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1. I_________________ (live) in Madrid last year.
1. I________________(walk) to work last week. 2. We________________(not play) football yesterday
2. He ____________(study) computers for five years. 3. Did you______________(watch) that film last night?
3. They____________(arrive) late for the party. 4. Where did you_______________(study) English?
4. We________________(marry) in a church. 5. I'm sorry. The bar _________________(close) half an
5. It__________________(end) at 6 pm. hour ago.
6. Ellen______________(wait) for an hour. 6. They_____________________(not stay) in a hotel
7. You________________(like) the movie. I didn't. last year
8. Bob_______________(need) that book yesterday.
9. They_______________(use) my new pen.
10. The teacher______________(help) the students
after class.


1.He _____________(write) his homework last Sunday.

2. Mary _________________(not go) to school last week.
3. Did you ___________(play) basketball two weeks ago?
4. I _______________(study) French last year.
5. They _____________(buy) a new flat last month.
6. John ___________(take) his driving test yesterday but he didn't pass (not pass) it.
7. Tim _____________(go) to Paris last summer.
8. ________your parents ___________(meet) at university?
9. When I __________(be) a child, I _____________(speak) German.
10. We saw_____________(see) him yesterday but he _____________________ (not see) us.

Preguntas con Past Simple. Ordena las siguiente preguntas.

1. you did homework do your yesterday?________________________________________

2. like was the what weather?_______________________________________________
3. classes interesting the were?___________________________________________________
4. where husband she did her meet?_______________________________________________
5. time did finish what he work?___________________________________________________
6. home why you at did stay?____________________________________________________
7. much those were shoes how?_________________________________________________
8. what buy parents did your holiday on?__________________________________________
9. born you where were?_______________________________________________________
10. flat they did a find?_________________________________________________________
CANCION DE ELVIS. Os propongo repasar el Past Simple con una canción de Elvis Presley
titulada “Return to Sender”. Escucha la canción y escribe la forma de Past Simple de los verbos
entre paréntesis.

Return to sender, return to sender

I ____________ (give) a letter to the post man, he __________ (put) it his sack.
Bright and early next morning, he ____________ (bring) my letter back.
She __________ (write) upon it:

Return to sender, address unknown.

No such number, no such zone.
We _______ (have) a quarrel, a lovers' spat,
I'd write "I'm sorry" but my letter keeps coming back.

So when I __________(drop) it in the mailbox, I _________(send) it "Special D"

Bright and early next morning, it __________(come) right back to me.
She __________(write) upon it:

Return to sender, address unknown.

No such person, no such zone.

This time I'm gonna take it myself

And put it rather in her hand
And if it comes back the very next day
Then I'll understand.
The writing on it:

Return to sender, address unknown.

No such number, no such zone.
Return to sender, return to sender.
Return to sender, return to sender


For Christmas, my family____________ (go) to Madrid.

We ___________ (take) the first plane and we arrived in Madrid at 7:00 o'clock.
My mother and my sister ___________ (buy) many food items in the market. My father and
brother __________ (call) our grandparents to wish them a Merry Christmas. We __________
(cook) a gorgeous Christmas dinner. My uncle ___________ (come) with a bottle of wine and
some eggnog.
My aunt ____________(bring) the music and some presents. We ___________ (finish) the
preparation for the ceremony and ____________ (make) a list of presents for Santa Claus.
When we ___________ (get up) we saw the presents and we were happy.

Yesterday evening I ____________(be) at home, sleeping in front of the television,

when I ____________(hear) a strange noise . I __________(wake) up and_________(run) to

the window. Can you guess what I __________(see) in the garden? A flying-saucer! I
___________ (think) I was dreaming so I ___________(go) to the bathroom where I ______

(have) a shower and ___________ (forget) about the flying-saucer.

Suddenly something____________(strike) the front door. A bit afraid, I __________ (take) a

baseball bat , walked towards the door and opened it. Two aliens were there,
smiling and jumping. They ________(say): 'Could we have a cup of tea, please?'I _________

(burst) into laughter and asked them to come into the house. I ________(put) some water
on the stove and ____________ (give) them some biscuits.

Ejercicios del presente simple y pasado simple I

1. Last summer we __________ on holiday to Paris. (went/ go)

2. There ___________ many people working nowadays. (aren´t/weren´t)
3. She _________ in 1978. (is born/was born)
4. He ____________ sports when he was a child.(liked/likes)
5. We ________________ to Dublin last night. (flew/fly)
6. She ______________ 10 km every morning.(runs/ran)
7. She usually _____________ to London on holiday.(goes/went)
8. Last year she ____________ my birthday cake.(made/makes)
9. Yes, we ____________ the tickets for the New Year's Concert.(buy/bought)
10. Her parents ______________ at the university.(met/meet)

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