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September 27, 2019•Volume 105, Issue 9•nique.



. .

technique Climate Strike p3 RT: Cancel Culture p7

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



Top L: Photo by Rommi Isabelle Musmanno Student Publications; Top R: Photo courtesy of Youtube; Above: Photo courtesy of Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Flickr


Indie artist Shelby Merry speaks on new album

“Tiger Heart” marks a new era Adult Swim series “Final Space.” It is for reasons like these that Shelby Merry: I love pop mu-
GABE JONES of music in Merry’s career. It is a The album represents a true tri- Merry’s song “Gallows” just hit sic, such as Troye Sivan and Betty
CONTRIBUTING WRITER powerful album, each song inde- umph over the difficult situations one million streams on Spotify. Who, so they were a big influence
pendent from the others, yet all and relationships in her life and She is an exceptional personality for me. Their first albums are in
The halls of iTunes and Spotify are woven together inseparably. contains elements from a broad with a humble background and my top five of all time. Pop music
are filled with the latest and great- Every song means something dif- variety of genres in just one 13 heart for music and for love. And has definitely made its way into
est of pop hits, the tunes consum- ferent to her but all tie into love, song album. “Tiger Heart” is a true reflection my sound in the last few albums
ers play on repeat until their ears longing, relationships and the Shelby Merry’s “Tiger Heart” of that. from me.
bleed. But below the surface often heart. They speak of heartbreak, is truly the pinnacle of her work The Technique recently sat I just want people to have fun
lie the underdogs, independent of longing and of powerful and as an artist, and it also shows who down with the Nashville-based when they listen to “Tiger Heart,”
artists who are actively striving to deep connections to people. Each she is as a person. Just before its artist and chatted with her about and pop music made sense for
lay the groundwork for their rise piece truly emphasizes what it release, Merry used the album as the album, her influences and her that. I’m definitely a theme kind
to stardom. One of these under- means to love. an opportunity for a call to action. past work. of person, so every song deals with
appreciated artists is Nashville na- “Tiger Heart” also comes at A friend’s dog was going to need a Technique: What were some the different versions of the heart:
tive Shelby Merry, who recently the end of a hard period of time very expensive surgery, and she of- of biggest influences and inspira- longing, desire, heartache, happi-
released her fifth studio album for Merry as she wraps up com- fered an early release of the album tions for you while you were writ- ness, etc.
“Tiger Heart” on Sept. 13. posing and songwriting for the to everyone who donated. ing “Tiger Heart”? See MERRY, page 14
Students on Strike technique
Josh Bowling
Tech students participate in the global cli-
mate strike 45 Friday,
2 September 27, 2019

core values of both our society specifically recommended in the of the integrity of our elections,”
and our department,” Acting report concerning online extrem- Pelosi said in the announcement
DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan ist recruitment. In addition, the press conference.
said in a speech on the same day report also lays out, among other The inquiry comes in response
the report was released. items, plans to partner with local to a whistleblower complaint
The report outlines strategies law enforcement to provide ter- lodged at Trump on Aug. 12
DHS uses to investigate possible rorism threat response training for his phone conversation with
instances of terrorism abroad and and increase citizen awareness of Ukrainian president Volody-
how they may be applied to the extremist violence. myr Zelensky in July. The White
domestic sphere. McAleenan fur- The report comes in the wake House released a summary of the
ther identifies social media and of several years of increased white conversation Sept. 25 some hours
the Internet as tools of recruit- supremacist violence in the U.S., after the impeachment inquiry
ment. including dozens of mass killings announcement ended.
JOSH BOWLING “Private organizations and and multiple instances of bomb- According to the summary,
NEWS EDITOR technology companies have en- ing threats. President Trump and Trump congratulated Zelensky MARY BANGS
gaged in counter-messaging cam- his administration have been un- on a recent electoral victory before CONTRIBUTING WRITER
NEW DHS REPORT paigns seeking to steer individuals der scrutiny after the president the latter promised to buy more
The U.S. Department of away from messages of violence. described white supremacist activ- Javelin anti-tank missiles from the GONE PHISHIN’
Homeland Security (DHS) re- DHS will support these efforts by ists in Charlottesville, Va. as “very U.S., at which point Trump asked While online scams and spam
leased a new “strategic framework sharing threat information when fine people” after a far-right rally Zelensky to investigate Crowd- emails clutter everyone’s inbox,
for countering terrorism and tar- possible, evaluating the efficacy ended in a counter-protestor’s Strike, an American cybersecurity a recent string of phishing email
geted violence” on Sept. 20 which of counternarrative efforts, and death in 2017. firm that investigated the Demo- scams have been targeting Tech
lists white supremacist terror as a providing grant funding to effec- cratic National Committee hacks students and staff in particular.
threat to national security for the tive campaigns. DHS will engage THE “I” WORD in 2016, and current presidential Tech’s cyber security team sent
first time in the 18-year existence the technology sector to identify U.S. Speaker of the House candidate Joe Biden. out a notification via Reddit on
of DHS. and amplify credible voices on- Nancy Pelosi announced Sept. 24 Democrats argue that Trump Sept. 17 warning the community
“We continue to see violent at- line, and promote counternar- that the House would launch an committed an abuse of power of the issue. The emails appear
tacks based on hateful ideology. ratives against violent extremist impeachment inquiry regarding when he ordered acting White to be coming from people with
The continuing menace of racially messaging. In these efforts, DHS President Trump. House Chief of Staff Mick Mul- suspicious Tech-affiliated emails;
based violent extremism, particu- will prioritize freedom of expres- “The actions of the Trump vaney to withhold $400 million many of these addresses end with
larly white supremacist extrem- sion, privacy, civil rights and civil presidency revealed the dishonor- in military aid to Ukraine one “”
ism, is an abhorrent affront to our liberties, while seeking to convey able fact of the President’s betrayal week before calling Zelensky The content of the spam mes-
nation, the struggle and unity of the harm done by targeted vio- of his oath of office, betrayal of about investigating CrowdStrike sages generally solicits the receiver
its diverse population, and the lence and terrorism,” McAleenan our national security and betrayal and Biden. to spend money on gift cards to
be delivered to the sender. When

ALTERNATIVE CROWD questioned, the responses tend to
ach week, this section of JOSH BOWLING Alternative Service Breaks be brief and urgent, suggesting
NEWS EDITOR (ASB) requested funds for sending that the receiver should send gift
News will include coverage students and staff on service trips cards or other desired informa-
of different aspects of bills DRAMATIC FACE LIFT around the southeast for fall break tion. Often, these emails appear
DramaTech, Tech’s theatre in mid October. to be from a person in a position
and resolutions that have passed
company housed in the Ferst Cen- According to the bill’s Jack- of authority such as a staff mem-
through Student Government. This ter, requested funding to overhaul etPages entry, students and staff ber or dean.
will include the Undergraduate their lobby, which “hasn’t been would be “serving with Habitat The cyber security team warns
updated in several years.” for Humanity in Asheville, NC, to be on the lookout for emails
House of Representatives, Graduate The bill’s author said, in the the National Parks Service in that include the following warn-
Student Senate and the Executive bill’s JacketPages entry, “These Cherokee, NC, 7 Elements in Sel- ing signs: an email address resem-
improvements will include gen- ma, AL and the Salvation Army in bling a Tech email, short requests
Branch of both government bodies. eral beautification (fresh paint, Panama City Beach, FL,” during for contact information, escala-
new/better LED lights, and cur- the period of Oct. 11-15. Partici- tions to ask for gift cards or mon-
BILL SUMMARY tains for box office and conces- pants will help with local projects ey of some form, poor grammar or
sions areas) and some items to and communities, including areas spelling and a tone of urgency.
BILL AMOUNT GSS UHR make an updated, more comfort- affected by Hurricane Dorian. Students seeing emails in their
able seating area for our audience ASB participants pay fees that inboxes that display these traits
members as they wait to enter the allow ASB “to operate as a self- should send them to phishing@
DramaTech Lobby Redesign $1,443.63 TBA TBA theatre. Our objective is to create sustaining program,” and they are, so the cyber security
Alternative Service Breaks F19 $2,089.24 22-0-0 28-0-1 a more inviting space as audience also applying for funds outside of team can analyze the message and
members enter the theatre.” SGA, including a trivia night at display it on their website (phish-
Pridefest 2019 $256.00 22-0-0 28-0-1 DramaTech celebrates its 72nd Rocky Mountain Pizza, to fit this for reference to
year at Tech in 2019. semester’s bill. other students.

sliver // your thoughts
I find it disgusting that the Technique is lionizing an individual
as divisive as Scout Schulz. We should not venerate those who
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
Josh Bowling
force others to assist them in their suicide. If you would like to OPINIONS EDITOR
share your opinion, you can contact us via or send Vivian Wang
a letter to the editor. LIFE EDITOR
They need to put in more hammocks around campus Will Finch MANAGING EDITOR Jaimee Francis
ordering halfsweet nonfat pumpkin spice lattes while simultane- ENTERTAINMENT
ously claiming i’m not basic is my personality Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the EDITOR
polly is the queen Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of Josh Trebuchon
Come to the debate on Monday the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique SPORTS EDITOR
ENOUGH WITH THE ABLEISM publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in John Edwards
Nut! the summer.
Josh T. is a Furry. PHOTO EDITOR
come at me scrublord im RIPPED ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at Allie Ghisson
Illustrations are luxuries for the BOUGIOUSIE ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
I really like boris johnson not gonna lie. It’s just so entertaining week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
Beatrice Domingo
to watch him. mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique.
Finciocco, get over here net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ONLINE EDITOR
is hair edible
Isn’t one of you supposed to be the Jeni’s guy? Copyright © 2019, Zoie Konneker, Editor-in-Chief, and the
Baylee Friedman
Sometimes you have to put your foot down, even if it is into scat Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this pa- WEB DEVELOPER
Is evan gillion a show on netflix or a past SGA president per may be reproduced in any manner without written permission Jahziel
Apple watches are red flags from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publica- Villasana-Espinoza
If you wear a Jansport Backpack, you’re not a college student, tions. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual au-
thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of HEAD COPY EDITOR
you’re a middle schooler/ Avni Shridhar
Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia
Why did emoticons just disapear? Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First
I’m gonna go ChiCAHgo to meet RAHger and eat itYAlian food. copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
But first I need to do my stYAtics hw with AmYAANda. feet.
// NEWS technique • September 27, 2019• 3

Jackets lead in Atlanta climate strikes

passers-by. True to Tech students, “It felt like a very intellectual The United States, China and groups on campus, such as the
POLLY OUELLETTE few of the strikers are truly skip- experience — I was learning from India are the three biggest indi- Association of Environmental
STAFF WRITER ping class, and those that do make the strikers, speakers and the sto- vidual emitters of the greenhouse Engineers and Scientists, Veg-
arrangements with professors be- ries behind their voices.” gasses that are causing climate gie Jackets and the Student Sus-
Tech climate activists made forehand. Musmanno said it felt good to change according to the World tainability Advisory Council.
their voices heard this weekend as Musmanno helped organize be involved in such a protest, but Resources Institute. She worked with Alex Ip, a sec-
part of the global Youth Climate Tech’s participation in Friday’s she has plans for more action. On However, the commitments ond year ENVE, and Thiago Es-
Strike on Friday, Sept. 20. The global climate strike. Students Friday, Sept. 27, Tech students made by these countries earlier slinger, second year BIOCHEM,
strike was organized around the made signs and joined other stu- plan to participate in another pro- this week still do not do enough to make Fridays for the Future a
United Nations Climate Action dents who traveled to the Georgia test. to limit warming to two degrees reality at Tech.
Summit, which took place in New Capitol building to remind Atlan- This time, they plan to help Celsius, the target of the UN’s “We need to protect the envi-
York City from Sept. 21-23. ta leaders that they care about the fellow protestors shut down a Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- ronment so the environment can
The climate strike was largely climate crisis. street in Buckhead. mate Change. live,” said Musmanno.
inspired by Swedish climate ac- “It was very special to be “This week, the goal is to stop There is more to be done, “It was here before us. It’s re-
tivist Greta Thurnberg, who around people that were similarly business as usual as a way of show- and some of it is happening ally important to me to promote
was invited to speak at the Sum- passionate as me,” said Elizabeth ing if we continue business as usu- on Tech’s campus. Musmanno environmentalism because we
mit. Thunberg organized school Krakovski, 4th year PUBP, who al, the planet is going to die,” said is part of several sustainabil- only have one planet and its unfair
strikes in which students would attended the strike on Friday. Musmanno. ity and environmental activism of us to abuse it in the way we do.”
refuse to attend class and protest
outside their schools in the hopes
that politicians would see that the
youngest generation cares deeply
about their actions regarding the
climate crisis. According to 350.
org, an environmental advocacy
group, more than 4 million stu-
dents participated globally.
Tech students have begun fol-
lowing Thunberg’s lead. A group
of climate activists and inter-
ested individuals sit outside the
Clough Undergraduate Learning
Commons from 11 a.m. to noon
on Fridays. Their aim is to raise
awareness of the climate crisis and
be an avenue for interested stu-
dents to learn more. They call it
“Fridays for the Future”.
“This is an issue that college
kids — Georgia Tech college
kids — forget is happening in the
world around them,” said Isabelle
Musmanno, 4th year ENVE and
one of the organizers of Fridays
for the Future. “We use this as a
reminder that every major can
do something about this cause. It
shows that its a part of every ones’
The group sits near the Clough Photo by Rommi Kashlan Student Publications
roundabout every week, intend- Students who protest climate change inaction weekly sit outside Clough. Their protest on Sept. 20 coincided with the worldwide
ing to start a conversation with action, on the same day. This group regularly meets on Fridays to protest and raise awareness during campus’ most high traffic times.


Join the

Flags Bldg 137 t Writers, Designers, Photographers


4 • September 27, 2019• technique // NEWS

IAC holds public town hall for dean search

search committee were selected on the campus community about An announcement of the new increased by almost 40% from
MASON FAVRO the basis of an application sent to their plans for the school was also Dean is expected in the latter part the 2014-15 academic year to the
STAFF WRITER students in the Ivan Allen College a feature of the searches for the of the upcoming spring semester. current 2019-20 year. Royster offi-
this past spring. deans of the Colleges of Comput- Last spring, the previous dean cially stepped down from the posi-
Last Friday, the Ivan Allen The applications received by ing and Engineering. Jaqcueline Royster stepped down tion on Aug. 31.
College (IAC) hosted a town hall the committee will then be re- Following the campus visits, from the position. Royster had oc- “These last nine years have
discussion about the process of viewed until January of this up- the committee will deliberate on cupied the office since 2010, and mattered to me greatly. It has been
searching for the college’s next coming year, when the finalists of the candidates for a few weeks, has overseen the introduction of an honor and a pleasure to work
dean. The hour long event, which the search will be invited to speak taking into account their perfor- new courses of study as well as with all of you to create a new
consisted of a brief presentation on campus. Finalists speaking to mance at the campus town halls. seismic shifts in enrollment, which horizon for liberal arts at Georgia
laying out the expected timetable Tech,” Royster said in a statement.
of the search, as well as questions John Tone, the current Dean
yielded by students, was the first of Undergraduate Studies in the
step that the college has taken. Ivan Allen College and a profes-
So far, the college and search sor in the School of History and
committee have not released any Sociology, was appointed as In-
names of people who have submit- terim Dean while the search com-
ted their applications for consider- mittee evaluates applicants. Tone
ation. has been with the Institute since
The IAC’s search committee, 1990, serving in a variety of ca-
in conjunction with Atlanta man- pacities, including Associate Dean
agement consulting firm Russell of IAC since 2008, in addition to
Reynolds Associates (RRA), will his post as professor.
be soliciting applications for the This is not his first experience
dean position until early Novem- leading as an interim leader. In
ber. RRA specializes in executive 2017, when the School of Econom-
talent searches, and they will be ics was looking for a new chair, he
handling aspects of the search took over during the search. Even-
process that have to do with the tually, Laura Taylor was selected
solicitation and collection of ap- for the position of chair.
plications so that the search com- The college, which encom-
mittee can focus on evaluating the passes the Schools of Economics,
applicants. Public Policy, International Af-
The dean search committee fairs, Literature Media and Com-
consists of sixteen individuals as- munication, Modern Languages
sociated with the College, includ- and History and Sociology, was
ing undergraduate students, a founded in 1948. It was renamed
Ph.D. student and members of the for Institute alumnus and Atlanta
faculty and staff from the schools mayor Ivan Allen in 1990, and
under the umbrella of the Ivan Photo courtesy of News Center according to Institute enrollment
Allen College. The undergradu- John Tone acts as interim dean for Ivan Allen College while the search for a new dean statistics it has a student popula-
ate students who are a part of the continues. He has served as associate dean with Dean Royster as long as she has served. tion of just over 1,200.
OPINIONS EDITOR: Vivian Wang technique

Had the price of looking been
blindness, I would have
— Ralph Ellison September 28, 2018

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

A few steps forward for climate change

Commending Tech on forward-thinking solutions
On Friday, members of Tech’s student and commitment to building carbon-pos-
body gathered in solidarity for a climate itive infrastructure and fostering large-
strike of our own. These days, the words scale sustainable practices. As President
“climate change” are thrown around so fre- Emeritus George P. “Bud” Peterson em-
quently as a pressing matter that some may phasized in his exit speech, Tech is unique-
even feel that language to be normalized, ly positioned as a technology institute that
even pedestrian. But we continue to cover is continually challenged by the high ener- ATL United Again Market Delay
On Sunday, Atlanta United The new rollout of the Tech
climate change in local and national news gy consumption needs of the South and is FC surged past the San Jose ‘Community Market’ was
out of pure necessity, because the situation situated next to all of the state’s legislators Earthquakes in a sweeping 3-1 postponed to October 9th,
victory, to the delight of many to the disappointment of stu-
has escalated beyond cautionary rhetoric. and policy-changers. dents anticipating the vendors’
local fans and Tech students.
As the U.S. has withdrawn from the We are already leaps and bounds ahead Although the game produced return. The rescheduling of the
Paris Agreement and continues to enter- of most areas of the country that still work several complications as several Market has supposedly been
players sustained injuries and a due to concerns with the type
tain climate change deniers in the high- to convince others that climate change is of permits required for market
few ejections, Atlanta United
est positions of office, Tech remains active a real and rapidly encroaching threat. To managed to score two exciting vendors to operate on campus,
in the fight to preserve all that our planet fail to strike during such an opportune points to top off a solid lead in as well as to allow for a more
the second-half stoppage time. comprehensive legal review.
holds dear. The completion of Tech’s new time in climate change activism would be
Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustain- a huge misstep for the university — we
able design will be punctuated this Fri- should continue to follow the lead of other
day by a Global Climate Action Summit academic institutions such as Cornell and
involving six European consulates, and is American Universities in committing to a
a welcome step in the right direction by deadline to make our campus carbon-neu-
a school that prides itself on technology tral. Students across all disciplines have a
and continuous innovation for good. The prospective role to play in this fight, and
carbon-positive nature of the building is a the Institute should be leveraging students’ Fall Equinox! Perilous Pothole
This past Monday, Septem- An abnormally large pot-
radical departure from simply LEED-cer- analytical talents and passion for service in ber 23rd, marked the official hole, even for the likes of West
tified buildings, and is a solid proof-of-con- the planning and execution of future con- start of the fall season. The Campus and those on Hemp-
Fall Equinox is the astronomi- hill Avenue, was recently ob-
cept approach for future construction en- struction and sustainability projects. cal start of fall in the Northern served by students living in
deavors. We commend Tech on its modest A good-faith measure that could be im- Hemisphere and the spring Eight Street Apartments. The
marketing strategy for the completion of plemented to keep students, faculty, and season in the Southern Hemi- so-called pot-hole is most
sphere, marked by the precise likely the result of an increase
the Kendeda Building by refraining from other interested parties in the loop could moment the Sun’s center pass- in plumbing or electrical work
pandering to the press and instead normal- be as simply as keeping a high-visibility es an imaginary extension into currently being ramped up
izing this type of construction as the next running thermometer graphic that con- space of the Earth’s own equa- around many West Campus
tor line. residential apartments.
logical step in green architecture. cretely helps the viewer understand the
The pressure remains on for the univer- progress being made by the university on
sity as a whole to maintain its momentum this front in simplified terms.
technique editorial board
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Will Finch MANAGING EDITOR
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. Josh Bowling NEWS EDITOR
Jaimee Francis LIFE EDITOR
Beatrice Domingo DESIGN EDITOR
Jahziel Villasana-Espinoza WEB DEVELOPER
It’s too much of a distraction for our
defense instead of the opponent. Baylee Friedman ONLINE EDITOR
Bring back Marching Band chords.
Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the Technique. Along with these letters,
‘Money down’ is too much like we are open to receiving letters that
trying to make “fetch” happen. Got something to say? Then let
your voice be heard with the Tech-
focus on relevant issues that currently
affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
The article articulates extremely to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
well exactly the problem: it’s being response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
treated as a game. It isn’t. as topics relevant to campus. We will
print letters on a timely and space-
for length and style.
For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that
6 • September 28, 2018• technique // OPINIONS

Alcohol at Tech sporting events Osteopathy schools lack

sales at sporting events for the Most students do not go to
2015-2016 academic year, and football and basketball games be-
originality and purpose
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR according to the Diamondback, cause they are passionate about “They should be
drinking-related gameday ejec- the sports. Rather, they go be-
This summer, the SEC an- tions at football games declined cause the games are social events working harder to distinguish
nounced that it was ending its from 61 the year prior to 18 in the that provide a fun all-around themselves from a baseline
prohibition on alcohol sales at first year of sales and 12 in the sec- experience. The same cannot be
sanctioned sporting events. While ond. Over the same period, ejec- said for the students that attend medical education.”
this news made a surprisingly big tions from basketball games de- non-revenue sporting events,
splash in the sports world, most of clined from 12, to seven, to zero. and alcohol sales could help VIVIAN WANG
the coverage around it was come- This evidence is somewhat to change that. OPINIONS EDITOR
dic — journalists and fans joking anecdotal, but in the 2015-2016 If reasonably-priced drinks
about how badly it could all go and 2016-2017 seasons, the were available at a Friday night
wrong come football season. NCAA conducted a more for- baseball or softball game, it is easy The emergence of “Doctor of or surgical residencies, operat-
At first, my reaction was the mal trial, serving alcohol at se- to imagine those games becoming Osteopathic Medicine” (D.O.) ing alongside their MD counter-
same. I thought about how diffi- lect post-season events in various major campus events that students schools in the world of medicine parts, how is that in line with a
cult it would be to monitor con- sports. The results were a decrease look forward to and attend for a has largely been explained by different approach to treatment?
sumption and how rowdy the fan- in unruly behavior, often by fun all-around experience, like the increased need for alternative How does ‘holistic’ care play out
bases are without in-game alcohol significant margins. football games are now. tracks to medical school to meet day-to-day in hospitals in the
sales. Sounds like a recipe for di- Based on available evidence, A critical phrase there is “rea- the primary care demand of the real world? If they wish to repre-
saster, right? then, alcohol sales are unlikely to sonably-priced.” If alcohol is in- rapidly aging U.S. population. sent a true departure from a more
Still, that position does not worsen fan behavior and they may troduced, it should not just be a As a premedical student, I con- rigid form of medicine, schools
hold up well to a more thought- even improve it. Now for the ben- gameday feature for alumni who tinue to remain baffled as to why should not be shying away from
ful examination. In fact, there is efits: alcohol sales would increase are willing to buy massively over- there exists this subset of medical being different and should be
plenty of reason to believe that revenue for the athletic depart- priced concessions. $10 beer and schools to begin with. working harder to further distin-
introducing alcohol sales at Tech ment while improving the fan- wine is not going to improve stu- The main premise of D.O. guish themselves from a baseline
could provide a lot of benefits. experience and possibly boosting dent attendance at Tech’s non- schools are that they are train- medical education.
We can start by addressing the attendance. revenue sporting events, but at $3 ing a new cohort of physicians to Until D.O. schools are able
potential hazards. The fact is, peo- Granted, alcohol sales do not it just might. look at the diagnosis as a cumu- to back their claims with data
ple who want to be intoxicated at always increase profits, at least im- Implementing alcohol sales lative process rather than treating that their doctors actually pro-
football games will be intoxicated mediately. When at non-revenue based on symptoms alone, which vide more holistic care and have
at football games. Fans, from stu- Maryland intro- sports could pro- may very well be a good thing as a greater emphasis on preventa-
dents to 65 year-old die-hards, duced alcohol at “Although alcohol sales vide serious ben- more and more people require less tive measures, they will continue
have been imbibing on game- their events, the efits for students, invasive or non-traditional meth- to fail garnering the interest of
days for as long there have been program actually could have a positive fans, the athletic ods of treatment and palliative the most competitive students
gamedays. At the moment, this turned a loss in its impact on football, department and care. But I am unconvinced that who wish to pursue a career in
is restricted to pre and post-game first year. While even the athletes D.O. schools are accomplishing healthcare, and perhaps more im-
tailgates, which only encourages the initiative be- non-revenue sports themselves. In this aim at all. The schools will portantly, the renown and respect
fans to drink excessively and keep gan generating could have the most to fact, the best solu- emphasize to students that there is that a profession in the healthcare
a “buzz” on throughout the game. small profits in its tion might be to no difference between theirs and a sector demands.
It is possible that at least some second year, the gain.” allow alcohol sales traditional M.D. school, that both The next half century’s ap-
of these individuals would drink sales are hardly a exclusively at these will lead to the same specialty and proach to medical innovation will
just as excessively before the cash-cow for the events. residency opportunities. be preventative, with the advent
game and then continue drinking athletic department there. While sales could benefit foot- They will stress to the pre-med of personalized medicine and ad-
throughout the event, but allow- Still, alcohol sales would boost ball and men’s basketball as well, student that both are perfectly vi- vanced gene therapy. As aging
ing alcohol sales is just as likely revenues indirectly by increasing the initiative would also be much able ways of becoming a licensed populations have to increasingly
to reduce pregame consumption. attendance. Additionally, improv- more difficult to implement at and practicing physician, and deal with extended lifespans and
Granted, it is difficult to imagine ing the fan experience broadens these larger-scale sporting events should garner the same amount how to best avoid diseases com-
the availability of $10 beers during the fan base and gives the depart- than at smaller games, where of respect as a profession, despite plicated and induced by age, such
a football game discouraging col- ment a larger pool of potential do- there are fewer ID’s to check and there being evidence that D.O. as cancer and Alzheimer’s, it is a
lege students from getting blasted nors and season ticket-buyers. fewer concession stands to retrofit. schools have lower requirements medical imperative that people
on grain alcohol mixed drinks be- Although alcohol sales could With such a small risk for harm for admission. If there is such an begin to think of medicine less as
fore the game, but if students are have a big positive impact on foot- and so many potential benefits, emphasis on homogeneity of ca- a cut-and-dry diagnosis that leads
not going to buy alcohol during ball, if implemented correctly, one has to wonder: why shouldn’t reer and patient outcomes, why to astronomical costs as issues
the game anyways, then allowing non-revenue sports could have the Tech introduce alcohol sales? then do D.O. schools have a rea- are not resolved, provided that
alcohol sales will not affect their most to gain from them. Sports The historical reasons for son for existing at all? healthcare policy have been slow
behavior at all. like baseball, softball and wom- banning alcohol sales at athletic I would argue that D.O. to change, and more of an ongo-
There is even some evidence en’s basketball constantly struggle events do not justify depriving schools do themselves a disser- ing series of follow-ups. We need
that introducing alcohol sales to to improve attendance, and like it less popular sports of the increases vice by assuring students that the to be proactive, and it does not
college sporting events decreases or not, introducing alcohol sales in engagement and revenue they two paths are largely the same. seem like D.O. schools are doing
bad fan behavior. The University at these events would make them stand to gain from a change in If doctors practicing osteopathic much to change the rhetoric and
of Maryland introduced alcohol more enticing for students. the policy. medicine still complete urology medical practice around that.
// OPINIONS technique • September 28, 2018• 7

What role should ‘cancel culture’ play in

today’s comedic landscape?
SNL’s Shane Gillis was recently ejected for a racist slur
In today’s landscape however, towards him before, in settings for his comments regarding Yang
MAX JARCK organizations rarely give second NAZ OZTURK that definitely did not have any in his podcast. With his shows
CONTRIBUTING WRITER chances. Cancel culture harms CONTRIBUTING WRITER elements of humour to them. Dis- having a continued emphasis on
our society, and it creates a ster- crimination is still rampant in our politics and jokes that mock mi-
The term “cancel culture” has ile environment where one must In today’s media, humor is used society and it does not help to nor- norities, it seems that Gillis’ ter-
emerged to describe the perni- always be careful while they con- nearly in any situation; comedians malize derogatory comments by mination from SNL had little to
cious atmosphere surrounding tinue to toe the line. take to social media, podcasts and labelling them as only a joke. Let- no effect on the messages that he
forms of public discourse. Come- “Woke” harbingers of the even live shows to discuss matters ting jokes like the ones made by continues to promote.
dian Bill Burr and many in the emerging culture seize any politi- ranging from politics to social is- Gillis slide only opens the flood- At this moment, there are no
public argue Shane Gillis is the cally incorrect quote they can and sues in a so-called light hearted gates for countless other vulgar other penalties for Gillis’ disre-
latest to fall victim to “millennial use it to stir up outrage, which of- setting. But how long can we comments and actions directed spectful actions. Gillis is well
rats” after SNL fired Gillis when ten leads to the destruction of the truly excuse someone’s comments towards the mi- within his first
videos surfaced in which he used perpetrators career. The media, for the sake of comedy before norities in our “But how long can we amendment right:
racist slurs. large corporations and education- we are just excusing brazen rac- communities. with freedom of
Some of the best comedy al institutions have all pledged ism and derogatory remarks? It’s There must be truly excuse someone’s speech being his
pushes the edge of what we themselves to this new “woke” no question for me: whether it is consequences for comments for the saviour. At this
deem appropriate. Comedians society, therefore, they can easily within a comedy set or not, rac- disrespect and point, Gillis is un-
analyze our societies institutions blackball someone who refuses to ist comments are unacceptable, discrimination. sake of comedy before affiliated with any
and then attack it in order to get adopt the new norm. especially if these statements are In the case of
us, the audience, to laugh at the This unequal distribution of being made by someone from the Gillis, this con-
we are just excusing comedy programs
and media. Thus it
absurdity of ourselves. power could explain the rapid opposite race. In the situation of sequence was his racism and derogatory would be difficult
Unfortunately for Shane Gillis, proliferation of progressive social Shane Gillis, his termination from dismissal from
his comments represent a feeble ideas because to function in so- SNL — after the revelation that SNL. Since then, remarks?” to monitor a pen-
attempt at comedy and are noth- ciety, go to college or get a job, his podcasts were riddled with Yang invited Gil- Frankly, further
ing more than racist, cheap shots one does not have a choice, at mocking and racist slurs — was lis to sit down punishment for
to get a few laughs. Compare this least publicly, in what ideas they both justified and necessary. with him and discuss the turmoil Gillis would be unconstitutional:
to Jerry Seinfeld, perhaps the subscribe to. Gillis was criticized for sharing behind Gillis’ comments. How- even though he continues to use
most successful comedian ever, We should celebrate come- racially-charged remarks regard- ever, I am not truly convinced derogatory language, which virtu-
who never used foul language in dians and others who stand up ing presidential candidate Andrew that Gillis has seen the error in ally adds to the flame of discrimi-
his show or skits because he rec- to these conventional practices Yang, an Asian American entre- his ways. Not even a month after nation that is already sparked in
ognized that this was a comedian’s and who raise valid criticisms preneur. Since the misconduct, his firing from SNL, Gillis was America.
easy way out. Gillis’ slurs are bad when needed. some of Gillis’ supporters have back at the center stage, doing an Nevertheless, in the face of
comedy, but if he could move But, the diversity of ideas is come to his aid, claiming that independent comedy show and prejudice, society should confront
on and grow from this incident, just as important to the health of people are too easily offended. continuing to make insolent com- these problematic comments: call-
there is no reason he could not our society as past revolutions that However, it is not just a joke; ments about the Asian American ing attention to them and open-
have been a funny and successful formed the foundation for our so- Yang has claimed that he has population: this time specifically ing the discussion to replace this
actor on SNL. ciety today. heard such racial slurs addressed about the backlash he had gotten vulgarity with empathy.

When remaking a classic is inconceivable

Chris Miller, one half of the A Space Odyssey,” a film widely and numerous iterations. Three
“The purpose of a remake directing team behind hits like regarded for the distinct vision different versions of Spider-Man
“Into the Spider-Verse” put it best: that Kubrick set out to achieve. in less than two decades does not
should be grounded in social “It still holds up as the greatest Its psychedelic visuals and artis- bother anyone, because the me-
relevancy or innovation of meta story put to film.” And the tic approach to its science-fiction dium being adapted from thrives
unique culmination of the screen- setting make it an experience that off of new ways to tell its story
concept, rather than be a play, acting and era creates a final cannot be repeated. that with great
visual facelift.” piece that even the National Film
Registry has recognized.
The purpose of
a remake should be
power comes
“Disney’s updated great responsi-
This is not to say that the grounded in social rel-
WILL FINCH “Princess Bride” will never be re- evancy or innovation graphics do not bility. The same
MANAGING EDITOR made, but it will never have the of concept, rather than add anything to the can be said
same magic or artistic value as be a visual facelift.
American audiences have like the “Princess Bride” cannot the original for the same reasons Take 1983’s “Scar- originals at the cost of rthe egarding
been conditioned to expect their be improved upon. as other classic films. Consider face,” an update of its characterization and ent Batmen,
favorite movies to be changed. Originally released in 1987, Robert Zemeckis’ “Back to the 1932 version. While grom Mi-
Whether it’s by adding a sequel the “Princess Bride” is filled with Future,” which carries some of the still communicating visual storytelling.” chael Keaton
or remaking the film altogether, traditional fantasy tropes. The same iconic status factors. By be- the same themes of to Christain
it’s fair to say that there’s been an plot? A princess and her one true ing so elaborately specific in what immorality, greed and Bale. Each has
uptick in the amount of entertain- love must overcome the obstacles it sets to do that to alter anything ambition, the film changes its set- their own unique take and the
ment whose content is linked to a separating them and live happily would jeopardize the film’s own ting from Prohibition Era boot- story benefits from being retold.
previous iteration. ever after. The protagonist? He is succinctness in narrative. legging to the Miami drug scene. But to assume that this applies
But remakes are not a unique a character as charming as he is There is only one specific way A more modern version of to all content would be incor-
phenomena. intelligent. Their to tell its time- this would be Bradley Cooper’s rect. Remaking a movie like the
Professors of cinema studies love interest? Her “The [Princess Bride] travelling story. “A Star is Born,” which uses the “Princess Bride” would attempt to
have long commented that it is a sole motivation And the only way themes associated with fame and manufacture the organic nostalgia
filmmaking strategy dating back comes from her re- should not be as highly a remake of it fortune in a more modern setting. that fans already have.
to the early days of cinema. But luctance to marry regarded as it is, but could exist would And according to critics, it only Not only would the film not
recently, the mere mention of a an evil prince. Side be if it were to fol- improved the original 1937 story. have an audience, but it would vi-
potential “Princess Bride” reboot characters’ are self-awareness is the low the exact same Contrast this to any of Dis- olate the artistic and cultural sig-
was abruptly ended by online up- driven by either key to making it far beats as the origi- ney’s recent life-action remakes. nificance that such unique movies
roar and nearly immediate back- revenge or retri- nal with nothing The updated graphics do not have in the industry.
lash. On this rare occasion, the bution. The movie greater than the sum of to add, or if it were add anything to the originals at Patterns are not new to Holly-
Internet joined together to col- should not be as its parts.” to be completely the cost of characterization and wood. Whether it was the explo-
lectively agree on one thing: that highly regarded revamped at the visual storytelling. “Mary Pop- sion of movies based on books like
the cult classic was too holy to be as it is, but self- cost of losing its pins,” “Aladdin,” “Beauty and the “Harry Potter”, the introduction
touched again. awareness is the key to making connection to the original film. Beast,” “Cinderella,” and “Lion of slow-motion action set pieces
And in light of Disney’s re- it far greater than the sum of its What is harder to duplicate King” fall to this exact blunder based on “The Matrix,” or even an
cent live-action updates to their parts. is the singular vision of a direc- by sacrificing the imagination and expanded universe of characters
animated features, the universal The film is perfect in what it tor, for when a film is attached objective artistry for the sake of as seen in the Marvel Cinematic
backlash almost suggests a type of sets out to do, which is to make so much to a director’s perspec- money — which, unfortunately, Universe, trends follow impact-
perfection that carries a cultural fun of the traditional fairy tale tive, the only way of capturing the each made quite a bit of. ful moments. And hopefully,
significance beyond the control of paying respect to the happiness same effect would be to employ Compare this to Marvel mov- Hollywood listens to everyone
the movie industry. More specifi- that a happily ever after gives its the same director. A great example ies, where the strength of the ma- and leaves unique movies like the
cally, it is the notion that a movie audience. of this is Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: terial comes from its adaptability “Princess Bride” alone.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Jaimee Francis US Treasurer visits Tech
Lane Elder
Life lessons from the 41st Treasurer who presented the 8
keynote address at Tech’s 2019 Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture. 410 September 27, 2019

A farewell to Ivan Allen’s Dean Royster

continue her pursuit of knowledge still considers herself a student at “I consider myself to be the balance in the way that was satis-
JANNAT BATRA while simultaneously giving back heart. number one cheerleader for lib- fying enough.”
STAFF WRITER to the community. “Some people in my family say eral arts at Georgia Tech, and not Part of what makes the balance
“I’ve been a person who has I went to school and never left,” just for the cheerleading but for worth it to Royster are the people
Growing up in a small rural always felt obligated to engage said Royster. “Above all, I’m an the advocacy, trying to make sure — the students, faculty and over-
town in Georgia, young Jacque- with whatever the community is academic — I don’t define my- that if there are resources that we all whole community at Tech.
line Jones Royster was constantly that I’m a part of, whether it’s the self as an administrator, teacher, could garner, that I did my part “It’s always about the people
surrounded by “people dedicated campus community or the local learner or scholar.” in making sure that we had those to me — I like students,” said
to the welfare of their commu- community or the professional Today, the three main objec- resources if we had any chance of Royster. “The people have been
nity.” community,” said Royster. tives Royster prioritizes in her life getting,” said Royster. my inspiration and what is clear is
Specifically, growing up as a Before serving as the Dean of are: “teaching, scholarship and Over the course of her two that none of the things I am most
black girl in a small, rural town Tech’s Ivan Allen College of Lib- service.” terms as the Dean of Ivan Allen, proud of are things I’ve done by
in Georgia, Royster was also con- eral Arts, Royster initially special- Although she never imagined Royster is commended for the myself.”
stantly reminded of the powerful ized in rhetorical studies and then she would end up becoming the growth of research in the humani- Despite officially stepping
women that came before her and went on to take the position of dean of a liberal arts college — ties and an increase in visibility down from her position as the
paved the way for her to be in the Executive Dean and Senior Vice especially at a technical univer- and coherence of the liberal arts Dean of Ivan Allen, Royster still
position she is today. Provost at Ohio State. sity like Tech — in 2010 Royster community that taken its own remains a member of the faculty.
It was this upbringing that has Despite her success in the found herself taking that position shape alongside Tech’s engineer- She will also continue to work on-
inspired Royster to relentlessly realm of administration, Royster and transforming the program. ing schools. her books which will focus on of
Royster’s initiatives enabled the research she is conducting.
the liberal arts and social sciences Royster has also continued
to grow alongside the exhaustive working on her current projects:
list of STEM programs that Tech one on mapping the terrain Af-
has to offer, providing the college rican American women through-
of liberal arts with the leadership out the nineteenth century and
it greatly needed to help it prog- another on examining the mem-
ress in a fast-paced world where oirs, letters and autobiographies of
academia and technology are con- women during the Civil War.
stantly changing. However, after nine years,
“I always hope for positive, what Royster leaves behind can-
whatever it is” Royster said when not be measured in ratings, awards
asked what she hopes people re- or books and other publications.
member about her from her time Her legacy is not just that of her
as dean. “You can’t control the own accomplishments, but the ac-
way that people think about you complishments of the people who
or even what they say about you, served under her and the people
but my hope is that however peo- she served herself.
ple feel about whatever it is that “It has been a pleasure being
they think I did here, that they here, surrounded by such won-
think it was a good thing.” derful people who are doing such
Despite her successful terms incredibly good work, and just be-
as dean, the nine years she spent ing proud of being a part of that
in the position were not without community,” said Royster.
their challenges. “Helping to strengthen the
“Being dean anywhere is a community, to build a sense of
challenging job,” Royster said, but community, to encourage people
“being a dean who has a commit- to be confident and proud about
ment to a quality of excellence and what we do here” is the legacy
scholarship while also having a Royster wishes to leave behind.
deep desire to be supportive of her Once her projects are com-
family complicates it even more. plete, Royster plans on becoming
So yes, I had lots of complications. an emeritus faculty member. Even
And it was a constant struggle to though her term as dean might be
Photo by Taylor Gray, Student Publications balance in the way that I want it complete, her legacy continues to
Ivan Allen’s Dean Rosyter reflected on her previous terms at Tech, which saw monumental to be balanced. I would have quit live through the students she has
growth in her college and its programs. Royster also discussed her plans for the future. long ago if I hadn’t struck that impacted with her leadership.

Jackets swarm to Six Flags Over Georgia

JAIMEE FRANCIS boring suburb of Atlanta and Six Flags served as her first time at to have an even greater impact Joker at Landmark’s Midtown
LIFE EDITOR had even been to Six Flags before the amusement park. on campus.” Art Cinema on Oct. 3 as well as
GT Night. “GT Night at Six Flags is defi- SCPC’s next events will in- a week of festivities leading up
On Sept. 20, the Student Cen- Barron shared how her latest nitely a good experience, espe- clude a private screening of to Homecoming.
ter Program Council (SCPC) experience at the amusement park cially for international students.
hosted its annual Georgia Tech differed from a previous visit. As far as I know, many Chinese
Night at Six Flags. This signature “I had a great time,” Barron students only go to Six Flags once
event, offering discounted tick- said. “Previously, I’d only been to throughout the school year, which
ets and free transportation, drew Six Flags with my family. We went happens at the GT night.
around 5,000 members Tech once during the summer. It was “It’s like a fall outgoing event
community for an exclusive ex- hot and crowded, with long lines. for all of us to take a breath in
perience at one of Atlanta’s most I had a good time, but I didn’t busy school days and makes me
popular destinations. think I’d come back. However, and my friends closer through the
“Six Flags is one of my favor- GT Six Flags night was an op- exciting rides. It is really amazing
ite Georgia Tech traditions,” said portunity to go off-campus with to meet people you know any-
SCPC President Andrew Dinka. my friends and do something fun where in the park,” said Cheng.
“It might not be as wacky as RAT … I had never been to an amuse- “The most rewarding part of
caps or Midnight Bud, but, like ment parks with any of my friends any event, big or small, is when
those, it’s one of many things that from college.” we see someone who catches their
really help connect our whole For other students, Tech is breath, makes a friend, smiles a
community and make Tech a lit- located thousands of miles away bit, and — for even a small mo-
tle more like home.” from home. To travel back home ment — feels a little extra joy in
For some students, Tech is to China, 2nd-year CE major their day,” President Dinka said.
geographically located not too Shuangyue Cheng must first “I’m really proud of the work
far away from home. 2nd-year travel through 12 time zones and we do, but we also know that we Photo courtesy of SCPC
CS Emma Barron is one such cross hemispheres before arriving can always reach more students, Pictured above are attendees of the popular SCPC event, Georgia
student, who grew up in a neigh- home. For Cheng, GT Night at try new events, and do more Tech Night at Six Flags, that took place on Friday, Sept. 20.
// LIFE technique • September 27, 2019 • 9

Dear Burdell, Dear Burdell,

My roommate has their first round of exams this I’ve tried talking to my PLs, my roommate, and just
week and seems really stressed. I’m not around our dealing with the issues, but my roommate and I just
dorm room much, but once I walked in on her cry- don’t get along. We matched online on Tech’s housing
ing. We’re not that close so I don’t know what the portal before starting school, but now we both have
best course of action is. I tried asking later how she different schedules and are always clashing over
were doing, but all I got was an “I’m fine” in re- small issues, like food smells or alarm volume. Now-
sponse. I’m hopelessly awkward with emotions. How adays I’m always hanging out in my friends’ dorm
do I show support while still giving her space? rooms just because I feel so uncomfortable with the
Sincerely, situation. It’s only September – how do I survive the
Second-hand Stressed next seven months?!?!!
Hello Second-hand, Longest Year Ever
You are already doing great by being in tune with your room-
mate’s emotions and by following up with how she is doing. Dear Longest,
That being said, it can be frustrating to be blown off when It unfortunately sounds like you are in the small majority of
you attempt to reach out. Hopefully your roommate has other people who truly does not mesh with your roommate.
people as a part of her support system at school. First of all, avoid escalating the situation if at all possible.
Maybe your roommate feels just as awkward as you do about Passive aggressive notes make funny stories but horrible com-
talking about the crying incident, but there are other ways to munication methods.
show your support other than verbally processing. You could You have a few options, most of which require talking to
write a short encouraging note and stick it on her laptop, pro- your PL for the official policies. You can ask to go over that
pose a meal together at the dining hall, or even just compare- handy roommate agreement you made at the beginning of the
exam schedules. Sometimes a simple interaction like that goes semester. You can even have a mediated conversation with the
a long way. The college lifestyle can feel isolating at times, so PL, especially if there are contract violations. If all else fails,
communicating a sense of community can make the difference and you are truly unhappy, there is a room swap day at the end
your roommate needs. of every semester where you can trade with someone for no
Additionally, if your roommate’s symptoms still show signs charge!
of stress over the next few days, check in again. You could also People come to Tech with a variety of different lifestyles and
voice concerns with your PL or RA, who is trained to deal with beliefs, and learning how to live together in such a close space
roommate conflict of various kinds. Finally, do not let your always poses challenges. You are definitely not alone. Good
roommate’s stress rub off on you! It is important to recognize luck!
the importance of your own mental health and your limits.

Dear Burdell,
Dear Burdell, I feel a bit dumb asking this question, but I need to
My roommate and I are enjoying the life in the know it’s just not me. My roommate seems to think
freshman dorms, but are looking to move somewhere that we’re best friends, but I don’t see it like that.
more spacious next school year. And somewhere that It all started when she started borrowing one of my
doesn’t have hall bathrooms!! I’d like to stay on cam- t-shirts without asking. She also keeps asking me to
pus, but my roommate wants us to consider a house go to dinner with her, and I feel guilty when I don’t.
off campus. Do you have any recommendations? Please send pointers!
Thanks! Thanks,
Lookin A. Head Eineed S. Pace
Dear Lookin, Dear Eineed,
I am so glad you and your roommate get along so well that Going into college, it certainly seems like the expectation is
two of you are already planning for next year! that you will be best friends with your roommate. You hear all
There are many advantages to living on campus during your the time about roomies who are inseparable, watching movies
upperclassmen years. On-campus housing has free events to together, sharing clothes and cheering on the Jackets at football
take advantage of to foster community within your building games side by side. The sad reality is that this type of dynamic
and to meet new people. Also, if safety is a concern, Tech hous- is not as common as we are led to believe. But, that is okay.
ing offers proximity to campus and Buzzcard access security for It sounds like a conversation is in order about boundaries.
buildings. Your options for on campus housing are apartment Maybe set up a weekly time to go to dinner together, but do
style, like North Ave or the GLC, or suite style, like Woodruff. not feel like you need to go every night. Say that you do not
There are also plenty of housing options available off-cam- mind sharing your clothes but only with permission and if it is
pus. If you decide to go that route, the Department of Housing returned clean. If you are still uncomfortable, you are perfectly
lists contact information for many nearby apartments on their entitled to say no altogether!
website. Also, many students have had success renting in Home Decide what makes you feel most comfortable. As always,
Park, a walkable neighborhood adjacent to Tech on the north honest communication can be hard, but following these tips
side of campus. You can even rent entire homes for an afford- could help clear up some resentment for the future.
able cost. You do not always have to be friends with your roommate,
If you decide to live off campus, it is important to keep in but it is important that you keep the relationship cordial and
mind that dealing with a landlord and staying safe will be new respectful.
concerns you must consider. On the positive, many students
enjoy having their own space that separates their academic and Have a burning question for Tech’s most famous alumn? Email
social life. them at with “Ask Burdell” in the subject.
10 • September 27, 2019• technique // LIFE

Lessons from former highest-ranking Latina

States in 2001, when she became “People want to know: what the average at the time was 100. her perseverance serving as a clear
the first Latina immigrant to ever are your values? What do you be- Nonetheless, she realized that the indication of her success.
be given the position. lieve in? How do you get up when test was working against her as it Marin shared another lesson
The lecture was full of unex- you fall?” said Marin. was written in English, a language she has worked hard to instill in
pected anecdotes which both sur- She dedicated all of her suc- that she had yet to master. herself and in her family, adocat-
prised and inspired the audience, cess to the trials and tribulations “I wasn’t going to let that de- ing for not just hard work but also
as she shared the way in which she faced throughout her life for fine who I was,” said Marin, a les- just work.
she pushed herself to accomplish strengthening her values. From son she would return to multiple “Aways do the right thing,
extraordinary feats, not just in the beginning, it seemed the cards times throughout her career. [even] if it kills you, do the right
the political arena, but also as an were stacked against her, but she That failure motivated her to thing,” said Marin. “If you do
author and an advocate for those never let any obstacle skew her study harder and, just three years the right thing, you will always be
with disabilities. path to success. later, Marin graduated from high able to look people in the eyes.”
Throughout her lecture, Marin When she first arrived in school as one of the top 20 stu- As a figure working in politics,
JANNAT BATRA did not present herself as a boring the U.S. and enrolled in school, dents in her class. Marin learned quickly how diffi-
STAFF WRITER government official, but rather as Marin was required to take an IQ “Always do your most. Always cult it is to stay ethical and mature
a compassionate woman — as a test, on which she scored an im- do your best — and do it with in situations that are out of one’s
Moving to the United States daughter, sister, wife and mother. pressively low score of 27, whereas gusto!” Marin exclaimed, with control. This value might seem
was Rosario Marin’s worst night- simple to most, “but the most im-
mare come true. portant [value] is the hardest.”
She had looked forward to Another value Marin discussed
celebrating her quinceañera her focused on the “golden rule” that
whole life, but mere months be- society had come to love — “treat
fore she turned fifteen, her fam- others as you would like to be
ily uprooted their lives in Mexico treated.” Instead, Marin dubbed a
City and travelled across the bor- new rule called “Rosario Marin’s
der until they eventually settled Platinum Rule.” This platinum
down in California. rule advise one not to treat people
During the journey, all Marin as one wishes to be treated, but to
did was lament over the idea of instead “treat everyone very well
not having a traditional quincea- and respectfully.”
ñera until — finally — her par- Marin advocated that liv-
ents agreed to return to Mexico ing by these three main values
for her birthday. Once Marin’s will enable everyone to achieve
15th birthday eventually arrived, personal success and overcome
the family travelled back to their their relative obstacles, regard-
home and commenced the festivi- less of their circumstances
ties surrounding the young girl’s or challenges.
milestone. “Know you have everything
It might have taken place in within you and go through the
a small backyard filled with mud world without fear,” she said.
from the August rain, but to Oliver Wendell Holmes said
Marin it was perfect. It was not that “What lies behind us and
just a celebration of the young what lies ahead of us doesn’t mat-
girl, but also one of her culture ter compared to what lies inside
and heritage. us.” Marin credits Wendell for
In a similar celebration of how she leads her life.
culture for Hispanic Heritage “Always know that whatev-
Month, Marin delivered an in- er’s before you, however big the
spiring lecture in the Student challenges are, or however diffi-
Center ballroom on Sept. 18. cult those obstacles are, you can
Marin discussed her career af- Photo by Danielle Sisson, Student Publications overcome them all. You have ev-
ter President Bush appointed her 41st Treasurer Rosario Marin delivered the keynote address at Georgia Tech’s 2019 Hispanic erything within you to overcome
as the 41st treasurer of the United Heritage Month Lecture on Sept. 18. Marin shared the values that helped to shape her career. those challenges.”
// LIFE technique • September 27, 2019 • 11

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Josh Trebuchon

12 September 27, 2019

Imagine festival continues to improve experience


Imagine Music Festival was

back for another crazy weekend
at Atlanta Motor Speedway this
past weekend. This year’s lineup
featured some familiar names for
regular Imagine attendees as well
as new artists. It is well known
that Imagine’s lineup is revered
year after year, a feat that is es-
pecially impressive for a smaller
scale EDM festival. The size of
Imagine now compares to festi-
vals like EDC, but it is still niche
compared to festivals as big as
Bonaroo and Coachella.
Of course, this difference in
size is reflected in the difference
in price. To attend a festival like
Coachella, an EDM-lover would
have to shell out $500 for the
ticket and then more for flights
and overpriced food at the ven-
ue. Imagine has friendlier pric- Photo by Kaiser Kalani Student Publications
ing with tickets around $200, Fans enjoy a performance at one of Imagine music festival’s many elaborately designed stages. The Atlanta festival is
and for an Atlantan, Imagine as relatively small and inexpensive for an EDM event, making it ideal for those looking for a low-risk introduction to the scene.
a first choice is a no-brainer. Fa-
natics and baby-ravers can both ers, a silent disco and a blacklight ally enjoy a wooded environment, for the campers each year, and the to report that due to unforeseen
enjoy the festival — one, two and room. Besides some trouble with Imagine likely is not the best place number of campers continues to circumstances he is no longer
three day passes are available, plus attempted theft of cell phones to start. grow. able to perform at Imagine Festi-
camping. and other personal effects by a Unlike an environmental ex- Friday night marked the first val.” Friday already had some big
The first to arrive this weekend couple individuals, campers were perience at Electric Forest Festival day of sets, which was supposed names like Matoma, but Imagine
were the Thursday night campers, generally happy with the experi- in Rothbury, Michigan, Imagine to be headlined by Diplo, until did not disappoint bringing in a
who enjoyed food trucks dedicat- ence. For the people that have not is more like giant sleepover. More he pulled out earlier in the week. replacement for Diplo.
ed to the camping site, free show- camped at festivals before and re- amenities and pastimes are added Imagine tweeted: “Diplo is sorry See IMAGINE, page 15

Gray’s ‘Ad Astra’ falls short where it counts

Ad Astra
DIRECTOR: James Gray
OUR TAKE: «««««


To those on the outside, movie

critics appear needlessly nitpicky,
tearing apart otherwise entertain-
ing features for no discernible
reason other than pretentious-
ness. However, the question with
which critics are tasked is: to what
extent does a movie effectively ac-
complish its intended goal? This
is what leads to the dreaded “but”
that often qualifies a partially suc-
cessful film, and what makes “Ad
Astra” — the latest space-cen-
tered, sci-fi film from James Gray Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios
(“The Immigrant,” “Lost City of Brad Pitt stars in James Gray’s new sci-fi adventure film, ‘Ad Astra.’ Pitt plays Roy McBride, an emotionally absent American astronaut
Z”) — a particularly precarious tasked with saving the world from an extraterrestrial catastrophe being set up by his own father, whom he believes to be dead.
one to discuss.
In one view, “Ad Astra” suc- in the way of enjoying “Ad Astra,” the presumed source of the surges thorough insights into the mind precipitated the downfall of his
cessfully deconstructs toxic mas- let alone being moved by it. is Roy’s father, the famed H. Clif- and past of Roy. He receives companionship. From this start-
culinity through a meditative After a series of electrical surg- ford McBride as acted by Tommy praise for his performances in cri- ing point emerges the aforemen-
journey to accepting life’s emo- es from outer space cause spatial Lee Jones (“No Country For Old ses, which are largely attributed to tioned masculine storytelling.
tionality. On the other hand, the and terrestrial catastrophes, U.S. Men,” “Men In Black”), whom Roy’s remarkably low, stable heart Filling the gaps between note-
conclusion completely fails to Space Command sends astronaut Roy had thought to be deceased. rate. Meanwhile, intermittent worthy plot moments, Brad Pitt
earn its own message by virtue of Roy McBride — played by Brad Thus, following his father’s figura- flashbacks reveal a failed relation- narrates McBride’s thoughts in a
its singularly gendered perspec- Pitt — on a mission to resolve the tive and literal footsteps, Roy em- ship of Roy’s. The clear inference gravelly, low tone. These thoughts
tive. The manifestations of this crisis. Although Major McBride is barks upon his mission. is that Roy’s slavish dedication to range from considerations of
hyper-masculine storytelling of- incredibly qualified, the real mo- In the backdrop of this expo- his job in conjunction with his his father to pseudo-intellectual
ten feel so heavy-handed as to get tivation for his assignment is that sition, audiences gain brief but complete lack of personal affect See AD ASTRA, page 15
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • September 27, 2019• 13

‘Brittany Runs a Marathon’ exceeds expectations

“Eastbound & Down”) — should
lose weight. She quickly asserts
Brittany Runs a Marathon that people of all sizes are beau-
GENRE: Comedy tiful. The doctor agrees but re-
spectfully notes that health is also
STARRING: Jillian Bell, important. Dissatisfied with the
Jennifer Dundas other aspects of her personal and
DIRECTOR: Paul Downs professional life, Brittany takes up
Colaizzo running as her life-hack and the
gratification ultimately leads her
RATING: R to train for the New York City
RELEASE DATE: Oct. 24 Marathon.
However, what sets this movie
OUR TAKE: ««««« apart from self-help garbage is
its understanding that Brittany’s
running endeavor is not a univer-
JACK CRONIN sal fix for everything in her life,
CONTRIBUTING WRITER though it is certainly a healthier
alternative to her previous party-
To outsiders, runners are crazy. ing habits. In fact, the film recog-
They spend hours of their limited nizes Brittany as a complex char-
free time enduring pain, discom- acter and develops her around all
fort and exhaustion for the sake of aspects of her life — work, social
personal pleasure. But any long- and health. Instrumental to this is
time runner can testify to the the exceptional performance from
addictive nature of the exercise. Jillian Bell, capturing her char-
Somewhere between the feelings acter’s insecurities through fleet-
of accomplishment and the attain- ing glances and timely jokes. The
ment of goals, the activity evolves lead actress shines through every
from a painful health endeavor to scene, displaying dramatic range
a hobby that generates pride and without ever sacrificing her trade-
happiness. mark sense of humor. Yet Colaiz- Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios
Such is also the experience of zo’s attention to character extends Jillian Bell stars as the titular character in Paul Downs Colaizzo’s new comedy self-help film
the titular character of “Brittany beyond the titular role. ‘Brittany Runs a Marathon.’ While the film exceeds expectations, it is a bit on-the-nose at times.
Runs a Marathon.” Based on a Perhaps the most remarkable
true story, the feel-good comedy quality in the comedy’s back- sion, profundity and a whole lot of the same attention to detail that ence investment. Furthermore,
from playwright and relative new- pocket is the understanding and laughter. Lil Rel Howery simmers the characters receive. the narrative connects just enough
comer Paul Downs Colaizzo por- execution of the reality that all with life from afar as Brittany’s Moreover, the preachy narra- to earn the very inspirational, feel-
trays a woman in her late twenties people are indeed fully realized, surrogate father, just like he did in tive cannot quite shake the cliched good spirit with which the film
who trains for a marathon for the complex characters in their own “Get Out.” Even bit-part charac- half-truism of focusing on oneself has been marketed.
betterment of her health and well- rights. Brittany’s running partners ters have more to offer than just as a means to happiness, sidestep- “Brittany Runs a Marathon” is
being. Although this premise in — played by Michaela Watkins being functions of the plot. ping around the arduous psycho- not here to reinvent the artform
and of itself champions the over- (“Casual”) and the uproarious Though full of well-developed logical process that might accom- of filmmaking with innovation
simplified notion of picking one- Micah Stock — known primarily individuals, “Brittany Runs a pany Brittany’s health initiative. or invention. However, its humor
self up by her own bootstraps, the for his work on Broadway — each Marathon” is not without its Imperfections aside, Colaizzo’s and attention to complex charac-
film surprisingly transcends the have their own baggage and prob- flaws. Colaizzo delivers his mes- work effectively accomplishes ters unlock Colaizzo’s movie for
self-help ideology with a story that lems, allowing both to play more sage rather forthrightly without most of its intentions. Jokes rarely any viewer willing to buy-in to its
is equally funny, well-written and than just one role. Utkarsh Am- even a modicum of subtlety. With fall flat, if ever. After watching, self-help story.
inspirational. budkar (“Pitch Perfect”) plays the an unremarkable simplicity reflec- audiences may be more inclined It might even inspire them to
During a health visit, a doctor hapless manchild Jern, who cross- tive of either a first-time director, to pause before passing judgment embrace their own bit of crazy
suggests that Brittany — played es Brittany’s path through work a meddling studio or some combi- on others’ lives. Character arcs and start a health-bettering en-
by Jillian Bell (“Workaholics” and and impressively ignites compas- nation, the visual realization lacks resonate and are worthy of audi- deavor of their own.
14 • September 27, 2019• technique // ENTERTAINMENT

‘All the Feels’ explores mental health SHELBY FROM PAGE 1

Technique: How do you think
this album compares to some
of your past releases like 2019’s
MUSIC “Revelations” or 2018’s “Where
All the Feels the Light Is?”
Merry: I think production-
Fitz and the Tantrums wise, I’ve improved greatly from
LABEL: Elektra “Where The Light Is.” That was
my first time doing something
GENRE: Indie Pop full band, and pop nonetheless, so
TRACK PICKS: “SuperMagik,” it was new to me then. I’ve grown
“Stop” and “Livin’ For the a lot as a person since then, and I
Weekend” think it shows in my work. I was
coming from a really dark place
OUR TAKE: ««««« on those two records, and on this
one I just wanted people to enjoy
themselves and have fun. I think
REBECCA ENTREKIN that’s the biggest change for me
Technique: If you had to de-
It is about time for a dance scribe “Tiger Heart” in one word,
break and Fitz and the Tantrums what would that word be and
is here with the soundtrack for it. why?
The electronic band’s new album Merry: Sugarpop. I made that
“All the Feels,” released Sept. 20, one word up, but that’s what I’ve
pairs vibrant beats and catchy used to describe it from the begin-
melodies with empowering and ning! I think fun would be a good
emotional lyrics. word as well.
Though the music video for Technique: Do you have any
the title track “All The Feels” sug- advice to other independent art-
gests that it is about a romantic ists or those who would like to try
relationship, the song itself can to their hand at songwriting and
be applied to many life situations, Photo courtesy of Elektra composing?
and when combined with the rest Michael Fitzpatrick, the lead vocalist of the indie pop group Fitz and the Tantrums, per- Merry: I think my best ad-
of the album really does give “All forms at a recent festival. The band recently released their latest album, ‘All the Feels.’ vice would be to put yourself out
The Feels.” It has a positive mes- there, and do it authentically, even
sage of self empowerment and the morning / I don’t gotta guess, sic videos. “123456” introduced more accurate to call her a backup if it feels a bit awkward. Make it
doesn’t shy away from the subject you’re always there for me / Sow- many new listeners to the band singer for the band, not just on easy for people to find your work,
of mental illness and the road- ing them seeds of doubt, I think when it was used in a promotional this album, but for most of the and do a lot of it. You’ll get the
blocks it can put in front of major you like seeing me freak out” — stream for Apple but was consid- band’s work. attention of the right people.
goals or even daily tasks. but has an overall focus on over- ered “too poppy” for many long- The concert tour supporting
“I Need Help!” speaks to the coming it and not listening to self- time fans. the album is coming to the U.S. MUSIC
importance of learning to ask doubt as the chorus repeats “I just Fitz and the Tantrums has been and Canada between November Tiger Heart
others for support with lines like wanna shine like the sun when it categorized as electronic, pop, al- and March next year. Standout
“Sometimes, I just need a little comes up / Run the city from the ternative and indie pop and the songs include “SuperMagik,” Shelby Merry
help / Why do I try to take the rooftops, ‘Cause today’s gonna be band does not seem constricted “Stop” and “Livin’ For The Week- LABEL: None
world on by myself / I’m asking my day.” by any of those labels — though end” which comments on today’s
you please, a little help / Tell me Five of the album’s 17 songs, some fans seem to want them to gun culture. Fans have waited
you’ll be there when I need some- “123456,” “Don’t Ever Let Em,” be. Others admire the variability over three years for the release of TRACK PICKS: “Tiger
body else.” “I Need Help,” “I Just Wanna of the Fitz sound. Some fans also this, the fourth Fitz and the Tan- Heart,” “Worthy of Me” and
“I Just Wanna Shine” includes Shine” and “All The Feels,” were complained about a lack of vocal trums album. If they want to feel “Midnight Eyes”
mentions of anxiety — with lines released in advance of the album features from “co-lead” singer No- something then they won’t be dis-
like “Goodnight stress, see you in and all have accompanying mu- elle Scaggs. It would perhaps be appointed. OUR TAKE: «««««
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • September 27, 2019• 15

IMAGINE FROM PAGE 12 AD ASTRA FROM PAGE 12 worthy of Roy’s attention, “Ad As- actors and actresses. The story querades as a smart, insightful
tra” fails to earn its own ending. has some interesting ideas and is movie, there are an awful lot of
DJ Diesel closed out Friday half-truisms that feel more akin It is a shame, to be truthful. mildly entertaining. And the visu- bad lines.
night. It might sound like the to Matthew McConaughey’s Writer-director James Gray is hot al and audial production qualities More importantly, however,
organizers went out and found ramblings in Lincoln commer- off the heels of the independent- are often striking. Yet the dreaded “Ad Astra” claims that it values
some no-name artist to replace cials than to the sincere, unique film success from “Lost City of “but” clauses offset whatever good human connection, but it fails to
Diplo, until one learns that Diesel thoughts of the character Roy Z.” Brad Pitt takes on what might the feature brings to the table. establish the human characters
is actually Shaquille O’Neal. For McBride. be his most iconic leading role For being a space adventure, involved in that dynamic. As a
a basketball player, he was a sur- All the while, Pitt displays his since 2013’s “World War Z.” The “Ad Astra” is just not particularly result, it is ineffective at achieving
prisingly good DJ and brought the character’s trademark lack of emo- rest of the cast is full of talented adventurous. Although it mas- its own intentions.
hype factor Imagine wanted. tions, only offset by the occasional
Saturday rolled around with crack in the surface. Truthfully,
bigger and more familiar names it is hard to take this masculine-
like Alison Wonderland. Headlin- centric, self-absorbed storytelling
ers included Zeds Dead, Above any more seriously than bad Zack
and Beyond, Lane 8, GJones and Snyder movies. Moreover, there
Louis the Child. This year had is not a single female character in
more art, shade structures and this movie with more than three
dynamic installations that concert minutes of dialogue, despite being
goers could walk through or sit in. filled with three talented actresses
As usual, there was a wide variety like Ruth Negga (“Loving”), Na-
of restaurants and shops, includ- tasha Lyonne (“Russian Doll”)
ing Island Noodles, a staple food and Liv Tyler (“The Lord of the
of many festivals. Rings”).
The Disco Inferno stage re- Although this might read like a
turned for another year with the social justice takedown, the prob-
ball of fire and some new accents. lem has little to do with whether
For the most part, concertgoers “Ad Astra” is “woke.” Rather, the
had little to complain about. A hyper-masculine focus and tone
couple critiques on Reddit and completely undercuts the movie’s
Facebook noted that the portable very purpose. While Roy’s jour-
toilets needed sanitation. ney teaches him the value of life,
Altogether, Imagine does a emotions and relationships, noth-
good job considering the needs of ing presented in “Ad Astra” justi-
attendees and a great job arrang- fies that conclusion.
ing acts and production. There Specifically, Liv Tyler — play-
were few to no errors in the au- ing McBride’s love interest Eve —
dio or visuals, and acts generally must plead in a voicemail that she
stayed on schedule. Those who is, indeed, a human being also. Yet
only got a one day pass found the movie expresses no interest in
themselves wishing they were using her as anything more than
back at the speedway for another a phantom in the background,
day. Imagine is a great way for lending a complete hollowness
someone getting to know EDM underneath the thin veneer of the Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios
to try a low-risk festival and is a film’s message. Thus, by failing to While ‘Ad Astra’ combines striking visuals with a relatively interesting plot, the film fails to devel-
must-do for any EDM lover. rationalize why Eve is someone op most of its characters enough to support its arguments about the value of human connection.
16 • September 27, 2019• technique // COMICS




// COMICS technique • September 27, 2019• 17




18 • September 27, 2019• technique // SPORTS

Tech alumni making waves in new NFL season

except two, and it was Mason draft, Waller started just four Waller ranks No. 3 in the league to 2016, and he holds the single-
JOHN EDWARDS who played every offensive snap games with Baltimore, spending in receiving yards among tight- season Broncos records for receiv-
SPORTS EDITOR in the Patriot’s most recent Super extended periods of time sus- ends this season, bolstered by a ing yards and receiving touch-
Bowl victory over the Rams last pended for violating the NFL’s strong showing last week where he downs among others. Thomas was
The National Football League February. Like Butker, Mason’s substance abuse policy. hauled in 13 of 14 targets for 134 traded to Houston mid-season in
(NFL) is in full swing, with the team has shown their appreciation Drafted as a wide receiver, yards in a 34-14 Raiders loss. 2018 and performed well despite
bulk of week four’s games set to with their checkbooks, inking the Waller converted to tight-end splitting targets with star WR
take place this weekend. Tak- former Tech center to a five year, and joined the Raiders last sea- DEMARYIUS THOMAS Deandre Hopkins. Unfortunate-
ing the field alongside some of $50M extension prior to kickoff of son, appearing in just four games One of Tech’s brightest ath- ly, Thomas tore his Achilles late
the best and brightest stars of the the 2018 season. with Oakland as well. This year, letes, Thomas was a first-round in the season and was released.
game will be a number of Tech Waller’s profile has risen dramati- pick when he went to the Bron- Thomas landed with the Patri-
alumni, including Harrison But- DARREN WALLER cally — not only did the HBO cos in the 2010 NFL draft. The ots earlier this offseason, but was
ker and Shaq Mason. Here is what Waller’s path to success has docu-series “Hard Knocks” follow former star wideout lived up to traded to the Jets in September.
some former stars of The Flats been rockier than most — despite Waller through training camp, the his pedigree within his first sea- Thomas managed to take the field
have been up to in the NFL. joining the Ravens with a sixth TE has established himself as an son — Thomas was named to five in week two for the Jets, recording
round selection in the 2015 NFL offensive weapon for the Raiders. consecutive Pro Bowls from 2012 a single reception in a 23-3 loss.
Butker, Tech’s most prolific
scorer in history, has turned into
one of the best kickers in the NFL.
The Tech grad features promi-
nently in a high-powered Chiefs’
offense led by reigning NFL MVP
Patrick Mahomes.
Butker recorded the most ex-
tra-point attempts in the league
last year. After helping the Chiefs
reach the AFC Championship
game, Kansas City rewarded their
kicker handsomely with a five
year, $20M extension, making
him one of the highest-paid kick-
ers in the NFL. Butker has been
his usual, automatic self so far this
year — the Decatur native has not
missed a field goal and has lost out
on only one extra-point attempt
for the first-place Chiefs.

As one of the most prominent
Tech alumni in the NFL, Mason
has established himself as one
of the best offensive-lineman in
the league. Pro Football Focus
graded him out as the best guard
in the league following his 2018
season. Mason has been an iron- Photo by Sarah Schmitt Student Publications
man for the Patriots, appearing Harrison Butker kicks off in a game against Mercer in 2016 for the Jackets. Butker, Tech’s all-time leading scorer and an ISYE
in every game for New England graduate, has carved out a spot in the NFL as one of its best placekickers, playing for the powerhouse Kansas City Chiefs.


Showcase, Present, and Inspire

// SPORTS technique • September 27, 2019• 19

Collins deserves faith after Citadel loss



The No. 3 ranked Jackets add-
HARSHA SRIDHAR ed another trophy to a crowded
CONTRIBUTING WRITER case this weekend, taking home
a share of the Fighting Illini Invi-
When Geoff Collins was hired tational on Sunday. Tech tied for
as Tech football’s head coach, first place in the tournament with
change followed swiftly. Out went Baylor thanks to strong showings
the triple option, and in came from senior Andy Ogletree and ju-
new assistant coaches, practicing nior Noah Norton, who together
routines and recruiting tactics. tied for No. 9 individually during
And the Jackets have seen returns the tournament. Freshman Ben
there. Take the case of freshman Photo by Tom Hightower Student Publications Smith rode a strong final day to
running back Jamious Griffin, a Jordan Mason carries the ball during Tech’s recent loss to FCS The Citadel. Despite being the top 15 as well, shooting one-
four-star prospect who would al- heavily favored, Tech fell 27-24, losing to an FCS opponent for the first time in over 30 years. under-par on Sunday to tie for no.
most certainly not be at Tech if 14 in the tournament. Tech’s next
not for Collins, or the two four- house at its own level — the team not have a starting quarterback, discussion boards, with Johnson tournament comes in October as
star prospects who have already was winless heading into Atlanta. as Collins’ insistence on switching loyalists and Collins revolution- the Jackets play in the Golf Club
committed to the 2020 recruiting Major upsets are not infre- Lucas Johnson and Tobias Oliver aries clashing, I maintain that of Georgia Collegiate Invitational
class. Those acquisitions represent quent in college basketball. All it repeatedly seems to indicate. And patience is a virtue, and of vital on Oct. 18-20.
exactly the sort of in-state talent takes is a shooter from the under- at the end of regulation, confu- importance for a rebuild.
the program struggled to get in dog getting red-hot, a star from sion between Collins, Oliver and Collins hasn’t even had a full WOMEN’S TENNIS SHINES
the late stages of the Johnson era. the favorite having an off night the officials over when the clock recruiting cycle yet. We don’t The Jackets came away from
But some changes will not be and a few lucky bounces. But would start running led to a wast- know what kinds of players of- the Debbie Southern Furman
nearly so seamless, and Tech’s in football, where every play is a ed opportunity to win the game fensive coordinator Dave Paten- Fall Classic with three victories
on-field product is one of them. matter of physical confrontation, without putting the ball back in aude wants to fill out his offense over the weekend. Junior Victoria
Even from my pessimistic view of teams with as much as a talent ad- the Bulldogs’ hands. or what defensive coordinator An- Flores took home the singles title
this season, I never thought the vantage as Tech had are supposed And in fairness, Collins has drew Thacker needs for his unit. of flight five, sophomore Gia Co-
Jackets would lose to the Cita- to dominate. Instead, the Jackets made himself an easy target, es- The remainder of Tech’s schedule hen picked up the singles title of
del Bulldogs. The Bulldogs are a found themselves gashed by the pecially to fans who appreciated offers few candidates for likely flight six and senior Kenya Jones
Football Championship Subdivi- same triple option they had prac- Johnson’s quiet, no-nonsense ap- wins, but this was never going to also captured the doubles title at
sion (FCS) team, a full level below ticed against every year prior. proach. One shudders to think be a strong season for Tech. the tournament.
Tech. Their highest-ranked recruit In the aftermath of the loss, how Johnson would have respond- And I think that ultimately, it Jones was ranked No. 10 in
this year was a two-star prospect, some were quick to blame Collins. ed if a reporter asked him whether will be worth it a few years from the ITA preseason national rank-
per And un- The team played undisciplined the team would be holding up now, when Collins has truly made ings. Tech has a quick turnaround
like that Appalachian State team football, giving away 45 yards “Money Down” signs. this program his own. So if pa- for their next tournament — the
that stunned Michigan in 2007, of field position on unnecessary But despite the small civil war tience is a virtue, let our moral Jackets’ next tournament is Oct. 7
the Citadel was not even a power- roughness penalties. It still does this game has sparked on Tech strengthening begin. at the ITF 25K.
SPORTS EDITOR: Tech in the NFL technique
John Edwards
Emily Dykstra
Former Tech standouts are making
their mark in professional football.
418 September 27, 2019

Design by Beatrice Domingo

GRAHAM LEWIS fense, which currently ranks No. cent game is evidence enough of
CONTRIBUTING WRITER 39 in the FBS for defensive rushing Tech’s problems. Tech’s ever-pres-
yards allowed — Tech currently ent ground game has struggled,
Tech takes the field this Saturday ranks No. 116 on the list. A key fac- but the Jackets’ biggest issue has
to face a foe familiar to Geoff Col- tor in the success of Tech’s ground been the fact that they’re throw-
lins: Temple University, where Col- game will be how the Temple de- ing the ball more frequently and
lins served as head coach the previ- fensive line plays. Tech has strug- doing so less efficiently. Last year,
ous two seasons. The game marks gled for most of the season in pro- Tech averaged just 9.7 passing
the first time the head coach will tecting the quarterback, no matter attempts per game with a 44.4%
face off against his former team, who is playing at the position. But completion rate — this year, while
having recruited many of the op- if Temple’s defensive line plays like Tech is completing 53.8% of their
posing players to the school dur- it did against Buffalo, Tech’s run- passes, they’re throwing 17.3 pass-
ing his time there. After a week off ning backs could have an oppor- es per game, so Tech is ultimately
to recover from a shocking loss to tunity to put up points. coming up empty more frequently
The Citadel, Temple presents an Temple’s quarterback, Anthony despite seeing a slight improve-
opportunity for the Jackets to get Russo, is coming off of a three-in- ment in efficiency over last season.
back on track for the season. terception game. A repeat of that Against a Temple defense of Col-
Both teams are coming off of dis- performance would give the Jack- lin’s own construction, Tech’s is-
heartening losses, as Temple also ets opportunities for points, but sues could very well continue.
suffered a 38-22 defeat to Buffalo relying on another team to make Temple is the opponent against
this past Saturday. The game was mistakes is never a sure thing. With whom Tech has the highest win
even less close than the score indi- Temple’s quarterback currently sit- probability for the rest of the sea-
cated, as an inefficient Temple of- ting at five interceptions on the son. The Jackets are currently
fense combined with lackadaisical year, the Jackets will need to add predicted to have a 32% chance
defense carried Buffalo to a score to that count to go for an upset. at winning over Temple according
of 38-10 entering the fourth. Meanwhile, Tech’s offense has to ESPN’s FPI projection system.
Temple’s lack of rush defense is to show up at some point this sea- Whatever happens, the real ques-
a good sign for Tech, whose roster son. The Jackets are averaging just tion lies in how Tech will showcase
leans more towards a run-based 17.3 points per game, the seventh themselves after the second loss
scheme. In the game against Tem- lowest figure in all of FBS. While to an FCS team in school history. If
ple, Buffalo ran the ball for 217 part of that comes from strength Tech can come back with force, a
yards, giving the Bulls complete of schedule — opening the season win is most definitely within reach.
ownership of the clock as they led against a stifling Clemson defense Saturday offers a poetic oppor-
time of possession by more than can do that to a team — the fact tunity for Collins to get his team
fifteen minutes. The game stands that an FCS defense held Tech back on track against none other
as an outlier for the Temple de- to just 24 points in their most re- than the team he helped build.

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