R28 | nen case, Ist = 5 HH ¥96@.q7) v1) +202 [2 eee v.49 1) Gaus ~Seide) Method = (i Nol Lo ist Tteration « A> C201 010) 29.6 ‘ Wa oF 638-205) 0) Be WL (a4 sagan tn. Red. Neration (and eration ant fC Pan HW) 409 aj 2G (98 20409) 1(2.70))~ Bay |eeetity 0 * 12.4 FCM se00) Bu) td 27) oo t2077 33. Heration ta (2e Iteration ) \ sas fi Mek (-204 By +2 C194)) + dus | SEB) 00 « 210s, 2 em 4 Yat -§(-38-2(4005) 4 (- 1-99) © 1.99, ree 00> 2.B*/ Ash = (94 + 904.005) + 7aa) «190 (3) \" OKs = O.2Ks = LOE $3% 0.0%, s10K = TH, MUN ST = 0.9K) #43, x7 fo ef | wf fo {ci “ONL. = 0.2 %5 + 765 GF (7854 01 ks +0.2Ks) ke: Olt TAs” 03 %3 -49, Yat $(103--0.1%, 40.3%) 0.3% 00%, 110%; = Ta 5 1p C14 -0.3% 00K0) RELAXATION “modification for Jacobi and cause - ceded “represents a clignt modificcttion ty the Gaxks Ceidel Method that is designed 40 enironee convergence. = After each new value of X %& computed, Mat k tre value ig modified bya weignted average of the results of we previous and the present erations Wee = NR + (1 ADE where Ai a weighing factor Hat ic ossgned a value betveen and 2 SIE Bed, (1-2) = , dhe result IS untodified aI OZ 41, underreignation ic employed tw make a convergent cyster centage of 40 asten convergence bY domPEniny oUt osciations. HIE [2NE2, WE RAVE OVErrElaxation where exta neigh i¢ prKed on we present ae to acceresOte MMe convergence of the eyctem hat Is airecehy comergent BANE: Soe tne 4f. SIEM EIN Gauss-Seidel cing overreiaxation Caei-2) and Stopping orierion Of “eq L 10%) Ke (42h) 3%. +1%a9 0% 24-8 \ Kae tg (42%) =e Joke -2%a°B | 8h VK eT {st Teration 4rd Hearion wo xe © 35(8120))- 0-8 Ais 4G (EB 0-98)) = O.9ny wC ats eae . en ) HCDEO CODD oe Ker = C-2(0au) +60.2(1.06)+ 0.483 ‘ omit x + 45 (ar (3(0.90)) - 0444 oe (@ + 3(0.482)) = p.aay 5 ( . Yale = (12) (090) (020) «119 Kae + ADCOA*) 402X048) + 099 y l0.489-1.06 \ 90 - 1934/7 pore ‘hE a,. = Pee wo = 783*/s AE = AS (84 2008)) -L04 # Rane « see exo 1a"% Kae 7 GD(LOd) +602)(0.46) +106 Yat #208 26-089) «1.015 isigap Kare 7 (DCO) ¥C-02)(1.14) «0.48 4a 0994 fare « [ae |soorasey & ot bEase 9B -105) 60 - Sanam cla 2 Curve Fitting 1) General Problem: Find the equation of the curve tat will "bert Fit @ given set of points D) son @ Polynomial! Approximation a curve of degree “M" passes exactly thrd a given. nfl poinn. © Method of Least | ey wt $0). $09 1 st ' 4.00) ae Lat ee car llgiinlal aban (G8 as Ww hale 38 Vig Ge Ley Eh | Als ee (cl: Bue ert ok thei te G28 : a 2 Gate a3 | ye eGstIsY i ct ¥. roe fc] pie ts ata 4 : Beta W ant mm tet a ibaa 3.6] Fel CER et ‘| 1 ows Ira 1 ity. tate ak is 1 63S pas Ww S yaag ie “Lio 12 wy | | 2 v« 33 HG) + 1C4 40 #10) 1G) 4 Meas) Fea + iy Eee ames wl Vg) + (628) + 102399810) LEA Gast # ast Hee [ } ce 3.69 6:51) ¥ l2a8|20)414 4 ax eae SS ysas | LO wd06 4G KSC = 778 BENG + HG. 125 Ca = 44.05 = 2.279 NUMERAL |NTEGRATION Tropezcidal Rule (Single segment) “m7 (ew $c09) a6 Reimann Sam concider Ain F(R) AK it ARS E(x Dx ate. % min £0) Ax m ple Ae ie F1K) dx Newton's cotes’ Technique “tkes polynomial interpotation to approximate tne value of definite integral Netnod 4: Derivation by Integration Se ftdx = f% gerade +5 (@o tax)da = (ax bax) | *Qi(b-a) + $0 (v?-a*) If the line paces tri, (a. flay) and (b, 6) then f.(a) = Qe tag 4) -Qtaa $.(b) = bah t Ab) F(t) = Oe *0i(v) f(a) =O 10,0 ~ fe) - Fa) { $6) +s 1b PO" za + ay BEA 0609 fi seoar- [EOS] wo vk [ese 7 [esepscteo Joris BEA eoee 2 [oi - ae + [f=c0] Gesa)] = F(a) -af(e) + Lot (e) + Lage) - 4 &4(a)- $afla) s-Late) + 56 Fla)+L 646) -1 afta) - [Eee - pat] + [Zo -Lo@] = £46) (0-0) +4 4@)(b-a) = $Co-a) (¢(0) 1400)) | PPecoax = Ec) (tte) +60) Methods — by germetry | | (onray 4 Arapessid + Cos tbe) i tb | to j A= (4a) #400) (6-9) i Lie G Jae@dx Example: ‘the vertical distance covered by a rocket from 1=6 to t-ab jc i 2/® 14D 080 given by % tf [20001n Gahar)? -9.89 dt -2M06t (a) ike single segment tropezidal rule to find +e distance covered from 478 te 1*305. (v) Find the TV (© Find the absolute relative error | 0 veo 000 }- 4.808) = 197.267 @ are +4(@) = 2000 In b-30 el ( ‘0000 21p00¢e) $0) = $(90) ~ ao00 In (ene (30) = 0.0 0 ifs pat eo) (09400) > 2B (207 +401.079) [ip reds 1h 668.35) co ia FA)dt = 104] 336 © pgs [RRM IEA pena = ee @ TRAPEZODAL RULE fee mattipie eegment rrapercidal rule | Si 10) dx em [1@) + az cari) + 00] mnere he Solve prev. problem using Multiple - cegment trapezoidal rule mented vain x6 fP (20m [ates asi > 168) dt TY: x+y 061m a)ns7; he 2-0 5 ) Se . x Sfrete fo 400 + Sq FO Sfrmoa + 4 [fte) + 2 #02) £00] a 2 Tn. 267 + 2464.75) 101.47] Sf to0dn w 1240.90 a ee | sve # 106% eles he SSR a P uodxs [io es) reo] Pye. SF [imay7 + 6 2902.085 + 9167] Ml nr.gies. Noo me |) oars One woe > ia so)dex % [ee ¥a(P(Z fee 45>) +409] ML Prnn.aen + 4967. 007 1 90! oT] Weer dee + ie ool - 11064. WMPSONS Ya RULE ' : S pciudes parawles Cand degree) Sq 00d" () + 4(ath) + F Ce) (recotl + Ast dey. Ik 4 Vrear) =on extension of Trapezsidal rule where. ENEEGIA | soe integrand is approximated ET | og Bue eam.” i 0 Given: xe Cen: xef B [sst0m (os aaat) ~a-0t Tt TV ll, 001.36 Use cingle application (n#2) cimpcons ‘/3 Rule _ 3 7 fa) @ f(s) =177.27 f(arh)op (6 1") = 48475 f (6) 4(90) = 901-67 SG ean © Sec, 4400 1160) = 4 [rmar + 4 (48475) 901 oT] ¥ "008.78 ee de Je cods os [4@ + 4 (ashy: § (ar 2h] + Ee(army + 4f(atan) + §(or4h)] + AT earthy + 46(045h)9 469] . = [fe 4] Flan re arainef (arsin] +, 2 [Fcaveny tera] fe] tt nea [i conan (fo 4 2400) 22 savin) - 1 tea a etd Us routine segments Sint sons Yo Rule Using 4 Segment Simpsons Ye Rule (2 applications’) wad na See 22 + ch Fe f(@) 7177.27 (era) #4 (7/2) + 320.25 $(e4 2(0A)) = F (19) = 484.75 $(8 +3004) #4 (442) + 616.05 £ (30) + q0l.¢7 % Leeds 4 [etme + €(*h)] + 2[F0)] +40] [ma ya[3m.2cre1e.0s] 4 2[4—4.76] 1 aoleT a Mh Lo > Novl wt 1h OG1.3u_- WOU. [gegen | £100» Tou 3 Example 2 (* e8an TW fl es gad Usingy,Simpson '¢ Rule» n= @ bee eg {@ earl 4(21 4) = (6). ogg $ (24 sn) = (he) = OW £(2 + 3(1/4)) = §(274) = 14-77 F(2t4(@) = § (a) = 90.9 f'FCA) . F(A) = ab. ics 6CAm) ae bs By = at f(y) = 496 a W)) = 4 OAM) = 40 {Meta § [an + APSA + 12H) 6609/4) + £(57A)] + 2[ Cale) + $04) £(75A)] + ee] a (Aus a[e.99914.97 20 54 + #4) 42 [wads 20.9% 943i] + 54.6) ie eX da & 526.13 2 hte eee = 024% hte 924.18 ge ‘A SIMPSON's 3/@ RULE: (Multiple of 3. parati) 9 3rd order Cor Cubic > passing through 4 known dato points So £00 dx f° fs mae g S53 (Qe +OX 102%” 4 ds x*) dx Sok +7 OK ey Oak + pax! | =D 3h*b-a Single application 3/y Rule n=3 SE sedan = A [ 600) ¥3f(oth) + 3¢Ca¥2m) + EQ] Solving using single 3/g Rule (n-3) (Wo co0___ _qgt dt i wee aoe loot 3) ‘ a=8 jb 30 0-8. a2 h- 22-2 {(6) f@) §(8+ is) = § (40/8) + 379.4 (81 2(228)) * ¢ (8/3) * eoe.Bd § (BO) *f@) - ao. hb Jee) +34 (HA) © 3 (5) +460] : ‘ea [127 + 3GTL.b J+ 9( 608. 84) + 901. eT] = My 043.226 “ MULTIPLE sEeMENT appuicaTion (*%e) iruey i288 fae = at {(e) 432 604) + 3 eux) +2 Z¢¢Ki) F010} 3 ; Solving Ucing cimprons %/e Rue ie habe fe HO + 17727 |gceret24/a)) = 66.qp F(842%a) = get) 238 By (E(B 1(224)) = 640.26 7 F(1 2(24/4) = f(y) 303.38 x | {(@r e(20/a)) = 194.55 x (8 + 3(0%/a)) * ¢ (Ho) = 372 oy £ (630) = qol.e7 4 (84 4(22/a)) = ¢(W0f)> 44009 #(8*5(I/a)) 4(182/a)» 624.91 % xx BL ey + a[iceen + (Her) (7d) #3 (lay + ("84a) + £(2%6/6)) + af £04413) + § (485)] + $(30)] X¥ 11,061.95 COMPOSITE SIMPSON's RULE (MIXED sEOMENTS) Using simpson< "rue Cw) n,+4 small Cegments) and simpsons 3/8 Rule w/ nz 3 cmall segments) Mp tuk > Fier Four sy we > loch n a neaa 7 7 {@) s4@ 0 mn ‘h $08 +22) = (70/9) * 250.59 Rule’) $(6+ (22/2) = ¢ (wopy > 942.32 Hoe a(r) + E (uty - 436.27 fer CR) «(ou)» 39 i. . , a} teevoaan) 2 Ugly see. 63 4190) (88/2). 767.99 5 0) + go147 Kins S[ ete) + fe (1) eC + 240%) +60-%H)] Xys* BAP nay +4 (280.59 4485.27) 4 2 (54232) * $3.94] Xuy ® 4364.0, Kan = 2 ( qt) + (ME) + 94 (8H) FeR)) Xap > 6607. Kero = 4964.1 + 697.2% & Il Owl 37, antigo eu 0 we \ Ls is 2 2.98 226 - < 3378 3.375 : : G.0625 5.0026 dsasme | 784978 = Waqouae | 1.390025 7 17.088a3%6 | 17. 0669376 8 aSuamoes | 25.023405 a % @ vce Euler's Metted w/ bar 1 apprn- 90s) Fr yg =9-e Ms yayey 46, gy a-Gp o ye I-e% ° a ‘ 04 Ir 0-470320044, 2 O.BSTAMISOO | -a.tcc2vdacy 2 0.6398337F!| 0.023422788 sJy (05) x 085107737 e oetionsy | 0-1B43s9245 é ‘ ROM)BERG'S INTEGRATION paced on whe atservarion that the error obtained in trapezoidal rule quarters ac the number of segments used ue doubled The approximation ic given by: f= UM (more accurate aren) ~ (ess axcurate crea) age") Where : n= jevel of ombergi imegraribn nf ee Pe Example : wh Evawate sinxdx using trapezoidal le N/ gomberg's Integration 6 uptt 3rd order rel noe ne4 Re Jst sip = nd strip 4smip 6 strip Istonter | pee eae n= I [st Fev x Romberg's ar ae =, nae, ir Trapezvidal net B= _b-9 Ca) + flo) or Test (ete) +f 008) = TA (int) + ina) ae Ty “2p 0.7860 BO Ts) 4 2G ws) + (A) 202) A= TWh [ since) +2 sin(Yy) + inTAT &- b.44e0rqu44 2 i [se4 22 cori) af (H)] #= 0.9871NT8O7 n-B ne TA-2 Whe 8 e * » Tw Tyas 2b s(0+ 3) + 4078) eau + as cin(ot DX) + sinPAJ E Asire) singer ) = 0.490785 719 Ay fs a 2 9-18034 vay 4B EE qudg- cae. oaeNSe — O-9qIgS1 714 ot order 0.942 326 1.000)39s85 10008244 eee E 7 0.9999 8767 099999 syst [00000004 st oder By 14 BOT AH - A 4 (0.94 8004449) ~ 0.19T3I BIW 34 vheaitaggre rep at 4! (o9erl! SBDI) - 0.94B0T 7444 _ 1.0001 3458C 2nd step See S CORD TOPE 3 Pau 1 (099678 81719) = 0:98 711580). | 1.0000 g24% 4-7 : ard crip and order R= AAC oolads@S) ~ 00227978, paggaqirGst ict strip cael 4 = PU c000 g29u - 1.000184585) . 9 qqqq8767 oa, and strip Bed order 9 - CP (099998 767)- 0.99994 1645T) ‘ — ¢- sco06009 / MULTIPLE INTEGRALS Given the function : 2-f0x4), whe Olea of the below 2 FOuy) is given by fe U8 4 Giy)dx) dy + =P fl te. ay ax Remark : the method involves taperi dal o£ simpsons using the fist dimenston w/each rectangular region) using multiple segment or value 6F -he gimension held conctan + Then the came method ic applied to integrate in the second dimension ‘reorem, The averige vdlue of ato dimenienal funcion # is given by e oe MMHCTIPLERERT -Cepabinational_module that takes —inpalt—frert—ere— Example : Suppae that +he tempercture of a rectangular heated pidte i¢ degribed by the $f: TORY) = axy 4 Bx -n? -2y2 +72 If the plate gm tong C x-dimension) nd Gm wide Cy -cimerdon) Compute +h average temperature using 1 0~

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