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SAMBONG ( Blumea balsamifera )

● A plant that reaches 1 1/2 to 3 meters in height with rough hairy leaves
● Young plants around may be separated when they have 3 or more leaves
● Anti-edema
● Diuretic
● Anti-urolithiasis
● Boil chopped leaves until a glassful remains. Cool and strain
● Divide decoction into 3 parts. Drink 1 part 3 times a day

Note : sambong is not a medicine for kidney infection

AKAPULKO ( Cassia alata )

● About 1-2 meters tall
● Leaves are embraced with 8-20 oblog elliptical shaped leaflets
● Has flowers with oblong sepals
● Antifungal
● Fresh mature leaves are pounded
● Apply as soap to the infected part 1-2 times a day

NIYUG-NIYOGAN ( Quisqualis indica L. )

● A plant that bears tiny fruits and grows wild in the backyard
● Anti-helmintic
● Seeds of the plant are eaten raw two hours before the patients last meal of the day
● Adults may take 10 seeds ; children 4-7 years old may eat up to 4 seeds only ; 8-9 year olds may eat 6 seeds ; 10-12 year
olds may eat 7 seeds
● Not to be given to children below 4 years old

TSAANG GUBAT ( Carmona retusa )

● A shrub with small, shiny, nice looking leaves that grows in the wild, uncultivated areas and forest.
● diarrhea
● Stomach ache
● For diarrhea : boil the following amount of chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes or until the amount of water
goes down to 1 glass. Cool and strain
● For stomach ache : wash leaves and chop, boil in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and drink

AMPALAYA ( Momordica charantia )

● A climbing vine with tendrils that grow up to 20 cm long
● Leaves are heart shaped which are 5-10 cm in diameter
● Lowers blood sugar level
● Gather and wash young leaves very well. Chop. Boil 6 tbsp in 2 glassful of water for 15 minutes under low fire. Do not cover
the pot. Cool and strain. Take ⅓ cup 3 times a day after meals

LAGUNDI ( Vitex negundo )

● 5 leaved chaste tree
● A shrub growing in wild vacant lots and waste land
● Asthma, cough
● Fever, colds and pain
● Headache, dysentery
● Rheumatism, sprain, insect bites
● Aromatic bath for sick patients
● For asthma, cough and fever : boil chopped raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water leave for 15 mins until water is about 1
glass. Strain
● For dysentery, colds and pain : boil a handful of leaves and flowers in water to produce a glassful of decoction. Drink 3 times
a day
● For headache : crushed leaves may be applied to the area on the forehead
● For rheumatism, sprain, and insect bites : pound the leaves and apply to the affected area
ULASIMANG BATO ( Peperomia pellucida )

● A weed with heart shaped leaves that grow in shady parts of the garden or yard
● Lowers uric acid
● Wash the leaves well, 1 ½ cup of leaves boiled in 2 glassfuls of water over low fire. Do not cover pot. Cool and strain. Divide
into 3 parts and drink 3 times a day
● May also be eaten as a salad. Prepare 1 ½ cups of leaves, wash and divide into 3 parts. Eat 3 times a day

BAWANG ( Allium sativum )

● Bulb that consist of tubers

● A low herb that grows up to 60 cm
● Hypertension
● Lowers cholesterol level in blood
● May be fried or roasted. Soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes or blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take 2 pieces 3 times a
BAYABAS ( Psidium guajava )

● A tree about 4-5 meters high with tiny white flowers and round or oval fruits that are eaten raw
● Washing wounds
● Toothache
● Diarrhea
● Warm decoction is used as gargle
● Freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache. Guava leaves are washed, boiled for 15 minutes at low fire. Do not cover pot.
Cool and strain. Before use

YERBA BUENA ( Mentha cordefilia )

● A small branching aromatic herb. The leaves are small, elliptical and wide toothed margin
● Pain, rheumatism, arthritis, headache
● Cough and cold
● Swollen gums and toothache
● Menstrual and gas pain
● Nausea and fainting
● Insect bites and pruritus
● For pain: boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Cool and strain
● For rheumatism, arthritis, headache : crush fresh leaves and squeeze sap. Massage sap in painful parts
● For cough and cold, menstrual and gas pain : soak 10 leaves in a glass of hot water and drink
● For toothache and swollen gums : crush fresh leaves and soak cotton ball in sap and insert in aching tooth or cavity. Rinse by
gargling water with salt before putting the sap soaked cotton ball
● For nausea and fainting : crush leaves and apply to nostrils of the patient
● For insect bites and pruritus : crush leaves and apply to the affected area

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