Assistant Paper.16 BP

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PPSC Past Paper Assistant (BS-16)

1. Nippon Stock exchange: JAPAN

2. Disputed states between India and Pakistan except Kashmir: JUNAGATH
3. Bait ulmamur : 7TH HEAVEN
4. Idioms; To take with a grain of salt: TO UNDERSTAND SOMETHING INCORRECT
5. To talk through one’s hat: TO SPEAK WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACT
6. To be at loggerheads: TO BE IN CONFLICT
7. Cataclysm: CATASTROPHE
8. Conjecture : GUESS
9. France President: EMMANEUL MACRON
10. Penicillin discovered by: ALEXANDER FLEMING

11. Indian ocean and Atlantic ocean met at: CAPE TOWN
12. Ayat ul Kursi: SURAH BAKRA
13. Lowest fat milk: SKIMMER
14. Odd one; 14, 17, 19, 37, 53, 81 ANS: 81
15. Odd one; 5,15,35,43,50,55: ANS: 43
16. 15 heads and 50 legs: 10 LIONS 5 PARROTS
17. Not a organ of UN: ILO
18. EU headquarter: BRUSSELS
19. Baghdad pact 1959 rejected by: IRAQ
20. Child organization: UNICE

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