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- Caluella Valanta (06)

- Olivia Margaretha Sugiarto (26)
- Vito Christian Samudra (34)

Bullying On Childern

Vala: Heyy girl. You look so sad, can i do something for you?
Ivy :Who are you?
Vala: I’m also a student here. My name is Vala. What’s your name?
Ivy : Ohh.. i’m Ivy. I’m never saw you before and i don’t even know you.
Vala: Realy? Whereas, i often saw you.
Ivy: How could you do that?
Vala: Of course i can. By the way, are you sure don’t need any help? You look a lil bit
Ivy: i think i’m just tired. It’s alright. It wil be fine.
Vala: You can’t keep a wound forever. You must heal it or it will be rotten and harm
Ivy: You just talked like you know a lot about me. Don’t bother me
Vala: What will you do f i know about you? I just wanna help you
Ivy: No one ever did that to me. It feels strange.
Vala: Don’t worry, i realy am sure that i know what happened to you all this time.
Ivy: Okayy. But are you sure want to help me?
Vala: Anytime.

Vala: Hello Mr. Vito

Vito: Hello, Vala, Do you want to say something?
Vala: Yeah. Do you have time, sir? Have favour to ask.
Vito: Sure, what can i do for you?
Vala: I want to report a bullying on student, sir. It happened really often.
Vito: Are you sure about this?
Vala: Yes, I have a video to prove it
Vito: Then, Who’s the student that being bullied?
Vala: That is Ivy, sir.
Vito: Ivy from 11-D? She is always comes late , skips school and some teachers
overwhelmed to warn her because she always repeat it over and over.
Vala: Because she is being thretened. She is afraid if they will confront her publicly, in the
middle of the class for an example. You can’t keep quiet about this anymore, sir.
Vito: Where’s she right now? Tell her to meet me after school.
Vala: Yes, sir.

Ivy: Good afternoon sir.

Vito: Good afternoon. Sit down.
Ivy: What do you want to talk about sir?
Vito: Alright, so is it true that you are often being bullied?
Ivy: Yes sir.
Vito: When did it start?
Ivy: Since thesecond month of gade eleven.
Vito: it’s been a long time. What did they ask to you?
Ivy: They just took my money, my phone,my book and they forced me to do their homework
and bought them food and so on.
Vito: And what would hapen if you didn’t do it?
Ivy: They will punch me, threatened.
Vito: Did all of them girls?
Ivy: No, there some boys too. But they did nothing and just watching me. Some are the girls’
Vito: You must be suffering a very hard time.
Ivy: Yeah. You can say like that.
Vito: By the way who are they?
Ivy: They are Miya, Jess, Phylia, Ola and others
Vala: Oh my god, some of them are my classmates.
Vito: All of them will get punishment from me.
Ivy: Are you sure, sir?
Vito: Of course, the culprit of bullying must be punished. They make the victim scured, lost
concentration, avoid people, etc. They took confidence from a bright and cheerful person.
Ivy: Okay, sir. But will i have a better life after this and will i healed from this problem?
Vito: Of course if you want.
Vala: You must be. I’m sorry for being akward all this time. I don’t have a bravery to grab
your hands and walk agains them.
Ivy: It’s alright you are the only one that help me and now Mr. Vito is helping too. I am very
Vito: She’s right. It’s a right ting that you told me. Thank you Vala. And Ivy, you must live a
better life. You have bright future don’t let them bother you. So, Cheer up you can do this.
Ivy: Okay. Thank you so much, sir for helping me. I will remember your words.
Vala: Thank you, Sir. Keep spirit Ivy.

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