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Expansion of Comfort Rooms on

Advance Central College Annex

A Research Study
Presented to
Mr. John Mark B. Gordon
A Faculty Member
Advance Central College
San Jose, Antique

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements to the Course
Practical Research I

Andrew James Alubare
Lyrah Faye Albaniel
Cherry Lynn Arzaga
Marc Lorenz Tapacal
Eden Delos Santos

March, 2017


We would like to thank Gordon, John Mark for giving us time to conduct

the research and for introducing us what research is. If not on his proper way of

discussing the method of making this research it would not be successful.

We also would like to thank Pe, Julie Ann for introducing us to statistics that have

been applicable to our research. Because of the formulas that she have discussed we are

able to recognize the tips of choosing our target respondent for this research.

We would like to thank each parents of each members for the support. Without

their moral and financial support we are not able to conduct the research with strength

and fund our financial needs.

We also want to thanks Junior High School Students of Advance Central College

Discovery High School for cooperating as a respondent. Without their warm hospitality

we can’t obtain data that are necessary for this research.

We also would like to thank the teachers of the Junior High School for accepting

us and giving us time to let the students under their custody to make response to our call.

Of course, we want to thank the almighty god for letting us survive on our

research. With his gift of strength and knowledge we have successfully made a research

and with the blessing of safety to each member.


Page Content

1 …………………………………………………………………. Cover page

2 …………………………………………………………………...Acknowledgement

3-4 ………………………………………………………………….. Table of Contents

5-7 ……………………………………………………………... Chapter I

5 …………………………………………………………… Background of the Study

6 …………………………………………………………………Objectives of the Study

7 ……………………………………………………… Significance of the Study

7 ……………………………………………………….. Scopes and Limitations

8-12 …………………..……………………………………… Chapter II

13-14 …………………………………………………..….. Chapter III

13 …………………………………………………………….Research Design

13 ………………………………………………………… Respondents

14 …………………………………………………………… Statistical Tool

15-23 ………………………………………………… Chapter IV

24-28 …………………………………………………….. Chapter V

26 ………………………………………………………. Summary

27 ……………………………………………………………… findings

28-29 …………………………………………………………… Conclusions

29-30 ………………………………………………………….. Recommendations

29-33 ………………………………………………………….…..Reflections

29 ……………………………………………………………… Marc Lorenz Tapacal

30 ………………………………………………………………. Cherry Lynn Arzaga

31 ………………………………………………………………… Eden Delos Santos

32 …………………………………………………………... Andrew James Alubare

33 ………………………………………………………………….. Lyrah Faye Albaniel



Background of the study

The current problem of every school today is about the number of comfort room.

If not, it is the size of comfort room in Advance Central College (ACC) also suffer on this

problem. There’s not enough comfort room and the CR is not big enough to sustain the

capacity or the number of the studentsin the high school and the college.

Comfort room is one of the utility in the school that necessary because every

students, teachers and staffs needs it. The expansion of comfort room of both for men and

women might help everyone to become comfortable in utilizing the CR and to make

everyone move faster in attending the personal necessities.

If there is a large comfort room it could support numerous individuals at a time

and it can also help every person on Advance Central College manage their time wisely

because they don’t have to wait any longer.

The conduct of this research helps to resolve problems in the school like personal

necessities and personal hygiene both for students and teacher of the school. Advance

Central College (ACC) will all benefits to this if this will become a project or planned by

the school administrators.

Based on above information the Researchers decided to create a research on

Expansion of Comfort Rooms of Advance Central Annex Ground Floor.

Objectives of the study

The Researcher will aim that the students of Advance Central College (ACC) will

favor or agree with the expansion of the comfort room. Specifically:

1. How favorable is the expansion of the comfort room?

2. How favorable is it if the school needs the students cooperation in the

construction of the comfort room?

3. How favorable is it if the construction of the comfort rooms interrupts class?
4. How favorable is it if the students can’t make use of some of the schools


Significance of the study

To let everyone in Advance Central College (ACC) use the comfort room easier

as one of the primary utility of the school so that4 they will not be crowded with the

bigger and wider size of comfort room compared to the present situation of the comfort

room in the school. This study will also help to prevention of development of such

diseases like urinary fact infection, ulcerative colitis, cronh’s disease, diarrhea and other

Health-related problems such as pimples, unexplained rashes, headaches, achy joints and

to avoid from fee on hospital treatments like ultrasonography and neurological tests.

Scope and Limitation

The conduct of this research only focuses with expansion of this comfort room by

means of printing and distributing of survey questionnaires with its questions with the

number of respondents coming from the junior high school of Advance Central College

(ACC) The conduct of the research started at November 16, 2016 to March 21, 2017.



Sanitation in comfort rooms of public high schools is something that many

students can smell first before they can even be seen. Poor maintenance has become so

common—from the perpetually wet floors, dim lighting, broken cubicle doors, minimal

ventilation and malfunctioning toilets—that it ceases to bother them.

The stench pierces through the nose so strongly that it physically stops you in

your tracks—every school day becomes even more of a chore to over 74,000 high school

students in Davao City who live with this reality.

Those who complain can’t clearly be heard anymore because poor sanitary

conditions are becoming less of a concern—kasi public school lang eh!

The recurring challenges that public high schools face include limited manpower who can

cover sanitation, and the lack of infrastructure to accommodate the number of students

who will be using comfort rooms.

To circumvent this limitation—alongside inferior infrastructure—hygiene and

health efforts are instead directed to prevention. Schools also cope by reverting to

influencing student behavior.( Boga, J.P 2015).

People think of the toilet only as a place to relieve themselves, yet they read on

the toilet, see it as a place to relax, primp or masturbate. The toilet is a place where we

are partially nude and vulnerable. We can often use the toilet to judge our overall health:

are we regular, constipated or having issues with our stool? I like to imagine supermodels

or famous actresses going to the bathroom because the idea makes them human to me, yet

at the same time, I have never wanted to know about the bathroom habits of my current

or former girlfriends. I just like to pretend that they are the only people in the world who

don’t use the toilet. Using the toilet is one of the actions that we all have in common, no

matter who we are. It is a place of unwritten rules. When the door is closed we wait

outside and do not disturb the occupant. In the men’s room, men will never urinate next

to each other if there is enough space to spread out. In the crowded men’s room, men

look up at the ceiling, because looking has it’s own implications. One of the worst things

you can do is to bring food into the bathroom, even if you are only going in to check your

hair in the mirror ( Clifford, C. 20013).

“Ecological Sanitation” defined the ecological sanitation as an approach, which

promotes a sustainable, closed-loop system, where human excreta is treated as a resource,

not waste. Ecological sanitation is based on the idea that urine, faeces and water are

resources in an ecological loop. It is an approach that seeks to protect the human health,

prevents pollution of the environment, reduces the use of water in sanitation systems and

recycles nutrients to help to reduce the need for artificial fertilizer in agriculture. The key

features of ecological sanitation approach are prevention of pollution and diseases 11

caused by human excreta, management of human urine and faeces as resources rather

than as waste, and recovery and recycling of the nutrients (Winblad& Simpson-Hébert,


The emphasis of the ecological sanitation approach is on the closed nutrient cycle,

which copies the nature’s way of recycling. In the ecological sanitation approach the

nutrients of human waste are utilized as fertilizer in food production, whereas

conventional approaches to sanitation misplace these nutrients and break the cycle

(Winblad& Simpson-Hébert, 2004).

Ecological approach to sanitation does not strictly determine the suitable

technology to be used, but there is a wide range of options, appropriate for both poor and

rich livelihoods, and rural and urban population (Rockström et al, 2005). For example,

Mattila (2005) has defined ecological sanitation in his doctoral thesis as an approach that

“allows all possible technical alternatives of wastewater and toilet waste treatment as

long as the nutrients are recovered and used as fertilizers in food production”. Rockström

et. Al. (2005) add that in addition to protecting human health and the environment,

ecological sanitation addresses a wide range of cultural needs such as indoor and outdoor

installations, anal cleansing by using paper or water, and provides practical solutions to

deal with odour arising from urine and faeces

Advantages and Disadvantages with EcoSanEcoSanhas many advantages when

compared with Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines. Firstly, pit latrines cannot be used

in many areas due to high water tables and groundwater pollution potential, seasonal

flooding, a hard, rocky surface, lack of space, and potential for groundwater infiltration.

This is not the case with above-ground dehydration or composting toilets. Secondly, VIP

latrines require regular, expensive, and often unhygienic emptying, whereas the removal

of the small, dehydrated volume of faeces from the dehydration toilet is much easier and

more hygienic. If pit emptying is not possible, as is often the case in rural areas, the

structure IP 12 latrines will need to be relocated. Lastly, EcoSan toilets can also provide

valuable fertilizer material. However, there are major barriers to successful

implementation of Ecological Sanitation, including behavioural change and cost ,

(McCann, 2005). Some communities are more accepting to the idea of reuse of human

waste, and in some regions availability of materials can affect the total costs to construct

an EcoSan latrine. Jonathan Lau, mentioned in his Master’s thesis on Designing

Sanitation Projects in Rural Ghana “EcoSan projects in developing countries have failed

to achieve long-term sustainability because of misuse of facilities and poor maintenance”.

Materials from EcoSan toilets are often not reused even when composted/dehydrated

properly due to a lack of training and education, (McCann, 2005).

Pilot projects need to be conducted in order to assess the viability of EcoSan in

that region. However, use of Dry Compost Toilet (DCTs) has been limited by: perceived

operating problems (odour, difficult operation, health risk), residue disposal opportunities

and restrictions, significant additional cost to the household compared to installation of a

standard toilet, difficulty of retrofitting in existing buildings, cultural acceptability and

institutional discouragement. This paper demonstrates that these issues can be overcome

and that the technology is appropriate, marketable, and environmentally beneficial, can

reduce greenhouse emissions and is economically feasible.Global State of Sanitation and

its Impacts The United Nations (UN) Conference on Water, held in Argentina in 1977,

declared the decade of 1981-1990 as the International Drinking Water and Sanitation

Decade with a target of “water and sanitation for all” (Black & Fawcett 2008).

Despite the aim to improve both water supply and sanitation, most of the attention

was put on water supply and at the end of this decade there were 300 million more people

without sanitation than at its beginning, (Black & Fawcett, 2008). In the UN Millennium

Declaration in 2000 global commitment was made to eradicating extreme poverty and

increase the health and well-being of all peoples (United Nations 2007).



The Research Design

The research is conducted by making a survey questionnaire. The

Instrument has two parts: the Personal Data and the Question where the respondents need

to respond on the questions by using these levels of response: 5= very favorable, 4=

favorable, 3= fair, 2= unfavorable, 1= very unfavorable. the respondent only have to put a

check to the box aligned with the question and level of response.

The Respondents

The participants of the research must come from the Junior High School of

Advance Central College Discovery High School. These are the quantities of the

respondent on each level: grade 7= 33, grade 8= 11, grade 9= 12 and Grade 10= 5 a total

of 61 respondents.

The Statistical Tool

The statistical used in measuring the data of the research is the percentage


Percentage Technique is used to see the outcome of the data obtained by the

researchers from the respondents. It is also used to know the percentage of the same

reponse to each question.

The formula used in finding the percentage is:

x= x 100


f= the Frequency of Response

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value


Analyzing, Interpretation and Presentation

This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the

research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study.

Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore the reaction of the Junior High

School of Advance Central College Discovery High School to the Expansion of comfort

Rooms on Advance Central College Discovery High School Annex Ground Floor. Data

were obtained by administering survey questionnaires, completed by 61 students (n=61),

a 81% response rate. Assuming that only three fourths of the total population of 75

Junior High School Students in the Discovery High School may have been able to answer

the survey questionnaires, a population size of 75 was expected (n=75). This is also

supported by the fact that some of the students are not able to answer the survey at some

cause like; ill, absent and uninterested in the survey and this exclude them from the

conduct of research.

Figure 1

How favorable is the expansion of the comfort rooms?

Figure 1 shows that out of 61respondents, 22 or 36.07% students says that it is

favorable to them that the comfort rooms will be expanded, 14 or 22.95% says that they

were in favor, 23 or 37.70% says its just fair and 2 or 3.28% students doesn’t agree that

the Comfort Rooms will be expanded. None of the students said that strongly unfavorable

on the Expansion of the Comfort Rooms.

Figure 2

How favorable is it if the school needs your cooperation in the expansion of the comfort rooms?

Figure 2 shows that out of 61 respondents, 21 or 34.43 % students said

that it is very favorable to them to cooperate in the construction of the Comfort Rooms,

the same number of students also said that it was favorable, 12 or 19.67% students said

that it is fair to cooperate, 4 or 6.56% said that it was unfavorable to them and 3 or

4.92% of them strongly doesn’t favor to cooperate.

Figure 3

How favorable is it if the expansion of comfort rooms interrupts your class?

Figure 3 shows that out of 61 respondents 12 or 19.67 of the students says

that they strongly favors to the interruptions made by the Expansion, 16 or 26.23% of the

students says that it was favorable to them, 19 or 31.15% of the students it’s fair, 11

or18.03% of the students doesn’t favor the Interruptions made by the Expansion of the

comfort rooms and 2 or 3.28% of them is not very favorable of it.

Figure 4

How favorable is it if the comfort rooms needs your financial support?

Figure 4 shows that out of 61 respondents, 16 or 26.23 of the students said that

they are very favorable of contributing financially, 18 or 29.51% of them is favorable of

it, 20 or 32.79% of the students said that it’s fair, 3 or 4.92% of the students said that they

don’t favor the Financial contribution and 4or 6.56% of the students is very unfavorable

of it.

Figure 5

How favorable is it if you’ll have to attend your personal necessities in the other comfort

rooms while some of it are being reconstructed?

Figure 5 shows that out of 61 respondents, 14 or 22.95% of the students is

very favorable of attending their necessities in the other comfort rooms, 21 or 34.43 of

the students said that it’s favorable to them, , 21 or 34.43% of the sudents said that it’s

fair to them, 3 or 4.92% of the students of the Junior High School said that it’s

unfavorable to them and 2 or 3.28% of the students tells that it is very unfavorable to


Figure 6

How Favorable is it if you have to attend your personal necessities in the other comfort

rooms while to other are being reconstructed?

Figure 6 shows that out of 61 respondents, 16/ or 26.23% or the students

said that it is very favorable to them to take the 2nd floor as the temporary way of getting

in and out of the school, 15 or 24.59% of the students said that it is favorable to them, 24

or 39.34% of the students said that it was fair, 4 or 6.56% of the students said that they

are unfavorable of making the 2nd floor as the temporary way in/out of the school and 2 or

3.28% of the students is very unfavorable of it.

Figure 7

How favorable is it if you can’t use the events place while the comfort rooms are being


Figure 7 shows that out of 61 respondents, 17 or 27.87% of the students said that

it is very favorable to them if they can’t utilize the events place while the comfort rooms

is being reconstructed, 19 or 31.15% of the students said that it is favorable to them, 14

or 22.95% of the students said that it’s just fair to them, 7 or 11.48% of the students is

unfavorable of it and 4 or 6.56% of the students said that it is very unfavorable to them.

Figure 8

How favorable is it if some of the structures of the ACC building will be damaged in the

expansion of the comfort rooms.

Figure 8 shows that out of 61 respondents, 17 or 27.87% of the students

said that it is very favorable to them if the Reconstruction of Comfort Rooms will cause

damage to some of the structures of the building, 15 or 24.59% of the students is

favorable of it, 15 or 24.59% of the students said that it’s just fair to them, 6/61 or 9.84%

of the students said that they don’t favor of it and 8 or 13.11% of the students is

unfavorable if the reconstruction of the comfort rooms will cause damage to the structure

of the building.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations


The study aims to answer the following:

1. How favorable is the expansion of the comfort room?

2. How favorable is it if the school needs student’s cooperation in the construction of

the comfort room?

3. How favorable is it if the construction of the comfort rooms interrupts class?
4. How favorable is it if the students can’t make use of some of the schools


The instrument used in the study is a close ended survey questionnaire. The survey is

a rating where the respondents rates the question from 5 to 1 where: 5 is very favorable, 4

is favorable, 3 is fair, 2 is unfavorable and 1 is very unfavorable. the statistical tool used

in the study was frequency and percentage.


These are the findings after a week of study:

1. The students are favor of expansion of comfort rooms.

2. The students are willing to cooperate for the expansion of the comfort rooms
3. It is ok to the students if there is interruptions
4. It is ok to the students if they have to contribute financially
5. It is ok with the students if they have to attend their personal necessities on the

other comfort rooms.

6. It is ok to the students if they have to use the 2nd floor as the temporary way in and

out of the school

7. It is ok to the students if they can’t utilize the events place while the comfort

rooms are being reconstructed.


The Expansion of the Comfort Rooms on Advance Central College Annex

Ground Floor, as rated by the Junior High School Students. The data came up that most

students reacted that the expansion of the comfort rooms is just fair to them. In question

number 2 most of the students are very favorable and favorable of cooperating. Most of

the students reacts fair that the project would cause interruption to their class and

contributing financial support. The respondents equally reacted fair and favorable that

they would attend their necessities in the other comfort rooms during construction. The

respondents reacts fair of making the 2nd floor the temporary way of getting in and out of

the school. Most of the respondents reacts favorable of not using the events place while

the comfort rooms are in the process of reconstruction. From this data gathered the

following conclusions was created:

 Therefore, the expansion of the comfort rooms is not strongly necessary but with

significance to the school.

 Therefore, the Junior High School is ready to cooperate for the expansion of the

comfort rooms.
 Therefore, we are guaranteed that the students is ok with the interruptions and

contributing financial support.

 Therefore, we are guaranteed that the students will be ok on attending their

personal necessities on the other comfort rooms.

 Therefore, we are guaranteed that the students will follow the request that they

have to use the 2nd floor as the temporary way in and out of the school.
 Therefore, we are guaranteed that the students will follow the request that they

shall not use the events place while the comfort rooms are being reconstructed.

Finally, the byproduct of this research is to expand the comfort rooms of Advance

Central College Annex Ground Floor. In spite of the effort given by the researchers to

achieve this result which are obtained from the data gathered and was group formulated

description seems to achieve their goal.


The following recommendations are offered for related research about Expansion of

comfort rooms.

1. Given the changing nature of technology, a series of longitudinal studies would

document trends and thereby increase the potential that decisions regarding the

composition of the problem regarding comfort rooms would be relatively current

and less exposed to personal bias.

2. While the research considers sanitation, necessities, and personal hygiene. It may

be advantageous to conduct a research with broader scope.

3. Given that this research provides a basis for concluding that expansion of comfort

rooms is significant. Defining that the attributes of this study is valuable to health.

Such effort would enable educators to derive condtruction related course content

from a research base.

4. Research related to sanitation and hygiene that provides a means of defining their

contribution to health.

Recommendations for Improvising this Study,

The following recommendations are offered as possible ways to improve

this study.

1. When inquiring about “required technical subjects,” more precisely

define or delimit the term. This could also include the possibility of adding a

separate question about required areas of technical specialization, or technical

elective requirements that are not aimed at achieving technical proficiency in any

specific area.

2. E-mail may not yet be a pervasive enough medium to effectively use

for contacting respondents. Until such time as that changes, it is recommended

that this method be avoided.


As a requirement for our Practical Research I , We the students of Advance Central

College Discovery High School, Information and Communications Technology is conducting a
research about the Expansion of Comfort Rooms on Advance Central College Annex. Please
answer the provided informations Honestly.

- The Researchers

Directions: Fill up the following informations below. Answer the questions in accordance to your
desire. Rate Through the following level of response by checking on the table.

5 = very favorable 4 = favorable 3 = fair 2 = unfavorable 1 = very unfavorable

Name (optional):__________________________ Age:_____ sex: ________

Grade: ______ Signature: ________________

Questions: 5 4 3 2 1

1. How favorable is the expansion of the comfort room?

2. How favorable is it if the school needs your cooperation in the

construction of the comfort room?
3. How favorable is it if the construction of the comfort rooms
interrupts your class?
4. How favorable is it if the construction of the comfort rooms
needs your financial support?
5. How favorable is it if you’ll have to attend your personal
necessities in the other comfort rooms while some of it are being
6. How favorable is it if the 2nd floor will be used temporarily as a
way in/out of t4he school while the Comfort Rooms are being
7. How favorable is it if you can’t use the events place while the
comfort rooms are being reconstructed?
8. How favorable is it if some of the structures of the ACC building
will be damaged in the expansion of the comfort rooms.


Marc Lorenz Tapacal


This semester I found Practical Research I a very essential subject because it

introduce me to the world of resolving a problem. Practical research I help me develop

my interpersonal skills because of having interaction with other set of people. I also

learned that research is very important because it helps us to be aware about something. I

am very thankful of having practical research because I know I can use it someday.

I am very thankful of having Mr. Gordon as my Practical Research Instructor

because he discussed research in a manner that we can understand to enable us to do

research successfully. In his strict behavior, there is kindness and understanding that he is

willing to give us time to complete our research.

Cherry Lynn Arzaga

My reflection to my subject

Practical research is one of my difficult subject that I had discover, but it was one of my subject

that I have enjoy to learn. Learn how to survey things, experiment, records and scanning

everything that happening in this world. For me, as I experience to be like a researcher I’ve been

work so hard like our research paper. We’ve been experience a lot of depression , stress, sleepy,

brainstorming, over thinking and a lot of things that I can’t forget but it is worth it for me because

experiencing a lot of things can help me what life is and I know this experience can give us

knowledge what are researcher is.

My reflection to my subject teacher

As one of your student sir I must thankful you to teach us what practical research is. I learn a lot

of things that I haven’t learned before. You do all your best in order to us to learn, to be a good

one and a better one.

Eden Delos Santos


In this semester I have learned much about research. I also discovered that

everything needs research for us to better understand it. Research also helped me to have

a better relationship with my classmates because of the grouping that requires


I found Mr. Gordon a good teacher because he has the patience to give us time to

make our research. He is also good in giving grades.

Andrew James Alubare


This semester I find practical research I a very interesting subject. Though, our

instructor always see me like im doing nothing I know to myself that im contributing to

the group. Having practical research remove my curiosity of what life is and made me

understand things.

I like Mr. Gordon because he is so forgiving . if he thinks that I id something

wrong he just warns me, not making actions at the first glance so that I am able to know

when I did something wrong.

Lyrah Faye Albaniel


This semester I found practical research 1 a very interesting subject because it is

so challenging to make a long paper and stay with only one group for a long time.

Practical research also helped me to know enough about my group mates. I also realized

that research is an important subject and it would help me someday when I turn college.

I like Mr. Gordon because he explains things to us for us to be able to understand

it. I like his manner because he tells us when we do something wrong and smiles on us

when theres something right,


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