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26/11 the movie realeased on 1st march,2013 puts forwards the action of the bomb blasts done by
Pakistani terror group from Karachi,the bomb blasts that have setup all over Mumbai.The film potryas all
the scenes on its respective places making that night come alive. The entire first half is dedicated to the
horrific events that transpired from the moment, a group of 10 Pakistani terrorists from Karachi enter
Mumbai through the shores. The shootouts at Leopold Café, at the CST station and the Cama hospital are
tough to take even for the strong hearted among the audience.

It is a typical Ram Gopal Verma film that depicts the real life tragedy in a tragic way. He tries too hard to
make the movie intense, but gives it an opposite shape. The close-ups of Nana Patekar were irritating.
When there's constant shooting with blood all around, supposedly to create a shocking atmosphere) & no
dialogues, I longed for some dialogues. But when the dialogues came, it didn't turn out to be any better
either. The terrorist act was disaster, and so is the movie. Of course, most Indian critics hailed it.

We see the Pakistani group has the motive for causing terror is to save the religion the main ideology is
stop the people from sinning by killing them in masses,the idea of jihad is potrayed here,It is true that
what is presented here might not be true as when comes to religion the facts about a movie can be true or
false but as a docudrama we cannot rely on the facts given in the movie.

The reason why RGV could not wrong with a story so powerful and that has an emotional connection
with the 20 million+ Mumbaikars both muslim and hindus as a nation , then think again. The movie has
no purpose, has no tales of heroism and does not show the resolve of the courageous Mumbaikars who
helped the city get back on track. Instead it focuses on mindless showing almost every single death ,
followed by a rant about Jihad from Kasab and a counter- rant from Nana patekar on how Islam does not
preach jihad.

The world clearly does not know about jihad and that has rules to it the rant of anan patekar does not give
full exposure to it hence creates disharmony or opposite ideas of jihad. A tragedy that shook the entire
indian nation was the concept of this movie. RGV known for his realistic picturization and pointy details

has done a better than expected job in the first half of the movie. I wouldnt say that about the last half
which failed to justify the violence and satisfaction of the users who expect the obvious i.e the hunting
and killing of the terrorists. It was merely a point of view of the commissioner of police of mumbai
played by the satirical nana patekar who did a decent job.

There are prolonged shots of a dead dog, fake blood squirting out of people, and much gore on screen as
Varma recreates the horrifying events of Nov. 26, 2008. If the aim of the film is to chronicle these for
posterity, this is certainly not how the story should be told.

What do we expect from a movie made on a Terrorist Attack?,we can expect Bare minimum is that it
presents the account of the events that happened in reality. But what this movie actually tells is: How
mercilessly the people were killed in Mumbai Attacks at the various landmarks,It is anything anybody can
imagine of in the most unrealistic helpless the police was this was the most unrelisble terrible
thing to showoff police hitting rocks. Monolouges on what is Jihad and what it isn't,which also isn’t
interpreted in the proper manner.

Though it was made in way back 2013, it is not that popular and rightly so. People don't expect much
from Ram Gopal Varma but Nana Patekar was someone to look for in this movie.But even Nana was a
mere narrator in the movie and not much more. Below is what should have been there in the movie is
How Police control reacted to the attacks,on getting the news. What State Govt. did in the state of panic
and how much time it took.Reaction of the Center, delay in the movement of NSG of which we do not
have any idea in the movie.Most importantly, the NSG operation in the Taj and beyond this scene in the
movie was only kasab oriented,the main questions of the rescued victims and mumbai civilians could be
answered through this movie which makes RGV a director who shows the feelings of the event but cannot
make it realistic,hence realism is missing.

RGV also tried smartly to infuse some moral dialogues to avoid hurting any religious sentiments and
conveyed a message that terrorism is just a product of some ruthless insane minds and not of any
community or religion.

In my opinion,The script lacked some deep emotions. It was all about killing and butchering of people all
over the city. Audience would have liked to know something more about the terrorists and reason behind
making them into such killing machines.It's highly recommended to watch this movie only if you are
interested to know the truth and mentally prepared to see enormous bloodshed, others should know that
this is not one that can be enjoyed with popcorn.

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