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Time : 2 Hours
HSE II Maximum : 60 Scores
1. Read the questions carefully before answering them.
2. Maximum time allowed is 2 hours 15 minutes, including cool off time.
3. First 15 minutes is cool off time during which you should not answer the questions. This time is
meant to read the questions carefully.
4. Answer all questions taking the internal choices.

1. VB IDE stands for ………………………………………….. [1]

2. Identify the control in VB which will generate an event during certain time interval. [1]

3. List the tag used in HTML which can be used to change the default font size of a document. [1]

4. The term used to denote the duplication of data in a database is ………………………. [1]

5. The tool used by system analyst to denote the details regarding data transaction and data
flow in a detailed manner is ……… [1]

6. Name the language which is used for developing .net based applications. [1]

7. What changes will occur in a table with the use of cell spacing and cell padding attribute of
an HML document? Explain with example. [2]

8. You are asked to find the sum of two numbers using subroutine. Write the necessary code
segment required for that. [2]

9. The date for final examination has been announced. Arun decided to calculate the remaining
days left for final examination using a function in VB. Identify the function and explain. [2]

10. The HTML file f1.html and f2.html was displayed inside a browser at the same time. Name
and write a short note on the facility available in HTML for displaying this. [2]

11. Compare digital signal and analog signal. [2]

12. ”Java is a platform independent language”-Justify. [2]

13. Match the following.

Text box Database
File List box Multiline
Image box Pattern
Data Control Stretch [3]
14. Usually arrays size is specified during declaration time itself. But there are some situations
where array size will vary depending on the requirement. Write a short note on the facility
available to declare such arrays whose size is specified during run time. [3]

15. Write a short note on the different methods available in List box control in VB. [3]

16. Rewrite the following section of code using While…Wend and predict the output.

For I = 1 to 10
If (I mod 2 = = 0) then
Print I
Exit sub
End If
Next I [3]

17. You are asked to make the following changes in a web page.

a) The background color of the web page should be changed to blue.

b) The style of text to be changed to arial.
c) The web page must have a text in the title line.

18. Explain the different aspects based on which the test of system proposal of the data collected
from the preliminary survey is conducted during the development of a system.
19. Ramu has been appointed as system analyst in a Private firm. He has been asked to make
modification in the system used in that company. List out the different ways in which he can [3]
make maintenance to the system.

20. Explain CSMA/CD. [3]

21. Consider the table student with fields sid, sname, smark, sgrade
a) Is it possible to delete the table student before deleting the records in it?

b) Write down the SQL command to delete the rows of table student.
c) Write down the SQL command to delete the table student.

22. Ramu wants to create a web page which opens another web page when clicked inside the [3]
text. Explain in detail the technique available in HTML for that.
23. Compare Physical data independence and logical data independence. [3]
24. Different methods are available to access the data in a record set by traversing through it.
Explain in detail.
25. Explain in detail the different commands and its syntax available in SQL for the creation of
table and the manipulation of data inside it. [5]


26. A table named Emp is to be created with the attributes Emp Code, Empl Name, Department,
Designation and Salary. Write SQL Statements for the following:

(a) To create the table with Employee code as primary key.

(b) To insert the details of an employee

(c) To list the names of employees in Finance department

(d) To list the number of employees in each department.

(e) To display the details of employees according to the decreasing order of salary. [5]

27. Explain in detail the different tags associated with the TABLE tag of HTML document and
illustrate its uses with example.

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