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Name: _____________

Warm Up Math:
Total: _______/ 10 Marks

Real Life Scenarios: The Digital World Store

You own a company which has done very well over the years. Your company specializes in T-Shirt
Design, Business Cards, posters, signs, trophies and digital prints.

However last year, your company lost - $15,000 in revenue. Your company did not make money last
fiscal year and you know there is a demand for your services but do not know what is happening with
the market in your field of expertise. Your company also pays about -$20,000 in rent per year.

Your friend who owns a Computer Store which specializes in selling laptops, refurbishing computers, has
a lot of room in her store and would like to expand her business incorporating your field of expertise.

You will now partner with your friends Computer store, and expand her services to T-Shirt Design,
Business Cards, Posters, Signs, Trophies and digital prints.

Your new company will be called: The Digital World

Your friends company generates an annual revenue of $200,000 a year. By joining your partners
business your -$15,000 debt will be erased.

1. How much money will your NEW company: The Digital World have after you combine your
businesses? ( 4 Marks )
2. What is the probability of this business venture: The Digital World succeeding? ( 1 Marks)

3. Your company now pays no rent while joining business with the NEW The Digital World
business. Your companies combined should produce a great result revenue next fiscal year,
what is the reason for this probability? ( 5 Marks )

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