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Robotic Arm Final Year Project

Initial Timeline
Group Members:
Mudassar Nisar, Waqar Hassan
Task Due Date

Initial Timeline 02/09/2019

Purchase of All Equipment 15/09/2019

FYP Proposal 30/09/2019
Basic Hardware Design of Robotic arm 15/10/2019
Hardware Synchronization with Software Tool 31/10/2019
Basic Python Coding on Raspberry Pi 15/11/2019
Movement of Robotic Arm with Controller 30/11/2019
Desired Goal achieve by Robotic Arm 15/12/2019
Robo Trolley Position Control with Controller 31/12/2020
Synchronization of Robotic Arm with Robo Car 15/01/2020
Desired Goal achieve by Robo Trolley having 30/01/2020
Robotic Arm
Mobile App or Web Learning for Robotic 15/02/2020
Synchronization of Robo Trolley and Robo Arm 31/02/2019
with Mobile App or Web
Finalization of Project (Robotic Trolley having 31/03/2019
robotic arm on it will be controlled by
Raspberry Pi and we will be able to do specific
task by it by simply controlling it with Mobile
App or Web

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