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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Definition: The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of frequencies (the spectrum) of

electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths and photon energies.
The frequency range is divided into separate bands, and the electromagnetic waves within each
frequency band are called by different names; beginning at the low frequency (long wavelength)
and ends at the high frequency (short wavelength).

Types of Regions in em-Spectrum:

The different types of regions in em-spectrum with decreasing frequency are as follows:
 Gamma rays
 X-rays
 Ultraviolet region
 Visible region (light)
 Infrared region
 Microwaves
 Radio frequency

Explanation of Some Important Regions of Electromagnetic Spectrum:

1. X-ray Region:
X-rays are high frequency, and thus high-energy electromagnetic radiation. They are
found to reside between ultraviolet radiation and gamma rays on the electromagnetic

Hard X-Rays:
X-rays with high photon energies (above 5-10 keV, below 0.2 - 0.1 nm wavelength) are
called hard X-rays.

Soft X-Rays:
X-rays with lower energy (and longer wavelength 0.12nm - 0.5nm) are called soft X-rays.
X-radiation is referred to as Rontgen radiation, after the Germen scientist Wilhelm
Rontgen, who discovered it on November 8, 1895. He named it X-radiation to signify
an unknown type of radiation.
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Wavelengths and Frequencies:
They have wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometres, and thus have frequencies
from 3x1016 Hz to 3x1019 Hz.

Physical Properties of X-Rays:

Following are some physical properties of x-rays:
 X-Rays travel in a straight line in free space.
 Speed of x-rays is 300,000 km/s.
 X-rays cannot be focused on a single point.
 They cannot be heard and smelt.
 They do not require any medium for propagation.

Applications or Uses:
 Broken bones Treatment
 Radiation therapy
 Airport Security

2. Ultraviolet Region:
Ultraviolet (UV) region is a band of electromagnetic spectrum with wavelength from
10nm to 400 nm, shorter than that of visible light but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is
present in sunlight, and contributes about 10% of the electromagnetic radiation output
from the Sun.

Wavelengths and Frequencies:

Ultraviolet region has a frequency range of about 8 x 1014 to 3 x 1016 Hz and wavelength
range is of about 10 nm to 400 nm.

Near UV: It has a wavelength range of 315-400 nm.
Middle UV: It has a wavelength range of 280-315 nm.
Far UV: It has a wavelength range of 180-280 nm.

Applications of UV Radiation:
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy is routinely used in the analytical chemistry for the quantitative
determination of different analytes, such as transition metal ions, the highly conjugated organic
compounds and the biological macromolecules.

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3. Visible Region:
The visible region is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the
human eye. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 400nm to

Blue color has wavelength of 420nm.
Green color has wavelength of 532nm.
Red color has wavelength of 632.8nm.

Frequency Range:
Visible region has a frequency range of 430 – 790 THz.

Visible light communication (VLC) is a particularly exciting technology in an industry
that is already going through technological change. Popularly use of this technology is in
fiber optics.

X-Rays U.V 400nm Visible Region 700nm I.R

| | | | | | | |
Blue Green Red
(420nm) (532nm) (632.8nm)

Fig. em – spectrum

4. Infrared Region:
Infrared region is a region of electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths
range from about 700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared rays are longer
than those of visible light but shorter than those of radio waves.
Frequency Range:
I.R has frequency range approximately 430 THz down to 300 GHz.

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Near Infrared is between 1 and 2 microns. Far infrared is from 4-14 microns. Far
infrared resonates with your own body's natural far infrared. Your own body emits far
infrared in the frequency of 9.4 microns which is far infrared.
 Night Vision
 Thermography
 Spectroscopy
 Heating
 Communications

Table for Frequencies, Wavelengths and Photon Energies


Name Wavelength Frequency (Hz) Photon energy (eV)

Gamma ray less than 0.01 nm more than 30 EHz more than 124 keV
X-ray 0.01 nm – 10 nm 30 EHz – 30 PHz 124 keV – 124 eV
Ultraviolet 10 nm – 400 nm 30 PHz – 790 THz 124 eV – 3.3 eV
Visible 400 nm–700 nm 790 THz – 430 THz 3.3 eV – 1.7 eV
Infrared 700 nm – 1 mm 430 THz – 300 GHz 1.7 eV – 1.24 meV
Microwave 1 mm – 1 meter 300 GHz – 300 MHz 1.24 meV–1.24 µeV
Radio 1 meter – 100,000 km 300 MHz – 3 Hz 1.24 µeV – 12.4 feV

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