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College of Medicine
Department of Preventive and Community Medicine
Comprehensive Examination 2005

Name: __________________________________________ Score: ________________

_____ Which of the following is true of Preventive Medicine?

A. it is a medical specialty
B. it narrows down the scope of medical practice
C. it is an integral part of all fields/types of medical practice
D. its objectives are achieved through organized community efforts

_____ The primary or basic role of the physician is:

A. Scientist/Researcher C. Social Mobilizer
B. Health Care Provider D. Health Administrator

_____ In the ecologic concept of health and disease, the general factors involved are:
A. the host and the disease agent
B. the host and the environment
C. the host, the disease agent and the environment
D. the host, the disease agent, the environment and access to health

_____ Which of the following is not a health promotive strategy?

A. Educating young drivers on the hazards of drunken driving
B. Teaching mothers good dietary practices
C. Making available fortified commonly-consumed foods
D. Giving Poliomyelitis vaccine to infants in depressed areas

_____ Which of the following preventive strategies is useful/applicable at all levels of

A. Health Education
B. Immunization
C. Periodic Health Examination
E. Home Care with Professional Services

_____Classification as a method of summarizing data is qualitative if:

A. the classes are of equal sizes
B. the frequencies are in percent
C. the basis of classification is not expressed in numbers
D. the data are all normal values

_____Which of the following is not a measurement:

A. Blood pressure C. Vital capacity
B. Heart beats D. Height

_____ A good measuring device/instrument for data collection that could be expected to
produce accurate results is one that is characterized by the following, EXCEPT:
A. it measures what it is intended to measure
B. it produces consistent results
C. it is easy to administer or use
D. it elicits identifical or similar observations by differentr observers

_____A method of collecting data is considered practical if:

A. it is feasible within exisitng resources
B. it allows good coverage
C. the procedure involved is acceptable to the subjects
D. it is easy & convenient to use
_____ The following are true of the standard deviation, EXCEPT:
A. it is the square root of the variance
B. it is the root mean squared deviations from the mean
C. it is a measure of differences
D. it is by how much individual values in a set/series differ from one
another on the average

_____ Which of the following table is composed of several classification in its columns and
rows which can serve are repository of information or data?
A) Simple table
B) Master table
C) Frequency distribution table
D) Four fold table
_____ Which of the following is TRUE of a Pie Diagram?
A) 1% of the pie is equivalent to 3.6 degrees of angle.
B) An increase in the rate of a component is usually reflective of an actual increase
in frequency.
C) A decreased in the rate of a component is usually reflective of an artifactual
decrease in its frequency
D) It allows comparison of 2 or more distribution

_____ The local civil registrar of chartered cities is the:

A) City Treasurer
B) City Mayor
C) City Health Officer
D) City Vice Mayor
E) None of the above

_____ Death should be reported to the local health officer for certification within:
A) 48 hours after the occurrence
B) 15 days after the occurrence
C) 30 days after occurrence
D) 45 days after occurrence
E) None of the above

_____ Who is responsible for reporting of the occurrence of death if it was not medically
A) Local health officer
B) Anybody who has knowledge of the occurrence
C) Municipal or City Treasurer
D) Local Civil Registrar
E) None of the above

_____ Which of the following is an administrative advantage derived from civil registration
A) provision of legal evidence to claim for inheritance
B) provision for improvement of public health
C) provision of data relatively free from sampling error
D) provision of data for research purposes
E) none of the above.

_____ Which of the following should be accomplished if a fetus with an intrauterine life of less
than 7 months was born alive but dies after the first day of life?
A) Birth certificate only
B) Death certificate only
C) Both Birth and Death certificate
D) Both Birth and death certificate but are marked: FOR STATISTICAL PUPROSES

_____ Civil registration in towns/municipalities in the Philippines is the responsibility of the

A. Municipal Secretary C. Municipal Registrar of Deeds
B. Municipal Treasurer D. Municipal Health Officer
_____ Under ordinary conditions, deaths in the Philippines are registered in the Office of the
Local Civil Registrar of
A. the place of birth of the deceased C. the place of burial/interment
B. the place of his/her permanent residence D. the place of occurrence of the event

_____ The reglementary period for the registration of deaths in the Philippines as amended by
Presidential Decree #651 is within
A. 24 hours C. 30 days
B. 48 hours D. 40 days

_____ If the deceased was not medically-attended, the medical certification of the cause of death
A. need not be accomplished
B. maybe done by the person reporting the death
C. may be done by any physician
D. is the responsibility of the Local Health Officer
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_____ Which of the following is the most sensitive index of the state of health and disease of a
A. Crude Birth rate C. Infant Mortality Rate
B. Crude Death rate D. Maternal Mortality rate

_____ If the Infant Mortality rate of a community is 32/1,000, this means

A. 32 out of every 1,000 <1 year old children died
B. 32 babies died before reaching their first birthday
C. 32 out of every 1,000 babies born alive failed to survive the first year
D. 32 out of every 1,000 persons in the community died in infancy

_____ The statement, “About 48% of all women dying in relation to the process of childbearing
died of hemorrhage in 2002” is an expression of the
A. Maternal Mortality rate C. Proportionate Mortality rate
B. Cause-specific Death rate D. Cause-effect rate

_____ The proportion of cases of a specific disease that die of it is the

A. Proportionate Mortality rate C. Case Fatality rate
B. Cause-specific Death rate D. Specific Percentage Death rate

_____ “Fifty-eight percent (58%) of the roughly 60 guests in a birthday party developed
abdominal pain, vomiting and loose bowel movement within 36 hours” This is a
summary expression of the
A. Incidence Rate C. Attack rate
B. Prevalence Rate D. Cause-effect rate

_____ Which of the following indices/indicators best reflects the state of environmental
sanitation of a community?
A. Prevalence rate of malaria C. Case Fatality Rate of Dengue
B. Death Rate of Tuberculosis D. Incidence Rate of Cholera el tor

_____ The use of a factor in the computation of the statistical indices of community health and
disease is for
A. greater accuracy C. fairer comparison
B. obtaining a whole number D. all of the above

_____ Major factor/s which affect the age composition of the population
A. fertility level of the population C. peace and order situation
B. urban-rural differences D. all of the above
_____ A method of sampling where population is initially divided into a set of primary or first
stage sampling units and a sample of such unit is selected:
A. Stratified D. cluster
B. simple random E. systematic
C. multi stage
_____ A method of sampling where a sample is chosen at a regular interval/range from an
enumerated numbered list:
A. stratified D. cluster
B. simple random E. systematic
D. multi stage

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_____ Which of the following is a probability sampling method?
A. judgmental D. quota
B. haphazard E. none of the above
C. clusters

_____ Which of the following is/are the criteria/s that should be met in order for the conclusion
of a sampling procedure to be valid:
A. sample should be representative of the study pop.
B. sample should be adequate
C. sampling procedure should be practical
D. sampling procedure should be feasible
E. all of the above

_____ The unit which is actually sampled/picked from the sampling population:
A. sampling unit D. target population
B. elementary unit E. none of the above
C. frame
_____ Children, especially preschoolers who weigh 76-90% of their standard weight for
age and height are considered
A. overnourished C. slightly undernourished
B. adequately nourished D. moderately undernourished

_____ Measurement of skinfold thickness is essentially a measure of

A. the body mass C. the caloric reserve
B. the linear dimensions D. all of the above

_____ Kwashiorkor is a malnutrition problem due to deficiency primarily of

A. energy C. Vitamin B
B. protein D. Iron

_____ Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in treatment of community
water supplies?
1. Flocculation
2. Sedimentation
3. Coagulation
4. Disinfection
5. Filtration
A.1,2,3,4,5 C. 2,1,3,5,4
B.3,1,2,5,4 D. 3,2,1,4,5

_____ The presence of the following is indicative of fecal contamination of water.

A.Entamoeba coli C. Salmonella typhi
B.Escherichia coli D. Shigella shiga

_____ Which of the following is considered “water-based”?

A. Schistosomiasis C. Scabies
B. Dengue H-fever D. Leptospirosis

_____ At what stage of water treatment is alum precipitate (tawas) used?

A. Flocculation C. Coagulation
B. Sedimentation D. Disinfection
_____ Method/s of economic appraisal
A. cost analysis C. cost-effectiveness analysis
B. cost minimization analysis D. All of the above

_____ Quality health care service may include

A. thoroughness of in-patient care C. thoroughness in outpatient
B. availability of up-to-date equipments D. All of the above

_____ Primary healthcare facility usually provide

A. primary consultation C. basic therapeutics
B. basic laboratory D. all of the above

_____ Recovery from an infectious disease is a type of

A. natural passive immunity C. artificial active immunity
B. natural active immunity D. artificial passive immunity

_____ To determine whether a person responds to an antigenic stimulation like in

vaccine, one can
A. measure antibody titer or perform T-cell count
B. count the number of monocytes from the peripheral blood
C. measure mean blood corpuscular volume
D. do a CBC (complete blood count)

_____ In pregnant women, the fourth (TT4) dose of tetanus toxoid will provide
protection that will last for
A. 5 years C. 15 years
B. 10 years D. 20 years

_____ To maintain the cold chain, the maximum duration vaccines can be stored at the
provincial level is about
A. 6 months C. 1 month
B. 3 months D. not more than 3 days

_____ Permanent rodent control measure/s

A. rat proofing
B. use of rodent poisons e.g. red squill
C. use of mouse traps
D. use of animals like cats

_____ This term refers to the infestation of tissues and organs by fly larva
A. dermatitis C. envenomization
B. myiasis D. entomophobia

_____ A type of transmission wherein the vector simply transports or carries the
pathogen which undergoes no change during transmission
A. biological transmission C. mechanical transmission
B. propagative transmission D. cyclodevelopmental

_____ It provides an arena for people to interact and work together in seeking solutions
to their problems
A. advocacy C. community organizing
B. training D. monitoring and evaluation

_____ It utilizes the principle of shared discontentment with existing conditions

A. Principle of Leadership
B. Principle of Participation
C. Principle of structure
D. Principle of Need/Problems and Issues
_____ Which of the following STD’s causes gumma?
A. N. gonorrhea C. T. pallidum
B. C. trachomatis D. C. genitalis

_____ Indications for adopting the PHC approach in the Philippines include the following
A. unequal distribution of health care facilities
B. soaring cost of medical care
C. lack of basic health knowledge of the people
D. inadequate shelter

_____ Specific strategies to achieve the goal of providing accessible, affordable and
appropriate health care services include the following EXCEPT
A. establishment of infrastructure like tertiary hospitals
B. intensive health education of the public
C. provision of essential drugs
D. training of volunteers to provide health care services
_____ Which of the following is considered work-related disease?
A) mesothelioma C) low back pain
B) asbestosis D) hypertension

_____ Which of the following is considered an occupational disease?

A) chronic non-specific respiratory disease
B) ischemic heart disease
C) psychosomatic disease
D) pneumoconiosis

_____ Which of the following is NOT a method of Changing Process in Industrial

A) substitution C) waste disposal
B) isolation D) education and training

_____ Which of the following is NOT a physical factor in the causation of occupational
A) vectors C) noise
B) pressure D) extremes of temperature

_____ Which of the following is included in the Cognitive plane of the reaction to
diagnosis of the stages of family illness trajectory?
A) denial C) accommodation
B) disbelief D) acceptance

_____ At which family stage is G.O.B.I included in the patient education?

A) newly married family C) family with adolescents
B) family with young children D) launching family

_____ Which of the following family assessment instruments is described as a self

reported scale where in the patient rates the family members based on 30
categories and on a scale of 1 to 5
A) A.P.G.A.R. C) F.E.S.
B) F.A.C.E.S. D) S.C.R.E.E.M.

_____ An adopted child is a most common component of:

A) nuclear family C) single parent
B) extended family D) blended family

_____ Parents that undergo midlife crisis usually belongs to

A) launching family C) family with young children
B) family later years D) family with adolescents
_____ “Encouraging sick members of the family to seek appropriate help” is a
component of which prevention?
A) primordial prevention C) secondary prevention
B) primary prevention D) tertiary prevention

_____ Which of the Following National Health Insurance Program members are NOT
considered non-paying?
A) Retirees
B) Pensioners of GSIS and SSS
C) Permanent and Partial disability pensioners
D) Indigent members

_____ PhilHealth extension of coverage include/s:

A) Legitimate NHIP-member spouse
B) Employed children below 21 years old
C) Mentally retarded children over 21 years old
D) 59 years old retired parent

_____ Compensable outpatient services under PhilHealth include/s

A) Outpatient psychotherapy
B) Cosmetic surgery
C) Cataract surgery
D) Optometric services

_____ In which of the following situation is NHIP benefits be forfeited?

A) Confinement to a non-accredited hospital of vehicular accident victim
B) Confinement to a accredited hospital of a vehicular accident victim
C) Patient was confined to a non-accredited hospital and died within the first
24 hours of confinement
D) Patient was confined to a accredited hospital and was discharged
improved within the first 24 hours
_____Outilining the work that an applicant can perform efficiently is a component of
A. Preplacement examination
B. Health counseling
C. Mental health
D. Environmental Health program

_____Illumination for offices in a safe workplace should be

A. 10 footcandle C. 30 foot candle
B. 20 foot candle D. 40 foot candle

_____ Statistical indices/indicators used in the indirect assessment of the nutritional

status of populations include the following, EXCEPT:
A. 1 – 4 years (toddler) death rate
B. < 5 years proportionate mortality rate
C. measles morbidity rate
D. prevalence of intestinal parasitism

____ Which of the following is/are physical indicator/s of stress?

A. nail biting C. sexual problems
B. anger D. muscle aches, stiffness

____Which of the following is/are characteristic/s of a Type A personality?

A. more easygoing, less competitive
B. Impatient, competitive, easily irritated
C. Balanced attitude to life and can adjust to different situations
D. Calm and flexible

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