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DARYL MAE TANOLA collegiate level developmental reading is the kind of

reading that this reader submits to himself.



initial phase of the reading development process
1. Skimming- This is the easiest and fastest kind of children sample and learn from a full range of
reading. If a reader skims reading material, he just multiple sounds, words, concepts, images, stories,
reads the sign posts or clues in the selection such as exposure to print, literacy materials, and just plain
the heading and the topic sentence. talk during the first five years of life.

2. Scanning- When the reader’s purpose is to locate STAGE 2: THE NOVICE READER (TYPICALLY
a particular information in the text, he resorts to this BETWEEN 6 TO 7 YEARS OLD) During the second
kind of reading- scanning. He does this by browsing phase of the reading development process children
over the pages and giving a quick look over them. are learning the relationships between letters and
sounds and amongst printed and spoken words. The
3. Idea reading- This is to get the main idea of the child begins to read stories with high-frequency
material. This involves the three psychological words and phonically regular words and uses
processes of reading- Sensation, Perception, and emerging skills and insights to “sound out” new one-
Comprehension. syllable words.
4. Exploratory reading- This is done when the reader STAGE 3: THE DECODING READER (TYPICALLY
wants to know how the whole selection is BETWEEN 7 – 9 YEARS OLD) During the third phase
presented. of the reading development, process children are
beginning to read familiar stories and text with
5. Analytic reading- A careful examination of each
increasing fluency. This is accomplished by
work to identify word relationship is the main
consolidating the foundational decoding elements,
purpose of analytic reading.
sight vocabulary, and meaning in the reading of
6. Critical reading- This makes the reader weigh stories and selections that the child is already
facts, information, or ideas presented in the familiar with.
selection, so that he, too, can perform judgements
or conclusions about them.
7. Narcotic reading- This is done by a person who fourth phase of the reading development process,
wants to get rid of his everyday troubles, reading is used to acquire new ideas to gain new
depressions, frustrations, problems, through reading knowledge, to experience new feelings, to acquire
magazines, stories, novels, essays, and others. new attitudes, and to explore issues from multiple
perspectives. Reading includes the study of
8. Extensive reading- If the reader spends his leisure textbooks, reference works, trade books,
time by reading any kind of material that is newspapers, and magazines that contain new ideas
interesting to him, he will consider his act of reading and values, new vocabulary and syntax.
extensive reading.
9. Intensive reading- Doing serious reading books, YEARS AND OLDER) During the fifth phase of the
periodicals, and other library materials for research reading development process, the learner is reading
work or a report is the main concern of this kind of from a wide range of advanced materials, both
reading. expository and narrative, with multiple viewpoints.
Learners are reading broadly across the disciplines,
10. Developmental reading- In case the reading including the physical, biological and social sciences
activities of a person are under a comprehensive as well as the humanities, politics and current affairs.
reading program that consists of several stages
starting from the reader’s preschool period to his PROCESS OF READING
Pre-reading- Pre-reading is where students prepare after pages without much comprehension. Reading
themselves to read. They may decide or be told why is psycholinguistic process. It requires careful
they're going to read a piece of text. They may use attention of the reader.
their background knowledge to make predictions of
what the text is going to be about. Teachers may Proper light and ventilation: A reader has to
have them use a concept map called a KWL chart struggle a lot to read in dim light or dark rooms. If
where students put down what they know (K), what proper ventilation is not there in the reading room,
they want to know (W), and after they have read reader may feel suffocated or tired.
what they learned (L) from their reading.
Size of the book: Normally, people prefer reading
Reading- This is where you get down to the actual small size articles and texts. If the book contains
reading part. The text can be delivered to students in volumes of pages, it decreases the interest of the
a variety of ways. Students can engage in individual reader.
reading, or they can be read aloud to. Teachers may
use big books or print projected somewhere in order Articulating the words and sentences loudly: Many
to do a group reading session. readers have habit to articulate loudly or murmur
the words in the text. They buzz each word which
Responding- Responding is where a students reacts creates a barrier to speed reading.
to what they have read. Most often this is through
discussion. Putting finger, pen or any object on the words and
sentences while reading: Many people put their
Exploration- This is where students explore their finger or pen on the text while reading. They move
new information. They may re-read part or all of the the finger or object from word to word which lowers
text. They may read more texts to expand their down the process of reading.
knowledge of the new subject. Students may learn
new vocabulary words that they came up against in Narrow eye span: Many readers read the text into
the text. Exploration is a very broad stage that can independent eye shift between each and every
take many paths. word. They have narrow eye span. It not only
decreases the speed of reading but also affects the
Applying- During the applying stage students take comprehension. Shorter the eye span, slower the
the new knowledge they have learned and do more speed and comprehension. Readers require proper
with it. Often they will have projects that measure training and techniques to expand their eye span.
how much they have learned. They may read books
related to the original text or participate HABITS OF READING

BARRIERS OF READING 1.Determine Your Reading Goal - In order to create

a reading habit and culture, it’s important to start off
Lack of grammatical and linguistic competence: by setting a goal. This goal should be articulate and
Many people cannot read effectively because they backed up with a purpose. Start by thinking about
fail to decrypt grammatical and lexical units of how a consistent reading pattern can help you grow
language in the text. They lack the ability to in different areas of your life- spiritual, academics,
differentiate and recognize the words, sentences, career, relationships and more. When you find
expressions, used in the text. It hampers the process concrete reasons and a purpose attached to your
of reading. The reader may stop reading further if he goal, you’ll be more motivated to keep pushing and
fails to understand the text grammatically. achieve it. For some, it could be a goal of reading 24
books in a year. Another person might have a goal of
Lack of motivation: Reading for information and 12, depending on various factors. Once you’re done
knowledge requires motivation and discipline. Many placing a target figure to your reading goal, then
people think reading as boring and time consuming divide them into smaller goals. An example could be,
task. Lack of proper motivation and goal may create reading at least one book per month in order to
barrier to reading. achieve a bigger goal of 12 books in a year. Be
determined to make it an enjoyable process; don’t
Lack of concentration: If the reader lacks see it as a tasking chore.
concentration while reading, he just will turn pages
2. Make a List of Books for Each Month- Once on top of their goals. Figure out what tools work best
you’re done setting your reading goal for the year, for you and invest in them.
you’ll need a list to back it up. Write out a list of the
amazing books you want to read. Ask for 5. Set Reading Times and Days- Set aside specific
recommendations from friends and mentors. It’s times every day to read your assigned book for the
important to keep a journal, notepad or excel week/month and any other articles you may have
spreadsheet listing the books you’ll like to read for bookmarked. Put away distractions such as turning
each month or even a year. By being intentional off the TV and other things that may hinder your
about your reading list, you’ll stay focused on your reading time. Ready for at least 30-40 minutes a day
ultimate goals and avoid lurking at any book that is a great start and would help you develop a
passes you by. If you feel reading marketing/sales concrete reading habit as you’ll always look forward
books would be beneficial to your career path, write to having your ‘me time’ that supports your reading
out a list of some great marketing books and follow goals. You could also have a reading day to help you
through on them. A reading list will also help you stay dedicated or catch up on other days you might
stay organized. Take it a step further by creating a have fallen back on your goals. 6.Get a Reading
log attached to that list, including the start and finish Partner or Book Club- Goals need to be backed up
dates, key notes or lessons; to help you easily tick off by accountability in order to help put a check and
once you’re done with each book. Note that, reading encourage you during times you don’t feel
these books doesn’t mean discarding them motivated. Get a reading partner who has a heart
afterwards. A list and log with notes about your and willingness to read, and create a plan to help
thoughts will encourage you to look through them you achieve your reading goals. With a book club,
months later, just in case you need some inspiration you’ll create a concrete strategy that constantly
at some point. keeps you motivated and inspired to grow beyond
your comfort zone. Such gatherings give you an
3. Read at Least 10-20 Pages a Day - If you’re looking opportunity to discuss lessons you learnt and other
to create a consistent reading pattern, then setting thoughts. Don’t be a solo ranger and think you can
out a particular number of pages per day would achieve all your goals alone, no matter how small
work perfectly. Consider setting aside at least 10-20 they are. You’ll need the right people to help you
pages per day to read, especially if you have a busy stay focused and encouraged towards not just your
schedule. This process will help you stay focused as reading goals, but general life goals. To develop a
you look forward to accomplishing your daily goal of reading culture, you must first analyze your current
a specific number of pages. Focus leads to efficiency reading habits. Do you read at all? Do you start off
and soon enough, reading will become a lifestyle for and stop at some point? Do you plan your reading or
you. Be very proactive when you read. Don’t rush just read randomly? In order to truly achieve your
through, but instead take out time to understand reading goals and build a consistent reading habit,
and engage in the reading process. This way, you’ll you’ll need to set up simple systems, use the right
be open to learn and be able to transfer that reading tools, find accountability partners, and
knowledge to others when opportunity comes. generally be hungry to grow beyond your comfort
4. Invest in Tools that Encourage Reading - When it
comes to efficiency, it’s important to invest in the KINDS OF WRITING
right tools that will set the pace for a better reading
pattern. For those that love hard copy books, Expository – Writing in which author’s purpose is to
consider setting aside a good reading environment inform or explain the subject to the reader.
with appropriate table and chairs to help you stay
focused. That way, you will gradually get Persuasive – Writing that states the opinion of the
accustomed to that space and look forward to your writer and attempts to influence the reader.
reading time. For most people today, mobile apps,
Narrative – Writing in which the author tells a story.
tablets, news aggregators, ebook readers, and other
The story could be fact or fiction.
online tools actually work wonders. Because the
world is digital, most people prefer having their Descriptive – A type of expository writing that uses
handy mobile appliances that would help them stay the five senses to paint a picture for the reader. This
writing incorporates imagery and specific details.
2. Don’t edit your writing until the other steps in the
writing process are complete.
Writer’s Block- Take a short break from working.
1. Prewriting is anything you do before you write a Panicking and concentrating on your lack of progress
draft of your document. It includes thinking, taking is not productive! Talk to someone who can help
notes, talking to others, brainstorming, outlining, you, and try to relax; an answer to your problem will
and gathering information (e.g., interviewing people, likely emerge.
researching in the library, assessing data).
Burnout- You may get burned out if you go into your
2. Although prewriting is the first activity you engage writing project without first coming up with a
in, generating ideas is an activity that occurs realistic and firm schedule of goals. You might have
throughout the writing process. just spent ten consecutive hours writing, but this
time could have been psychologically
Drafting counterproductive in the long run if you haven’t set
realistic goals for yourself. You can avoid burn out by
1. Drafting occurs when you put your ideas into
writing only short sections at a time and by keeping
sentences and paragraphs. Here you concentrate
your ultimate goal in mind: earning your graduate
upon explaining and supporting your ideas fully.
Here you also begin to connect your ideas.
Regardless of how much thinking and planning you Procrastination- Procrastination is perhaps the most
do, the process of putting your ideas in words deadly of collegiate sins, but you can avoid
changes them; often the very words you select procrastination by developing a dissertation
evoke additional ideas or implications. schedule early on in your thesis or dissertation
process. Do an even amount of work in the
2. Don’t pay attention to such things as spelling at
beginning and end of your timeline to prevent costly
this stage.
writer’s block hitting you at the worst of times.
3. This draft tends to be writer-centered: it is you Examine your personal tendencies, and reduce your
telling yourself what you know and think about the exposure to distractions and other things that cause
topic. you to avoid your work.

Revising Lack of Motivation- Whenever you get bored with

your writing, think about all the rewards of your
1. Revision is the key to effective documents. Here graduate education. Besides the obvious long-term
you think more deeply about your readers’ needs financial benefits, remember that your education
and expectations. The document becomes reader- and your dissertation or thesis will greatly improve
centered. How much support will each idea need to your chances for success in the long run.
convince your readers? Which terms should be
defined for these particular readers? Is your Failure to Seek Help- Never become too shy or
organization effective? Do readers need to know X proud when you encounter a problem. Schedule
before they can understand Y? appointments with professors and peers, and don’t
be ashamed to admit that you have encountered
2. At this stage you also refine your prose, making problems or writer’s block. You can find other
each sentence as concise and accurate as possible. articles on this website about where and how to ask
Make connections between ideas explicit and clear. for help.

Editing Lack of Confidence- Don’t downplay your abilities

and achievements that have helped you climb this
1. Check for such things as grammar, mechanics, and far on the academic ladder! You are what you think.
spelling. The last thing you should do before printing In other words, if you go into writing your
your document is to spell check it. dissertation or thesis thinking that you will
encounter writer’s block and ultimately fail, then
your predictions will likely come true. However, if is sandwiched between a daily habit you do anyway,
you believe in yourself and maintain a positive and is followed by something you want. Clear
attitude, then you will be successful and will produce provides readers with methods for identifying both
rewarding results in your writing. the already established habits and also the things
that individuals consider to be rewards. His system
HABITS OF WRITING might look something like this:

Habit #1: In order to encourage inspiration to After (current habit), I will (habit I need to develop).
strike, set up a time to meet with it.
After (habit I need to develop), I will (habit I want).
James Clear cites a British study that showed that
those who write down specific times when they will So, if you walk your dog every day after breakfast,
practice their new habit have the highest success and you need to write, but you also want to spend
rate. For writers, creating such an “implementation time on social media, you could do this:
intention” would involve writing down a sentence
that looks like this: “I will write for (period of time) at After I walk the dog, I will write for 30 minutes.
(time of day) at (location).” So, for example, “I will
After I write for 30 minutes, I will go on social media.
write for 30 minutes at 3 p.m. at the kitchen table.”
By sitting down each day at 3, you accustom your If going on social media has kept you from writing,
brain to this new habit. Once your brain can count this creates a system where social media is the
on you to keep your new habit, you may find that reward you use to encourage yourself to write.
new ideas and inspiration are waiting for you.
Habit #4: Make it easy to practice the habit of
Habit #2: If writing is important to you, create an writing.
environment that encourages you to write.
Wasting time is easy: we carry distractions in our
Our environment can create barriers to practicing pocket or give it pride of place in our living rooms. If
our new habits. If your habit is to sit on the sofa to we want to develop the practice of writing, we have
watch TV, and you had intended to write while to remove barriers to our practice. One way is to
sitting on the sofa, then the TV may prove to be too prime your environment with cues to your habit. So,
big a temptation. Instead, choose a place to write if your intention is to write in the morning at the
that isn’t associated with another habit. If you live in kitchen table, before you go to bed at night, lay out
a tiny space with few options, then designate a your writing implements —laptop or pen and paper.
specific place to write. It doesn’t have to be a I take it further by making writing easier all the time:
different room. In a studio apartment, you may I carry a small notebook in my purse, have one in my
decide to use a different chair or to set up a small car’s glove box, and leave several throughout my
writing corner. You will attach writing to that house. This way, it’s as easy to write as it is to pick
particular place, so if you’re in that space, your brain up the phone. Habit #5: Start with the
will expect you to write. Environmental clues can be Two-Minute Rule for new habits and continue from
used to help reinforce your new habit. there.
Habit #3: Create temptations that reward you for Maybe you’re afraid that you’ll fail in some way
your new habit of writing. because your committed writing time is too long.
Clear suggests creating a ritual and following the
Habits are developed because our brain has a
Two Minute Rule as a way to prime yourself for your
dopamine-driven feedback loop. It is the anticipation
new habit. If your goal is to write at night, you can
of the reward that causes the release of dopamine
help to cement the habit into your head by attaching
that makes us feel good. In fact, anticipation releases
it to a ritual of your choosing, whether that’s a cup
more dopamine than actually doing the thing we
of herbal tea or changing into comfy clothes. Each
craved or wanted. You can use a habit you already
evening, as you engage in the ritual, your brain will
have (getting up early, taking the dogs for a walk,
anticipate that you are about to sit down and write.
drinking coffee in the morning) to attach the habit
Your ritual primes your habit. Next, write for two
you are trying to develop to a reward that your brain
minutes. If you feel done, stop. Clear argues that two
anticipates. In this way, the habit you are developing
minutes is usually enough to get past any initial being said. Judgment includes assessing strengths
resistance. and weaknesses, agreement and approval. This form
of listening requires significant real-time cognitive
Clear has filled Atomic Habits with hints like these effort as the listener analyzes what is being said,
that enable us to change the habits we dislike and relating it to existing knowledge and rules, whilst
replace them with habits that show who we are. In simultaneously listening to the ongoing words from
order to be a writer, you must develop the habit of the speaker.
writing, even if it’s one word at a time. As Margaret
Atwood reminds us, “A word after a word after a Biased listening- Biased listening happens when the
word is power.” person hears only what they want to hear, typically
misinterpreting what the other person says based on
KINDS OF LISTENING the stereotypes and other biases that they have.
Such biased listening is often very evaluative in
Discriminative listening- Discriminative listening is nature.
the most basic type of listening, whereby the
difference between difference sounds is identified. If Evaluative listening- In evaluative listening, or
you cannot hear differences, then you cannot make critical listening, we make judgments about what the
sense of the meaning that is expressed by such other person is saying. We seek to assess the truth
differences. We learn to discriminate between of what is being said. We also judge what they say
sounds within our own language early, and later are against our values, assessing them as good or bad,
unable to discriminate between the phonemes of worthy or unworthy. Evaluative listening is
other languages. This is one reason why a person particularly pertinent when the other person is
from one country finds it difficult to speak another trying to persuade us, perhaps to change our
language perfectly, as they are unable distinguish behavior and maybe even to change our beliefs.
the subtle sounds that are required in that language. Within this, we also discriminate between subtleties
Likewise, a person who cannot hear the subtleties of of language and comprehend the inner meaning of
emotional variation in another person's voice will be what is said. Typically also we weigh up the pros and
less likely to be able to discern the emotions the cons of an argument, determining whether it makes
other person is experiencing. Listening is a visual as sense logically as well as whether it is helpful to us.
well as auditory act, as we communicate much Evaluative listening is also called critical, judgmental
through body language. We thus also need to be or interpretive listening.
able to discriminate between muscle and skeletal
movements that signify different meanings. Appreciative listening- In appreciative listening, we
seek certain information which will appreciate, for
Comprehension listening- The next step beyond example that which helps meet our needs and goals.
discriminating between different sound and sights is We use appreciative listening when we are listening
to make sense of them. To comprehend the meaning to good music, poetry or maybe even the stirring
requires first having a lexicon of words at our words of a great leader.
fingertips and also all rules of grammar and syntax
by which we can understand what others are saying. Sympathetic listening- In sympathetic listening we
The same is true, of course, for the visual care about the other person and show this concern
components of communication, and an in the way we pay close attention and express our
understanding of body language helps us understand sorrow for their ills and happiness at their joys.
what the other person is really meaning. In
communication, some words are more important Empathetic listening- When we listen
and some less so, and comprehension often benefits empathetically, we go beyond sympathy to seek a
from extraction of key facts and items from a long truer understand how others are feeling. This
spiel. Comprehension listening is also known as requires excellent discrimination and close attention
content listening, informative listening and full to the nuances of emotional signals. When we are
listening. being truly empathetic, we actually feel what they
are feeling. In order to get others to expose these
Critical listening- Critical listening is listening in order deep parts of themselves to us, we also need to
to evaluate and judge, forming opinion about what is demonstrate our empathy in our demeanor towards
them, asking sensitively and in a way that Comprehending- The next level of listening consists
encourages self-disclosure. of comprehending or understanding. The listener
understands or interprets what the speaker has tried
Therapeutic listening- In therapeutic listening, the to convey. This activity can be described as
listener has a purpose of not only empathizing with absorbing, grasping or assimilating. In order to grasp
the speaker but also to use this deep connection in the meaning of the message, the listener uses his
order to help the speaker understand, change or knowledge, experience, perception and cognitive
develop in some way. This not only happens when power. The verbal and auditory message is coupled
you go to see a therapist but also in many social with non-verbal communication to understand it.
situations, where friends and family seek to both
diagnose problems from listening and also to help Remembering- Remembering relates to a process
the speaker cure themselves, perhaps by some whereby the assimilated message is stored in
cathartic process. This also happens in work memory to facilitate future recall. Remembering
situations, where managers, HR people, trainers and assumes significance because many times messages
coaches seek to help employees learn and develop. received are meant not for immediate consideration
but for future use.
Dialogic listening- The word 'dialogue' stems from
the Greek words 'dia', meaning 'through' and 'logos' Responding- For listening to be complete, a
meaning 'words'. Thus dialogic listening mean response is important. Responding to a message
learning through conversation and an engaged may take place at the end of the communication,
interchange of ideas and information in which we immediately after or later. When it is stored for
actively seek to learn more about the person and future use, the response may take place later.
how they think. Dialogic listening is sometimes However, if there is a need to seek clarification or to
known as 'relational listening'. empathize with the listener, it may take place
earlier. Responding may also take the form of
Relationship listening- Sometimes the most prodding or prompting in order to show that the
important factor in listening is in order to develop or message is being received and comprehended.
sustain a relationship. This is why lovers talk for
hours and attend closely to what each other has to BARRIERS OF LISTENING
say when the same words from someone else would
seem to be rather boring. Relationship listening is 1. Being preoccupied and distracted- When you’re
also important in areas such as negotiation and preoccupied, your mind wanders. While you think
sales, where it is helpful if the other person likes you you look engaged, you’re actually ‘faking attention.’
and trusts you. You can hear what the other party is saying, but
you’re not really taking anything in. You might think
they have no idea that you are not absorbing what
they are saying, people are quite perceptive and can
PROCESS OF LISTENING usually tell exactly what is going on.

Hearing- Hearing is the first essential step in the There are plenty of factors that can cause us to be
listening process and relates to the sensory distracted or preoccupied, including:
perception of sound. The listener further processes
the perceived sound. For learning to be effective, Phones and devices - You don’t have to feel too
hearing needs to be done with attention and guilty if you suffer from occasional bouts of
concentration. distraction – we’ve all paid way too much attention
to our phone or email than is appropriate. However,
Filtering- The next step involves sensing and filtering when you are supposed to be listening to a speaker
of heard sounds. The heard message is categorized or attending a class, you are missing out on
as wanted or unwanted, useful or useless. The important information that you will likely need down
unwanted message is discarded. In this step, the the line.
sense of judgement of the individual comes into
play, that is, the filtering process is subjective and a Your emotions – Are you going through a break-up
person chooses to retain what makes sense to him. or ruminating about a fight you had with a loved
one? Maybe you’re worried about money, and you
can’t stop thinking about your finances? Maybe you people the attention they deserve when they are
are so excited during your last day at work before a speaking.
holiday that you can’t concentrate? All of these
emotional states can tank your listening skills. Bias - Though similar to prejudice, bias can be a little
more broad. If you know someone has voted for a
Visual distractions – When you are trying to have an political party you don’t like, or you have heard they
important conversation in a pub, can you stop are a fan of a rival sport team, it can be easy to hold
yourself from glancing at the telly? If you’re anything bias against what they have to say.
like the rest of us, the answer is: probably not. Visual
distractions can suck your attention away from the Jealousy – Did Ms. X or Mr. Y get the promotion you
task at hand. were after? Have they just landed a big contract or
made a big sale? It can be easy to let our own little
2. Communicating in a noisy environment- “Sure, I green monster stand in the way of effective listening
heard exactly what you said – was that, ‘purple when we are seething with envy.
monkey dishwasher?’
Boredom – None of us are perfect, and sometimes
It is impossible to truly listen effectively when you we get bored at the most inappropriate times!
can’t actually hear what is going on. The nuance gets Boredom with the topic at hand can certainly cause
lost, and it become very easy to mishear what your mind to wander and your listening skills to go
someone is trying to tell you. down the drain.

If you find yourself struggling and straining to hear 4. Interrupting the other person- Nothing makes a
the words the other party is speaking, it’s likely that speaker feel more disrespected than being
you're also going to misinterpret their body constantly being interrupted. Of course, a
language. You're struggling to understand them, and conversation is usually a ‘2 way street,’ and you are
it all just seems so difficult. At some point it just meant to share your own thoughts and opinions.
becomes easier to tune out what they are saying, The problem starts when you accidentally
and that results in conflict and miscommunications. monopolise the conversation and constantly
interject your own opinions.
3. Your personal mind set- Conversations don’t exist
in a vacuum. When you are communicating with When you do interject too much, you start missing
another person, a whole world of personal emotions the nuance of what is being said, leading to
and bias are at play. Do you like the person? Do you mistakes. You’ll also be sending the message that
have preconceived ideas about what they are you don’t care much about what they have to say –
sharing? Do they remind you of another person you this cause conflict.
didn’t get along with?
Are you just waiting for the speaker to stop talking?
Our own mind set can be one of the biggest barriers
to effective listening. Here are just a few of the Sometimes a conversation is so exciting and
factors that can play into our personal attitudes and interesting that you simply feel like you can’t wait to
judgements. share your ideas! Maybe you're worried about
forgetting your point, or you think your example is
Prejudice – Our own prejudice against certain groups better than the one currently being shared. Either
is nothing to be proud of, but refusing to admit we way, it can cause you to jump into the conversation
hold said prejudices is even worse. In fact, when I at every opportunity. You’re not listening fully,
went to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles a you’re actually just waiting for the other party to
few years ago, they have two doors. One is labelled stop talking. You're not hearing everything that they
Prejudiced, and the other Not Prejudiced. Except have to say.
that the Not Prejudiced door is not a door at all.
They force you to go through the one marked Fight the urge to over-empathise by sharing your
prejudiced, to illustrate that every single person has own experiences
prejudices to some extent. Our own unconscious
prejudices can mean that we don’t give certain Interrupting someone is not always a negative or
selfish instinct. In fact, it can actually be a sign that
your compassion and empathy is working in out or just focus on what they want to say in
overdrive! You are so eager to show camaraderie rebuttal.
and let the other person know you empathise that
you interrupt them to share your own experiences. 4. Poor listening habits would include finding fault
with the speaker. Criticizing the speaker may mean
This can be especially problematic when the topic is that you find fault with the way he or she looks,
sensitive or hard to approach. While you might be dresses, or speaks.
genuinely trying to boost their morale and show
them that you understand their issue, you can 5. Poor listeners will try to zone in on just the facts
accidentally come across as try to ‘steal their that the speaker may make, rather than listening to
thunder’ and one up them. As they bristle, they everything and hearing the support for the facts.
might get defensive, preventing them from sharing 6. Inappropriate listening includes listening with a
the information that you need. closed mind, bias, and/or prejudice regarding the
person or topic.
You need to learn how to share your own
experiences in a sensitive, timely, and appropriate 7. A poor listener may engage in doodling, checking
manner that will do more good than harm. text messages, making phone calls, snapping gum, or
any number of other tasks, when listening should be
5. Your physical state- Just as with any task, you the focus.
physical state plays an important role in your ability
to listen 8. Poor listeners pay no regard to body language
when it comes time to listen. They may keep their
effectively and absorb information. If you are feeling back to the speaker, avoid eye contact, close their
uneasy in your own skin, you are far more likely to arms as they listen, or even make faces in response
be fidgety, agitated and ‘all over the place’ mentally. to what they are hearing.

Here are just a few of the physical issues that can 9. A poor listener would interrupt the speaker to
negatively affect your listening skills: make his or her own point, attack what is being said,
10. Those who multitask as they listen to someone
Tiredness are not demonstrating good listening habits. They
may be talking on the phone, looking at their
Physical pain
computer, etc.
11. Poor listeners will let their emotions get the best
Being too hot or too cold of them. They may interrupt, attack, or tune out
because of them.
Sitting on an uncomfortable surface
Good Listening Habits
1. People who are really listening will not allow a
Poor Listening Habits subject matter to keep them from paying attention
to the key points. They also will make sure they
1. People find the conversation boring and continue paying attention and avoid distractions.
allow that to affect their concentration or lead
2. A good listener would not fake paying attention or
them to tune the speaker out. engage in daydreaming. She or he knows the
importance of making eye contact and showing
2. A listener does not pay attention, daydreams,
or becomes distracted rather than listening to
the person speaking. 3. A good listener that disagrees with the speaker or
something the speaker has said will remain calm and
3. Those speakers who overreact to something wait for an appropriate time to inquire about the
they disagree with generally tune the speaker
point of disagreement. 4. Good listening habits people were crowded into an outdoor amphitheater.
include not evaluating speakers on the way they look When the candidate finally started speaking, the
or trying to find fault with them. cheering and yelling was so loud that the candidate
couldn’t be heard easily despite using a speaker
5. Good listeners will look more at the bigger picture system. In this example, our coauthor had difficulty
and listen to everything, rather than just nitpicking receiving the message because of the external noise.
particular points. This is only one example of the ways that hearing
alone can require sincere effort, but you must hear
6. A good listener approaches speakers with an open the message before you can continue the process of
mind and attitude, showing respect to the speaker. listening.
7. Good listeners will minimize or remove Understanding- In the understanding stage, we
distractions when they know they should be attempt to learn the meaning of the message, which
listening. By doing so, they have demonstrated to is not always easy. For one thing, if a speaker does
the speaker that they are attentive and engaged in not enunciate clearly, it may be difficult to tell what
active listening. the message was—did your friend say, “I think she’ll
be late for class,” or “my teacher delayed the class”?
8. Good listeners realize that a good portion of
Notice in Figure 4.3 "Stages of Feedback" that stages
communication is done through nonverbal means
two, three, and four are represented by the brain
and that body language often says much more than
because it is the primary tool involved with these
words do. Good listeners make sure their body
stages of the listening process. Even when we have
language is open, relaxed, and inviting.
understood the words in a message, because of the
9. A good listener would wait for an appropriate differences in our backgrounds and experience, we
time to bring up his or her own points or ask sometimes make the mistake of attaching our own
questions about what has been said. The listener meanings to the words of others. For example, say
also would do it in a non-threatening or attacking you have made plans with your friends to meet at a
manner. certain movie theater, but you arrive and nobody
else shows up. Eventually you find out that your
10. In order to be a good listener, you have to friends are at a different theater all the way across
demonstrate that you are engaged. You should look town where the same movie is playing. Everyone
at the person that is speaking, even if it means else understood that the meeting place was the
stopping your work or whatever else you may be “west side” location, but you wrongly understood it
doing. as the “east side” location and therefore missed out
on part of the fun. The consequences of ineffective
11. Good listeners have a handle on their emotions listening in a classroom can be much worse. When
and will keep them in check in order to listen. When your professor advises students to get an “early
it is time to ask questions, get clarification, or start” on your speech, he or she probably hopes that
counter a fact, they do so in a respectful manner and you will begin your research right away and move on
try to use "I" statements, rather than "you" ones. to developing a thesis statement and outlining the
speech as soon as possible. However, students in
STAGES OF LISTENING your class might misunderstand the instructor’s
meaning in several ways. One student might
Receiving- Receiving is the intentional focus on interpret the advice to mean that as long as she gets
hearing a speaker’s message, which happens when started, the rest of the assignment will have time to
we filter out other sources so that we can isolate the develop itself. Another student might instead think
message and avoid the confusing mixture of that to start early is to start on the Friday before the
incoming stimuli. At this stage, we are still only Monday due date instead of Sunday night. So much
hearing the message. Notice in Figure 4.3 "Stages of of the way we understand others is influenced by
Feedback" that this stage is represented by the ear our own perceptions and experiences. Therefore, at
because it is the primary tool involved with this the understanding stage of listening we should be on
stage of the listening process. One of the authors of the lookout for places where our perceptions might
this book recalls attending a political rally for a differ from those of the speaker.
presidential candidate at which about five thousand
Remembering- Remembering begins with listening; foreign accents, the listener may not even attempt
if you can’t remember something that was said, you to attend to the message. If you mistrust a speaker
might not have been listening effectively. Wolvin because of an accent, you could be rejecting
and Coakley note that the most common reason for important or personally enriching information. Good
not remembering a message after the fact is because listeners have learned to refrain from making these
it wasn’t really learned in the first place.Wolvin, A., judgments and instead to focus on the speaker’s
& Coakley, C. G. (1996). Listening (5th ed.). Boston, meanings.
MA: McGraw-Hill. However, even when you are
listening attentively, some messages are more Responding- Responding sometimes referred to as
difficult than others to understand and remember. feedback—is the fifth and final stage of the listening
Highly complex messages that are filled with detail process. It’s the stage at which you indicate your
call for highly developed listening skills. Moreover, if involvement. Almost anything you do at this stage
something distracts your attention even for a can be interpreted as feedback. For example, you
moment, you could miss out on information that are giving positive feedback to your instructor if at
explains other new concepts you hear when you the end of class you stay behind to finish a sentence
begin to listen fully again. It’s also important to know in your notes or approach the instructor to ask for
that you can improve your memory of a message by clarification. The opposite kind of feedback is given
processing it meaningfully—that is, by applying it in by students who gather their belongings and rush
ways that are meaningful to you. Gluck, M. A., out the door as soon as class is over. Notice in Figure
Mercado, E., & Myers, C. E. (2008). Learning and 4.3 "Stages of Feedback" that this stage is
memory: From brain to behavior. New York: Worth represented by the lips because we often give
Publishers, pp. 172–173. Instead of simply repeating feedback in the form of verbal feedback; however,
a new acquaintance’s name over and over, for you can just as easily respond nonverbally
example, you might remember it by associating it
with something in your own life. “Emily,” you might KINDS OF SPEAKING
say, “reminds me of the Emily I knew in middle
To Inform – when the speaker is presenting
school,” or “Mr. Impiari’s name reminds me of the
interesting facts or lessons to the audience, or
Impala my father drives.” Finally, if understanding
explain how to go about doing something. This could
has been inaccurate, recollection of the message will
be a teaching lecturing about the Civil War, a
be inaccurate too.
student giving an oral report or showing how to
Evaluating- The fourth stage in the listening process decorate a cake or set up a blog, a museum docent
is evaluating, or judging the value of the message. explaining the history of painting, or a doctor
We might be thinking, “This makes sense” or, explaining a procedure.
conversely, “This is very odd.” Because everyone
To persuade, Motivate, or Take Action – this is when
embodies biases and perspectives learned from
the speaker will try influencing the audience in some
widely diverse sets of life experiences, evaluations of
way. The speaker might be trying to change your
the same message can vary widely from one listener
mind about something, to persuade you to change
to another. Even the most open-minded listeners
your opinion, to motivate to change a behavior, or to
will have opinions of a speaker, and those opinions
take action. Some examples are explaining the
will influence how the message is evaluated. People
benefits of a non-profit for the purpose of eliciting
are more likely to evaluate a message positively if
donations, trying to get people to change bad eating
the speaker speaks clearly, presents ideas logically,
habits by explaining all the benefits of eating
and gives reasons to support the points made.
healthily or attempting to convince people to vote
Unfortunately, personal opinions sometimes result
against a candidate in an election.
in prejudiced evaluations. Imagine you’re listening to
a speech given by someone from another country To Entertain – this type of speaking is often found at
and this person has an accent that is hard to events like banquets, weddings, or dinners. The
understand. You may have a hard time simply speaker is usually sharing a funny story or other
making out the speaker’s message. Some people find anecdotal information. Some examples of this would
a foreign accent to be interesting or even exotic, be the best man speech at a wedding or an after-
while others find it annoying or even take it as a sign dinner speech given by a host of a party to thank
of ignorance. If a listener has a strong bias against
guests for coming. They could also be planned as PROCESS OF SPEAKING
entertainment at an event. Topics are usually
humorous and light and could serve a very specific Step 1: Research and Preparation
purpose, like introducing a featured guest or giving a
toast. Consider the audience that you will be speaking to,
and make sure that the tone and information is
WORST SPEAKERS appropriate for that audience. Try to put yourself in
their shoes, and think about what you want the
1. Francesco Schettino – Just Unbelievable outcome of your speech to be (e.g., to get people to
go vegan or to adopt an animal instead of buying
2. Todd Aiken & Richard Mourdock – Serious, Sad, one).
and Stupid
Learn as much information as possible about the
3. Bashar Al-Assad – What Communications Can’t issue that your talk is about. You can also e-mail
Cover Up for additional materials.

4. John McAfee – Killing His Own Credibility Step 2: Writing Your Speech

5. Hope Solo – Too Much ‘Tude Before you begin writing, make a list of two to five
main points that you want to present. Write out
6. Joe Biden – Over The Top each point in one or two sentences. Your
speech will be most effective if you plan your
7. Mark Pincus – Unlikeable, Unreachable &
opening and closing statements and key transitions
down to the last word. Organize the speech logically
8. Ryan Lochte – The Hunk Who’s Hardly Humble with a beginning, a middle, and an end. In other
words, tell your audience what you’re going to tell
9. David Axelrod – Master of Spin them, tell them it, and then summarize what you’ve
told them.
10. Scott Forstall – Failure To Launch
Here are some other quick tips:
Open with an attention-getting fact, a rhetorical
1. Robin Williams – Remember, You’re Always On . . question (making sure that you know what the
. answer is), a quotation (to support your message), or
a relevant anecdote.
2. Richard Branson – Mindful of the Experience
Keep a positive tone and attitude.
3. Wendy Clark – An Energizing Executive
Refreshment Keep it short. Your speech should take less than 20
4. Derek Jeter – A New Yorker with Humble
Confidence Tell the audience what the problem is, what your
proposed solution is, and what actions they can take
5. Jimmy Fallon – Taking Tonight To New Heights to help.

6. Adam Silver – Seriously Sticks to His Point Plan a snappy conclusion that summarizes your main
7. Lupita Nyong’o – Sincerity + Grace
Finish with a strong and motivating appeal for
8. Kathy Murphy – Financial Pillar of Strength action. Inspire your audience!
9. Taylor Swift – Incredible Audience Connection Step 3: Practicing
10. Tony Fadell – Best in the Nest You should know your speech well enough to speak
naturally during your presentation and glance only
occasionally at your notes. Here are some tips for If someone is being aggressive or antagonistic,
practicing: simply say, “I’d be happy to talk with you about this
in greater depth afterward, but I have limited time
Practice your speech at least three times, and and need to address additional questions.” Don’t let
practice in front of a friend for feedback. anyone take control of the presentation.
Pace yourself. Your audience will want to hear what
you have to say, so speak clearly!

Gestures, movement, and eye contact can add to

your impact, but make sure that they’re natural and

Try not to speak from a podium. It’s a barrier

between you and your audience. Put your notes on
it, and then try to walk around.

Step 4: Putting Together Visual Aids

Visual aids are an important aspect of your speech

and will help make unfamiliar and challenging
material more accessible for your audience.
PowerPoint presentations, photos, charts, and
videos can all help you get your point across.

Keep the following in mind:

Visual aids should be simple and colorful, but

remember that red and green are difficult to read
from a distance.

Keep text to a minimum—otherwise your audience

won’t know whether to read or to listen to you.

A few effective slides or charts can help your

audience understand your message, but too many
will distract them.

Videos are a powerful way to get your point across.

Visit PETA’s YouTube page for some options.

Step 5: Handling the Q&A

A well-handled question-and-answer session can

strengthen your credibility, demonstrate your
knowledge, and give you a chance to clarify and
expand on your ideas.

Make a list of possible questions that people might

have about the material that you are presenting, and
prepare answers to those questions.

Check out PETA’s frequently asked questions for a

list of common questions and answers.

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