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1.0 Objectives.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of Administration, Management and Public Administration
1.3 Concept and Philosophy of Nursing Administration
1.3.1 Philosophy of Nursing Service Administration
1.3.2 Objectives of Nursing Service Department

1.4 Purpose of Nursing Administration

1.5 Scope of Nursing Administration
1.6 Let Us Sum Up
1.7 Answers to Check Your Progress

After completing this unit, you should be able to:
a define and explain the meaning of administration;
a describe the concept and philosophy of nursing and public administration;
a state the objectives and discuss the purposes of nursing administration; and
explain the scope of nursing and public administration.

Organisational goals and objectives require approprihte administration and management.
Nursing administration is practiced everywhere with the globalisation of health care. We
have walked past the traditional models of care settings to a wide variety of setting namely
at home, in the neighborhood, in the military, in acute care settings, in rural area, in sports
and anywhere else imaginable where ever humans live.
Nurses have the major responsibility of providing all the care that a client needs and has
the right to expect while undergoing the treatdent and nursing care. The quality of nursing
services largely depend upon the effective use of the available team of nursing and non-
nursing manpower and resources. Today the emphasis is on human development so that
each one acquires personal respnsibility for delivery of care to the client.
The delivery of heplth care as it largely depends on the type of administration it is essential
for all the nurses to understand the concept and philosophy underlying the nursing and
public administration and should be able to explain the purpose and scope of
administration, which are elaborated briefly in this unit.
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The Word "Administer" is derived from the Latin Word "ad+ministraire" meaqs to cpre
for or to look after the people to manage affairs.
Principles of Nursing and Administration is a process permeating all collective effort,,be it public or private, civil or
Public Administration
military, and is universal in nature. It is a corporative effort, directed towards realisation of
a consciously laid down objective. Since administration permeates all planned human
activities, hence it is at the centre of all human affairs. Its principle aspects are formulation
of policy and its implementation for the attainment in an optimum manner of stated ends in
the shape of service or products.
Administration is the organisation and direction of human and material resources to
achieve desired ends.
-Pfiffner & Presthus
Administration is determined action taken in the persuit of a conscious purpose. It is the
systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of resources aimed at making those
things happens which are wants to happen and forestalling everything to the contrary.
- Marx
Administration is the direction, co-ordination and control of many persons to achieve same
purposes or objectives. Administration has to do with getting things done; with the
accomplishment of defined objectives.
-.Luther Gullick
Administration is an enabling process, it concerns the whole art of carrying into effect any
policy plan or undertaking whether considered by Govt., Public or Private Agency.
- Goddud HA
Management may be defined as a process ofputting administration into practice. Management
is the process by which a co-operative group directs action towards common goal.
- Joseph Massie

Management is distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating, activating

and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish the objectives by the use of people
and resources.
-George, 1988
Management is simply the process of decision making and control over the action of
human being for the express purpose of attaining predetermined goals.
- Stanely Vanee, 1959
Public Administration
Public Administration is that part of the Science of administration which has to do with the
Govt. and thus concerns primarily with the executive branch where the work of the Govt. is
done, in connection with the legislative and judicial branches.
Public administration is concerned with"what" and the "how" or government. The
"what" is the subject matter, the technical knowledge of a field which enables the
administrator to perform his tasks. The "how" is the technique of management, the
principles according to which co-operative programmes are carried to success. Each is
indispensible, together they form the syntheses called administration.
- Marshall E Dimoek
Public administration consists of getting the work of Government done by co-ordinating
efforts of people, so that they can work together to accomplish.their set tasks.
Administration embraces activities which may be highly technical or specialised such as
Public health and building of bridges. It also involves managing, directing and supervising
the activities of thousands, even millions of workers so that same order and efficiency may
result from their efforts.
Administration and Mana&ment Considered as Synonyms
Administration or management essentially is a process for fullfilling certain predetermined
objectives. It can be applicable to all walks of life. So it has io be there for smooth
functioning of schools, colleges, hospitals, health centres and public and private
Administration and management considered as synonyms. In any organisation, there are Concept, Philo+phy,
two types of functions i.e., administrative functions and executive functions. Administative Purpose and S&pe of
functions are entrusted to top level managers or administrator includes planning, organising Nursing and Public
and planning for staffing. Executive functions are entrusted to middle and first level
managers or supervisors which includes actual staffing, directing, co-ordinating and
controlling. Usually administration includes thinking function involving formulation of
objectives, plan, policies which rest with top level administrator; where as management
includes operative functions i.e. a doing function involving executive functions which are
under the control of middle level and first lend managers.
So we can say that the administration is an enabling process for achieving the laid down
objectives of an organisation through formulated plans and policies where as management
as a process of putting administration into practice or effect.

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Nursing administration involves the implementation of policy, which has been outlined by
the selected representatives of the health and nursing. The health policy enunciated by
policy lawmakers provides the framework within which nursing and public administration
work. The law, rules framed under the law, become the basis of administrating authority.
Policy and administration are two sides of the same coin and it is difficult to say as to
where health policy ends and administration begins.

The modem concept of adequate client care interprets total client needs, whether these
needs be diagnostic, preventive or therapeutic, physical, psychological, spiritual or social.
It recognizes the client as a person with an individual personality, and with individual
needs, who has come from a recognized place within the family and the community. The
individual must be helped to adjust to hisher condition and new environment. The
ultimate objective of adequate client care is to return the Individual to his family and
community, restored to health and productive capacity. In same instance the client is
prepared to adjust hisher living to hidher physical potentialities.
This broad based social concept of total client care has many implications for the nursing
department, its activities, competencies, and attitude of the nursing staff. Nursing
department is assigned the specific responsibility of providing for safe, adequate, and
satisfying client care through the medium of quality nursing.
~rindplcsof Norsing and The department is the general professional service unit of the hospital to which is delegated
h b l k Administration the responsibility for the organisation and administration of the nursing service of the
hospital through its director.

The overall purpose of nursing service administration is to attract and retain competent
professional nurses and other ancillary personnel. This way nursing services can be
effectively and economically achieved and constantly improved to provide those services,
which contribute to the health, development, efficiency and contentment of personnel.

The primary function of the nursing department is nursing service, which includes direct
nursing care provided by. nursing service personnel. Nursing services also include
activities like administrative details involved in caring for the clients admitted, keeping the
record, indenting supplies and equipment.

Any consideration of the conditions which are essential for a good department of nursing
must begin which a brief reference to hospital or health agency of which it is a part. The
hospital purposes, activities, Organisational structure and administrative policies determine
nature and scope of its nursing services.

This leads you to further understand the philosophy and objectives of nursing

1.3.1 Philosophy of Nursing Sewice Administration

The Philosophy of nursing service administration is made up of the benefits, and values
that directly influence the professional practice of nursing within the health care setting.
The basic purposes of nursing services are to provide meaningful work environments, and
quality nursing care to the client. The philosophy of nursing services should be reflective
of the-overall institutions purposes and philosophy statements.
The philosophy underlying administration of nursing services is based on following featuresf

Inter-relatedness: Constant and careful attention is given to interrelated factors like

quality, quantity, time, cast of work, available resources necessary to reach the
objectives of the organisation. Limitation in the available resources can be a major
obstacle to improvement in the delivery of health services.

Factual evidence: Obtainidg factual evidence in evolution, execution and control of

work plan helps to avoid wastage of resources at any level of administration,(local,
national, international) and to take decisions on the basis of verifiable facts.
Verification of facts helps to avoid errors in administrative actions.

Delegation of responsibility: Placing the responsibility for the decision at the lowest
possible organisational level helps to attain decision as speedily as possible. A clear
display of authority and responsibility of each member of the team according to his/
her position and efficiericy helps to avoid confusion and conflicts.

Individual and organisational goal: Administration is deeply concerned wifh human

relation. The fbnction of the admiqistrator is to obtain an established objective
through management of people. Good morale of staff is essential to achieve
successful. The major thnrst of nursing service administration is to achieve both ,
individual and organisational goal by financial and other staff welfare activities.
Healthy human relations affect the work performance and morale of the members.

Effective communication: Proper flow of communication is needed in all the related

and inter-dependent components of a system to maintain balance in all networks.
Communication occupies the central part in adn~inistrationand travels both vertically
is., from the top down and from bottom up, and laterally. The communication travel
to and from the nurse executive by virtue of telephone writter. material, computer
printout and meetings. The basic purpose of communication is to effect change in our
environment, in others,' and in ourselves. -
Flexibility: One of the most important element of nursing service administration is to Concept, Philosophy,
meet and adopt to the changing need of the organisation, community, individual and Purpose and Scope of
Nurringand Public
society in general. Flexibility within the organisational policies permits change in Adml~tion
schedules and routines that in turn boosts the morale of the staff, improves efficiency,
generates interests and is educative.
The philosophy of division of nursing is developed as a statement of value and beliefs that
underlie the purpose, and the way in which it is to be achieved. Cantor states that
"thoughtfully prepared statements of purpose, philosophy, and objectives based on reality,
understood and used by those responsible for implementation, can promote efficiency and
effectiveness in the operation of institutions, departments, and programs. Statements ,

lacking these qualities are merely collections of words."

The task of nursing administration is to redesign rather than develop original statements.
In order to determine and appropriate organisational struc&e, one should understand the
purpose, philosophy, goals and objectives of the organisation. It is importantto design a
philosophy that is congruent with the organisation's purpose and philosophy.

Sample statements of philosophy of nursing.service administration in a hospital or

community set-up are given in Annexure 1.
Some of the statements of the philosophy that are common to nursing department in
various kinds of health organisations are given below:
8 Administer safe, high quality, cost effective care to clients, family and community.
8 Provide an environment for promotion and maintenance of health for all individuals.
8 Maintain an environment motivating the development of nurses by way of inservice,
continuing education, research activities and promoting their career.
8 Direct nursing interventions that are individualised and most effective when directed
towards client's health goals, coordinated with other health team members.
8 Deliver high quality patient care services that can be provided by coordination of a
team of medical, nursing professionals and non-professional personnel within a
designated structure i.e., health agency.
The philosophy should be evaluated for usefulness and thoroughness using various criteria.
The following criteria is suggested for general applicability:
8 Reference is made to the purpose of the nursing service.
8 ' Terminology used is understood by nurses, clients, and others.
The philosophy is concise.
Statements of beliefs b d values are included.

1.3.2 Objectives of Nursing Service Department

Based on the philosophy laid down for nursing service administration contributory
objectives can be drawri. For the sake of specificity and clarity, objectives may be
classified under five headings given below:
Objectives for the delivery of client care.
Establishment of physical environment.
Establishment of conceptual environment.
Achievement of individual objective.
Contributory individual objective..
Keeping in view the above classification, some desirable objectives icr the nursing service
department are given below:
Principles of Nursingand To render high quality of nursing care in which the physical, psychological,spiritual
Public Administration
and social needs of client are met.

To carry out therapeutic measures or ordered by the physician with intelligent

application to the needs of the individual client.
To make studies related to nursing care and nursing service in order to improve the
quality of nursing and the effective utilization of personnel.
m To formulate and recommend policies for the improvement of the care of the clients.
To cooperate wlth all the departments of the hospital in achieving the total purpose of
the hospital.

To participate in all programmes of education and research that the hospital may carry
on, which involve nursing service activities.
0 To support and promote hospital policies and regulations.
To foster and maintain good relations through its personnel both in their functional
capacities and as individual in the community.

To promote good personal policies and practice to further the self-development of all
the group within the department.

To participate in overall planning for meeting the'total needs, and improving the care
of the clients.
To employ sufiicient nursing personnel to give safe, adequate and satisfying care
through the 24-hour period, under competent supervision.

To maintain and develop good standards for developing learning skills of students.
To mingle and participate with other professional organisations.

To evaluate the nursing services periodically.

These objectives are the nursing department of a health care institution, so it is the
responsibility of the nursing administrator to see that they are achieved.


The main purpose of administration is to facilitate or help the functioning within an
- organisation and maintain a high standard of performance.
The nursing administrationshould aim for quality care for which the administrativeand
operative functions should be geared towards the smooth running of nursing service/
concerned departments.

The nursing manager in order to maintain a congenial work atmosphere should try to see
that she facilitates with all the necessary arrangements, services to herhis personnel for
achieving the organisational and professional objectives.

Scope explains the coverage or the extent of activities, functions. In other words, it
describes the extent of its app!icatic~s.rciatl~mhipswith other organisations or other


.Nursing administration is a part of the health administration. As mentioned earlier nursing '

is practiced everywhere !:rtspitals, community health centers, home, military,

sports, space, and industr-ial uriits ai:d circrywhere else whcre ever humans live. Broadly
we can also divide the arcas of nursing administration into - nursing service (both hospital
and cornrn~lnitvhealth auencv4 n n ; - ~ i nead ~ r m t i n nand n l l n i n v research^
Nursing " administration covers actual conduct of nursing
" care activities related to client Concept, ~hi~osophy,
Purpose and Scope of
care, training and development of students/rnanpower, a f f k related to planning and Nursing and Public
improvement of nursing services. In its narrow perspective it only relates to the activities Administration
of administrative branch of nursing services.
Keeping in view the vastness of settings where nursing is practiced we can say that the
scope of nursing administration refers to the direction, control and co-ordination of all the
nursing personnel working in the various set-ups. The big task of administration of all the
nursing population is achieved through the establishments of nursing service departments
working in consultation with their governing body -government (central, state, district,
local), and private (corporate sector, enterprising units).
Institute of nursing education are governed by the rules and regulations established by
registration councils i.e., state councils. State councils h t i o n with state health policy
and laws laid down by national registration council e.g., Indian Nursing Council (INC).
Scope of the nursing administration also encompasses the activities of the formally
convened associations of nursing persons, e.g. state association branches of nurses. The
associations are also formed of special &led groups of nurses like cardiac, neurology,
obstetric, midwifery, pediatric, etc. The associations have a participative role in the overall
administration of nursing services in any organisation.
Nursing administration also has scope within the realm of international health policies, as
the nursing policies take into consideration the declarations made by agencies like: World
Health Organisation, International Council of Nurses (ICY), American Nurses Association
(ANA), National League for Nursing (NLN) etc. The declarations are integrated and
adopted into the locat policy of nursing practice and education, for example Health for All
through Primary Health Care.
Lastly we can say that the scope of nursing administration is accepted in the spirit of .
interdependence, collaboration, association between the b m d areas of practice, education
and research. As the definition of administration entails achievement of desired goal with
the actions of group of people then the scope of nursing administration lies in teamwork.
Teamwork develops with networking together of professionals and non-professionals,
where each one functiop according to his ability but participates in achieving the goal of
quality nursing care. Therefore, teamwork is necessary at all levels of administration,_

In this unit you have studied about the meaning and defmition of administration and
management. You are also helped to understand the concept and identify the philosophy of '

public and nursing administration. The unit also explained the objectives of nursing
service department. In the end you have studied about the scope of nursing administration
from which the functions or elements of administration can be derived which you will be
studying in the next unit.

.1 a) Administration is defined as an enabling process for achieving the laid down

objectives of an organisation through formulated plans and policies.
b) Management may be defined as the process of putting administrati~~l
practice or effect.

2) Public administration is defined as the organisation and management of human and

material resources to fidfill the objectives laid down by the government.

3) Objectives of nursing service department:

To render high quality of nursing care in which the physical, psychological,
spiritual and social needs of client are met
To carry out therapeutic measures or orclered by the physician with intelligent
application to the needs of the individual client.
Principles of Nerdeg amd a To make studies related to nursing care and nursing service in order to improve
hbUc Admiatsb.tion
the quality of nursing and the effective utilization o£personnel.
a To f6rmulate and recommend policies for the improvement of the care of the
a To cooperate with all the departments of the hospital in achieving the total
purpose of the hospital.
a To participate in all programmes of education and research that the hospital
may carry oa, which involve nursing service activities.
a To support and promote hospital policies and regulations.
a To foster and mainpin good relations through its personnel both in their
functional capacities and as individual in the community.
a To promote good personal policies and practice to further the self-development
of all the group.within the department.
a To participate in overall planning for meeting the total needs, and improving
the care of the clients.
a To employ sufficient nursing personnel to give safe, adequate and satisfying
care through the 24-hour period, under competent supeivision.
a To maintain end develop good standards for developing learning skills of
a To participate with other professional organisations.
a To evaluate the nursing services periodically.
Annexure I Concept, Philosophy,
Purpose and Scope of
Sample Statements of Philosophy of Nursing Service Administration - Nursing and public
Hospital or Community Health
"The nursing service adhinistration believes that its primary objective can best be achieved by
full co-operation of all the personnel involved in the care of clients either directly or indirectly.
"It seeks to establish a team dedicated to the protection of the health and well-being of the
client in an environment that will enable every member of the team to obtain as well, give
satisfaction in his 1 her work. To that end administration will make every effort to:

"employ the best persons prepared educationally and skillfblly and with experience to
perform the prescribed work;
"guarantee fairness in the maintenance of discipline;

"upgrade and promote existing staff wherever possible;

"take all practical steps to avoid excessive hours of work;

"ensure the greatest practicable degree of permanent and continuous employment;

"maintain standards of remuneration comparable to those that prevail in similar positions;

"provide and maintain a high level of physical working conditions, with particular reference
to the prevention of accidents, maintenance of health and rehabilitation of sick and injured

"maintain effective methods of regular consultations between administration and


"provide suitable means for orientation, on-the-job training, and evahation of employees
to enable them to secure competence in the performance of their duties and fit them for
"encourage social and recreational facilities for employees;

"develop appropriate schemes for employees welfare."

Goddard, H.A., Principles of Administration Applied to Nursing Service, Geneva, World
Health Organisation, 1958.

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