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A Pigskin Revolution

In 1962, Ed Sabol was selling coats in his father-in-law's Philadelphia clothing business,
and he was miserable. Ed's passion was using the Bell & Howell movie camera ( a
precursor to today's digital video camera ) that his mother-in-law gave him as a wedding
present to film his son Steve at practically everything he did, especially his high school
football games. When local high schools saw the quality of Ed's films, they asked Sabol
to film their games too. Then Sabol read a newspaper article about a local company,
Tlra, that had paid $1,500 for the rights to film the 1961 National Football League ( NFL )
championship game. ( The Super Bowl had not been invented yet! ) Sabol resolved to
win the rights to the 1962 game, even though his football-filming experience was limited
to his son's high school games. He called NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle and submitted
what proved to be the winning bid of $3,000.

It was a good move for both Rozelle and Sabol. More than 40 years later, Rozelle still
considers the 1962 championship game between the Green Bay Packers and the New
York Giants to be the best football film ever made. Filming the game made it clear to
Sabol that producing films of football games was what he was meant to do. Using the
skills he had learned as a coat salesman, Sabol pitched to Rozelle the idea that the NFL
needed its own film company to produce highlight films for the 14 teams that made up
the league at that time. Sabol agreed to produce the highlight films in exchange for
$12,000 from each team that would provide the capital to fund NFL Films. His
assignment was to preserve the history of the game and to promote NFL football to the
nation's sports fans.

Innovation remains an important part of NFL Films continued success. The company
recently moved into a 200,000-square-foot facility containing the latest in video
technology that will enable it to stay at the forefront of film-making. NFL Films has come
a long way since its humble beginnings, but in many ways it remains a family business
one that revolutionized the way America watches football.

1. Identify the entrepreneurial traits that Ed Sabol and his son Steve exhibit.

2. How would you characterize the Sabols’ philosophy, beliefs, and values? How
important are a business founder’s philosophy, beliefs, and values to a small business as
it grows?

3. What factors have led to NFL Films’ success?


1. *Passion
This is the most significant characteristic that every entrepreneur has, and for obvious
reasons. They are successful because they love what they do. These entrepreneurs put
all the extra hours they have into the business to make it successful and flourish. It is a
pleasure for them to see the results of their labor, which goes well beyond the money
*Strong work ethic
Entrepreneurs who are successful make sure that they are always the one who is first to
the office and the last one to leave.
*Strong people skills
A successful entrepreneur is someone who has excellent communication skills for selling
the products to customers and motivating the employees. Yes, most entrepreneurs who
have the power to motivate their employees can see their business grow within no time.
These entrepreneurs are also great at instructing others to be successful and
highlighting the advantages of any situation.
The successful entrepreneurs are never greatly impacted by the defeats they encounter.
For them, failure is like an opening for a success story, and hence, they try again and
again just till they get the success they are expecting. Moreover, these entrepreneurs
are not wired to believe that some things are not possible and cannot be done.
One of the main aspects of creativity is the ability to find a relationship between two
unrelated situations or events. They usually come up with the solutions of these
problems that are a combination of other things. These people normally re-purpose the
items for marketing them to new industries.

2. *Having confidence
Having strong self-confidence, dependence on others.
*Orientation on tasks and results
The point is that an entrepreneur has an attitude of responsibility for the tasks assigned
to him/her. He/she also must be responsible for the results of the tasks he/she is

The stronger founder philosophy, beliefs, and values, the faster company grows.
Entrepreneur need to be confident in every act that he/she would did. Entrepreneur
can’t be a pessimist one that always thought about negatives consequences.
Entrepreneur must be maximum in every task that assigned to him/her and gave
maximum results too.

3. A business will run succeed when the entrepreneur who ran it had determination,
spirit, and strong will. When these three ran by entrepreneur, so you will remain
optimistic even though you are on complicated situation. You will always motivated to
be succeed so you want to learn again and again. This is very important for
entrepreneurial success.

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