Supporting Comments Final Placement

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1. Know students and how they learn 2. Know the content and how to teach it

1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
students 2.2 Content selection and organisation
1.2 Understand how students learn 2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
socioeconomic backgrounds people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Australians
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of
2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
students across the full range of abilities
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

 Engaged students in a getting to know them activity which provided insight into students interests and personality.
 Observational anecdotal notes were taken to understand how each student learns.
 Experienced a session with the Wiltja students, assisting in resume constructing. Gain insight from a year 12 in
relation to their experiences since coming to avenues from the APY Lands. Developed strategies for teaching in a

one on one support environment.
 Differentiated teaching to accommodate for students ranged ability. Certain students while welding in the year 9
metal class required one on one assistance when completing their welds, my presence provided the students with
the confidence to complete this component (Year 9 Metal). Differentiated when providing students with either a
electronic or paper test for geometric reasoning (Year 8 Maths).
 Altered requirements of worksheets to accommodate for students with additional needs.
 Involved SSOs in workshop/classroom practices, providing an understanding of requirements of students as well as
where they could assist. Gained insight on the development of the students that were working with the SSO. ☐
 Gauged classes in lead in days on their ability to determine the best form of strategy to implement for engagement.
This informed the structure of the unit plans to follow. The unit plans in turn accommodated for the differentiating
levels of ability in the classroom, allowing for students to achieve achievable learning outcomes. Referred to
learning area achievement standards when constructing content within these uni plans.
 Preparation of lesson plans to predict lesson outcomes, aided in accommodating for the differentiating class and
unpredicted events taking place.

 Incorrect terminology utilised by students throughout the workshop and classroom was corrected, further
developing their literacy understanding. Numeracy understanding also being developed throughout these subjects
were students are unsure of measurement conversions.
 Observational assessment of student’s progress was implemented when evaluating the development of student’s
workshop projects or results in mathematics education perfect.
 Provided positive reinforcement to students working productively, followed by further encouragement for
development. Unsatisfactory
 Differentiated Demonstrations to allow for greater engagement. Providing students, the opportunity to voice the

answer within the demonstration rather than just explicitly informing students of the answer.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals environments
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs 4.1 Support student participation
3.4 Use teaching strategies 4.2 Manage classroom activities
3.5 Select and use resources 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
3.6 Use effective classroom communication 4.4 Maintain student safety
3.7 Evaluate and improve teaching programs Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
3.3 Engage parents/carers in the educative process

5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student 5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
learning 5.4 Interpret student data
5.1 Assess student learning 5.5 Report on student achievement
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning

 Sustainable approach when sourcing materials for students. The human sculpture unit of work that Outstanding
students were constructing in year 9 metalwork requirement additional resources to be sourced, this
was source locally through a known mechanic.

 The year 8 woodwork class were tasked with a new concept of constructing a Bento box. This being
an entirely new unit of work, required a range of different processors to be considered. It provided
students with an engaging task that steers away from traditional woodworking practices. It has Good
maintained the same assortment of machines in the workshop but provided alternative outcomes.
The completion of this product required several jigs to be developed and tested to ensure the
students work it completed accurately and safely. It has allowed students collaboration and ☐
independence to be developed throughout this task. Students engagement was assessed quite
easily by witnessing the development of each student’s product.
 Classroom communication has been clear and concise with a variety of techniques applied in the
classroom such as the use of the board to indicate the student’s goals for the lesson.
Demonstrations have been provided to students throughout the range of workshop spaces. These
provided a varied level of communication between teacher-student, through either visual ☐
demonstration and open discussion or testing student’s attentiveness towards the components on a
 Dividing up the class to accommodate for the different demonstrations has been implemented,

especially when working in confined spaces of the workshop. This in turn required my voice to be
projected at a lower level to be clear to student, instead of projecting throughout the open workshop
to acquire a presence.

 Safety Practices have been upheld and altered in certain areas, such as the use of the oxy-acetylene
torches to account for my own comfortability within the workshop.

 Vocal feedback when conversing with students about their work has been evident throughout the
whole duration. In additional with positive reinforcement students have been supported to participate
further through the tasks.

 The Policies of the school have been upheld with the use of Mobile phones being the main offender.
Students would normally be cooperative once a warning has been given. It is when students are
uncooperative that this behaviour has been managed. This is also the case when students have
been separated due to work disengagement.

 Observed students interacting with teachers within a range of environments such alternative
workshops or classrooms, and monitoring student when on yard duty. Took part in the wear it purple
day to show my support for the acceptance of individuals sexuality and gender identity.

 Engaged with students undertaking pedal prix training and observed the development of the bike
itself. Witnessed the pedal prix event in Murray bridge, where students and teachers were observed
working together to take part in the race. This is where relationships between myself and students
were further strengthened, because of my own genuine interest in their development.


6. Engage in professional learning 7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers
and the community
6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs 7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice 7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice requirements
6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning 7.3 Engage with the parents/carers
Engage with professional teaching networks and broader


Engaged in staff meetings and well being activities.
 Involved within faculty meetings, discussing issues involving machinery, classroom allocation and
 Engaged in school based professional development sessions: full day inquiry-based
learning/foreseeing evidence of grief and loss. Good
 SACE workshop – engaged in a professional development session that focused on the direction
that SACE would be taking in 2020. Realising that the direction being taken would require ☐
a restructure of the current assessment requirement.
 Networking with colleagues at the school site and while undertaking external professional
development. Satisfactory
 Fulfilled administration obligations by singing & out for each day of placement. Ensuring the class
role was correct being a legal requirement, while following up unexplained absences from my class.
 Explored further learning in STEM learning through aquaponics. Requiring self-motivated learning ☐
into the content knowledge. This knowledge was then expressed through students undertaking the
Pest Outbreak activity.
 Engaged positively towards mentor teacher feedback and reflections, to assist in planning and Unsatisfactory
developing future teaching practice. Altered lesson structure after collaboration with mentor teachers
to improve the projected content.
 Complied with the organisation policies, especially the mobile phone policy. ☐
 Engaged with colleagues, parents/carers and the community while involved with the pedal prix race
 Coordinating tradesman within the workshop environment, ensuring that areas are accessible.

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