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Due to what the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) mandates on institutions of

higher learning to have a credible community extension program which may take the form of
continuing education, application of research results, community service and the like, Philippine
Air Transport and Training Services (PATTS) College of Aeronautics decided to choose the these
following community located at Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River
Ville Neighborhood Association Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and
Brgy. Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay City as its adopted community for different kinds of Social
Orientation and Community Involvement (SOCI) activities.

The Social Orientation and Community Involvement (SOCI) office under the Office of
Student Affairs of PATTS College of Aeronautics aims to coordinate with the different student
organizations recognized by institution itself, as well as students, teaching and non-teaching
personnel, in conducting community outreach programs which concerns mainly adult education,
child welfare, food safety and security, health care, safety and security, spiritual outreach and
discipleship, and livelihood.

PATTS College of Aeronautics has gathered a list of communities to be its adopted

community which will be launched for its 50th “Golden Year” Anniversary on AY 2018-2019. The
list of candidate communities is composed of geographically near and far communities and the top
community chosen is the Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River Ville
Neighborhood Association Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and Brgy.
Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay City.

In order to address the exact needs of the community and be able to determine their utmost
needs, the researchers decided to conduct this study for student organizations as a reference for
their possible activities.

Background of the Study

The study was conducted in three different communinties namely: Espiritu Compound,
UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City with the focus on the Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro,
Parañaque City, River Ville Neighborhood Association Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San
Isidro, Paranaque city, and Brgy. Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay City which are the proposed adopted
community of PATTS College of Aeronautics. It is composed of approximately two hundred
families and the partnership between PATTS College of Aeronautics and the community began in
the Academic Year 2018-2019. To be efficient in conducting activities for the benefit of the
community, it must first be studied so that its topmost needs are met immediately.

The focus of the study was to assess the needs of these following communities: Espiritu
Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River Ville Neighborhood Association Inc.
Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and Brgy. Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay
City which the researchers may be able to provide possible community service programs that will
be rendered by PATTS College of Aeronautics to its adopted community as to provide solution to
some of the pressing problems in the community.

The community in which the study will be done are yet to experience different community
service programs from PATTS College of Aeronautics that will hopefully address some of their
needs in terms of health, education and livelihood.

A community needs assessment will be helpful for PATTS College of Aeronautics in

identifying what needs should be addressed first and what community service programs must be
done to meet those needs.

Setting of the Study

PATTS or Philippine Air Transport and Training Services started its operation in the year
1969. Its primary aim is to establish a manufacturing and assembly plant for trainer aircrafts.
However, the founders dropped the first aim and proceeded to the secondary aim, which was to
put up an Aeronautical School. Now, PATTS is considered as one of the country’s number one
Aeronautical school. It offers 2 strands for the Senior High School Level: Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM), and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM); and 8
academic programs for the tertiary level: BS Aeronautical Engineering, BS Air Transportation, BS
Avionics Technology, Aircraft Technician Course, BS Aircraft Maintenance Technology, BS
Hotel and Restaurant Management, BS Airline Business Administration and BS Tourism

The Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering curriculum strives to prepare

students for technological service and leadership and to make them adaptable to a variety of
challenges in the aviation industry. Graduates of this profession are actively engaged in the work
of planning, designing, structure analysis, construction and repair, supervision, operations of
systems and advanced facilities necessarily in the development of the industry. Graduates of this
course are presently employed in the Civil Airworthiness Authorities, Aircraft Operators,
Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Companies, and other aviation agencies here and abroad.

Figure 1
Façade of PATTS College of Aeronautics

Figure 2
Location of PATTS College of Aeronautics on Map

Theoretical Framework

According to Abraham Maslow, the hierarchy of human needs are ground primarily into
to: deficiency needs and growth needs. The former states that the lower need must be satisfied first
before climbing up to higher levels of needs. If after meeting all those needs and a deficiency is
still observed, an individual will do something to fill that deficiency. The first four levels are:

1. Physiological – hunger, thirst, body comforts, etc.;

2. Safety/security – being assured no danger is present;
3. Belongingness and love – be accepted, being affiliated with other groups/individual; and
4. Esteem – to reach a goal, achieve something, be recognized, etc

The growth can now be climbed by the individual if and only if the deficiency needs are
met. The growth need is self-actualization. It is important as well for an individual to have one’s
own needs addressed and find a solution to gain progress in obtaining their goals.

It is proposed that Maslow's hierarchy can be used to describe the kinds of information
individual's seek at different levels of development. Individuals at the lowest level seek coping
information in order to meet their basic needs. Information that is not directly connected to helping
a person meet his or her needs in a very short time span is simply left unattended.
Figure 3

Maslow’s Diagram of Hierarchy of Needs

Needs assessment

A needs assessment is a systematic analysis of "the way things are" and "the way things
ought to be." A need is not a want or desire, but rather a gap between the current situation and the
optimal situation and the necessity to complete it. Using both qualitative and quantitative research,
a needs assessment identifies gaps in training, programs, services and/or outreach efforts. Needs
assessments can be used to identify and solve performance problems in order to direct a natural
resource or outdoor recreation organization's future planning efforts.

A needs assessment can answer these questions but not limited to the following:

• Problems or deficits: Are there problems in the organization that might be solved by
training or other activities? Are certain outreach efforts reaching the desired audience?

• Opportunities: Could the organization improve itself by taking advantage of or offering

new technologies, training programs, or services?
• Strengths: How can the organization take advantage of its strengths, as opposed to reacting
to its weaknesses?

• New directions: Can the organization take a proactive approach to move to new levels of
performance and service? What can the organization do to make more informed decisions to meet
the needs of important stakeholder groups?

Conceptual Framework
Demographic Profile
of Espiritu Compound
Assessed needs of the
Civil Status
residents of Espiritu
Educational Compound, UPS-5
Attainment San Isidro, Parañaque
Family income City
per month Process
Sources of Assessment and
Obtaining data List of proposed
Income outreach projects for a
Number of through:
community service
Members in the program to be
Family Research conducted by PATTS
Percieved needs in College of
terms of:
Questionnaire Aeronautics and
Adult Revisions PATTS student
Education Survey organizations
Child Welfare Tally
Food Security Interpretation
and Nutrition
Safety and
Outreach and
Statement of the Problem

The study attempts to find out the needs of the residents of the adopted community of
PATTS College of Aeronautics “Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River
Ville Neighborhood Association Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and
Brgy. Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay City” in Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City
as basis for a proposed community service programs particularly in terms of the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

1.4 Civil Status

1.5 Educational Attainment

1.6 Family Income per Month

1.7 Number of Members in the Family; and

1.8 Source of Income

2. What were the residents perceived needs in terms of:

2.1 Adult Education

2.2 Child Welfare

2.3 Food Security and Nutrition

2.4 Health Care

2.5 Safety and Security

2.6 Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship; and

2.7 Livelihood
Significance of the Study

The findings herein will benefit the following:

The Local Government of Parañaque City - this study will serve as a basis of poverty alleviation
program of the local government of the said community.

PATTS College of Aeronautics - the result of the study will help the administration in developing
and implementing further programs in providing solutions for the perceived needs of the Espiritu
Compound Residents.

The Espiritu Compound Residents - the result of the study will provide knowledge to the
community in identifying what they can do to solve their problems in terms of Adult Education,
Child Welfare, Food Safety and Security, Health Care, Safety and Security, Spiritual Outreach and
Discipleship, and Livelihood.

Aeronautical Engineering Research Organization together with PATTS Course and the Non-
Course Organizations - the result will provide them a list of possible activities and programs that
they will conduct which matches the top needs of the community.

Future Researchers - the study will provide information and will serve as future reference
for further studies regarding the said community.

Scope and Limitation

The study is concerned on the assessment of the needs of the residents of the Espiritu
Compound Community located in Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City. The
study covers a thorough research regarding the assessment of what needs must be given focus and
priority in conducting community service programs by PATTS College of Aeronautics and PATTS
Student Organizations.

The Espiritu Compound Community residents, who have resided for a minimum of 5 years,
are the respondents of this study. Hence, significant results in this study will be applicable only to
the residents of the Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River Ville
Neighborhood Association Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and Brgy.
Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay City and to PATTS College of Aeronautics for the development of
Socio-Civic Activities under the Socio-Civic Office.

Definition of Terms

The following definitions of terms are defined according to how it is used in the study:

Adopted Community – This refers to the group of people that will be the clientele of the activities
and programs that PATTS College of Aeronautics and PATTS student organizations will organize.

Social Orientation and Community Involvement Office (SOCI Office) – This refers to the office
under the Office of Student Affairs responsible for carrying out socio-civic activities or outreach

Education Development – This word refers to the activity undertaken by those staff who specialize
in enhancing learning and teaching.

Health and Sanitation – This term first refers to the person's mental or physical condition. The
latter is the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the
hazards of wastes as well as the treatment and proper disposal of sewage or wastewater.
Livelihood – This word refers to the set of activities, involving securing water, food, fodder,
medicine, shelter, clothing and the capacity to acquire above necessities working either
individually or as a group by using endowments (both human and material) for meeting the
requirements of the self and his/her household on a sustainable basis with dignity.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – this term means description of the needs that motivate human
behavior proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943.

Needs Assessment – this word pertains to the systematic process for determining and addressing
needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions or "wants". It is a part of
planning processes, often used for improvement in individuals, education/training, organizations,
or communities.

Espiritu Compound, UPS-5, San Isidro, Parañaque City, River Ville Neighborhood Association
Inc. Riverville Rd. 9G, UPS V, San Isidro, Paranaque city, and Brgy. Kaybagal, South, Tagaytay
City – this is the adopted community of PATTS composed of families and individuals residing in
Espiritu Compound Community

Security – this refers to state of being free from danger or threat


Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes discussion on related literature and studies which provide relevant facts about
needs assessment of a community.

Foreign Studies

According to the Community Tool Box at the University of Kansas, Needs Assessment is a way of
asking group or community members what they see as the most important needs of that group or
community. The results of the survey then guide future action. Generally, the needs that are rated most
important are the ones that get addressed.

In general, true needs assessment surveys have some common characteristics:

 They have a pre-set list of questions to be answered

 They have a pre-determined sample of the number and types of people to answer these questions
chosen in advance
 They are done by personal interview, phone, or by written response (e.g., a mail-in survey)
 The results of the survey are tabulated, summarized, distributed, discussed, and (last, but not least)

The following are the steps to be taken in conducting a needs assessment study proposed by
CENTERLINK: The community of LGBT in Lauderlale, Florida in USA:

1. Establish a working committee to solicit individual and community involvement and develop a plan
of action.
2. List important issues to be addressed.
3. Identify the population to be surveyed.
4. Determine the information that is needed -- it may be existing information which must be collected,
or it may be information gathered using a survey.
5. Select a random sample of persons to survey.
6. Develop and pretest a questionnaire.
7. Collect information.
8. Analyze the data.
9. Report the results.
10. askla
In the study made by Saeid Sadeghieh, Shahram, Moharram, Firouz, & Reza (2012 about 600
households in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Ardabil, a city in the northwest of Iran, results
showed that the main problems of the area appeared to be the asphalt problem, lack of easy access to
medical centers, addiction among relatives and unemployment of youth. In addition to these, high
participation rates of community members in the steering committee and survey suggest that the
participatory approach was greatly appreciated by the community and that problems identified through this
research truly reflect community opinion. However, researchers must rigorously embrace principles of
mutual cooperation, respect for public ideas, and a robust belief in community empowerment in order to
pave the way for responsible and active citizen participation in the various stages of research.

The Supported Child Development Program or SCDP, situated in Canada, whose motto is “Every
Child Belongs” provides the following programs:

 Individual Planning to promote each child’s development

 Training and information for families and child care providers
 Resources such as books, toys and specialized equipment
 Referrals to other services such as therapists or specialists
 When necessary, additional staffing to ensure that children may participate fully.

The program, as SCDP states, is a family-centred program that is voluntary and free of charge.

In the organization of Partnership for Drug-Free Kids in 9th Street, New York City, they are
promoting “Community Education”, and are noting clearly that “Our country’s problem with substance
abuse is not a rational problem, but a series of unique Community problems.” As a result, they have
provided programs for communities, namely:

 Helpful tips for parents talking to their children and steps to take if their child is using.
 Information about specific drug threats, risk and protective factors, warning signs of use.
 Training for collaborative community partnerships to build new programs-or enhance and
supplement local efforts-at no cost to the community.

With regards to the Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, “Continuing
Studies”, for over 40 years, they have been making education available to people who are older than the
typical university student, by their offers of courses and reaching thousands of learners, and the world in
the evenings, on weekends and online.
Their programs are:

1. SFU Lifelong Learning

2. Continuing Education
3. Flexible Degree Completion
4. Public Lectures and Events
5. Community Projects and Services

Local Literature and Studies

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is an organization that was
established to mobilize the industry, labor, local government units and technical-vocational institutions in
the skills of the country’s human resources. The major goal of TESDA is to create a development plan for
the people in the society based on the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan. This
plan shall provide for a reformed industry-based training program that includes apprenticeship, dual training
system and other similar schemes.

TESDA is offering Special Training for Employment Program (STEP). It is a community based
specialty training program that addresses the specific skills needs of the communities and promote
employment, particularly through entrepreneurial, self-employment and service-oriented activities. The
program was introduced only in 2014.

TESDA is also offering the following programs:

 TVET(Technical Vocational Education and Training) Programs and Information

 Competency Standards Development
 Competency Assessment and Certification
 Program Registration and Accreditation

On the other hand, LPU Cavite’s office of the Community Outreach and Service Learning (COSeL)
which is the arm of the institution that upholds social consciousness and responsibilitites and promotes
collaborative efforts from the LPU Community conducts service agreements and programs that shares with
the community its expertise, resources, and facilities. Programs are designed to be responsive to the
prevailing needs and concerns of the residents of various communities like:

 Alternative Learning System (ALS) Implementation (in partnership with DepEd and CAS)
 Livelihood Seminars (in partnership with CBA, CITHM, and COECSA)
 Computer/Technology Trainings (in partnership with COECSA)
 Nutrition Programs (in partnership with CITHM)
 Blood-letting Activities (in partnership with the Philippine Blood Center)
 Donation Drive Activities
 Christmas Outreach Activities
 Tree-growing Activities (in partnership with DENR and the Army Reserve Command)

To add more, the College of Allied Medical Sciences (CAMS) and the Community Outreach and
Services Learning (COSeL) under the Department of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite in
collaboration with Centro Escolar University (CEU) Graduate School of Science and Technology and
University of Malaya (Malaysia) conducted an on-site medical research in its adapted Aeta Community at
Brgy. Putting Kahoy, Rosario, Batangas. Specimens were taken through anal swabbing from the local
children and were examined by Dr. Romina R. Barcarse, Associate Dean of CAMS LPU-C, and Dr. Juliet
Dungca, Dean of School of Science and Technology (CEU). Moreover, water samples from the river down
the mountain slopes stool samples from animals were collected.

Afterwards, medicines provided by CEU-Manila were distributed to each Aeta family in

the community and the proper medication and shared drug information were explained to the head
of the families

The innovative research was of great help not only in establishing further knowledge in
finding out whether the environment is susceptible to diseases (parasitism in particular) that will
help the team assess the health condition of the Aetas living in the community but also the study
will provide awareness in the importance of health and the practice of proper hygiene.

Another supporting contention is the study conducted by Matt Vera, RN entitled

Primary Health Care (PHC) in the Philippines(2012)

The following are the eight (8) essential elements of primary health care:

1. Education for Health

This is one of the potent methodologies for information dissemination. It promotes the partnership
of both the family members and health workers in the promotion of health as well as prevention
of illness.
2. Locally Endemic Disease Control

The control of endemic disease focuses on the prevention of its occurrence to reduce morbidity
rate. Example Malaria control and Schistosomiasis control

3. Expanded Program on Immunization

This program exists to control the occurrence of preventable illnesses especially of children below
6 years old. Immunizations on poliomyelitis, measles, tetanus, diphtheria and other preventable
disease are given for free by the government and ongoing program of the DOH.

4. Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning

The mother and child are the most delicate members of the community. So the protection of the
mother and child to illness and other risks would ensure good health for the community. The goal
of Family Planning includes spacing of children and responsible parenthood.

5. Environmental Sanitation and Promotion of Safe Water Supply

Environmental Sanitation is defined as the study of all factors in the man’s environment, which
exercise or may exercise deleterious effect on his well-being and survival. Water is a basic need
for life and one factor in man’s environment. Water is necessary for the maintenance of healthy
lifestyle. Safe Water and Sanitation is necessary for basic promotion of health.

6. Nutrition and Promotion of Adequate Food Supply

One basic need of the family is food. And if food is properly prepared then one may be assured
healthy family. There are many food resources found in the communities but because of faulty
preparation and lack of knowledge regarding proper food planning, Malnutrition is one of the
problems that we have in the country.

7. Treatment of Communicable Diseases and Common Illness

The diseases spread through direct contact pose a great risk to those who can be infected.
Tuberculosis is one of the communicable diseases continuously occupies the top ten causes of
death. Most communicable diseases are also preventable. The Government focuses on the
prevention, control and treatment of these illnesses.

8. Supply of Essential Drugs

This focuses on the information campaign on the utilization and acquisition of drugs. In response
to this campaign, the GENERIC ACT of the Philippines is enacted. It includes the following drugs:
Cotrimoxazole, Paracetamol, Amoxycillin, Oresol, Nifedipine, Rifampicin, INH (isoniazid) and
Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, Streptomycin, Albendazole, Quinine.

In the research conducted by Galve (2014), Jollibee Group Foundation, University of St. La
Salle and John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation-Bacolod has conducted Feeding Program in 2012
entitled Busog, Lusog, Talino.

The BLT School Feeding Program aimed to increase the Body Mass Index level of the beneficiaries
after 136 feeding days. Furthermore, the study assessed the satisfaction level of the program by the pupils’

S. Q Quejas (2011) mentioned that the drug-abuse program of La Salle University is under the
leadership of the Boy Scouts organization that is under the university's Parent-Teacher Association. The
programme includes the drug abuse prevention brigade where parent and child will undergo camping
expedition for closer family interaction. The second programme is the cross parent assistance it is where a
parent assists or counsels another person's child. And the third one is the cross-age tutoring is also included
in their programme, it is a service by older students that counsel younger ones when it comes to the drug
related problems.

Also he mentioned that the Don Bosco Technical Institute was involved in drug-abuse prevention
and also implement programmes together with the Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. One of
their programme is the drug defense brigade. It is where the volunteer students are against the dangers of
drug abuse and drug pushers who penetrate inside the school campus. The students held campaigns for the
information of the student regarding the drugs on how to use their free time in positive ways.
Furthermore he mentioned that the Philippine Christian University together with the Philippine
Catholic Women's Temperance Union held a weekly radio through the Ministry of Social Services and
Development, DDB and the Far East Broadcasting Company. It includes the Home Enrichment Life
programme which is a seminar on the radio featuring problems of drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking and
other vices. It also utilizes interviews and panel discussions featuring life testimonies of rehabilitee drug
dependents and provides listeners with updated information on the drug-abuse problem.

According to Kaibigan Ermita Outreach Foundation, Inc., Livelihood Development Program has
three components: skills training, self-help group and social enterprising.

Skills training as one of the LDP’s components is aimed at providing and enhancing the skills of
parents and older children for gainful employment. All the trainings are based from the result of the survey
of the marketable skills conducted to the community.

Self help group on the other hand is the enhanced version of loan assistance/social credit. The
concept of self-help group is an informal association of poor persons/ weaker sections in community with
common objective of working together for their economic and social development and also for overall area
development. KAIBIGAN see this as venue for ‘micro-finance’ in groups, after parents underwent series
of skills training.

Social enterprising as another component of LDP is aimed at creating opportunities for the parents/
children/ youth through KAIBIGAN owned small social enterprising ventures.

In the Asian Development Bank’s website, in the island of Samar, some of the impoverished
communities in the Philippines are getting cash grants through an ADB-supported livelihood program to
meet their basic needs. The beneficiaries are selected based on age, pension income and support they receive
from family. The money they receive from ADB is enough to get them through a whole month. Even after
Typhoon Yolanda, the livelihood program is bringing much needed relief to some of the neediest
communities in the Philippines.

Moreover, in an on-site feasibility assessment conducted on July 17, 2014 by the

Department of Agriculture, it announced to the community of Sitio Bugacan, Mati City, Davao
Oriental that it will deliver within one year 50 heads of cattle and 50 heads of carabao. The said
project is among DA’s response to the community’s prioritized needs, which were identified
through a process called Community Livelihood Needs Assessment and Planning facilitated by
the MILF Project Management Team. They are endorsed to receive assistance in the areas of
health, education and livelihood under the Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program by at least eight
government line agencies (PhilHealth, TESDA, CHED, DEPED, DSWD, DOH, DA and DENR).

Furthermore, in the Companion with the Poor livelihood program, the community
members that participate in the projects tend to be woman and mothers holding the pressure to care
for their children. The mothers are trained in the specific projects and Mission Ministries
Philippines simultaneously works on the markets for the products. Current livelihood projects such
as water lily bags, paper bead earrings, juice pack wallets, tarpaulin bags and rice bags are current
livelihood programs running within the community of the Philippines.

In the study of Binag, Competente and Valencia (2010) they found out that most of the
housing project beneficiaries do not have the capacity to sustain the housing project as a clean,
healthy and safe place for the family. On the other hand, it still plays a vital role in the realization
of the beneficiaries’ goal to make the housing project a simple, decent and affordable shelter for
their families through the provision of extension services.

The projects proposed are ranked as follows:

1. Livelihood such as buy and sell of construction and electrical materials; construction
services; and convenient store/sari-sari store

2. Painting of the house

3. Cement finishing of the house

4. Tile finishing of the house

5. Repair/Renovation of ceiling, partition, roof, doors and windows

6. Repair/Improvement of comfort rooms

7. Installation/repair of electrical facilities

8. Installation/repair of water facilities

9. Establishment of clinic

10. Repair/improvement of pathways,stairs,hallways

11. Improvement of the surroundings (playground,planters,wall fence, and gate)

12. Strengthening of homeowners association

13. Provision of scholarship program

14. Medical/dental mission

15. Trainings on disaster preparedness; dressmaking; computer education;

tutorial/remedial classes; youth development and leadership; entrepreneurial business;
carpentry/masonry; and technology development

The following are the government and private sectors contributing to the development

 Habitat for Humanity Philippines under Ayala Foundation (1,000 houses, together with
their own construction technology and machines of patented hollow blocks)

 NHA (800 houses, materials by Globe Asiatique)

 Prince of Bahrain H.H. Salman Al Khalifa (189 houses)

 Presidential Social Fund of former Pres. Gloria MacapagalArroyo (108 houses)

 Zonta, Makati (30 houses) - First Philippine Holdings (Livelihood Center, OML School &
Basketball Court
 DMCI (wet market and 6 concrete bagger mixers)

 Manila Water (water treatment and sanitation system)

 Calauan and Pasig LGUs (elementary and high school, in collaboration with NHA

 Polytechnic University of the Philippines and Oscar M. Lopez as benefactors)

 Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life (pledged to give values formation and

 SM Group – Henry Sy (SM Wellness Center) - Materials Recovery Facilities located in

each site

 Aboitiz Group of Companies (another livelihood center by Nov. 2010)

 Rockwell Foundation (community church by Nov. 2010)

 Department of Social Welfare and Development (day care center)

 Philippine National Police Security Center

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

The chapter presents the research method used, population and sample, description of respondents,
instrumentation, data gathering procedures and statistical tools and treatment of data.

Research method
The researchers made us of the descriptive method of research for this study. As explained by Calderon
& Gonzales (1993): “The process of descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of
data. It involves the elements or interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is described. Thus,
description is often combined with comparison and contrast involving instruments, classifications,
interpretation, and evaluation (Cited by Sanchez, p.83)

essentially, it has observed and staged ex post facto analysis, relative documentary and data analyses.

Since there are quantitative variables whose differences are being investigated, appropriate statical
techniques were used in this study. For use in significance testing, the distribution of the test statistic is
approximated as being an ordinary Student’s distribution with the degrees of freedom.

The research method used is quantitative. Data levels of measurement were treated accordingly.

Population, sample size, and sampling technique

The respondents of this stud are the constituents of the adopted barangay of PATTS College of
Aeronautics. It is wished and must be clear here that the respondents being referred to the documentary
analysis were not actually met by the present researcher. Thus, there is no more need for the
determination of new population and sample size through sampling technique since this study is
primarily aimed at the analysis of the needs survey and action plan for improvement.

Given that the objective of this research is to have a comprehensive profiling of PATTS’ community
involvement programs, activities failing under the nature and purpose where included.

Description of respondents
The respondents were constituents of the different barangays of the College. This community
involvement project, the researcher herein classified them cogently (please see the operational definition
of “respondents” as used in this study).

specially, the Needs Assessment Survey 2018 described the respondents in detail.
Table 1

Profile of the Respondents According to Gender

1.1 Espiritu Compound

Gender f %

Male 62 44.93

Female 76 55.07

Total 138 100.00

1.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Sexual Preference Frequency Percentage

Male 9 21.95%
Female 32 78.05%
Total 41 100%

1.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Sexual Preference Frequency Percentage

Male 8 13.5
Female 51 86.4
Total 59 100
Table 2
Profile of the Respondents According to Civil Status

2.1 Espiritu Compound

Civil Status f %

Single 56 40.58

Married 59 42.75

Widow or Widower 15 10.87

Separated 8 5.80

Divorced 0 0.00
Total 138 100.00

2.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 6 14.63%
Married 27 65.85%
Widow or widower 4 9.76%
Separated 4 9.76%
Divorced 0 0
Total 41 100

2.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 10 16.95

Married 40 67.80

Widow or widower 4 6.78

Separated 5 8.47

Divorced 0 0.00

total 59 100.00

Table 3
Profile of the Respondents According to Educational Attainment

3.1 Espiritu Compound

Educational Attainment f %
No Educational Attainment 3 2.17

Elementary 12 8.70

Junior High School 39 28.26

Senior High School 0 0.00

College 63 45.65

Vocational Course 21 15.22

Total 138 100.00

3.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

No Educational Attainment 0 0.00
Elementary 10 24.49
Junior High School 14 34.15
Senior High School 1 2.44
College 11 26.83
Vocational Course 5 12.20
Total 41 100.00

3.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

No Educational Attainment 1 1.69

Elementary 16 27.12
Junior High School 30 50.85
Senior High School 1 1.69
College 4 6.78
Vocational Course 7 11.86
Total 59 100.00

Table 4
Profile of the Respondents According to Income

4.1 Espiritu Compound

Income f %

Higher Than PhP 20,000 12 8.70

PhP 16,000-20,000 15 10.87

PhP 11,000 - 15,000 35 25.36

PhP 6,000-10,000 36 26.09

PhP 5,000 Lower Than 40 28.99

Total 138 100.00

4.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Family Income Frequency Percentage

Higher than PhP 20,000 4 9.76
PhP 16,000-20,000 9 21.95
PhP 11,000-15,000 8 19.51

PhP 6,000-10,000 9 21.95

PhP 5,000 or Less Than 11 26.83
Total 41 100%
4.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Family Income Frequency Percentage

Higher than PhP 20,000 1 1.69

PhP 16,000-20,000 5 8.47
PhP 11,000-15,000 7 11.86

PhP 6,000-10,000 15 25.42

PhP 5,000 or Less Than 31 52.54
Total 59 100.00

The Research Instrument

The researcher referred to the following instrument Needs Assessment questionnaire

The study employed questionnaires and unstructured interview as the instruments for data gathering. If in
case there were available survey - interview results, such are also considered.

Validation of the Research Instrument

The instrument used was approved by the OSA. According to the office, the evaluation forms are further
explained to the respondents to get more actual answers from the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers asked the permission of the Dean of Student Affairs of the College to use the documents
and other related records her office has. Based on the organizational structure of the College, the Dean of
Student Affairs has the primary role in coordinating, managing, and supervising the school’s outreach
program especially if there are already institutionalized.

Statistical Treatment of data

The statistical tools employed in the analyses of data were frequency count, percentage, arithmetic mean,
weighted mean, ranking, and t-test. All statistical tests were set at 0.05 levels of significance.

Frequency count, percentage, and mean. These were used to describe the profile variables, such as age,
gender, civil status, educational attainment, occupation, monthly income and sources of living.

Arithmetic mean. This was used to describe the number of respondents of the barangay

Rank. This was used in comparing the order of priority of a community involvement program as it relates
to others.

Weighted mean. This was used in determining and interpreting the perceptions of the respondents as they
assessed the community involvement projects/program of the College.

The arbitrary scale below guided the interpretation:

1.00-1.49 poor
1.50-2.49 fair
2.50-3.49 good
3.50-4.49 very satisfactory
4.50-5.00 excellent

T-test this was employed to determine the significant difference in the evaluations of the respondents on
the community involvement projects/programs of the College.

Decision rule: if t-computed is less than or equal to critical value, reject H; otherwise, accept H
Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This Chapter deals with the evaluation, interpretation and presentation of data collected by the

researchers. It contains statistical tables, textual representation and interpretation of the:

I. Profile of the Respondents

This section provides an overview of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

sexual preference, civil status, educational attainment, family income, and number of members in

the family.

Table 1


1.1 Espiritu Compound

Sexual Preference Frequency Percentage

Male 62 44.92%

Female 76 55.07%

Total 138 100%

Table 1.1 shows that the female respondents dominated the result with a total frequency

of 76 or 55.07 percent while the male respondent were 44.92 percent only.
1.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Sexual Preference Frequency Percentage

Male 9 21.95%

Female 32 78.05%

Total 41 100%

Table 1.2 shows that the female respondents dominated the result with a total frequency

of 32 or 78.05 percent while the male respondent were 21.95 percent only.

1.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Sexual Preference Frequency Percentage

Male 8 13.5

Female 51 86.4

Total 59 100

Table 1.3 shows that the female respondents dominated the result with a total frequency

of 51 or 86.4 percent while the male respondent were 13.5 percent only.
Table 2

Civil Status

2.1 Espiritu Compound

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 56 40.57%

Married 59 42.75%

Widow or widower 15 10.86%

Separated 8 5.79%

Divorced 0 0

Total 138 100

Table 2 shows that 42.75 percent or 59 of the respondents were married while there are

no divorced respondent but there are 8 or 5.79 percent are separated.

2.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 6 14.63%

Married 27 65.85%
Widow or widower 4 9.76%

Separated 4 9.76%

Divorced 0 0

Total 41 100

Table 2 shows that 65.85 percent or 27 of the respondents were married while there are

no divorced respondent but there are 6 or 14.63 percent are single.

2.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 10 16.95

Married 40 67.80

Widow or widower 4 6.78

Separated 5 8.47

Divorced 0 0.00

total 59 100.00

Table 2 shows that 67.80 percent or 40 of the respondents were married while there are

no divorced respondent but there are 5 or 8.47 percent are separated.

Table 3

Educational Attainment

3.1 Espiritu Compound

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

No Educational Attainment 3 2.17%

Elementary 12 8.70%

Junior High School 39 28.26%

Senior High School 0 0.00

College 63 45.65%

Vocational Course 21 15.22%

Total 138 100.00

Table 3 presents that only 45.65 percent or 63 among the respondents finished or reached

College while there are 2.17 percet or 3 of them was not able to study at all.

3.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

No Educational Attainment 0 0.00

Elementary 10 24.49
Junior High School 14 34.15

Senior High School 1 2.44

College 11 26.83

Vocational Course 5 12.20

Total 41 100.00

Table 3 presents that only 34.15 percent or 14 among the respondents reached Junior

High School or ranging from First year to Fourth Year High School only, while there are 12.20

percent or 5 of them was able to attend vocational courses or programs.

3.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

No Educational Attainment
1 1.69
16 27.12
Junior High School
30 50.85
Senior High School
1 1.69
4 6.78
Vocational Course
7 11.86
59 100.00
Table 3 presents that only 50.85 percent or 30 among the respondents reached Junior

High School or ranging from First year to Fourth Year High School only, while there is 1.69

percent or 1 of them was unable to attend schooling.

Table 4

Family Income

4.1 Espiritu Compound

Family Income Frequency Percentage

Higher than PhP 20,000 12 8.70%

PhP 16,000-20,000 15 10.87%

PhP 11,000-15,000 35 25.36%

PhP 6,000-10,000 36 26.09%

PhP 5,000 or Less Than 40 28.99%

Total 138 100%

Table 4 illustrates the monthly in come of the family as there are 40 or 28.99% of the

respondents receives Php 5,000 or Less than from their jobs or works.
4.2 Riverville Compound

Family Income Frequency Percentage

Higher than PhP 20,000 4 9.76

PhP 16,000-20,000 9 21.95

PhP 11,000-15,000 8 19.51

PhP 6,000-10,000 9 21.95

PhP 5,000 or Less Than 11 26.83

Total 41 100%

Table 4 illustrates the monthly in come of the family as there are 11 or 26.83 percent of

the respondents receives Php 5,000 or Less than from their jobs or works.

4.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Family Income Frequency Percentage

Higher than PhP 20,000

1 1.69
PhP 16,000-20,000
5 8.47
PhP 11,000-15,000
7 11.86
PhP 6,000-10,000
15 25.42
PhP 5,000 or Less Than
31 52.54
59 100.00

Table 4 illustrates the monthly in come of the family as there are 31 or 52.54 percent of

the respondents receives Php 5,000 or Less than from their jobs or works.
Table 5

Number Of Members in the Family

5.1 Espiritu Compound

Number of Members in the Family Frequency Percentage

1-3 57 41.30%

4-6 61 44.20%

7-9 20 14.49%

10-12 0 0.00

Total 138 100%

Here in Table 5 shows that 61 or 44.20 percent of our respondents have 4-6 members in their family,

while 57 of them or 41.30 percent said that they are only 1-3 members in their family.

5.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Number of Members in the Family Frequency Percentage

1-3 23 56.10

4-6 11 26.83

7-9 5 12.20
10-12 2 4.88

Total 41 100%

At Table 5 shows that 23 or 56.10 percent of our respondents have 1-3 members in their family, while 2

of them or 4.88 percent said that they are only 10-12 members in their family.

5.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Number of Members in the Family Frequency Percentage

1-3 23 56.10

4-6 11 26.83

7-9 5 12.20

10-12 2 4.88

Total 41 100%

At Table 5 shows that 23 or 56.10 percent of our respondents have 1-3 members in their family, while 2

of them or 4.88 percent said that they are only 10-12 members in their family.
II. Components of the Survey Questionnaire

This section presents table and interpretation of the ranked pressing needs of the said Communities in

terms of:

Table 6

6.1 Espiritu Compound

This table shows that the top 3 pressing need of the community in the Adult education are: (1)

Drug Awareness and prevention Program with a percentage of 43.48, (2) Job Application Seminar,

13.04% and Family Planning, 13.04%, and (3) Disaster or Emergency Preparedness with a percentage

of 10.14.

Needs Assessment on Adult Education

Rank Needs Percentage

1 Drug Awareness and Prevention Program 39.13

2 Family Planning 13.04

2 Job Application Seminar 13.04

3 Disaster / Emergency Preparedness 10.14

4 Senior Citizen Benefits Awareness 9.42

5 Basic Literacy Program 5.80

6 Carpentry or Masonry 3.62

7 Person With Different-Abilities (PWD’s) Benefits Awareness 2.17

8 Single Parents Benefits Awareness 2.17

9 Parental Education 1.45

6.2 Riverville Neighborhood

In terms of Child Development and Education, the community’s top 3 pressing needs are: (1) Job

Application Seminar, (2) Disaster / Emergency Preparedness with 21.95 percent, and (3) Drug

Awareness and Prevention Program and Senior Citizen Benefits Awareness with a percentage of


Needs Assessment on Adult Education

Rank Adult Education Percentage

1 Job Application Seminar 24.39

2 Disaster / Emergency Preparedness 21.95

3 Drug Awareness and Prevention Program 12.20

3 Senior Citizen Benefits Awareness 12.20

4 Pagkakarpintero o Pagmamason 7.32

5 Family Planning 4.88

6 Basic Literacy Program 4.88

7 Single Parents Benefits Awareness 4.88

8 Parental Education 4.88

9 Person With Different-Abilities (PWD’s) Benefits Awareness 2.44

6.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

In terms of Child Development and Education, the community’s top 3 pressing needs are: (1) Drug

Awareness and Prevention Program with a percentage of 27.12 percent , (2) Senior Citizen Benefits

Awareness with 22.03%, and (3) Disaster / Emergency Preparedness with a percentage of 20.34.

Needs Assessment on Adult Education

Rank Adult Education Percentage

1 Drug Awareness and Prevention Program 27.12

2 Senior Citizen Benefits Awareness 22.03
3 Disaster / Emergency Preparedness 20.34
4 Person With Different-Abilities (PWD’s) Benefits Awareness 8.47
5 Job Application Seminar 5.08
6 Family Planning 3.39
7 Carpentry or Masonry 3.39
8 Parental Education 3.39
9 Single Parents Benefits Awareness 3.39
10 Basic Literacy Program 3.39

Table 7

7.1 Espiritu Compound

In terms of Child Development and Education, the community’s top 3 pressing needs are: (1)

Provision of Scholarship with a percentage of 39.13, (2) Child abuse, 24.64%, and (3) School

Supplies with a percentage of 13.77.

Needs Assessment on Child Welfare
Rank Child Welfare Percentage

1 Provision of Scholarship 39.13

2 Child Abuse 24.64

3 School Supplies 13.77

4 Sports Activities 12.32

5 Tutorial / Remedial Classes 5.07

6 Summer Workshops (Arts and Science) 5.07

7.2 Riverville Neighborhood

In terms of Child Development and Education, the community’s top 3 pressing needs are: (1)

Provision of Scholarships with a percentage of 29.27, (2) Child Abuse with 19.51 percent, and (3)

Summer Workshops and Seminars with a percentage of 17.07.

Needs Assessment on Child Welfare

Rank Child Welfare Percentage

1 Provision of scholarships 29.27

2 Child Abuse 19.51

3 Summer Workshops and Seminars 17.07

4 Sports Activities 14.63

5 Tutorial / Remedial Classes 12.20

6 School Supplies 7.32

7.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

In terms of Child Development and Education, the community’s top 3 pressing needs are: (1) Child

Abuse Support Program with a percentage of 40.68, (2) Provision of Scholarship with 20.34 percent,

and (3) Tutorial / Remedial Classes with a percentage of 15.25

Needs Assessment on Child Welfare

Rank Child Welfare Percentage

1 Child Abuse 40.68

2 Provision of Scholarship 20.34
3 Tutorial / Remedial Classes 15.25
4 School Supplies 10.17
5 Sports Activities [Tulad ng intrams o sportsfest, mga palarong pinoy] 8.47
6 Summer Workshops 5.08

Table 8

8.1 Espiritu Compound

This table supplies information that in terms of Food Security and Nutrition, the top 3 perceive needs

of the community are: (1) Potable Water with a percentage of 61.59, (2) Food Garden, 21.74%, and

(3) Food banks or Emergency Food with a percentage of 8.70.

Needs Assessment on Food Security and Nutrition

Rank Food Security and Nutrition Percentage

1 Potable water 61.59

2 Food garden 21.74

3 Food banks / emergency food 8.70

4 Nutritional education workshops and events 7.97

8.2 Riverville Neighborhood

This table supplies information that in terms of Food Security and Nutrition, the top 3 perceive needs

of the community are: (1) Nutritional Education Workshops and Events with a percentage of 34.15,

(2) Access to Potable Water with 24.39 percent (3) Food banks or Emergency Food with a percentage

of 21.95.

Needs Assessment on Food Security and Nutrition

Rank Food Security and Nutrition Percentage

1 Nutritional education workshops and events 34.15

2 Access to potable water 24.39

3 Food banks / emergency food 21.95

4 Food garden 19.51

5 Nutritional education workshops and events 34.15

8.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

This table supplies information that in terms of Food Security and Nutrition, the top 3 perceive needs

of the community are: (1) Access to potable water with a percentage of 40.68, (2) Food banks /

emergency food with 33.90 percent (3) Food Garden with a percentage of 13.56.

Needs Assessment on Food Security and Nutrition

Rank Food Security and Nutrition Percentage

1 Access to potable water 40.68
2 Food banks / emergency food 33.90
3 Food garden 13.56
4 Nutritional education workshops and events 11.86
5 Access to potable water 40.68
Table 9

Needs Assessment on Health Care

9.1 Espiritu Compound

Rank Health care Percentage

1 Establishment of Clinic 34.78

2 Hygiene kit 15.94

3 Dental check-ups 15.22

4 Medical Check-Ups 11.59

5 First-aid Kits 8.70

6 Free Vaccines, Vitamins, Supplement, and Maintenance Medicines 7.25

7 Fitness Programs (Exercise Programs) 6.52

supplies the information in terms of Health Care, the top 3 perceive needs of the community are:

(1) Establishment of Clinic with a percentage of 34.78, (2) Hygiene Kit, 15.94%, and (3) Dental

Check-ups with a percentage of 15.22

9.2 Riverville Neighborhood

This table supplies the information in terms of Health Care, the top 3 perceive needs of the

community are: (1) Establishment of Clinic with a percentage of 29.27, (2) Medical Check

Ups, 21.95%, and (3) Dental Check-ups with a percentage of 14.63.

Needs Assessment on Health Care

Rank Health Care Percentage

1 Establishment of Clinics 29.27

2 Medical Check-Ups 21.95

3 Dental check-ups 14.63

4 First-aid Kits 12.20

5 Hygiene kit 9.76

6 Free vaccines, vitamins, supplements and maintenance 9.76

7 Fitness Programs (Exercise Programs) 2.44

9.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

This table supplies the information in terms of Health Care, the top 3 perceive needs of the

community are: (1) Establishment of Clinic with a percentage of 35.59, (2) Free vaccines,

vitamins, supplements and maintenance, 25.42% and (3) First-aid Kits with a percentage of

Needs Assessment on Health Care

Rank Health Care Percentage

1 Establishment of Clinics 35.59

2 Free vaccines, vitamins, supplements and maintenance 25.42
3 First-aid Kits 15.25
4 Dental Check up 8.47
5 Medical Check up 6.78
6 Hygiene kit 6.78
7 Fitness Programs (Exercise Programs) 1.69

Table 10

10.1 Espiritu Compound

Needs Assessment on Safety and Security

Rank Safety and Security Percentage

1 Security Outpost 39.86

2 Strengthening of Security 25.36

3 Recycling (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) 10.87

4 Fences and Barbed Wires 9.42

5 Clean-Up Drive 7.25

6 Beautification of Surroundings 4.35

7 Seminar on proper waste 2.90

The top 3 pressing needs of the community in terms of Safety and Security are: (1) Security

Outpost with a percentage of 39.86, (2) Strengthening of security in the community, 25.36%,

(3) Recycling with a percentage of 10.87.

10.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Rank Safety and Security Percentage

1 Security Outpost 29.27

2 Strengthening of Security 19.51

3 Recycling (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) 17.07

4 Fences and Barbed Wires 12.20

5 Clean-Up Drive 9.76

6 Beautification of Surroundings 7.32

7 Seminar on Proper Waste 4.88

8 Security Outpost 29.27

The top 3 pressing needs of the community in terms of Safety and Security are: (1) Security

Outpost with a percentage of 29.27, (2) Strengthening of security in the community, 19.51%,

(3) Recycling with a percentage of 17.07.

10.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Rank Safety and Security Percentage

1 Security Outpost 38.98
2 Clean-Up Drive 22.03
3 Fences and Barbed Wires 15.25
4 Recycling (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) 8.47
5 Strengtening of Security 6.78
6 Beautification of Surroundings 5.08
7 Seminar on Proper Waste 3.39
8 Security Outpost 38.98

The top 3 pressing needs of the community in terms of Safety and Security are: (1) Security

Outpost with a percentage of 38.98, (2)Clean-Up Drive, 22.03%, (3) Fences and Barbed

Wires with a percentage of 15.25.

Table 11

11.1 Espiritu Compound

Needs Assessment on the Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship

Rank Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship Percentage

1 Bible Study 33.33

2 Youth development and leadership 27.54

3 Catechism for Children 18.12

4 Sunday Mass 13.77

5 Catechism for the Family 7.25

The top 3 pressing need of the community in terms of Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship

are: (1) Bible Study with a total percentage of 33.33, (2) Youth development and leadership,

27.54%, and (3) Catechism for Children with a total percentage of 18.12.

11.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Rank Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship Percentage

1 Bible Study 39.02

2 Youth Development and leadership 24.39

3 Cathechism for Children 17.07

4 Sunday Mass 12.20

5 Cathecism for Family 7.32

6 Bible Study 39.02

The top 3 pressing need of the community in terms of Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship

are: (1) Bible Study with a total percentage of 39.02, (2) Youth development and leadership,

24.39%, and (3) Catechism for Children with a total percentage of 17.07.

11.3 Brgy. Kaybagal, South

Rank Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship Percentage

Sunday Mass 38.98
Catechism for Kids 25.42
Bible Study 11.86
Youth Development and Leadership 8.47
Catechism for Family 5.08
Sunday Mass 38.98
The top 3

pressing need of the community in terms of Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship are: (1)

Regularity of Sunday Mass with a total percentage of 38.98, (2) Catechism for Children,

25.42%, and (3) Bible Study with a total percentage of 11.86.

Table 12

12.1 Espiritu Compound

Needs Assessment on Livelihood

Rank Livelihood %

1 Seminar on Putting up Own Business 34.78

2 Food Processing 15.94

3 Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials 13.77

4 Electronic Repair 12.32

5 Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) 12.32

6 Handicrafts Making 10.87

This Table presents that in terms of Livelihood, the top 3 perceived needs of the

community are: (1) Seminar on Putting Up Own Business with a total percentage of 34.78, (2)

Food Processing, 15.94%, and (3) Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials with a total percentage of

12.2 Riverville Neighborhood

Rank Livelihood %

1 Seminar on Putting up Own Business 34.78

2 Food Processing 15.94

3 Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials 13.77

4 Electronic Repair 12.32

5 Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) 12.32

6 Handicrafts Making 10.87

This Table presents that in terms of Livelihood, the top 3 perceived needs of the community are:

(1) Seminar on Putting Up Own Business with a total percentage of 34.78, (2) Food Processing,

15.94%, and (3) Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials with a total percentage of 13.77.

12.3 Brgy Kaybagal, South

Rank Livelihood %

Seminar on Putting up own Business 45.76
Food Processing (Paggawa ng Puto, Longganisa, at iba pa) 18.64
Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials 16.95
Electronic Repair 10.17
Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) 5.08
Handicrafts Making 3.39

This Table presents that in terms of Livelihood, the top 3 perceived needs of the community are:

(1) Seminar on Putting Up Own Business with a total percentage of 45.76 percent, (2) Food

Processing, 18.64%, and (3) Buy and Sell of Scrap Materials with a total percentage of 16.95.
Chapter 5

Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Findings and Conclusion

Generally speaking, the researchers found out the the entire provisions in the program

was sustainable. Meaning the administration can adopt these newly proposed and introduced

community maintaining the provisions stipulated in PATTS Social Orientation and Community

Involvement (SOCI) program with emphasis to the goals and objective; content of the program;

including the channeling of instructions as implemented to the residents especially the members

of our newly adopted communities namely, Espiritu Compound, Riverville Neighborhood, and

Brgy. Kaybagal, South.

Further, based from the findings of the survey, it turned out that the entire assessment of

the Social Orientation and Community Involvement (SOCI) program provided a wholesome

personality as clearly shown on all the tables, and the reason for this was that, the entire

provisions helped encourage the respondents in the taking considerations with their interests on

individual’s maturity, experiences, education and social value.

Moreover, the Social Orientation and Community Involvement (SOCI) programs also

served as an effective partner especially in monitoring prevailing problems in the said

communities. The provisions in the program indeed was successful in establishing public-private



Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are offered:

Adult Education: The community must be knowledgeable to be able to adapt to the current

situation of the country. Programs and seminar must be established in relation to drug awareness

and prevention and on job application.

Child Welfare: In-depth explanation and guidelines on how to acquire scholarships for future

students of the community. Seminars must be conducted in relation to good parenting must be

provided to tolerate common issue of child abuse.

Food Security and Nutrition: Hands-on activity must be organized on how they maximize their

landfill by planting vegetables and fruits. Giving the community seminars on how they conserve

water and on how they can have a healthy lifestyle.

Healthcare: Medical and Dental Mission must be conducted for the community to monitor their

health conditions. Requesting local government for health assistance is a must.

Safety and Security: Seminars must be conducted to the areas on how they can strengthen their

safety in their home and requesting posts from the local government that mandate the

community. Providing programs that can prioritize how they can conserve the environment by

knowing how to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Spiritual Outreach and Discipleship: Bible study and youth catechism can bring the community

to feel spiritually connected to others who shares a common goal or mission.

Livelihood: Programs and Seminars that can enhances the mind of the community on how to do

a proper business. Hands-on activities so they can obtain new knowledge on how to food process

and also on how to handle buy and sell of scrap materials.

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