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The world is changing day by day due to technological development.

The life style, habits and activities are now

different from the people in past. Now robots got much importance in the lives of individuals. Infect, most of the
tasks which were performed by individuals, are now various kinds of machines, robots etc. World is going through Commented [SK1]: The first sentence should be general. I
continuous transition these days as most of the tasks that were performed by humans in the previous days are would write as :
now replaced by robots or machines due to continuous research, innovation and technological development . World is going through continuous transition these days as
Many people believe that robots have made life easier for human beings and they have brought positive impact in most of the tasks that were performed by humans in the
people lives, but in others point of view robots have introduced many problems and now human beings are facing previous days are now replaced by machines due to
many problems due to technological revolution. This essay will argue both positive and negative impacts of robots technological development
on human lives and will present some ideas that how robots and human can work together for the betterment of

People has become much easier because of technological advancement, but it also creates problems for human Formatted: Font: 10 pt
beings. Robots have completely changed the human lives and they have brought a positive impact on society due
Commented [SK2]: See my first paragraph. Try to use my
to several reasonse. First, nowadays we can use machines to make our job easier. For example, we can use template of the essay if possible.
computer to perform complex mathematical calculations which took ages for people living in the ancient age to
perform. Secondly, robots are contributing towards the development and wellbeing of states. For instance, Formatted: Font: 10 pt
nowadays large towers and buildings are constructed with the help of robots. Additionally, data science that is a Formatted: Font: 10 pt
new field of analysis of data is emerged with the help of robots that helps to analyze millions of data generated by Formatted: Font: 10 pt
robots o provide useful insights of data. Finally, robots have brought a revolution and ease in human lives in terms
of internet. In other words, everynody is using Google nowadays to find the solution of their problems that the
people living in the ancient times took ages to solve.

On one hand, there are many advantages of using robots but they have some negative affect on the people lives.
As more and more jobs of the human are being replaced by robots an important issue of unemployment is arising
in the society. Additionally, people are now becoming lazy and fat as they are dependent on machines and sit in
front of the robot to perform their day to day tasks. Furthermore, robots have the most influence on children as
they used to play different physical games previously but nowadays they are using computer games for
entertainment purpose. Lastly, people used to sit and gossip together previously but nowadays social media
introduced by robots have made people practically alone.
To conclude, robots have both positive and negative impacts on the society. It is upto people how they use robots
for the betterment of community.

Now, because of technological changes, work is completed by robots instead of human beings. Is it era
of technology and science. Now a days, much of the importance is given to research and development
so that technology, robot, machines could accomplished the activity and people can live a better live.
Also individuals are much busy in their work and have not much time to all the tasks. That’s why people
try to save their time and more and more duties are performed by robots.

Due to different kinds of inventions, although the people life became easier but it also impact the life of
human being negatively. The mode of communication is now better than in past but today, people do
not meet with each other physically and the relationship bonds are now weaker. People are now away
from the nature and become much materialistic. Most of machines made the human life easier e.g.
microwave, fridge, oven, air conditioner, fans etc. but they also negatively affect their health. For
example, because of frozen food, individuals have different stomach problems. Also, in past people
went to the garden for a morning or evening walk, but today people go to gym and do different kind of
exercise and use different kinds of machines in order to lose their weight. In this way, people are not
only away from the nature but also do get any psychological relaxation.

Hence we can say that, robots brings positive as well as negative changes in our lives. Because of
technological advancement, the world has become global village and the way of people living has
become changed. But this change, also badly affect the life off people. It is creating different kinds of
health and mental problems for the individuals.

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