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5/12/2019----IAS Mains Zoology 2007- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----

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IAS Mains Zoology 2007

1. Write concise account of any three of the following in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60

a. Various types of symmetry found in animal kingdom, with suitable examples.

b. Comparison of alimentary canal of frog and rabbit

c. Torsion in gastropoda

d. Structure and function of thyroid gland along with its regulation.

2. Explain the status of Protista and parazoa giving their characteristics with suitable
example. 60

3. Explain the metamorphosis in insects and its hormonal regulation. 60

4. Draw well labeled diagram of transverse section of mammalian testis and ovary. Describe
the function of Male and female sex hormones (Testosterone and estrogen) 60

Section B
1. Write brief account of any three of the following in about 200 words each: 20 × 3 = 60

a. What is ecological succession? Describe its process in a pod or lake.

b. Concept of imprinting

c. Malaria: Its vector, pathogen and prevention

d. Chi-Square and its importance

2. What is pollution? Describe water pollution, its sources and prevention. 60

3. What is sericulture? Describe the tools and materials required for it. Mention different
types of silk moth and varieties of silk common in India. 60

4. Answer the following questions

a. What is mean, median and mode? Explain the relationship between these three
measures of central tendency. 30

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5/12/2019----IAS Mains Zoology 2007- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----
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b. what is electron microscopy? Mention different types of electron microscopes and
their use in biology. 30

1. Different between any three of the following: 20 × 3 = 60

a. Coincidence and interference

b. Mitotic and Meiotic Prophase

c. Substantive and polymorphic variation

d. Genera and Species

2. Describe transcription in pro-and eukaryotes. 60

3. Write explanatory notes on the following: 30 × 2 = 60

a. Mobile Genetic Segment

b. Tryptophan Opera

4. Discuss Hardy-Weinberg Law and mention its utility. 60

1. Explain the importance of any three of the following: 20 × 3 = 60

a. Structure and function of cyclic AMP

b. Mechanism of Hormone action

c. Regeneration

d. Teratogenesis

2. Discuss active and passive immunity. Mention autoimmune disorders. 60

3. Describe programmed cell death. 60

4. Discuss the role of liver and pancreas in digestion? 60

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5/12/2019----IAS Mains Zoology 2007- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----
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Sir in mains the questions to be write in 200 words,150 words,50 words. What is the
criterion to measure the length of an answer i.e how can we know that our answer reached
the word limit? ( - sh...@ on 20-Apr-2015)

1 Answer

Word limit should be followed in approximate sense. You must not waste your time
counting words and leaving out paper. Your speed in mains is very important. Try to do a
rough estimate in word document and that will give you an idea to approximately how long
the answers are expected. Keep in mind, this ignores the diagrams and demonstrations that
you use in the paper.
- Examrace on 20-Apr-2015

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