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HOW To Create Base Demand Maps (dt.

Part -A (Drawing EpaNET map with details):-
1) Draw the map with backdrop of the topo map and enter the ELEVATION of Nodes and
LENGTH of the pipes.
2) Export the drawn map with ELEVATION data of the nodes and LENGTH data of the pipes to an
.inp file [FILE--> EXPORT-->NETWORK--> (give appropriate name)]
3) Now, open the .inp file in the LibreOffice Calc/XL and also in gedit/gnotepad /notepad
4) Add a new Heading in the [JUNCTIONS] section after the original item HEADINGs with the
name BaseDemand.
5) Use something like the following equation to get the base demand in metres,
'=(SUMIF(Sheet1.$C$XX:$C$YY,Sheet1.A6,Sheet1.$E$XX:$E$YY) +SUMIF
(Sheet1.$D$XX:$D$YY, Sheet1.A6,Sheet1.$E$XX:$E$YY))/2' where, XX & YY are the
row numbers of the start & end of the [PIPE] section. (Pl. Note the $ sign)
ie. in other words, SUMIF(Node1 complete column of [PIPE] section, First Node no. in the
[JUNCTIONS] section, Length Column of [PIPE] section) and similarly for Node2 Column of
[PIPE] section, ie., SUMIF(Node2 complete column of [PIPE] section, First Node no. in the
[JUNCTIONS] section, Complete column of Length of [PIPE] section) and sum the two
expressions and take the half. ie. Sum of lengths of the pipes with Node 1 at either end of any of
the pipes. This sum is halved to account for the proportionate demand.
6) Now, copy the above equation in the cell of Base Demand Column to all the cells in the
BaseDemand Column till the LAST ROW (ie. say ZZth row) of end node in the
[JUNCTIONS] section.
7) Now, copy (ctl+c) the values arrived in the BaseDemand Column and paste (special)(shft+ctl+v)
to the Demand column of the original [JUNCTIONS] section so that Only the numbers are
copied as such and not the Formula
8) Copy the [JUNCTIONS] section with the modified value in the DEMAND column till the LAST
node and paste it to the Corresponding area in the gedit / notepad
9) Save the file as using Save as ... in gedit/notepad as the ''ABCD Zone-with-BaseMap.inp'' (please
never forget to include the double quotes while using the notepad in Windows Operating
10) Using EpaNET, open (ie. import) the .inp file (FILE-->IMPORT-->NETWORK) and check some
of the values and satisfy with the new map
11) Now the Network Map, all the nodes ie. Junctions are loaded with the BaseDemand in metres
12) If we wish to apply apply the intensity of demand to certain areas we can do it by selecting the
areas (using EDIT--> SELECT REGION sub menu) and use the GROUP EDIT and Multiply
the BaseDemand by certain factor say, 2, 3, 0.5, etc. We, get the demand intensified in metres at
those nodes.
13) After finalising the demand with varied intensity for various sub-zones, get the node-wise
demand of the network using table [REPORT(menu)-->Table...(sub-menu)-->NETWORK
NODES(radio button)-->COLUMNs(tab)] & select BASE DEMAND only; select all the
values by clicking at the top left most cell of the table and then copy to the clipboard
[EDIT(menu)-->Copy To...(sub-menu)]; then paste the contents to the Base Demand Column
of the Calc/XL sheet of the already opened file. (care should be taken to paste the desired
contents only by modifying the row no., hiding the un-wanted columns etc...)
14) Now, we have to convert the BaseDemand to lps/Mld/... instead of in meters
First, compute the total Demand in MLD, say 10 MLD (A)
(get the details from water demand calculation details of the zone under consideration)
Compute the total of LENGTH, say 1000 m (B)
(get the details by totalling the length from the pipe table [REPORT(menu)--> Table... (Sub-
menu)--> Network Links (Radio button)-->Columns(tab)] and as described earlier above, click
the top left most cell and copy to the clipboard [EDIT(menu)-->Copy To... (Sub-Menu)] and
paste the values into a spreadsheet and sum it up)
Similarly, Compute the Total of BASE DEMAND, say 1500 m (C)
(NB:- if we do not intensify the demand as described earlier, the total Length and total BaseDemand should be equal)
Now we can find the multiplication factor to convert the BaseDemand in m into lps, as follows :
ie., [total MLD]/[convert DAY into SECONDS]/[total LENGTH]/{ [total
BaseDemand] / [total LENGTH] } ie. (A)/(B)/{(C)/(B)} ie. => (A)/(C)
say 0.0771604938271605 (note this down to the max Digits at least 8 significant digits)
15) Now, SHRINK the map by using the menu command [EDIT (menu)--> Full Extent(Sub-menu)]
and select all (EDIT-->SELECT ALL) and then group edit (EDIT-->GROUP EDIT) then
multiply all the nodes with the multiplying factor to get the demand in lps
(Check:- if we get the total demand as described earlier -ie. Using the table menu and using the
spreadsheet - same as the total demand of the system, then we can presume that the calculations
are correct, else, critically check the equations, followed methods and correct and redo)
Some Tips in drawing the EpaNET map:-
(a) in the Defaults... dialogue page of the Project menu, set the Pipe Length = 0, Pipe
diameter = 0, Node Elevation =0, peak factor = 2.5 typically, pipe roughness = 145
(b) After drawing the map and entering the values as described above, but before loading
the BaseDemand as described above, Check whether there are any Nodes with zero
elevation, pipes with zero lengths as a x-check to ensure all the nodes and the pipes are
duly attended.
(c) Whenever we wish to modify the whole map values by using GROUP EDIT always
SHRINK the map using EDIT-->Full Extent sub menu. Please note that the SELECT
ALL selects only the view port of the visible EpaNET window.
(d) It is better to provide nodes for a length of about 250 m so that the effect of pressure
class change can be economically taken care of.
Part-B Running the system:-
Now, next step is analysis of the system using EpaNET
Some Tips before analysing the system:-
(a) Shrink the map using the Full Extent icon and using EDIT menu--> Select All and then
again using the EDIT menu use the Group Edit sub menu put the dia of all the pipes with a
large number say, 10000 mm, and do a run command. If the system is running successfully,
it can be presumed that the drawn network map is a workable one
(b) find the elevation of the maximum elevated node and / tank elevation. Also, find the
minimum elevated point using the QUERY icon. The difference will be the static head.
(c) Now, run the EpaNET model we created.
Part C Design of Network using EpaNET
two things to be designed :-
i) diameter of the pipe &
ii) the pressure rating of the pipe
Part -C-i Design of pipe sizes:-
1. Now, SHRINK the map by using the menu command [EDIT (menu)--> Full Extent(Sub-menu)]
and select all (EDIT-->SELECT ALL) and then group edit (EDIT-->GROUP EDIT) then Replace
all the Pipes with the minimum dia pipe as per the pipe policy, if it has not been done earlier.
2. Please note that the elevation of the tank in this cycle of design is the Minimum level on a
safer side
3. to account for the minor losses, we can do a short cut that the lengths are increased by 10% and
this will give a better approximation in designing the system. For doing so, the network has to
be exported as done earlier and instead of the base demand calculation, the length can be
modified by multiplying with 1.1, ie. Add a new column in the [PIPE] section somewhere in M
column or so, with label called the new-length and write the equation =E199*1.1 and copy the
eqn. to all pipes and then select all these new lengths using Ctl+C and in the E column paste
using the special command Ctl+Shft+V as done earlier for BaseDemand and copy this new
[PIPE] section to the notepad and save (please do not forget to put the double quotes in the save
field). Then import the file using the EpaNet and do analysis. If the run is success then we can
go for checking whether the terminal pressure is above the prescribed limit. (normally the
terminal pressure should be above 7m).
4. Whenever, the system is showing -ve pressure, or lacking the required minimum terminal
pressure then repeat the following step in an iterative way.
5. Now using the table select the Network-Links, select, velocity, length, dia of all pipes and doing
the similar processes, we can save to the clipboard and copy contents of the clipboard to a new
sheet in the spreadsheet and modify the dia with the equation something like =IF(E5>1,next-
higher-dia,C5) ie. If the velocity is (E5) > 1, in a particular pipe then change the diameter of the
same to a higher dia. And as done earlier, copy the equation to all rows and the new dia. be
saved back in the dia. Column and save all the contents of this [PIPE] section into the notepad
and save again. Now, import the file in EpaNet and again repeat the steps until we get a
reasonable result. (Normally, we will get the desired result for a reasonably elevated tank system
by setting the limit of velocity to 1. If we do not get the set the velocity some thing lower than 1)
Thus, finally, we get a system of pipes with varied diameters that satisfy our demand pattern at
the nodes. The pipe roughness is also to be changed if we go for higher sized pipes from smaller
PVC to DI or so. Now, comes the pressure class rating
Part -C-ii Design of pipe classes :-
For this also, use appropriate spreadsheet formula and obtain the appropriate class.

1. Please note that the elevation of the tank in this cycle of design is the Maximum level
and add some additional factors for pipe elevation below GL
2. For this, first save the arrived map as diaFixedMap or some name that tells about it.
3. Now, save as the map to pressureClassDesignMap and change the diameter we earlier
designed to a multiple of say, 1000 or so, so that the friction does not govern in the design
and the pressure now at the nodes will be static pressure.
4. We know that the pressure class of a pipe is decided by the critical pressure at either of the
connecting nodes
5. For this, export the network map and open in the Calc/XL and use the following formula in
the [PIPE] section in an additional column.
MAX(Node 1 pressure, Node 2 pressure) using the VLOOKUP formula
ie. =MAX(VLOOKUP(Node1-id,(array of node-ids+pressure in [NODE] section),index of
the pressure column in [NODE] section,False -ie. The node-id column is NOT sorted in
ascending order), VLOOKUP(Node2-id,(array of node-ids+pressure in [NODE]
section),index of the pressure column in [NODE] section,False -ie. The node-id column is
NOT sorted in ascending order)
6. Now copy this equation by locking the array value to all pipes in the [pipe] section.
7. Now, we can put another formula for deciding the class and hence the design.

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