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Determination of Optimum Purchase Quantities

Businesses Where Effective Inventory Management is The EOQ/ELS Model

This is a deterministic model (which means it is a model
Effective inventory management is significant for most which incorporates assumptions concerning certainty
businesses even for those which do not sell any of some kind; the assumed values are what the values
physical products. The smooth running and most likely be in real-life).
productivity of our business is very much dependent
upon how effectively we manage various inventory The goal of the Economic Order Quantity (Economic
items we use or sell. Lot Size) model is to determine the order-quantity
(production) which will yield the lowest average
inventory cost.
Key Decisions for Effective Inventory Management
Assumptions of the EOQ Model:
Key decisions include: what to order, how much to  Demand is not seasonal and is evenly
order, when to order and when to schedule delivery. distributed throughout the time period
 The cost of holding a unit of inventory is
constant within the year
Objectives of Effective Inventory Management  The cost of ordering/producing a batch
inventory is fixed per order/production
Overall speaking, effective inventory management is  There is no limit as to the storage
aimed at having the right items or products at the right  There are no bulk discounts
locations at the right time.
Ordering the EOQ (Producing the ELS) yields the lowest
That said, the companies face a dilemma: Holding too cost of inventory, which means ordering (producing)
much inventory ties up precious cash (meaning, we a number higher or lower than the EOQ/ELS will entail
could have invested the cash into other and more more costs for the company.
profitable paths but it was “tied up” into the unsold
inventory); Having too little inventory is risky as we may That being said, EOQ/ELS yields total carrying costs
run out of stock to meet the demands of our (TCCs) and total ordering costs (TOCs) which are equal
customers, therefore, we incur lost profit. (ex: At EOQ, total carrying costs amounted to 15,500;
it means that even without further computation, total
There are costs linked either way; to carry inventory, ordering costs must also be 15,500).
we invite warehousing costs, costs of capital tied up in
inventory, costs of keeping precise records and more.
We also run the risks of obsolescence. Other Info:

On the other hand, if we do not have enough Annual Demand – it is the customer demand rate of
inventory, we can have stock-outs, back orders, lost the item assumed to be known and constant at a rate
sales, disturbance to production, extra freight D units/year
(delivery/shipping fee) costs and more.
Safety Stock – it is the extra stock or buffer stock or
So effective inventory management means striking minimum stock. This is kept to take care of fluctuations
the right balance between having too much inventory in demand and lead time. Maintaining more safety
and having too little of it, while minimizing the costs to stock reduces the chances of stock-outs. But at the
the business. same time, it increases carrying costs

Reorder Point – it reflects the level of inventory that

The Path to Effective Inventory Management triggers the placement of an order for additional units.

In order to achieve effective inventory management, In determining the ROP, the following factors must be
businesses must start by having sound inventory at hand:
policies (ex: policies about safety stocks, lot sizing, 1. Demand-Quantity of inventory used or sold at
record keeping and more). Businesses must also strive each day (Daily usage)
to perfect their forecasts to determine the future 2. Normal Lead time – the days it takes for an
demands for the various inventory items that ae order to arrive when an order is placed
necessary to run the business. 3. Safety Stock

Maximum Lead Time – an abnormality in the number

of days it takes for an order to arrive (Ex: normally,
goods ordered are received after 10 days (NLT), but
for a few orders, it takes about 15 days for it to arrive

nikki g // (っ◕‿◕)っ♥

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