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RPC 4 -2015

Ghosh and Das (2015) attempted to understand whether the brand plays any role in buying
behavior for cement in India. They had conducted the research in Kolkata region with the help
primary data collection method. Using questionnaire as a data collection technique data had been
collected from 207 respondents where the profession of the respondents spreads from mason,
retailers of cement, building contractors, architects and remaining individual house builders
(IHBs). They had used 5 point likert scale as a tool for collecting qualitative information and total
11 variables were studied. The result showed that most of the respondents strongly feel that brand
plays an important role for the purchase of cement.

RPC 5 -2018

Raja and Renganathan (2018) made an attempt to cover the reasons behind the preference of
particular brand of cement and also the preference of different brands of cement for different
phases of housing construction like basement, flooring and roofing. Their study also dealt with
reasons for satisfaction in using a particular brand of cement. They used of primary data collection
method under which they had conducted a survey with the help of responses collected from 200
respondents from Tamilnadu who were building houses. They understood the reasons for
purchasing a particular brand, shifting the brands, satisfaction in using a particular brand of cement
for construction with the aid of structured questionnaire technique. Software utilized for analysis
included SPSS and percentage analysis & ANOVA. The findings suggested that good quality and
mason’s advice plays an important role building buyers attitude towards various brands of

RPC 6 -2014

Maity (2014) focused on studying the impact of influencer recommendation in customer purchase
behavior process in selecting cement for construction. For this purpose the researcher had divided
cement customers in broadly 3 segments which were trade customer (dealer/ sub dealer/
wholesaler), retail customer (individual house builders) and non-trade customer which includes
industrial and government infrastructure. The researcher had used exploratory research method
and taken a sample size of 10 which included individual home builders, masons, engineer,
architect, contractors, builders and dealer. Research instrument used in collecting primary data was
the questionnaire. The researcher had further modified and administered their data collection with
a sample of 50 retail customer, 100 distribution channel partners and 50 non trade customers. The
researcher concluded that engineer and mason exerts a greater amount of influence to the customer
in making the choice of cement.

RPC 8 -2016

Kariappa and Akv (2016) anticipated to find the Dealer’s Satisfaction Level with ACC Cements.
They examined factors influencing the dealers, to deal with ACC Cements. They studied various
areas that needs for improvement in ACC cements from dealers point of view. The major supports
required to dealers are Promotional schemes and service from the company. They said that the
dealers suggested for non-sticky cement packing and promotional activities which can be
improved like discounts, gifts, prizes etc. They found out that about 48% of the dealers are dealing
with ACC cements for its demand, 25% for quality, 15% for company policy, 8% of dealers are
dealing for promotional activities and remaining 4% are dealing by seeing Margin. Furthermore
about 34% of the dealers rated very good toward the dealers satisfaction of ACC cements,40% of
dealers rated good, 24% of dealers rated satisfied and remaining 02% rated poor toward quality of
ACC cements. Occasional schemes should help to achieve higher sales and different discount
scheme should be launched for dealer benefits and improvement.

RPC 9 -2016

S. and S. (2016) envisioned to help ACC Cement Company take upon the steps to be taken care
for improving its brand impact so that the development of the company keeps on nurturing. Their
research was an exploratory study as less study had been done on this topic. Their objectives were
framed with respect to the problem identified which is after the merger between the two cement
giants Lafarge and Holcim how the brand impact of ACC has changed now that Holcim is the
parent company of ACC Cement. A structured questionnaire was used to achieve necessary
information from respondents. The respondent’s data was analyzed using SPSS software. The
proportion of the reaction to the aggregate number of respondents is calculated and expressed in
percentage form. It was found by researchers that the brand image of ACC cements has increased
after the merger between Holcim and Lafarge. The researchers suggested consistency in quality,
affordable pricing, advertisements and promotional offers for the dealers and customers of ACC
Cements would increase its brand impact and growth in manifolds.

RPC 10 -2017

Taha et al., (2017) studied and analyzed marketing, service quality and its impact on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Research was conducted in South
Sulawesi province with a sample of 215 local and national developers who were using Tonasa
cement products. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using Structural Equation Model
using AMOS 18 and Sobel test for mediator effect. The study found out that marketing has a
negative and no significant effect on customer satisfaction. The research showed that all the
indicator did not provided reinforcement to the marketing variables that caused a negative impact
and customer satisfaction was not able to mediate to have a significant effect on customer loyalty.

RPC 13 -2018

Charkarborty (2018) with the help value based analysis tried to analyse this method’s potential in
maximising shareholder’s wealth The study covered a period of 6 years from 2011-12 to 2016-17.
The study is based on secondary data. Information required for the study had been collected from
the Annual Reports of Ultratech Cement, ACC, Ambuja Cement, Shree Cement, India Cement,
Prism Cement, Binani Cement, Ramco Cement, Birla Corp, JK Cement and different books,
journal, magazines, and data collected from various websites. In this study various tools: Financial
Tools – Ratio Analysis and Statistical Tools (Mean and ANOVA), t-test had been used for data
analysis. Value based Analysis has proved to be more effective in analyzing the financial
performance and Shareholders value and hence it is preferred over the traditional analytical tools.
EVA, MVA and EV are considered as the yardstick for calculating the value generated by a firm
as it takes into account the Cost of Capital.
RPC 14 -2016

Jain and Choudhary (2016) designed their respective study in exploratory form. The study was
conducted in Udaipur division of the state of Rajasthan, India. Out of the six districts, only
Udaipur, Banswara and Rajsamand were purposively selected. They had taken a total of 300
consumers, 100 from each of the three districts who had constructed their house were purposively
selected. Interview Schedule was administered personally to collect data from consumers. A five
point Likert Scale was used to rate the attributes. The data was analyzed using SPSS Software
version 16. The statistical tests were carried out by researchers to test the significance of the cement
brands and they studied the number of consumer’s behavior who had preferred and used the brands
for construction of their house. The brands of grey cement more preferred by consumers were Birla
Plus (41.33 %) followed by other leading brands were Binani and J.K. Nimbahera. Their results
showed that brand preference exists among the respondents even though cement is a homogeneous
and ISI marked product. Majority (60 %) of the consumers had used brand other than the one they
had preferred.

RPC 15 -2018

Muthukumaran and Haridasan (2018) had used three major ratios to analyze the fundamentals of
the company performance. Their study focused on suggesting the investors to invest in a particular
company in cement industry by analyzing the underneath facts affecting it. According to the
researchers investors often find it difficult to select a company which has capital growth in long
run and even though they have invested by analyzing the market, they end up losing money.
Henceforth, they had developed four interrelated models to give investors a clear idea of how to
analyze and in which companies one should invest. Based on market capitalization, top five
companies had been chosen that were ‘Ultratech Cements, Shree Cements, Ambuja Cements, ACC
cements and Dalmia Bharat.’ Most of the research was based on secondary data. The project had
determined that the investment is surely dependent on the past performance of the company.

RPC 20 -2016
Chandrakar and Kushwaha (2016) studied the factors that influence buying behavior of the
customer in case of cement products in Durg District. They had taken 50 respondents comprises
of engineers, contractors, mason and builders. The target of the paper was to undertake intensive
study to recognize the different explanations which effects the client’s option for cement. A
descriptive research with a Non-probability Convenience sampling method was carried on for the
survey of this study purpose. According to the researchers the reason which had an effect on the
alternative of cement for the construction approach could be the need of hour as in order to buy
the product customers look for what is available at their disposal.

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