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Mendoza, Jorvi Angell A.


S.Y 2018-2019

Title Page



Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Definition of TERMS

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Research

Scope and Delimitations


Console Gaming Violence Tolerance

CHAPTER 3: Methodology

Research Design

Subjects and Study Site

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Ethical Consideration

Statistical Treatment of Data



Background of the Study:

Now a days video games are among the most popular recreational activities of children and
adolescents. Because these contents are often displayed with a very high degree of realism, due to
the fast and constant technological evolution of consoles and personal computers. Violent gaming
is only with those measures of aggression usually implemented in experimental studies. But also
with more serious forms of aggression such as anti-social and delinquent behaviour. It is a big
impact for adolescence because they are at the peak of being curious in every little things in this

The present study shows that the effect of playing violent video games has an immense impact to
the behaviour of a console gamer. It significantly increases level of aggression. According to
(McCormick 2014).

Violent video games players themselves was observed if they’re sensitive or more emotional more
than non-console gamers. The highlight of this was, because over 85% of video games nowadays
contain at least some minor issues or violence and half of video games was indulged to more
serious violent actions according to (Kneifer 2014).

Continuous exposure to violent games may affect an individual less likely to fear or anger and lead
to greater difficulties for them to become sad and disgusted and experience empathy in realm of
reality. Many people nowadays doesn’t know how powerful video games can be. It has a positive
effect and negative effect. But mostly, in this generation, adolescents tend to imitate what they see
in games.
Statement of the Problem:

1. Effect of console gaming

2. The level of violence tolerance

There has no significant effect of console gaming and violence tolerance among adolescents.
Definition of TERMS:

The following terms were defined according to how they will be utilized in the study:

Console Gaming – Console gaming are a popular media alternative for individuals and this is a
growing industry that seeks to target a variety of ages. One particular genre of video games that
has recently and increasingly been analysed and evaluated is video games that feature violence.

Violence Tolerance –
Theoretical Framework:

It is imperative that we begin by considering the possible expansion of the standard horizon
along which violence is considered. At its most simplistic, base definition, violence is a
rather obvious kinetic display of force, generally targeted toward one individual by another
individual, one group by another group. It is true that even the popular understanding of violence
allows for more broad applications the psychological violence of verbal abuse or bullying, the
harm done to an individual’s self image by ridicule or shame. But even these do not seem to fully
encompass the potentially vast spectrum of precisely what can be called violent according to
(Kleeb 2014).
Conceptual Framework:


This diagram above shows the process of research in which the researcher will identify the effect
of console gaming and violence tolerance among adolescent. This will be utilized in the study to
support our results further.
Significance of the Research:

This significance of this study is to find out the relationship of console gaming and violence
tolerance among adolescents.

For the Parents, this study would be significant to all parents so they could determine the level of
violence tolerance of their children.

For the Students, this study would be significant to all students so they could determine the level
of violence tolerance among high school students.

For the Teachers, this study would be significant to all students so they could determine the level
of violence tolerance among adolescents.
Scope and delimitations:

The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of console gaming and violence tolerance
among adolescents in Emiliano Tria Terona Highschool, Kawit, Cavite. This study will be
limited to the following:

1. Study will focus on highschool students of Emiliano Tria Terona Highchool, Kawit,

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