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Assistant Director Ministry of Defence 2017 MCQs Sample

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Current Affairs MCQs Solved Past Papers for MOD 2017

(i) The world highest Mountain is in

(a) Nepal
(b) Italy
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) China

(ii) On the map of the world which country appears as long shoe?
(a) Italy
(b) Malta
(c) Croatia
(d) Moldova

(iii) The Headquarter of Red Cross are in:

(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Berlin
(d) Geneva
(iv) Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on the river:
(a) Jehlum
(b) Chenab
(c) Indus
(d) None of these

(v) Hajj Scam 2010 struck a blow to:

(a) Fazal-ur-Rehman
(b) Azam sawati, Hamid Saeed Kazmi
(c) Ishaq Dar
(d) Inamullah

(vi) Who was the special representative of USA for Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs?
(a) Richard Holbrook
(b) Joan Alizabeth
(c) Gen. Mc Arthur
(d) None of these

(vii) AFPAK policy was announced in:

(a) 2008
(b) 2009
(c) 2007
(d) None of these

(viii) Ship mounted energy project (activated in Pakistan: 2010) is sponsored by:
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) China
(c) Turkey
(d) None of these
(ix) Asian Development Bank was established in
(a) 1964
(b) 1966
(c) 1968
(d) 1960
(x) Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-aligned Movement?
(a) Gandhi, Naseer, Tito
(b) Nehru, Naseer, Tito
(c) Chou-en-lai, Bhutto, Nehru
(d) Soe Karno, Naseer, Tito

(xi) The permanent secretariat of SAARC is established at:

(a) Kathmandu
(b) Dhaka
(c) Delhi
(d) Islamabad

(xii) Which of the following is the largest emitter of Carbon dioxide in the
(a) China
(b) America
(c) Russia
(d) India

(xiii) The Rio conference on sustainable development was convened in:

(a) 1972
(b) 1992
(c) 2002
(d) None of these

(xiv) World Trade Organization was established in:

(a) 1992
(b) 1993
(c) 1994
(d) 1995

(xv) How many official working language are recognized by UNO?

(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 4

(xvi) The first UN conference on sustainable development happened in:

(a) 1952
(b) 1962
(c) 1972
(d) 1982

(xvii) Mirani Dam Exist in:

(a) Sindh
(b) Baluchistan
(c) Punjab
(d) None of these

(xviii) The founder of Wiki-leaks scam belongs to:

(a) America
(b) England
(c) Australia
(d) Austria

(xix) There are how many non permanent members of Security Council?
(a) 12
(b) 13
(c) 14
(d) 10

(xx) Pakistan has become non permanent member of Security council for:
(a) Five times
(b) Two times
(c) Three times
(d) Six times



1) The first constructed barrage of Pakistan is

a) Jinnah barrage
b) Sukkur barrage
c) Tunsa barrage
d) None of these
2) Where was Jesus Christ born?
A) Iraq
b) Jerusalem
c) Mecca
d) None of these

3) RAW is an abbreviation of
a) radical army wing
b) research and warning
c) research and analysis wing
d) none of these

4) Who was the first viceroy of India?

A) Lord Ripon
b) Lord Canning
c) Lord Curzon
d) None of these

5) According to Rousseau legitimate political authority is based on

a) slavery
b) force
c) social conduct
d) none of these

6) East India company was established in

a) 1603
b) 1602
c) 1600
d) none of these

7) British government sold Kashmir to Gulab sing in

a) 1846
b) 1845
c) 1843
d) none of these

8) Gymnophobia is the fear of

a) nudity
b) gyms
c) hotels
d) none of these

9) Mac Mohan is the border between

a) India and China
b) India and Nepal
c) India and Bangladesh
d) none of these
10) Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called
a) snowlines
b) seismic belts
c) seismic lines
d) none of these

11) Which is the deepest ocean in the world

a) Arctic
b) Atlantic
c) Pacific
d) none of these

12) Largest Airport of the world is

a) New York airport
b) Frankfurt airport
c) Dubai airport
d) none of these

13) “Wafa” news agency belongs to

a) Palestine
b) Jordan
c) Syria
d) none of these

14) “FBI” of America was established in

a) 1901
b) 1902
c) 1903
d) none of these(1908)

15) Who was the founder of republican party of USA

a) Alexander Hamilton
b) Franklin Roosevelt
c) George Washington
d) none of these(Thomas Jefferson)

16) Who was the first chief minister of Baluchistan from may 1972 to February 1973?
A) Sher Bux Murree
b) Sardar Attaullah Mengal
c) Nawab Akbar Bugti
d) none of these

17) Who was the first Muslim chief of air staff of Pakistan?
A) Air Marshal Asghar khan
b) Air marshal Noor khan
c) Air marshal Feroz khan
d) none of these

18) Which country is the biggest producer of uranium in the world?

A) France
b) South Africa
c) Canada
d) none of these

19) In Pakistan the first martial law was imposed on

a) August 1958
b) September 1958
c) October 1958
d) none of these

20) the federal government established Thar coal authority in which year
a) 2008
b) 2007
c) 2009
d) none of these



1. The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is
annually on:

(a) 21st September (b) 23rd September (c) 12th October (d) None of these

2. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed annually on:
(a) 25th December (b) 23rd November (c) 25th November (d) None of these

3. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on:

(a) 23rd May (b) 21st March (c) 01st March (d) None of these

4. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an clergyman, activist, and leader. He is famous for:

(a) Civil Rights Movement using non-violent civil disobedience in USA.

(b) Civil rights Movement using violence in South Africa.
(c) Civil Rights Movement using non-violent civil disobedience in India.
(d) Civil rights Movement using non-violence in Costa Rica.

5. Which of the following Country has absolutely no military forces?

(a) Costa Rica (b) Japan (c) Iceland (d) None of these

6. NATO Headquarters are located in:

(a) Birmingham (b) Barcelona (c) Baltimore (d) None of these(Brussels, Belgium)

7. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organisation of South
Asian nations. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC?
(a) Maldives (b) Myanmar (c) Bhutan (d) None of these

8. The UN uses the Human Development Index to:

(a) predict, in order to prevent, which countries are most likely to engage in ethnic cleansing.
(b) demonstrate how well a country is providing for its people’s welfare and security .
(c) predict the percentage of displaced people that will leave a failed state.
(d) prove that the Global South is not as poor as some have argued.
9. Which of the following states has not ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)?

(a) Canada (b) France (c) United States (d) None of these

10. The most significant greenhouse gas is:

(a) Ozone (b) Chlorofluorocarbons (c) Carbon Dioxide (d) None of these

11. An index that estimates the true rate of exchange among currencies is called:
(a) Human Development Index (b) Exchange Rate
(c) Purchasing Power Parity (d) None of these

12. The idea that leaders initiate foreign conflicts in order to distract public opinion from
controversial domestic policies is called:

(a) Diversionary Theory of War (b) Democratic Peace Theory

(c) Autocratic Rule (d) None of these

13. The lowest percentage of Internet users is found in:

(a) North America (b) Africa (c) Australia (d) None of these

14. The most prosperous members of the Global South, which have become important
exporters and
markets for the major industrialized countries, are known as:
(a) Newly industrialized countries. (b) Developed nations. (c) Asian Tigers. (d) None of these

15. In International Relations, a global system containing two dominant powers is labeled with
which of the
following terms?

(a) Bipolar (b) Nationalist (c) Isolationist (d) None of these

16. The Axis powers in World War II did not include:

(a) Germany (b) the Soviet Union (c) Italy (d) Japan

17. The proposition that a single dominant power can promote world peace comes from
________ theory.
(a) balance-of-power (b) Socialist (c) Hegemonic stability (d) None of these

18. The US ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens was killed by militants in

(a) Tripoli, Libya (b) Misrata, Libya (c) Benghazi, Libya (d) None of these

19. ____________explains how rational self-interested behavior by individuals may have a

collective effect.

(a) Tragedy of the commons (b) Population implosion (c) Carrying capacity (d) None of these

20. The process through which a country increases its capacity to meet its citizens’ basic human
needs and raise their standard of living is known as:

(a) Self-determination (b) Democratization (c) Development (d) None of these


1. Discuss in detail the efficacy of counter terrorism measures adapted by government

especially with reference to the national action plan?
2. what measures would you suggest to improve the economy of Pakistan particularly in the
areas of debt reduction and enhancing export capability?
3. Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently agreed rubric of comprehensive
dialogue between pak and your opinion what are the major constraints at present?
4. discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of will CPEC become a
game changer for the region?
5. how do you see recent developments in the middle east,particularly with reference to the
deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia and iran.what role,if any , pakistan could play in
reducing the tensions between two muslim countries?
6. examine the emerging strategic competition between china and US and its impact on global
7. discuss the adverse impact of climate change on the world and the measures recently adopted
by the paris conference to address this issue?
 At Political level
1. Nnacta had been been made more effective after recent attack on bacha khan university to
monitor terrorist threats by gathering analyzing and then coordinating with police and
paramilitary forces all the intelligence based info with government to make immediate quick
and decisive action
But still flaws are present in working of Nacta as recent objection raised by army on
governance performance by ISPR. as police force who work in collaboration with nacta is
politicized.for example in Karachi
2. seminaries faced restrictions.members of different seminaries are arrested and some were
This issue can be deal by having complete record of every seminary in each city and then a
special cell is required to be made to control maintain the working of seminaries.according
to” hive” the NGO..there are 3.5 million children in about 35000 seminaries.but auqaf
authorizes mentioned record of about 23000 the same time government need
proper scholars to be introduced and molvis should be trained by giving former the
employment and later the sense
3. Karachi operation gained commendable successes by flushing out all terrorist networks
thereby giving a warning shot across the bow to the accomplices to comport in acceptable
manner by setting examples of Dr. Asim and senior MQM leaders detentions.but yet created
issues to limit powers of rangers.
What is required now to develop consensus regarding the future foray of rangers in Karachi
by taking every political party on board
4. according Nap no terrorist organization which is banned is allowed to work under
different name and the airing of speech of any such organization is banned. But JuD is doing
5. the cross border terrorism lay question mark regarding operation Zarb e Azb as current
attacks on university claimed by mullah fazalluah in Afghanistan having his sympathizers in
Pakistan having NADRA issued Pakistan identity illegaly can make situation worst
Pakistan has right of hot pursuit to hunt mullah in Afghanistan either through covert
operation or through pak made drone strike as it is an international law.
Further institutions like NADRA needed to be dealt with strictly who are issuing illegally the
citizenship to Afghanis Indians and iranis.also Afghanistan needed to be taken on board to
perform such operation as General Raheel Sharif already told Afghanistan for hot pursuit.
 6. issue of Idps hadnot been solved properly.because of negligence of local government
bureaucracy. Hence there is no proper platform for them where they can address their it will fuel terrorism beside economic depravity.for example idps in Kpk
protesting angrily against imran khan for not making adequate resources for them to go back
 7. military courts absence will be a challenge for civilian courts because of nepotism .failed
prosecution system delayed justice system
1) Reconstruction of religious thoughts book written by Dr.Muhammad Allama Iqbal
2) Largest democracy? India
3) Obama is the 44th president of USA
4) National anthem composed by no correct option but closest was Hafeez Jullundhri
5) Headquarter of International Court of Justice is at The Hague (Netherlands).
6) Largest Arm importer in 2014 Saudi Arabia
7) Kalabagh Dam is not yet constructed due to Political conflict
8) Term intifada means? Uprising
9) Freedom house NGO Head Quarter in Washington D.C (United states of America)
10) Fifth international recognized mode of payment: currency Yuan (Chinese Currency)
11) President of Asian infrastructure investment bank Jin Liquin

12) Nelson Mandela day is celebrated on 18 july(but 17 july given in option and is
closest to 18)
13) India china military exercise in OCT-2015 took place at kunming (yunan province)
14) Order of rising sun is highest Military Award of Japan
15) Old name of Srilanka is Ceylon
16) First secretary General of UN was? Trygve Lie
17) Pakistan sent its first satellite with the collaboration of China in 1990 was Al-Badr


World Current Affairs MCQs Paper 2017

1. The 2016 Nobel Peace Prize was won by
1. Angela Merkel
2. Barack Obama
3. European Union
4. Juan Manuel Santos
2. The 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics was won by
1. Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom
2. Angus Deaton and Jean Tirole
3. Patrick Modiano
4. Arthur B. McDonald
3. Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics for their contributions
1. Supply and Demand
2. Consumption and Poverty
3. Contract theory
4. Consumption, Poverty and Welfare
4. North Korea on 6 January 2016 claimed that it had successfully tested a/an
1. atomic bomb
2. hydrogen bomb
3. biogas bomb
4. bomb based on fission reaction
5. Time magazine named _____ its Person of the Year 2016.
1. Angela Merkel
2. Donald Trump
3. Barack Obama
4. Vladimir Putin
6. Forbes magazine named _____ the world’s most powerful person of 2016.
1. Angela Merkel
2. Malala Yousafzai
3. Barack Obama
4. Vladimir Putin
7. On 24 November 2015 Russian jet was shot down by _____ Air Force.
1. American
2. German
3. British
4. Turkish
8. The Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia was signed on?
1. 18 February 2014
2. 18 March 2014
3. 24 February 2014
4. 24 March 2014
9. The Secretary of States of United States is ______ .
1. John Kerry
2. Joe Biden
3. Hillary Clinton
4. James F. Dobbins
10. The Vice President of United States is _______ .
1. John Kerry
2. Joe Biden
3. Hillary Clinton
4. James F. Dobbins
11. A faction of the Turkish Armed Forces tried to impose Martial Law in the country on
1. 15 July 2016
2. 20 July 2016
3. 25 July 2016
4. 30 July 2016
12. The attempted coup was mainly foiled by the
1. Turkish Army
2. Turkish Police
3. People of Turkey
4. Supporters of Turkish government
13. The Turkish government accused that the faction of the army was linked to
1. Opposition Parties
2. Kurds Forces
3. Syria
4. Fethullah Gulen
14. Fethullah Gulen is a religious and political leader lives in self-imposed exile in the
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Egypt
15. The 2020 Olympics will be held in ________.
1. London
2. Doha
3. Tokyo
4. Beijing
16. The FIFA World Cup 2018 will be held in
1. Argentina
2. Germany
3. Qatar
4. Russia
17. The FIFA World Cup 2022 will be held in
1. Argentina
2. Germany
3. Qatar
4. Russia
18. The Best FIFA Football Awards 2016 (Men) was won by
1. Cristiano Ronaldo
2. Lionel Messi
3. Neymar
4. Ronaldinho
19. The Best FIFA Football Awards 2016 (Women) was won by
1. Marta
2. Melanie Behringer
3. Carli Lloyd
4. Dzsenifer Marozsan
20. The 2016 Nobel Prize in literature was won by
1. Alice Munro
2. Svetlana Alexievich
3. Bob Dylan
4. Angus Deaton
Answer Keys
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. C
Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs 2017
1. The under construction Gulpur hydropower project to generate 102 MW of electricity is located in
a. Jhelum
b. Kotli
c. Mirpur
d. Gilgit
2. The under construction Bhikki Power Plant to generate 1180 MW of electricity is located in
a. Jhelum
b. Kotli
c. Jhang
d. Sheikhupura
3. The under construction Haveli Bahadur Shah Power Plant to generate 1230 MW of electricity is
located in
a. Jhelum
b. Kotli
c. Jhang
d. Sheikhupura
4. Moody’s on 11 June 2015 upgraded Pakistan’s foreign currency issuer and senior unsecured bond
ratings from
a. Caa1 to B3
b. B3 to B2
c. B2 to B1
d. B1 to A3
5. Shanghai Cooperation Organization approved membership of Pakistan into the organization on
a. 10 July 2015
b. 11 July 2015
c. 12 July 2015
d. 13 July 2015
6. Through TAPI gas pipeline Afghanistan, Pakistan and India will receive natural gas from
a. Kazakhstan
b. Kyrgyzstan
c. Tajikistan
d. Turkmenistan
7. The construction of TAPI gas pipeline began on 13 December 2015, and the expected completion
date is
a. December 2016
b. December 2017
c. December 2018
d. December 2019
8. Pakistan will receive _____ billion m3 natural gas from Turkmenistan per year.
a. 10
b. 12
c. 14
d. 16
9. Pakistan-Qatar deal to import LNG from Qatar to Pakistan is a government-to-government
contract for _____ years.
a. 9
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
10. Pakistan-Qatar LNG contract was signed on
a. 10 January 2016
b. 10 February 2016
c. 10 March 2016
d. 10 April 2016
1. B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C 10. B
CPEC Summary for Current Affairs 2017
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a series of under construction projects of worth more
than $50 billion across Pakistan. It is a 3,000-km long extensive network of roads, railways,
pipelines, special economic zones, dry ports, optical fiber cable network, and other energy and
infrastructure development projects across Pakistan.
The CPEC will link Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and
southwest Pakistan’s Gwadar Port in its Balochistan Province. China imports 60% of oil from
Persian Gulf. With the completion of CPEC, the distance for this import will reduce from 16,000 km
to a mere 5,000 km. And, it would take only 10 days instead of the current 45 days.
CPEC is considered as a golden opportunity for Pakistan to develop its infrastructure, overcome
power shortage on a fast-track, and take full advantage of its geographical location.
11. Who declared Finance Minister Ishaq Dar “Finance Minister of the year 2016 for South Asia”?
a. IMF
b. World Bank
c. Emerging Markets
d. World Economic Forum
12. The National Action Plan announced on 25 December 2014 by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is a
_____ point counter terrorism plan.
a. 20
b. 22
c. 24
d. 26
13. The construction work on Karachi green line (or Karachi Metro bus service) was inaugurated on
a. 10 February 2016
b. 16 February 2016
c. 20 February 2016
d. 26 February 2016
14. The estimated cost of the Karachi green line is _____ billion.
a. Rs. 20.6
b. Rs. 22.6
c. Rs. 24.6
d. Rs. 26.6
15. Government of Pakistan is considering to _____ corrupt persons from holding Public Office or
from being a Government Servant.
a. temporally disqualifying
b. permanently disqualifying
c. imprison
d. lower ranks of
16. Who is Secretary Finance?
a. Ishaq Dar
b. Ahsan Iqbal
c. Dr. Waqar Masood Khan
d. Nisar Muhammad Khan
17. Who won the “Most Resilient Journalist Award 2016”?
a. Hamid Mir
b. Syed Talat Hussain
c. Javed Chaudhry
d. Ansar Abbasi
18. The Free Press Award in the category Most Resilient Journalist is presented to a journalist who
has demonstrated extraordinary strength of _____ in reporting the news.
a. truth
b. character, courage and perseverance
c. reality, originality and sincerity
d. character
19. In the first phase of Thar Coal Power Project ____ MW of electricity will be generated.
a. 600
b. 620
c. 640
d. 660
20. Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) was formed by merging Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad stock
exchanges on
a. 11 January 2016
b. 12 January 2016
c. 13 January 2016
d. 14 January 2016
21. Governor Sindh Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui who died on 11 January 2017 had also served as
a. Chief Justice Sindh High Court
b. Chief Justice Lahore High Court
c. Chief Justice Islamabad High Court
d. Chief Justice of Pakistan
22. The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is
a. 1,000 km
b. 1,100 km
c. 1,200 km
d. 1,300 km
23. Prime Minister on 10 January 2017 announced a Rs. 180 billion incentive package for
a. importers
b. exporters
d. traders
e. agriculturists
24. Pakistan International Airline’s Premier Service was launched on
a. 23 March 2016
b. 14 August 2016
c. 6 September 2016
d. 24 December 2016
25. After Islamabad, Muzaffarabad and Quetta, Prime Minister on 12 January 2017 launched the
National Health Program in
a. Lahore
b. Peshawar
c. Narowal
d. Multan
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A
21. D 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. C

MOD 2017 AD Test Pattern Consisted of the Following:

1) MCQs 100 Marks (English, Math, Pak Affairs, International Law)
2) Current affairs (100 Marks)
3) Essay (100 Marks)

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