C19SO - A04 (Dana Holdings) 322

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Industry Outlook Industry Outlook

Real Estate Real Estate

Size of Dana
projects (sq m)

Minsk World

Tesla City

Tesla Park

Mayak Minska

Far left A rendering of Tesla Park Nikola Tesla, this two million square metre
development hopes to modernise Belgrade’s
Left A rendering of Tesla City
city centre, while perfectly complementing The cutting-edge international
Right A rendering of Minsk World the capital’s beloved architecture. The project financial centre at Minsk World
seeks to seamlessly blend the future and the could well act as a catalyst
Building momentum
hotel and administrative facilities, as well as the region. Along with the country’s con- past together, with a newly created boulevard
erecting the Institute of Natural Sciences at venient location, Belarus benefits from a connecting Tesla City with the historic city
for economic development
throughout the region
in Eastern Europe
the North-Eastern Federal University in East- strong and stable political system, a high centre. Boasting residential areas surrounded
ern Siberia. Today, the company is looking to level of national security and a reliable by greenery, shops, restaurants, swimming
replicate this success in strategic locations network of human resources, which will pools, an aquarium, an ice rink and its own
across Central and Eastern Europe, and is cur- further appeal to international investors. metro station, Tesla City is expected to com- in 1997 and has undergone a period of rapid
Innovative real estate development projects are helping rently in the process of building multifunctional With this in mind, Dana Holdings has also pletely revitalise the area, bringing with it a development and modernisation in the two
to revitalise cities and spur economic growth, writes complexes in the rapidly expanding capital
cities of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Serbia.
developed the one million square metre
Mayak Minska complex in the region.
flurry of new economic activity.
At the very heart of this development will
decades since. Futuristic buildings and tow-
ering skyscrapers now dominate the skyline,
Nebojsa Karic, President of Dana Holdings The Belarusian capital of Minsk is home to Crucially, though, Minsk World is not be a large, round plaza that will act as a meet- while the population has more than doubled
one of Dana Holding’s most ambitious projects just a complex of skyscrapers: it is one of ing point and a social centre. This picturesque since 2002. With such an impressive rate of
Every city has a story to tell. Urban planning residents to tend to all of their needs in a single to date. Comprising 24 residential quarters, deep infrastructure, innovative design and plaza will also house the Belgrade Interna- growth and a forward-thinking vision, Nur-
projects have the power to radically shape convenient location. These comprehensive open boulevards, a city park, playgrounds, social cohesion. With a range of forward- tional Financial Centre, which will serve as Sultan has proven itself to be the ideal location
cities, driving them forward economically construction projects have also helped to estab- cycling tracks and even a new metro line, thinking business and finance education a crucial financial hub not only for Serbia, but for Dana Holdings’ latest development project:
and socially while creating a better quality of lish the cities in these markets as strategic the three million square metre Minsk World centres scheduled for construction, Minsk also for the wider region. Much like Belarus, the innovative Tesla Park.
life for the citizens who reside there. Perhaps financial centres, with state-of-the art business is its own contained community within the World is also anticipated to become a major Serbia is advantageously positioned within Set in one of the most dynamic areas of
no company understands the transformative infrastructure attracting foreign investors, city, and is a place where residents and guests educational hub for training personnel in Europe, with its prime location earning it the the city, Tesla Park will cover a total area of
potential of large-scale real estate projects entrepreneurs and international businesses. can work, shop, learn and thrive. The planned the banking and finance industries. What’s titles of ‘the gateway to the Balkans’ and ‘the 1.5 million square metres and will feature all
better than Dana Holdings, which has been international financial centre is set to become more, although Minsk World is set to become door to Central Europe’. The Belgrade Inter- the crucial elements of a modern, liveable city,
pioneering the development and construction Minsk World the cornerstone of the Minsk World complex, a part of the Belarusian economic space, it will national Financial Centre will benefit from including comfortable residential areas, shops,
of ambitious ventures in Eastern Europe, Rus- The practical impact of such projects is per- acting as an integral part of the national eco- benefit from a special system of incentives this convenient positioning, strengthening schools and plenty of green spaces.
sia and other Commonwealth of Independent haps best seen in Russia, where Dana Holdings nomic landscape and playing a crucial role designed to raise capital and provide finan- the city’s role as a major European financial As the project continues to advance stead-
States countries for more than 40 years. has completed many successful ventures and in attracting foreign investment to Belarus. cial services. These incentives will undoubt- hub of the future. Furthermore, with an array ily, Dana Holdings’ vision for Tesla Park is
In the early 1980s, Dana Holdings was continues to maintain a presence to this day. What’s more, it will connect the financial edly help to further Dana Holdings’ vision for of businesses, shops and entertainment facili- beginning to take shape, creating a vibrant
among the very first foreign companies to Many of its finished projects have served a giants of the East (Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sin- Minsk World, driving economic growth and ties surrounding the centre, the area will be hub within the rapidly expanding city of
identify these countries as areas of potential significant social and economic purpose in gapore, among others) with major centres in bringing prosperity to all. transformed into a real hive of activity. Nur-Sultan. The city’s significance within the
economic growth, even as it grappled with its the country, such as the main administrative the West, such as London, New York and Paris. region is only set to grow in the years to come,
own country’s political instability. By focusing office of Russia’s central bank, which sits in the Lying at the heart of Eastern Europe, Tesla City Tesla Park as it continues on its modernisation drive and
on these emerging markets in the years since, heart of Moscow, directly opposite the Kremlin. Belarus is favourably positioned to form a Moving south-west to the Balkan nation of Set in the heart of the Eurasian Steppe, the capitalises further on its strategic location at
the company has found great success with its In Russia’s easternmost town, Anadyr, the bridge between these dynamic economies. Serbia, the vibrant city of Belgrade is home expansive nation of Kazakhstan has one of the the centre of the Silk Road. With Dana Hold-
innovative ‘city within a city’ concept, which Dana Holdings team worked diligently in minus Furthermore, the cutting-edge international to another ambitious Dana Holdings pro- fastest-growing capital cities in the world. The ings helping to drive innovative development
combines residential, business, entertainment, 50 degree temperatures to construct crucial financial centre could well act as a catalyst ject: Tesla City. Named after the celebrated newly renamed city of Nur-Sultan (previously in the area, the future certainly looks bright
cultural and educational facilities, enabling infrastructure projects including an airport, for economic development throughout Serbian-American inventor and engineer Astana) became the capital of Kazakhstan for Kazakhstan’s thriving capital. n

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