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-Harmony in Family
-Factors of Family
-Recognizing the Relationship based on only on the Body
-Values leading to Harmony
-Values in Human Relationship
-Difference between Attention & Respect
-Difference between Self Respect & Ego/Proud
-Difference between Respect &Differentiation
-Difference between Competition & Affection



Dr. Anju Dhillon ma’am


Family may seem like a simple concept, but there is no simple definition of family.
In its most basic terms, a family is a group of individuals who share a legal or
genetic bond.

 Defining Family
While the direct legal and genetic relationships you share with others can help
you create your definition of family, there is more to family relationships than
these basic concepts. A true family provides its members with emotional and
spiritual kinship through: • Shared values, beliefs, and traditions • Common
experiences and activities • Unconditional, non-judgmental support

 Who Makes a Family?

Social Families for Adults - In many ways, different individuals relate to groups of
people who provide them with emotional and spiritual connection as family, even if
they share no legal or genetic bonds. For example friends , colleagues at work place.

Modern Social Families - Social networking technology, many people are even
creating online or virtual families of individuals who share their beliefs, hobbies, and
values even if they have never met in person.

True Meaning Of Family - A Real Family doesn't come in “ones size fits all”. A Real
Family supports each other and celebrates life together; they are there for one another
when things are tough. ... It has ups and downs, struggles and challenges, but it's the
support within a family that makes a Real Family.

“Harmony in the human being is the first level of being a family”

Each one of us is naturally a part of a family that includes father, mother, brothers
and sisters. Then there are other relations such as grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins, nephews, nieces etc. These relationships are a reality of our life for each
one of us. We are born in these relationships. Then we also have friends and
colleagues with whom we frequently interact . We have recognized and identified
these individuals, that we feel, understand us, have similar interests or tastes and
we had an affinity for them.

Starting from our family and including our teachers, friends and all the different
social relationships, each one of us is born and lives in such relationships .This is
an indivisible part of our living. Let us look deeper into the subject of relationships
and the values characterizing them.

The following are the basic factors/values on whose strength family harmony

(i) Justice
(ii) Trust
(iii) Respect
(iv) Affection
(v) Care
(vi) Guidance
(vii) Reverence
(viii) Glory
(ix) Gratitude
(x) Love

 Justice
Justice is the recognition of the values (the definite feelings) in relationship ,their
fulfillment, the right evaluation kf the fulfillment resulting in mutual happiness. Justice
concerns itself with the proper ordering of things and people within a society.

 Elements of justice
There are four elements : Recognition of values, fulfillment, evaluation and mutual
happiness ensured. When all the four are ensured, justice is ensured. Mutual fulfillment
is the hallmark of Justice. And justice is essential in all relationships, be it the small kid in
our house, our old grandpa, the maid in the house, our fast friends or our distant
relations. We need to grow up in the relationships to ensure continuity of justice in all
our relationships.


We are unable to see ourselves as co-existence of the Self (`I') and the Body.

We tend to assume that we have relationship with our blood-related family members only.
However, this wrong evaluation does not mean that the relationship with others is no more
there. Consequently, when we are faced with stranger, it makes us uncomfortable. However, if
we are able to see the relationship, then it puts us at ease .We are at ease only when we are in
accordance with our natural acceptance, which is to recognize and fulfill our relationship with
one, many and in fact, every human being. When we see the relationship, we accept it. When
we are not able to see it, we have a sense of opposition or lack of belongingness. We can see
evidence of this today in our families and neighborhoods. Try to observe how you see the
relationship when a fresh student enters your institute, or a newly-wed bride enters the in-
laws' house. Our ability to see relationships with other human beings depends on whether we
are able to see the relationship at the level of I. At this level, slowly you will understand that
nobody is a stranger. The feelings in relationship are the same with every human being, only
that we are not aware of them.

 Relationships based largely on the Exchange

As a result of mistaken assumption of us being only the body and the relationship with others
being only at the level of body, we have reduced our expectations in relationships to the mere
fulfillment of physical facilities. We evaluate all our relationships in terms of material things like
money, property etc. In short; the purpose of relationship has been reduced to physical and
material needs and its exchange. Hence, we feel that working for physical facilities alone is
enough or, we assume that as long as we are accumulating physical facilities and providing the
same to the other, the relationship is automatically fulfilled

 Human Relationships in Values

Trust or vishwas is the foundational value in relationship. The feeling of Trust in relationship is
defined as "To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be
happy and prosperous. When we are assured that the other is for my happiness and prosperity,
I have trust in the other. When this is doubted, I lack the trust and it becomes the source of

The values leading to harmony can be understood at four levels:

Individual values of maturity, kindness, integrity etc.

Values that help build relationship like cooperation, selfishness, devotion, loyalty etc.

Values that help build a better society life, concern for the environmental, concern for
social issues like dowry, female feoticide .

Values of universal brotherhood and peace that help build a letter world.

The presence of these values collectively leads to a harmonious life.

Harmony In The Family – Understanding

Values In Human Relationships
Family is the Basic Unit of all Interaction: Each of us is born into a family which
includes a number of relationships. These relationships are the reality of our life. We
recognize and identify these individuals. We share our feelings, tastes, interests and
understanding with these people and have an affinity for them.

Set of proposals to verify Harmony in the Family:

1. Relationship IS and it exists between the Self (‘I’) and the other Self (‘I’)

2. The Self (‘I’) has feelings in a relationship. These feelings are between (‘I’) and (‘I’)

3. These feelings in the (‘I’) are definite. i.e. they can be identified with definiteness

4. Recognizing and Fulfilling these feelings lead to Mutual Happiness in a relationship

Justice (Nyaya): Justice is the recognition of values (the definite feelings) in

relationship, their fulfillment , the right evaluation of the fulfilment resulting in mutual
happiness. There are four elements: Recognition of values, fulfillment , evaluation and
mutual happiness ensured. When all the four are ensured, justice is ensured.
Present Scenario: Differentiation (Disrespect) in relationships on the basis of
body, physical facilities, or beliefs –
Respect means accepting individuality and doing right evaluation (to be evaluated as I
am). Our basis for respect today is largely quite contrary to our discussion above.
Instead of respect being a basis of similarity or one of right evaluation, we have made it
into something on the basis of which we differentiate i.e. by respecting you mean you
are doing something special, because you are special or have something special or are in
some special position.
On the basis of body
 Sex/gender
 Race
 Age
 Physical strength
On the basis of physical facilities
 Wealth
 Post
 On the basis of beliefs
 ‘Isms’
 Sects
The Problems Faced Due To Differentiation In Relationships:
Differentiation based on sex/gender: Issue of women’s rights, and women protesting
and demanding for equality in education, in jobs, and in peoples’ representation. People
are insecure and afraid of one another based on their gender.
Differentiation based on race: there are many movements and protect against racial
discrimination and demands for equality, racial attacks, movements against cast
discrimination has people living in fear of such racism, racist attacks, casticism and
Differentiation based on age: Protests and movements demanding for equal rights for
children on the one hand and for rights for elderly people on the other, generation gap
Differentiation based on wealth: Class struggle and movements to do away with class-
differentiation. Many people suffering from a lack of self-esteem and some even
committing suicide,
Differentiation based on post: Protests against high handed government officials. At the
level of the individual, leads to depression, etc.
Differentiation based on ’isms: Fights, turmoil, terrorism and war, people converting
from one Ism to another in order to be able to get more respect.
Differentiation based on sects: Countless religions and sects and each sect has its own
movement to ensure that there is no discrimination against people of their belief and
demands for special provisions in jobs and in education.
Foundation Value and Complete Value in Human Relationship:
Values that are important in any relationship are:

1. Trust: Trust or vishwas is the foundational value in relationship. If we have trust in

the other, we are able to see the other as a relative and not as an adversary.

There are two aspects in trust:

Intention (wanting to – our natural acceptance)
Competence (being able to do)
“ If you trust everybody, people will take undue advantage of you”.
2. Respect: Respect means individuality: Respect means right evaluation, to be
evaluated as I am.
3. Affection: Affection is the feeling of being related to the other.
4. Care: The feeling of care is the feeling to nurture and protect the body of our
5. Guidance: The feeling of ensuring right understanding and feelings in the other
(my relative) is called guidance.
6. Reverence: The feeling of acceptance of excellence in the other is called
7. Glory: Glory is the feeling for someone who has made efforts for excellence.
8. Gratitude: Gratitude is the feeling of acceptance for those who have made efforts
for my excellence.
9. Love: Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In other
words, love is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent,
child, or friend.



These days people are engaging In a lot of activities in order to gain respect. People are
climbing mountains in order to get fame, some are experimenting with their dressing
skills and many other things as the list goes endless. But the fact is from such things we
get only “attention” ,we don’t get respect from such things . When people respect you,
it means they admire you deeply, as a result of your abilities, qualities, or
achievements.. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, what race you are, what gender
or sexuality you identify as .Thus definitely as respect is more than materialism ,thus it
lasts longer than attention.

Difference between Ego and Self-Respect

✓Self is that part of you which is connected to a higher being, while ego is that sense of
self-importance that you have when you compare yourself with others. ✓ Self is
something typically associated with positive emotions, while ego is attributed to
negative emotions. ✓ Self is assured and quiet, while ego is loud and self-important.
People often confuse ego with self-respect. They are two different mechanisms and in a
way, opposite of one another. While ego encourages manipulation, futile comparisons
and avoidance of hardwork, self respect on the other hand inspires us to work harder
by providing us the inner strength which helps us in achieving big, with a positive frame
of mind. One needs to understand the difference between ego and self respect, since
awareness and wisdom can help you get rid of an egoistic attitude. When you boost
someone’s ego, they feel a sense of satisfaction but when you hurt someone’s ego, they
feel a strong sense of pain and agony. On the contrary, self- respect lets you drift away
from negative paradigms or behaviour. Identify that thin line between self-respect and
ego and try not to cross that line, if you want to live a peaceful, dutiful life.

Your self-respect is an assessment of your self-worth; how much or little are you of
value to yourself and to others? Your ‘self’ concept is founded on a high self-respect;
what are your self beliefs (I am confident, I am honest, I am loyal) and do they help you
actualize who you want to be in other words, your ideal ‘self’? We tend to like people
with a high self-respect; it is common for these people to be happy, non-needy and
selfless in listening to and helping others. We describe these people as “down to earth”.
The Ego
The ego is the opposite of self-respect. The problem with the ego is it can often
‘disguise’ itself as your self-respect and it is important to become aware of this
behaviour when it arises.

What does respect mean?
A quick internet search yields the following definition of respect that best suits the
purpose of this article: “due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of

A respect definition for kids shows both aspects:

1) thinking and feeling good things about someone, and 2) treating them in a way that
shows you admire them or that you care about their feelings and their well-being.

What is respect?

Dictionary definitions can only tell us so much because respect can mean something
different to you than it does to your friend (or relative) of a different gender, age,
personality, or cultural background.

What communicates a pleasing degree of mutual respect to one might communicate an

insulting lack of due deference to another (such as one who expects higher regard or a
more submissive attitude, given his or her age, rank, or authority).

Finding out exactly how someone else defines (or recognizes) respect requires engaging
them in a conversation, so you can both communicate to each other — and better
understand — what respect means to each of you.
Otherwise, we’re left with trial and error, which, though a valid way to learn (as long as
both parties are patient with each other), is more effective when coupled with open

Some ideas of respect are, more or less, shared across the board. If you sincerely
respect someone with authority over you, you probably see them as someone who has
a right to tell you what to do, coupled with the wisdom to know what to tell you to do,
for the greater good.

Approach to the affection

Affection is usually identified with emotion, but actually these are very different
phenomena although closely related. Whereas the emotion is an internal individual
response which informs of the survival probabilities that every concrete situation offers
(see What is emotion?), affection is a process of social interaction between two or more

Considering the use that we make of the word 'affection' in every day's life, it can be
inferred that affection is something that can be given to others. We say that we "give
affection" or we "receive affection". This way, it seems that affection may be something
that we can provide and receive. On the contrary, emotions are neither given nor taken,
they are only experienced by oneself without the requirement of any other person.
Emotions describe and appreciate the welfare state (survival probability) in which we

We usually describe our emotional state using expressions like "I feel tired" or "I'm
feeling a great joy", while we describe the affective processes as "he gives me his love"
or "I give her my trust". Generally, we don't say "she gives me her emotion" or " he
gives me his feeling" but we say "he/she gives me his/her affection". But, when we use
the word 'emotion' in relation to another person, we say "you move me" or
"you produce me such and such emotion ...". In both cases, we refer, basically, to the
effect of some transmission and not to the transmission itself. It looks, in every day's
language, as if the fundamental difference between emotion and affection is that the
emotion is something that takes place inside the organism, while the affection is
something that flows and moves from one person to another, producing some emotion.

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