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Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

M.BERKARBONASI .264 10 .067 .806 10 .073

M.ISOTONIK .199 10 .200 .898 10 .211

M.ALKOHOL .182 10 .200* .956 10 .738

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.


kelarutan kalsium

95% Confidence Interval for


N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

minuman karbonasi 10 4.8980 2.38244 .75339 3.1937 6.6023 2.91 10.10

minuman isotonik 10 6.9566 .87224 .27583 6.3326 7.5806 5.52 7.99

minuman alkohol 10 4.6046 .31490 .09958 4.3793 4.8299 4.04 5.01

Total 30 5.4864 1.77799 .32462 4.8225 6.1503 2.91 10.10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

kelarutan kalsium

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

6.913 2 27 .004


kelarutan kalsium

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 32.853 2 16.426 7.540 .003

Within Groups 58.824 27 2.179

Total 91.677 29
Descriptive Statistics

N Range Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Deviation Variance

karbonasi_5 2 2.09 8.02 10.10 18.12 9.0600 1.47502 2.176

karbonasi_15 2 1.10 4.21 5.31 9.52 4.7615 .77994 .608

karbonasi_30 2 .02 4.49 4.51 9.00 4.5015 .01626 .000

karbonasi_45 2 .11 3.18 3.30 6.48 3.2375 .08132 .007

karbonasi_60 2 .04 2.90 2.94 5.84 2.9175 .02475 .001

isotonik_5 2 .04 5.52 5.56 11.08 5.5405 .02899 .001

isotonik_15 2 .05 6.73 6.78 13.51 6.7530 .03253 .001

isotonik_30 2 .26 6.83 7.09 13.92 6.9610 .18526 .034

isotonik_45 2 .24 7.47 7.71 15.17 7.5870 .16829 .028

isotonik_60 2 .13 7.86 7.99 15.85 7.9260 .09334 .009

Alcohol_5 2 .71 4.04 4.76 8.80 4.4025 .50558 .256
Alcohol_15 2 .47 4.54 5.01 9.55 4.7760 .33375 .111
Alcohol_30 2 .15 4.82 4.97 9.79 4.8930 .10324 .011
Alcohol_45 2 .23 4.52 4.75 9.28 4.6385 .16334 .027
Alcohol_60 2 .13 4.25 4.38 8.63 4.3130 .09475 .009
Valid N 2

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